diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SemanticResultFormats/i18n')
107 files changed, 0 insertions, 7855 deletions
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/af.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/af.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f5195a11..00000000
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- "authors": [
- "SPQRobin"
- ]
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- "srfc_gotomonth": "Gaan na maand",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iKalender"
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index ab369e2d..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/am.json
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- "Codex Sinaiticus"
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- "srfc_today": "ዛሬ"
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index a0c34e54..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ar.json
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- "Meno25",
- "OsamaK",
- "روخو"
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- "srf-desc": "صيغ إضافية لاستعلامات ميدياويكي الداخلية",
- "srf-name": "صيغ النتائج الدلالية",
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- "srfc_today": "اليوم",
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- "srf_printername_sum": "مجموع الأرقام",
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- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "يعرف أي الفرق يتم عرضها في هذه النتيجة.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "يعرف أين يركز الخط الزمني ابتداء.",
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- "srf_printername_hash": "تجزئة",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "العنوان"
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- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "ܕܒܬܪ",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "ܝܪܚܐ ܕܩܕܡ",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "ܝܪܚܐ ܕܒܬܪ",
- "srfc_today": "ܝܘܡܢܐ",
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- "srf_printername_max": "ܡܬܚܐ ܥܠܝܐ ܕܡܢܝܢܐ",
- "srf_printername_min": "ܡܬܚܐ ܬܚܬܝܐ ܕܡܢܝܢܐ",
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- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "ܕܒܬܪ",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "ܨܘܪܬܐ $1 ܡܢ $2"
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index c3eb9640..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/arz.json
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- "authors": [
- "Meno25"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "صيغ إضافيه لاستعلامات ميدياويكى الداخلية",
- "srf-name": "صيغ النتائج الدلالية",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "الشهر السابق",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "الشهر التالي",
- "srfc_today": "اليوم",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "اذهب إلى شهر",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "نتيجه شهرية",
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- "srf_printername_vcard": "تصدير vCard",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "آى كالندر",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "تصدير iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "عنوان ملف النتيجة",
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- "srf_printername_outline": "إطار",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "قائمه الخصائص ليتم عرضها كعناوين عامه، مفصوله بواسطه فاصلات",
- "srf_printername_sum": "مجموع الأرقام",
- "srf_printername_average": "متوسط الأرقام",
- "srf_printername_max": "الرقم الأقصى",
- "srf_printername_min": "الرقم الأدنى",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "أقصى عدد من الصفحات للاستعلام",
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- "srf_printername_eventline": "خط الأحداث",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "يعرف أى الفرق يتم عرضها فى هذه النتيجه.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "يعرف أين يركز الخط الزمنى ابتداء.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "اسم خاصيه تستخدم لتعريف نقطه أول مرة",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "اسم خاصيه تستخدم لتعريف نقطه ثانى مرة",
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- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "مجموعه الخصائص للعرض لكل صفحة",
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index 9f20d473..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/az.json
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- "authors": [
- "Cekli829"
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- "srfc_today": "Bu gün",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Qalereya"
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index 822c390b..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/be-tarask.json
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- "EugeneZelenko",
- "Jim-by"
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- "srf-desc": "Дадатковыя фарматы для ўбудаваных запытаў Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Фарматы сэмантычных вынікаў",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Папярэдні месяц",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Наступны месяц",
- "srfc_today": "Сёньня",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Перайсьці да месяца",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Каляндар на месяц",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Код мовы, на якой паказваць каляндар",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "экспарт у фармаце vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "экспарт у фармаце iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Назва файла календара",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "Апісаньне файла календара",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "экспарт у фармаце BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Няма значэньня",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Табліца",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "Сьпіс уласьцівасьцяў для паказу ў якасьці загалоўкаў, падзеленых коскамі",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Сума лікаў",
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- "srf_printername_max": "Максымальны лік",
- "srf_printername_min": "Мінімальны лік",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Максымальная колькасьць старонак для запыту",
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- "srf_printername_eventline": "Храналёгія падзеяў",
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- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Вызначае, якое месца шкалы часу будзе паказвацца спачатку.",
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- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Назва ўласьцівасьці, якая выкарыстоўваецца для вызначэньня другога пункту часу",
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- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Дадатковыя вынікі па гэтым запыце.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "Вам неабходна дазволіць JavaScript, каб праглядаць інтэрактыўную лінію часу.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Прагляды для паказу",
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- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "Вышыня выяваў",
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- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Разьдзяляльнік паміж запытанымі ўласьцівасьцямі",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Разьдзяляльнік паміж ўласьцівасьцямі з некалькімі значэньнямі",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Разьдзяляльнік паміж значэньнямі запісаных уласьцівасьцяў",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Рашотка",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Графік",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Назва",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Памер дыяграмы (у піксэлях)"
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index 6910c684..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/bg.json
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- "පසිඳු කාවින්ද"
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- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Следваща",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "लोड हो रहल बा...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "प्रगति में बा..."
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- "Bellayet",
- "Wikitanvir"
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- "Fohanno",
- "Fulup",
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- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Durc'hadur ar bir",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Liamm war-zu ar grafik",
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- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Izvoz u BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Nema vrijednosti",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Kontura",
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- "srf_printername_max": "Najveći broj",
- "srf_printername_min": "Najmanji broj",
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- "srf_printername_timeline": "Vremenska linija",
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- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Visina vremenske linije"
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- "Dvdgmz",
- "Paucabot",
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- "srf-desc": "Formats addicionals per a les consultes en línia del Semantic MediaWiki.",
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- "srf_printername_calendar": "Calendari mensual",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "El codi de la llengua en què es mostrarà el calendari",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Exportació vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Exportació iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "El títol del fitxer del calendari",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "La descripció del fitxer del calendari",
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- "srf_printername_min": "Nombre mínim",
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- "srf_printername_median": "Mediana de nombres",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Línia temporal",
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- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Defineix quines bandes es mostren en el resultat.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Defineix on s'enfoca inicialment la línia temporal.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "La llargada de la línia de temps",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Més resultats d'aquesta consulta.",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "El nom d'una plantilla amb què mostrar les propietats de la pàgina",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "L'etiqueta de l'eix de nombres",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galeria",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "El nombre d'imatges per fila",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "L'amplada de les imatges",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "L'alçada de les imatges",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Utilitza el nom de fitxer com a llegenda quan no se'n proporcioni cap",
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- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Com augmentar la mida de les etiquetes",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "L'ordre de les etiquetes",
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- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Separador entre moltes propietats amb valor",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Separador entre els valors de les propietats de registre",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Gràfic",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "La forma de cada node en el gràfic",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Títol",
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- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Etiqueta del gràfic",
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- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Color del gràfic",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "Següent"
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- "Умар"
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- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "DataTables нисяр",
- "srf-module-loading": "Чуйолуш...",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-information": "Хаам",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Лоьху...",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Чуйолуш...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Кечдар...",
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index 2cbb9797..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/co.json
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- "Paulu"
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- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Elementu dati"
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- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Rozložení chybí",
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- "srf_printername_icalendar": "export iCalendar",
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- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "Popisek souboru s kalendářem",
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- "srf_printername_sum": "Součet čísel",
- "srf_printername_average": "Průměr čísel",
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- "srf_printername_min": "Minimum mezi čísly",
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- "srf_printername_median": "Medián čísel",
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--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/de-formal.json
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- "@metadata": {
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- "Kghbln"
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- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "Sie haben die Programmerweiterung „Semantic Result Formats“ installiert. Besuchen Sie bitte die [ Hilfeseite zu Ergebnisformaten] für weitere Informationen.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "Der Server meldete eine fehlgeschlagene Kommunikation für diesen $1. Bitte versuchen Sie, die Seite neu zu laden oder wenden Sie sich an $2."
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--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/de.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "DaSch",
- "Imre",
- "Kghbln",
- "Krabina",
- "Metalhead64",
- "Nipsky",
- "Purodha",
- "The Evil IP address",
- "Umherirrender"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Stellt zusätzliche Ergebnisformate bereit",
- "srf-name": "Semantische Ergebnisformate",
- "prefs-srf": "Semantische Ergebnisformate",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "Du hast die Programmerweiterung „Semantic Result Formats“ installiert. Besuch bitte die [ Hilfeseite zu Ergebnisformaten] für weitere Informationen.",
- "prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options": "Optionen zum Veranstaltungskalender",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-update-default": "[ Automatische Aktualisierung] des Kalenders beim Neuladen der Seite aktivieren",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-paneview-default": "Übersichtsansicht als Standardansicht aktivieren",
- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "Optionen zu Datentabellen",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-update-default": "[ Automatische Aktualisierung] des Datentabelleninhalts beim Neuladen der Seite aktivieren",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-cache-default": "[ Lokale Datenspeicherung] zum Verbessern der Leistung aktivieren",
- "srf-module-loading": "Lade …",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Das verfügbare Layout",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Die Höhe (in Pixel)",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Die Breite",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Die CSS-Klasse angeben, die zusätzlich verwendet werden soll",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "Es wurden keine Übereinstimmungen gefunden.",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Den Diagrammtyp angeben",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Vorherige",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Zurück",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Vor",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Quelle",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Datenquelle",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "Der Server meldete eine fehlgeschlagene Kommunikation für diesen $1. Bitte versuche, die Seite neu zu laden oder wende dich an $2.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "Objekt abfragen",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "Hilfeabschnitt",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Optionen",
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- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "Parameter",
- "srf-ui-common-label-query": "Abfrage",
- "srf-ui-common-label-paneview": "Übersichtsansicht",
- "srf-ui-common-label-daterange": "Datumsbereich",
- "srf-ui-widgets-label-parameter-limit": "Begrenzungsparameter",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "Option ($1) ist nicht verfügbar",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "Zur Option ($1) muss beim Paramenter „link“ der Wert „all“ gesetzt werden.",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Es wurde kein Layout angegeben.",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "Es konnte kein Diagramm / keine Grafik erstellt werden, da keine ausreichenden Daten zum Erstellen vorhanden waren.",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Voriger Monat",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Nächster Monat",
- "srfc_today": "Heute",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Gehe zu Monat",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Zeit (Kalender)",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Der Sprachcode der Sprache, in der der Kalender angezeigt werden soll",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "Die für das jeweilige Datumsattribut zur Darstellung zu verwendende Farbe (Beispiel: „Startdatum=>green,Enddatum=>#09C“)",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Export (vCard)",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Export (iCalendar)",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Der Name für die Kalenderdatei",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "Die Beschreibung der Kalenderdatei",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Export (BibTeX)",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Kein Wert",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Gliederung",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "Die Liste der mit Kommata voneinander getrennten Attribute, die in der Kopfzeile der Gliederung angezeigt werden sollen",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Zahlen (Summe)",
- "srf_printername_average": "Zahlen (Durchschnitt)",
- "srf_printername_max": "Zahlen (höchste Zahl)",
- "srf_printername_min": "Zahlen (niedrigste Zahl)",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Die maximale Anzahl der abzufragenden Seiten",
- "srf_printername_product": "Zahlen (Produkt)",
- "srf_printername_median": "Zahlen (Median)",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "Der Standardwert, der angezeigt wird, sofern keine numerischen Ergebnisse vorhanden sind.",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Zeit (frühester Zeitpunkt)",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Zeit (spätester Zeitpunkt)",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Zeit (Zeitlinie)",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Zeit (Ereignislinie)",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Die Zeitleisten, die angezeigt werden sollen",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Die Stelle, an der sich die Zeitleiste ausrichten soll",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Der Name des Attributs, mit dem der erste anzuzeigende Zeitpunkt festgelegt wird",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Der Name des Attributs, mit dem der zweite anzuzeigende Zeitpunkt festgelegt wird",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Die Höhe der Zeitleiste(n)",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Weitere Ergebnisse dieser Abfrage.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "JavaScript muss aktiviert sein, damit man die interaktive Zeitleiste ansehen kann.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Die anzuzeigenden Ansichten",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "Die Gruppe der Attribute, die für jede Seite angezeigt werden sollen",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Der Name einer Vorlage zum Anzeigen der Seiteneigenschaften",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Diagramm (Säulendiagramm - Google)",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Diagramm (Tortendiagramm - Google)",
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- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "Diagramm (Datenreihe - jqPlot)",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Die Höhe des Diagramms / der Grafik (in Pixeln) angeben",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Die Breite des Diagramms / der Grafik (in Pixeln) angeben",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Der Titel des Diagramms",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Die Farbe der Balken",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Die Darstellung eines Diagramms bestimmen (entweder Balken oder Säulen)",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Die Ausrichtung des Diagramms / der Grafik angeben",
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- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Die Diagramm- und Grafikbeschriftungen",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Der beschreibende Diagrammtext",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Die zusätzliche CSS-Klasse",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Das Programm zum Rendern des Diagramms / der Grafik auswählen",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Die individuelle Fülloption",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Die Anmutung für das Raster auswählen",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Die individuellen Diagrammfarben zuteilen",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Wähle ein Farbschema",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Die Formatierungsregel für Werte bestimmen",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Eine Hervorhebung zu Datenpunkten anzeigen",
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- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Diagramm als gestapelte Reihen anzeigen",
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- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Die Reihenbeschriftung bestimmen",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "Die Gruppenbeschriftung bestimmen",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Die Option zur Anzeige des Cursors in der Grafik",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Das gleichzeitige Anzeigen des Diagramms und der Trendlinie aktivieren",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "Das Diagramm und die Datensätze simultan anzeigen. Mögliche Parameterwerte: „none“ und „tabs“. Standardwert: „none“",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Die zusätzlichen Informationen auf dem entsprechenden Inforeiter anzeigen",
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- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "Die Höhe der Bilder",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Den Dateinamen als Beschreibung verwenden, sofern keine angegeben wurde",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Sofern der Dateiname als Beschreibung verwendet wird, ebenso die Dateierweiterung anzeigen",
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- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "Der Name des Attributs auf abgefragten Seiten, das auf das zu verwendende Bild hinweist. Sofern festgelegt, werden die abgefragten Seiten selbst, nicht als Bild angezeigt.",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "Der Name des semantischen Attributs, welches das Ziel der Weiterleitung enthält",
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- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Weiter",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Bild $1 von $2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "Das Bild wurde nicht gefunden.",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Stichwortwolke",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Ob die Themenbezeichnungen selbst mit einbezogen werden sollen",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Wie soll die Darstellungsgröße der Stichwörter verändert werden?",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "Die Reihenfolge der Stichwörter",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "Das Mindestvorkommen eines Stichwortes, um aufgelistet zu werden",
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- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "Die Darstellungsgröße des größten Stichwortes in Prozent",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "Die maximale Anzahl der Stichwörter in der Stichwortwolke",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Die auszuschließenden Stichworte (Trennzeichen: „;“)",
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- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Legt fest ob Seitentitel in der Ergebnisliste angezeigt oder weggelassen werden sollen",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Legt fest, ob abgefragte, aber nicht vorhandene Attribut- und Datensatzwerte, durch Trennzeichen getrennt, angezeigt oder weggelassen werden sollen",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Sofern die Erweiterung Arrays installiert ist, wird anstelle einer sichtbaren Ergebnisausgabe ein Datenfeld (Array) dieses Namens angelegt",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Das Trennzeichen zwischen gewünschten Attributen",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Das Trennzeichen zwischen mehreren Attributwerten eines Attributs",
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- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Sofern die Erweiterung HashTables vorhanden ist, wird anstelle einer sichtbaren Ergebnisausgabe ein assoziatives Datenfeld (Hash) dieses Namens angelegt",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Grafik",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Sind die Betreffe oder Namensattribute Haupt- oder Unterobjekte?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Das Attribut, dessen Wert als Betreff anstelle des eigentlichen Betreffs genutzt werden soll",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "Die Form der Datenpunkte in der Grafik",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Titel der Grafik",
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- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Legende zur Grafik anzeigen oder nicht",
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- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Pfeilrichtung",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-success": "Die Datentabelle wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-error": "Die Aktualisierung der Datentabelle ist gescheitert.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Suche …",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-cache": "Der Inhalt stammt aus dem lokalen Zwischenspeicher.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-server": "Der Inhalt stammt vom Datenbankserver.",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "Es werden 0 bis 0 von insgesamt 0 Einträgen angezeigt.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoFiltered": "(aus insgesamt _MAX_ Einträgen herausgefiltert)",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoThousands": ".",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLengthMenu": "Zeige _MENU_ Einträge",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Lade …",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Verarbeite …",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "Suche:",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sZeroRecords": "Es wurden keine passenden Datensätze gefunden.",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortAscending": ": zum aufsteigenden Sortieren der Spalte aktivieren",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortDescending": ": zum absteigenden Sortieren der Spalte aktivieren",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Baumansicht (aufgezählt)",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Baumansicht (aufgezählt)",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Baumansicht (nummeriert)",
- "srf-noparentprop": "Es wurde kein übergeordnetes Attribut angegeben. Der Baum kann nicht ohne Angabe eines übergeordneten Attributs erstellt werden.",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "„$1“ ist kein gültiger Seitentitel.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "Das Attribut, das die übergeordnete Seite enthält",
- "srf-paramdesc-root": "Die Ausgangsseite der Baumansicht",
- "srf-paramdesc-startlevel": "Die Ausgangsebene der Baumsicht, bspw. um sie in eine andere Baumansicht einbeziehen zu können",
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- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "Die Verzögerung beim Wechseln zwischen den einzelnen Bildern in Sekunden",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Die Navigationsschaltflächen anzeigen oder nicht",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "Der Effekt, der beim Wechseln zwischen den einzelnen Bildern angewendet werden soll",
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- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-views": "Die Ansichten, die für die Ergebnisanzeige verfügbar sein sollen",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-filter-position": "Die Position der Filter in Bezug auf die Ansichten. Mögliche Parameterwerte: „top“, „bottom“. Standardwert: „top“",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "Der Typ der Liste. Mögliche Parameterwerte: „list“, „ul“ und „ol“. Standardwert: „list“",
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- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-named-args": "Die Namen der Argumente, die an die Vorlage übergeben werden sollen",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "Der Name der Vorlage, die vor den Abfrageergebnissen angezeigt werden soll, sofern welche vorhanden sind",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "Der Name der Vorlage, die nach den Abfrageergebnissen angezeigt werden soll, sofern welche vorhanden sind",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-start": "Die Ausgabe, die das Anfangsdatum einer Veranstaltung enthält",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-end": "Die Ausgabe, die das Enddatum einer Veranstaltung enthält",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title": "Die Ausgabe, die den Titel einer Veranstaltung enthält. Kann nicht zusammen mit einer Vorlage zur Ausgabe des Titels verwendet werden",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title-template": "Die Vorlage, die den Titel einer Veranstaltung enthält",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "Liste",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Kalender",
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- "srf-paramdesc-group": "Die Datenreihen sortiert nach",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "Den Zoom aktivieren oder nicht",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Eine Datentabelle anzeigen oder nicht",
- "srf-timeseries-zoom-out-of-range": "Der Zoombereich enthält nicht genug Daten.",
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- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Den Listentyp angeben",
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- "srf-paramdesc-calendarstart": "Das Anfangsdatum des Kalenders (Datums- oder Datum-und-Zeit-Werte)",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarlegend": "Die Position der Legende sowie angewendeten Filteroptionen",
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- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-week": "d. [ MMM] [ yyyy]{ '—'d. MMM yyyy}",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-day": "dddd, d. MMM yyyy",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-column-week": "ddd d.M.",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-column-day": "dddd d.M.",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-success": "Der Kalender wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-error": "Die Aktualisierung der Kalenders ist gescheitert.",
- "srf-printername-dygraphs": "Diagramm (Digraph)",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "Die Quelle, die die abzurufenden Daten enthält. Mögliche Parameterwerte: „file“, „raw“ und „url“. Standardwert: „file“",
- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "Der zu verwendende Fehlerbalken. Mögliche Parameterwerte: „fraction“ (Konfidenzintervall der Werte), „sigma“ (Standardabweichung der Werte) und „range“ (Wertebereich)",
- "srf-paramdesc-movingaverage": "Die Anzeige des Durchschnitts zu einem Zeitraum bestimmter Tage (bei Angabe von <code>zero</code> (Null) wird kein gleitender Durchschnitt angezeigt)",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "Die Beschreibung, die auf der Y-Achse angezeigt wird",
- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "Die Beschreibung, die auf der X-Achse angezeigt wird",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "Die Einheit",
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- "srf-printername-incoming": "Eingehende Attribute",
- "srf-paramdesc-min": "Der maximale Wert oder Schwellenwert",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludeproperty": "Das Attribut vom Ergebnis ausschließen",
- "srf-printername-media": "Medienwiedergabe",
- "srf-paramdesc-mediainspector": "Zeigt detaillierte Informationen zu einem angegebenen Medienelement an",
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- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-unmute": "Ton an",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-volume-max": "Maximale Lautstärke",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle": "Zufallswiedergabe",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle-off": "Zufallswiedergabe beenden",
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- "srf-excel-link": "Excel",
- "srf-excel-missing-phpexcel": "Die Daten konnten nicht für MS-Excel exportiert werden, da die notwendige Softwareerweiterung [ PHPExcel] nicht installiert ist."
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- "srf-desc": "Pśidatne formaty za rědowe wótpšašanja Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Formaty semantiskich wuslědkow",
- "srf-module-loading": "Zacytujo se...",
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- "srf_printername_median": "Pśerězk licbow",
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- "srf_printername_latest": "Njepóznjejšy cas",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Casowy wótběg",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Wótběg tšojenjow",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Definěruje, kótare smugi zwobraznjuju se we wuslědku.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Definěruje, źož casowa linija ma fokus na zachopjeńku.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Mě atributa, kótarež ma se wužywaś, aby definěrowało prědny casowy dypk",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Mě atributa, kótarež ma se wužywaś, aby definěrowało drugi casowy dypk",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Wusokosć casoweje linije",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Dalšne wuslědki za toś to napšašowanje.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Naglědy, kótarež maju se zwobrazniś",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "Sajźba atributow, kótarež maju se zwobrazniś za kuždy bok",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Mě pśedłogi, z kótarejuž maju se bokowe atributy zwobrazniś",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Google słupowy diagram",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Google tortowy diagram",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Pódaj wusokosć diagrama/grafiki (w pikselach)",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Pódaj šyrokosć diagrama/grafiki (w pikselach abo procentach)",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Titel diagrama",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Barwa słupow",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Směr słupowego diagrama pódaś",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "Pópisanje za y-wósku",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "Minimalna gódnota, kótaraž ma se na Y-wósce pokazaś",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Pozicija diagramoweje legendy",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Wugroniwy diagramowy tekst",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Pśidatna CSS-klasa",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Drastwu za raster wubraś",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Jadnotliwe diagramowe barwy pśipokazaś",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Barwowu šemu wubraś",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Formatěrowańske pšawidło za gódnoty pódaś",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Pśidatne informacije na wótpowědujucem rejtarku Info zwobrazniś",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Datowy element",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Datowa gódnota",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "Datowe rědy",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Diagram",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Daty",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Info",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galerija",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "Licba wobrazow na smužku",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "Šyrokosć wobrazow",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "Wusokosć wobrazow",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Datajowe mě ako wopisanje wužywaś, jolic žadno njeje pódane",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Slědk",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Dalej",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Wobraz $1 z $2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "Wobraz njejo se namakał.",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Tafličkowa mróčel",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Lěc mjenja temow same maju se zapśimjeś",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Kak ma se wjelikosć wobznamjenjow pówušyś",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "Pórěd wobznamjenjow",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "maksimalna licba wobznamjenjow w mrokawje",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Gódnota",
- "srf_printername_array": "Šypka",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Asociatiwne datowe pólo (hash)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Grafika",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "Forma kuždego suka na grafice",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Titel",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Wjelikosć grafiki (w pikselach)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Legendu grafiki pokazaś abo nic",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Pópisanje grafiki",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Směr šypki",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Wotkaz grafiki",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Barwa grafiki",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "DataTables",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Bom",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Bomowy naglěd (nalicenje)",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Bomowy naglěd (numerěrowany)",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "Kakosć, kótaraž wopśimujo nadrědowany bok",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "Wobrazowe pśedstajenje",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "Wokomuźenje mjazy wobrazami w sekudnach",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtrowany",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "D3-diagram",
- "srf-printername-timeseries": "Diagram casowych rědow",
- "srf-paramdesc-group": "Rědy zrědowane pó",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "Skalěrowanje zmóžniś",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Datowu tabelu zmóžniś",
- "srf-printername-sparkline": "Diagram słownych grafikow",
- "srf-printername-listwidget": "Lisćinowy asistent",
- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Pódaj lisćinowy typ",
- "srf-paramdesc-widget": "K dispoziciji stojecy asistent",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "Elementy na bok",
- "srf-printername-eventcalendar": "Kalendaŕ zarědowanjow",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarfirstday": "Źeń, gaž kuždy tyźeń se zachopina",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendardefaultview": "Zachopna gódnota, gaž kalendaŕ se zacytujo",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "Pódaj žrědło, z kótaregož maju pśistup na daty (dataja, URL atd.)",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "Wopisanje, kótarež pokazujo se na y-wósce",
- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "Wopisanje, kótarež pokazujo se na x-wósce",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "Jadnotka"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/el.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/el.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d7608ac..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/el.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Consta",
- "Omnipaedista",
- "Protnet",
- "ZaDiak"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Πρόσθετες μορφές αποτελεσμάτων για ενσωματωμένα σημασιολογικά ερωτήματα του Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Μορφές σημασιολογικών αποτελεσμάτων",
- "prefs-srf": "Μορφές σημασιολογικών αποτελεσμάτων",
- "srf-module-loading": "Φόρτωση...",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Ύψος",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Πλάτος",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Προηγούμενο",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Προηγ",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Επόμενο",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "ενότητα βοήθειας",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Προηγούμενος μήνας",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Επόμενος μήνας",
- "srfc_today": "Σήμερα",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Μετάβαση στον μήνα",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Μηνιαίο ημερολόγιο",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Εξαγωγή σε vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Εξαγωγή σε iCalendar",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Εξαγωγή σε BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Καμία τιμή",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Περίγραμμα",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Σύνοψη αριθμών",
- "srf_printername_average": "Μέσος όρος αριθμών",
- "srf_printername_max": "Μέγιστος αριθμός",
- "srf_printername_min": "Ελάχιστος αριθμός",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Ζώνη ώρας",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Ζώνη γεγονότων",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Ύψος χρονολογίου"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/en.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/en.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 009d935a..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/en.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": []
- },
- "srf-desc": "Additional result formats for Semantic MediaWiki queries",
- "srf-name": "Semantic Result Formats",
- "prefs-srf": "Semantic Result Formats",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "You have installed the Semantic Result Formats extension. For additional assistance, please visit the [ result formats] help page.",
- "prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options": "Event calendar options",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-update-default": "Enable [ automatic updates] of calendar events during page refresh",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-paneview-default": "Enable the pane view by default",
- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "DataTables options",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-update-default": "Enable [ automatic updates] of table content during page refresh",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-cache-default": "Enable [ local storage] to improve response time",
- "srf-module-loading": "Loading...",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Available layout",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Height",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Width",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Specify an additional cascading style sheet class",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "No matches found",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Available chart type",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Previous",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Prev",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Next",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Source",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Data source",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "The server reported a failed communication for this $1. Please try to refresh the page or consult with this $2.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "request object",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "help section",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Options",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "Scope",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-legend": "Legend",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "Filter",
- "srf-ui-common-label-refresh": "Refresh",
- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "Parameters",
- "srf-ui-common-label-query": "Query",
- "srf-ui-common-label-paneview": "Pane view",
- "srf-ui-common-label-daterange": "Date range",
- "srf-ui-widgets-label-parameter-limit": "Limit parameter",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "Option ($1) is not available",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "Option ($1) requires parameter \"link\" to be set \"all\"",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Layout is missing",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "The chart or graph is empty due to missing data",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Previous month",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Next month",
- "srfc_today": "Today",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Go to month",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Monthly calendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "The code for the language in which to display the calendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "The color to display for each date property (example: \"Start date=>green,End date=>#09c\")",
- "srf_vcard_link": "vCard",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "vCard export",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iCalendar",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "iCalendar export",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "The title of the calendar file",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "The description of the calendar file",
- "srf_bibtex_link": "BibTeX",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "BibTeX export",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "No value",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Outline",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "The list of properties to be displayed as outline headers, separated by commas",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Sum of numbers",
- "srf_printername_average": "Average of numbers",
- "srf_printername_max": "Maximum number",
- "srf_printername_min": "Minimum number",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "The maximum number of pages to query",
- "srf_printername_product": "Product of numbers",
- "srf_printername_median": "Median of numbers",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "Default value that will be displayed when there are no numerical results",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Earliest time",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Latest time",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Timeline",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Eventline",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Defines which bands are displayed in the result.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Defines where the timeline initially focuses at.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "A property name used to define a first time point",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "A property name used to define a second time point",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "The height of the timeline",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Further results for this query.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "You need to have JavaScript enabled to view the interactive timeline.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "The views to be displayed",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "The set of properties to be displayed for each page",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "The name of a template with which to display page properties",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Google bar chart",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Google pie chart",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": "jqPlot chart",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "jqPlot series",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Specify the height (in pixels) of a chart or graph",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Specify the width (in pixels or percent) of a chart or graph",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "The title of the chart",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Specify chart colors",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Specify the direction of a chart",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Specify the direction of a chart or graph",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "The label for the numbers axis",
- "srf-paramdesc-labelaxislabel": "The label for the label axis",
- "srf-paramdesc-ticklabels": "Enable display of tick labels",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "The minimum value to show on the Y-axis",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "Display in-chart data points",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Chart legend position",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Chart/graph data labels",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Descriptive chart text",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Additional CSS class",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Select a graph/chart renderer",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Individual filling option",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Select a grid theme",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Assign individual chart colors",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Select a color scheme",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Specify formatting rule for values",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Display a data point highlighter",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Apply a smoothing algorithm on line charts",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Display chart as stacked series",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Select series grouping",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Determine the series label",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "Determine the group label",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Chart cursor display option",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Enable simultaneous display of a chart and its trendline",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "Display chart and data sets simultaneously. Allowed values: \"none\" and \"tabs\". Default: \"none\"",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Display additional information on a corresponding info tab",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Data item",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Data value",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "Data series",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Chart",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Data",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Info",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Gallery",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "The amount of images per row",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "The width of the images",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "The height of the images",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Use file name as caption when none is provided",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "When using the filename as caption, also display the file extension",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "The name of a semantic property present on the queried pages to be used as caption",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "Name of a semantic property on the queried pages that points to images to use. When set, the queried pages themselves will not be displayed as images",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "The name of a semantic property present on the queried pages which contain the redirect target",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Layout navigation control",
- "srf-paramdesc-overlay": "Enable image overlay",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Previous",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Next",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Image $1 of $2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "The image was not found.",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Tag cloud",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Subject names themselves should be included",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "How to increase the size of tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "The order of the tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "The minimum amount of times a value needs to occur to be listed",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "The size of the smallest tags in percent",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "The size of the biggest tags in percent",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "The maximum amount of tags in the cloud",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Exclude tags (delimiter: \";\")",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Value rank",
- "srf_printername_array": "Array",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Whether to show page titles as result entries or to leave them out",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Whether to print requested, but unavailable property and record values separated by separators or leaving them out",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "If given and ArrayExtension is available this will create an array with the specified name (no visible output then)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Separator between the requested properties",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Separator between many valued property values",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Separator between values of record properties",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Separator between property name and value if \"headers\" is set to \"show\" or \"plain\"",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Hash",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "If given and the HashTables extension is available this will create a hash with the specified name (no visible output then)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Graph",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Are the subjects or nameproperties parents or childs?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Allows setting a property that will be used as subject instead of the actual subject",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "The shape of each node on the graph",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Title",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Graph size (in pixels)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Show graph legend or not",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Graph label",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Arrow direction",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Graph link",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Graph color",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Word wrap limit (in # characters)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "DataTables",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-conditions": "Conditions",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-parameters": "Parameters",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-filters": "Column filters and search",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-information": "Information",
- "srf-ui-datatables-panel-disclaimer": "Parameters and conditions can be altered, but any change is temporary and abandoned after a page refresh.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-success": "The table update was successful",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-error": "The table update failed.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Search...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-cache": "The content was derived from local cache.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-server": "The content was derived from the server.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-header": "Available columns",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-noneselectedtext": "Filter settings",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-selectedtext": "Columns are visible",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sEmptyTable": "No data available in table",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfo": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoPostFix": "",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoThousands": ",",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ entries",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Loading...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Processing...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "Search:",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sZeroRecords": "No matching records found",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sFirst": "First",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sLast": "Last",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "Next",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "Previous",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortAscending": ": activate to sort column ascending",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortDescending": ": activate to sort column descending",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Tree",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Ultree",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Oltree",
- "srf-noparentprop": "No parent property given. The tree can not be built without a specified parent property.",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "$1 is not a valid page title.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "The property containing the parent page",
- "srf-paramdesc-root": "The root page of the tree",
- "srf-paramdesc-startlevel": "The start level of the tree, e.g. for integrating it into another tree",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "SlideShow",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "The delay between slides in seconds",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Show navigation controls or not",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "The effect to be used to switch from slide to slide",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtered",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-views": "The views that shall be available in the result display.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-filter-position": "The position of the filters in relation to the views. Allowed values: \"top\", \"bottom\". Default: \"top\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "The type of the list. Allowed values: \"list\", \"ul\", \"ol\". Default: \"list\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-template": "The template that is to be used to format the list entries.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-named-args": "Name the arguments passed to the template.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "The name of a template to display before the query results, if there are any.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "The name of a template to display after the query results, if there are any.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-start": "The printout containing the start date of an event",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-end": "The printout containing the end date of an event",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title": "The printout containing the title of an event. Can not be used together with a title template.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title-template": "A template used to format the event's title in the calendar",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "List",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Calendar",
- "srf-filtered-firstdayofweek": "1",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "D3 chart",
- "srf-printername-timeseries": "Timeseries chart",
- "srf-paramdesc-group": "Series grouped by",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "Enable zoom",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Enable a datatable",
- "srf-timeseries-zoom-out-of-range": "The zoom range did not produce any sufficient data",
- "srf-printername-sparkline": "Sparkline chart",
- "srf-printername-listwidget": "Listwidget",
- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Specify the list type",
- "srf-paramdesc-widget": "Available widget",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "Items per page",
- "srf-printername-eventcalendar": "Event calendar",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarfirstday": "The day that each week begins",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendardefaultview": "The initial view when the calendar loads",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarstart": "The initial calendar start (date or datetime values)",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarlegend": "Specifies the position of the legend and assigned filter options",
- "srf-paramdesc-dayview": "Enable the day view by clicking the day number",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "Today",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Month",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "Week",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Day",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "All day",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-time": "h(:mm)t",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-time-agenda": "H:mm( - H:mm)",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-axis": "H:mm",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-month": "MMMM yyyy",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-week": "d [MMM][ yyyy]{ '&#8212;' d MMM yyyy}",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-day": "dddd, d MMM, yyyy",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-column-month": "ddd",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-column-week": "ddd d/M",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-column-day": "dddd d/M",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-success": "The event calendar update was successful.",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-error": "The event calendar update failed.",
- "srf-printername-dygraphs": "Dygraphs chart",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "The source from where the data is accessible. Allowed values: \"file\", \"raw\" and \"url\". Default: \"file\"",
- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "The error bar to be used. Allowed values: \"fraction\" (confidence intervals for values), \"sigma\" (standard deviation of values) and \"range\" (custom value ranges)",
- "srf-paramdesc-movingaverage": "Display the average over a number of days (zero will indicate no moving average)",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "Description that appears on the y-axis",
- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "Description that appears on the x-axis",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "Unit",
- "srf-printername-pagewidget": "Pagewidget",
- "srf-printername-incoming": "Incoming properties",
- "srf-paramdesc-min": "Minimum or threshold value",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludeproperty": "Exclude property from result set",
- "srf-printername-media": "Media player",
- "srf-paramdesc-mediainspector": "Displays detailed information about a specified media element",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-previous": "Previous",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-play": "Play",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-pause": "Pause",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-next": "Next",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-stop": "Stop",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-mute": "Mute",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-unmute": "Unmute",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-volume-max": "Max volume",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle": "Shuffle",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle-off": "Shuffle off",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat": "Repeat",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat-off": "Repeat off",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-full-screen": "Full screen",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-restore-screen": "Restore screen",
- "srf-excel-link": "Excel",
- "srf-excel-missing-phpexcel": "Could not export for MS-Excel because extension [ PHPExcel] is not installed."
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/eo.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/eo.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bf4d08d4..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/eo.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Yekrats"
- ]
- },
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Antaŭa monato",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Posta monato",
- "srfc_today": "Hodiaŭ",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Iru al monato",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Monata kalendaro",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iKalendaro",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Sen valoro",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Sumo de nombroj",
- "srf_printername_average": "Averaĝo de nombroj",
- "srf_printername_max": "Maksimuma nombro",
- "srf_printername_min": "Minimuma nombro",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Templinio",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Eventlinio",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galerio"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/es.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/es.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 13b0da22..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/es.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Antur",
- "Armando-Martin",
- "Badon",
- "Crazymadlover",
- "Imre",
- "Jewbask",
- "Maor X",
- "McDutchie",
- "Ralgis",
- "Sanbec",
- "Translationista",
- "VegaDark",
- "Fitoschido",
- "Macofe"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Formatos de resultados adicionales para consultas de Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Formatos de resultado semántico",
- "prefs-srf": "Formatos de resultados semánticos",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "Tienes instalada la extensión para dar formato a los resultados semánticos. Para obtener ayuda adicional, visita la página de ayuda sobre los [ formatos de los resultados].",
- "prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options": "Opciones de eventos de calendario",
- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "Opciones de DataTables",
- "srf-module-loading": "Cargando...",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Diseño disponible",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Altura (en píxeles)",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Anchura",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Especificar una clase adicional de hoja de estilos en cascada (CSS)",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "No se encontraron coincidencias",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Tipo de gráfico disponible",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Anterior",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Anterior",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Siguiente",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Fuente",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Fuente de datos",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "El servidor informó sobre una comunicación fallida del elemento $1. Intenta actualizar la página o consultar con $2.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "objeto de la solicitud",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "sección de ayuda",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Opciones",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "Ámbito de aplicación",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-legend": "Leyenda",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "Filtro",
- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "Parámetros",
- "srf-ui-common-label-query": "Consulta",
- "srf-ui-common-label-daterange": "Intervalo de fechas",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "La opción ($1) no está disponible",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "La opción ($1) necesita que el parámetro \"link\" esté definido como \"all\"",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Falta el diseño",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "La tabla/gráfica está vacía porque faltan datos",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Mes anterior",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Próximo mes",
- "srfc_today": "Hoy",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Ir al mes",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Calendario mensual",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "El código del idioma en el que se muestra el calendario",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "El color a mostrar para cada propiedad de datos (ejemplo: \"Fecha de inicio=>green, Fecha de fin=>#09c\")",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Exportar vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Exportar iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "El título del archivo de calendario",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "El descripción del archivo de calendario",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Exportar BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Sin valor",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Esquema",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "La lista de propiedades que se mostrará como encabezados de esquema, separadas por comas",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Suma de números",
- "srf_printername_average": "Promedio de números",
- "srf_printername_max": "Número máximo",
- "srf_printername_min": "Número mínimo",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "La cantidad máxima de páginas a consultar",
- "srf_printername_product": "Producto de números",
- "srf_printername_median": "Mediana de los números",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "Valor por defecto que se mostrará cuando no haya resultados numéricos",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Primera hora",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Última hora",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Línea de tiempo",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Línea de eventos",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "PDF",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Define donde se fijará inicialmente la línea del tiempo.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Un nombre de propiedad utilizado para definir un primer punto temporal",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Un nombre de propiedad utilizado para definir un segundo punto temporal",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "La altura de la línea de tiempo",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Resultados adicionales para esta consulta.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "Debe tener habilitado JavaScript para ver la línea de tiempo interactiva.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Las vistas a mostrar",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "El grupo de propiedades a mostrar para cada página",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "El nombre de una plantilla con la que se muestra la propiedades de la página",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Gráfico de barras de Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Gráfica circular de Google",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": "Gráfica jqPlot",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "Serie jqPlot",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Especifica la altura (en píxeles) de una tabla o una gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Especificar la anchura (en píxeles o porcentaje) de la tabla o gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "El título del gráfico",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "El color de las barras",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Especifique la dirección de un gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Especificar la dirección de una tabla o una gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "La etiqueta del eje de los números",
- "srf-paramdesc-labelaxislabel": "La etiqueta para el eje de la etiqueta",
- "srf-paramdesc-ticklabels": "Activar la visualización de etiquetas de marca",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "El valor mínimo a mostrar en el eje de ordenadas",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "Visualización de datos puntuales en la gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Posición de la leyenda de la gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Rótulos de datos de la tabla/gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Texto descriptivo del gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Clase CSS adicional",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Seleccione un representador tablas/gráficas",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Opción de rellenado individual",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Seleccione un tema de cuadrícula",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Asignar colores individuales al gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Seleccione una combinación de colores",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Especifica una regla de formato para valores",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Mostrar un marcador de punto de datos",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Aplicar un algoritmo de suavizado en los gráficos de líneas",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Mostrar gráfico en forma de serie apilada",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Seleccionar agrupamientos de series",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Determinar la etiqueta de serie",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "Determinar la etiqueta de grupo",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Opción de visualización del cursor de tabla",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Activar la visualización simultánea de un gráfico y su línea de tendencia",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "Mostrar simultáneamente gráfico y conjunto de datos. Valores permitidos: \"none\" y \"tabs\". Predeterminado: \"none\"",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Mostrar información adicional en una ficha de información correspondiente",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Elemento de datos",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Valor de los datos",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "Serie de datos",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Gráfico",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Datos",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Información",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galería",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "La cantidad de imágenes por línea",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "La anchura de las imágenes",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "La altura de las imágenes",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Usar el nombre del archivo como pie de imagen cuando no se indique ninguna otra",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Cuando se use el nombre del archivo como pie de imagen, mostrar también la extensión del archivo",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "El nombre de una propiedad semántica presente en las páginas consultadas a usar como pie de imagen",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "Nombre de una propiedad semántica en las páginas consultadas que apunta a las imágenes a usar. Cuando esté definido, las propias páginas consultadas no se mostrarán como imágenes",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "El nombre de una propiedad semántica presente en las páginas consultadas que contienen el destino de la redirección",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Diseñar control de navegación",
- "srf-paramdesc-overlay": "Activar la superposición de imagenes",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Anterior",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Siguiente",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Imagen $1 de$2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "No se encontró la imagen.",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Nube de etiquetas",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Si los propios nombres de los temas deben incluirse",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Como aumentar el tamaño de las etiquetas",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "El orden de las etiquetas",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "La cantidad mínima de veces que un valor tiene que presentarse para estar en la lista",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "El tamaño de las etiquetas más pequeñas, en porcentaje",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "El tamaño de las etiquetas más grandes en porcentaje",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "La cantidad máxima de etiquetas en la nube",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Excluir etiquetas (delimitador: «;»)",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Valor del rango",
- "srf_printername_array": "Tabla",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Mostrar los títulos de las páginas como entradas de resultados, o bien omitirlos",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Imprimir los valores de las propiedades y de los registros solicitados y no disponibles, separados por separadores,obien omitirlos",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Si se da un ArrayExtension y está disponible, esto creará una tabla con el nombre indicado (sin salida visible, en ese caso)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Separador entre las propiedades solicitadas",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Separador entre los valores de las propiedades con muchos valores",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Separador entre los valores de las propiedades de registro",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Separador entre el nombre y el valor de la propiedad si \"headers\" está definido como \"show\" o \"plain\"",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Hash",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Si se da una extensión HashTables y está disponible, esto creará un \"hash\" con el nombre indicado (sin salida visible, en ese caso)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Los asuntos o las propiedades de los nombres ¿son padres o hijos?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Permite definir una propiedad que se usará como asunto en vez del asunto real",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "La forma de cada nodo en la gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Título",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Tamaño de la gráfica (en px)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Mostrar o no la leyenda de la gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Etiqueta de la gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Dirección de la flecha",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Enlace de la gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Color de la gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Ajuste automático de línea (en número de caracteres)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "Tablas de datos",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-conditions": "Condiciones",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-parameters": "Parámetros",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-filters": "Filtros de columnas y búsqueda",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-information": "Información",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-error": "Falló la actualización de la tabla.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Buscar…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-header": "Columnas disponibles",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-noneselectedtext": "Configuración de filtros",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-selectedtext": "Las columnas son visibles",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sEmptyTable": "No hay datos disponibles en la tabla",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "Muestra: 0 → 0 de 0 entradas",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Cargando…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Procesando…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "Buscar:",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sFirst": "Primero",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sLast": "Último",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "Siguiente",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "Anterior",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortAscending": ": activar para ordenar columna ascendentemente",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortDescending": ": activar para ordenar columna descendentemente",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Árbol",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Árbol UL",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Árbol OL",
- "srf-noparentprop": "No se ha especificado ninguna propiedad padre. No se puede construir el árbol sin especificar una propiedad padre.",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "El título de la página «$1» no es válido.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "La propiedad que contiene la página padre",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "Presentación de diapositivas",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "Tiempo entre diapositivas, en segundos",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Mostrar controles de navegación o no mostrarlos",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "El efecto que se utilizará para cambiar de una diapositiva a la siguiente",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtrado",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-views": "Las vistas que estarán disponibles en la pantalla de resultados.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-filter-position": "La posición de los filtros en relación con las vistas. Valores permitidos: \"top\", \"bottom\". Predeterminado: \"top\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "El tipo de la lista. Valores permitidos: \"list\", \"ul\", \"ol\". Predeterminado: \"list\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-template": "La plantilla que se utiliza para dar formato a las entradas de la lista.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-named-args": "Nombra los argumentos que se le pasan a la plantilla",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "El nombre de una plantilla que se mostrará antes de los resultados de la consulta, si hay alguna.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "El nombre de una plantilla que se mostrará después de los resultados de la consulta, si hay alguna.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-start": "La impresión que contiene la fecha de inicio de un evento",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-end": "La impresión que contiene la fecha final de un evento",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title": "La impresión que contiene el título de un evento. No puede utilizarse junto con una plantilla de título.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title-template": "Una plantilla que se utiliza para dar formato al título de un evento en el calendario",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "Lista",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Calendario",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "Gráfico D3",
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- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Activar una tabla de datos",
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- "srf-paramdesc-calendarstart": "El comienzo del calendario inicial (valores date y datetime)",
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- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "La barra de error que se utilizará. Valores permitidos: \"fraction\" (intervalos de confianza para valores), \"sigma\" (desviación estándar de los valores) y \"range\" (rangos de valor personalizados)",
- "srf-paramdesc-movingaverage": "Mostrar el valor promedio en un número de días (cero indicará que no hay media móvil)",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "Descripción que aparece en el eje y",
- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "Descripción que aparece en el eje x",
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--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/eu.json
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--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/fa.json
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- "Tofighi"
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- "Nedergard",
- "Nike",
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- "Str4nd"
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- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Seuraava",
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- "srf-printername-graph": "Graafi",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Ovatko kohteet tai nimiominaisuudet ylätasolla vai alatasolla?",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Otsikko",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Graafin koko (pikseleinä)",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-success": "Taulukon päivitys onnistui",
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- "srf_printername_oltree": "Puu (numeroitu)",
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- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-template": "Malline, jolla luettelokohdat muotoillaan.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "Ennen kyselytuloksia näytettävä mallineen nimi, jos sellaista on.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "Kyselytulosten jälkeen näytettävä mallineen nimi, jos sellaista on.",
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- "srf-paramdesc-calendardefaultview": "Aloitusnäkymä, kun kalenteria ladataan",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarstart": "Kalenterin alkupäivämäärä",
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- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Kuukausi",
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- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Päivä",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "Koko päivä",
- "srf-printername-dygraphs": "Dygraphs-kaavio",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "Määritä datan tietolähteen sijainti. Sallitut arvot: file, raw ja url. Oletusarvo: file.",
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- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "X-akselin selite",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "Yksikkö",
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- "srf-paramdesc-excludeproperty": "Poista ominaisuus tulosten joukosta"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/fr.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/fr.json
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index e4b7d738..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/fr.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Brunoperel",
- "Crochet.david",
- "DavidL",
- "Erkethan",
- "Gomoko",
- "Grondin",
- "Hashar",
- "IAlex",
- "Iluvalar",
- "McDutchie",
- "Nicolas NALLET",
- "Peter17",
- "PieRRoMaN",
- "Tititou36",
- "Urhixidur",
- "Verdy p",
- "SnowedEarth"
- ]
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- "srf-desc": "Formats additionnels d'affichage de résultat pour les requêtes de Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Formatage des résultats sémantiques",
- "prefs-srf": "Formats des résultats sémantiques",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "Vous avez installé l'extension Formats de résultats sémantiques qui, pour l'instant, n'a pas d'option paramétrable par l'utilisateur. Pour plus d’aide, veuillez regarder la page d'aide [ formats de résultat].",
- "prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options": "Options de calendrier d'événements",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-update-default": "Activer les [ mises à jour automatiques] des événements du calendrier lors d’un rafraîchissement de page",
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- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "Options des plages de données",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-update-default": "Activer les [ mises à jour automatiques] de la table des matières lors du rafraîchissement d’une page",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-cache-default": "Activer le [ stockage local] pour améliorer les temps de réponse",
- "srf-module-loading": "Chargement...",
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- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Hauteur (en pixels)",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Largeur",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Spécifiez une classe CSS supplémentaire",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "Aucun résultat trouvé",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Type de graphique disponible",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Précédent",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Précédent",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Suivant",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Source",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Source de données",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "Le serveur a signalé un échec de communication pour ce $1. Veuillez rafraîchir la page ou la consulter avec ce $2.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "objet requête",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "section d'aide",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Options",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "Portée",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-legend": "Légende",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "Filtrer",
- "srf-ui-common-label-refresh": "Rafraîchir",
- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "Paramètres",
- "srf-ui-common-label-query": "Requête",
- "srf-ui-common-label-paneview": "Affichage du volet",
- "srf-ui-common-label-daterange": "Plage de dates",
- "srf-ui-widgets-label-parameter-limit": "Limiter le paramètre",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "L'option ($1) n'est pas disponible",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "L'option ($1) nécessite le paramètre \"link\" pour être mise à \"all\"",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Mise en page manquante",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "Le graphique est vide en raison de données manquantes",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Mois précédent",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Mois suivant",
- "srfc_today": "Aujourd’hui",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Aller vers le mois",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Calendrier mensuel",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Le code de la langue dans laquelle afficher le calendrier",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "La couleur à afficher pour chaque propriété date (exemple: \"Date de démarrage => green,Date de fin => #09c\")",
- "srf_vcard_link": "vCarte",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "export en vCard",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iCalendrier",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "export en iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Le titre du fichier calendrier",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "La description du fichier calendrier",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "export en BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Aucune valeur",
- "srf_printername_outline": "esquisse",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "La liste des propriétés à afficher comme en-têtes, séparées par des virgules",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Somme de nombres",
- "srf_printername_average": "Moyenne des nombres",
- "srf_printername_max": "Nombre maximal",
- "srf_printername_min": "Nombre minimal",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Le nombre maximum de pages à rechercher",
- "srf_printername_product": "Produit de nombres",
- "srf_printername_median": "Moyenne des nombres",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "Valeur par défaut qui s'affichera lorsqu'il n'y a pas de résultats numériques",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Première heure",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Dernière heure",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Chronologie",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Chronologie des événements",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Définit quels groupes sont affichées dans les résultats.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Définit la zone de la frise initialement centrée.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Un nom de propriété utilisé pour définir un point de démarrage",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Un nom de propriété utilisé pour définir un point de seconde date",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "La hauteur de la frise",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Autres résultats pour cette requête.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "JavaScript doit être activé pour voir la chronologie interactive.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Les vues à afficher",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "L’ensemble des propriétés à afficher pour chaque page",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Le nom du modèle utilisé pour afficher les propriétés de la page",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Diagramme à barres de Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Diagramme en camembert de Google",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": "graphique jqPlot",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "série jqPlot",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Spécifiez la hauteur (en pixels) d'un diagramme ou d'un graphe",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Indiquez la largeur (en pixels ou en pourcentage) d'un diagramme ou d'un graphique",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Le titre du graphique",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "La couleur des barres",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Spécifier la direction d'un diagramme",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Indiquez l'orientation d'un diagramme ou d'un graphique",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "Étiquette pour l’axe numérique",
- "srf-paramdesc-labelaxislabel": "La légende de l'axe des libellés",
- "srf-paramdesc-ticklabels": "Activer l'affichage des libellés de graduation",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "La valeur minimale à afficher sur l'axe des ordonnées",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "Affichage des points de données dans le graphique",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Position de la légende du graphique",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Afficher les étiquettes du graphique",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Texte descriptif du graphique",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Classe CSS additionnelle",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Sélectionnez un moteur de rendu graphique/graphe",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Option de remplissage individuel",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Sélectionnez un thème pour la grille",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Attribuer des couleurs individuelles au graphique",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Sélectionnez un jeu de couleurs",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Spécifiez la règle de mise en forme des valeurs",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Afficher un surligneur de point de données",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Appliquer un algorithme de lissage sur les graphiques en lignes",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Afficher le graphique sous forme de barres empilées",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Sélectionner le regroupement par séries",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Déterminer le libellé des séries",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "Déterminer le libellé de groupe",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Option d'affichage du curseur de diagramme",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Active l'affichage simultané d'un diagramme et de sa tendance",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "Afficher le diagramme et les ensembles de données en même temps. Valeurs autorisées: « none » et « tabs ». Par défaut: « none »",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Afficher les informations supplémentaires sur un tableau d'information correspondant",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Élément de donnée",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Valeur de donnée",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "Série de données",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Graphique",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Données",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Info",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galerie",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "Le nombre d'images par ligne",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "La largeur des images",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "La hauteur des images",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Utiliser le nom de fichier comme légende lorsqu'aucune n'est fournie",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Quand le nom de fichier est utilisé comme titre, afficher aussi l'extension du fichier",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "Le nom de la propriété sémantique présent sur les pages demandées doit être utilisé comme titre",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "Le nom de la propriété sémantique sur les pages demandées qui pointent vers des images à utiliser. Quand il est positionné, les pages demandées elles-mêmes ne seront aps affichées comme des images",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "Le nom d'une propriété sémantique présente sur les pages demandées qui contient la cible de la redirection",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Contrôle de navigation de la mise en page",
- "srf-paramdesc-overlay": "Activer la superposition d'image",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Précédent",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Suivant",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Image $1 sur $2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "L'image n'a pas été trouvée",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Nuage de tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Si les noms des sujets eux-mêmes devraient être inclus",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Comment augmenter la taille des tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "L'ordre des tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "Le nombre minimal de fois qu'une valeur doit être utilisée pour être listée",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "La taille du plus petit tag en pourcent",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "La taille du plus grand des tags en pourcent",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "Le montant maximal des tags dans le nuage",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Exclure les noms de balise (délimiteur : ';')",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Valeur du rang",
- "srf_printername_array": "Tableau",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "S'il faut afficher les titres de page comme entrées de résultat ou les omettre",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "S'il faut afficher les valeurs de propriété ou d'enregistrement non disponibles séparées par des séparateurs ou les omettre",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Si un ArrayExtension donné est disponible, cela créera un tableau avec le nom spécifié (pas de sortie visible, dans ce cas)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Séparateur entre les propriétés demandées",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Séparateur entre les valeurs de propriété multi-valuées",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Séparateur entre les valeurs les propriétés d'enregistrement",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Séparateur entre le nom de la propriété et la valeur si \"<code>headers</code>\" est positionné à \"<code>show</code>\" ou \"<code>plain</code>\"",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Hachage",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Si l'extension HashTables est disponible et fournie, ceci créera un hachage avec le nom spécifié (pas de sortie visible dans ce cas)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Graphe",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Est-ce que les sujets ou les propriétés de nom sont des parents ou des enfants ?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Permet de définir une propriété qui sera utilisée comme sujet au lieu de l'objet réel",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "La forme de chaque nœud sur le graphe.",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Titre",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Taille du graphe (en px)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Afficher la légende de graphe ou non",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Étiquette du graphe",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Direction de la flèche",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Lien vers le graphe",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Couleur du graphe",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Limite de retour automatique (en nombre de caractères)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "Tables de données",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-conditions": "Conditions",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-parameters": "Paramètres",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-filters": "Filtres de colonne et recherche",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-information": "Information",
- "srf-ui-datatables-panel-disclaimer": "Les paramètres et les conditions peuvent être modifiés, mais toute modification est temporaire et sera abandonné après un rafraîchissement de la page",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-success": "La mise à jour du tableau a réussi",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-error": "La mise à jour du tableau a échoué.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Recherche en cours…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-cache": "Le contenu a été récupéré du cache local.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-server": "Le contenu a été récupéré du serveur.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-header": "Colonnes disponibles",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-noneselectedtext": "Paramètres de filtre",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-selectedtext": "Les colonnes sont visibles",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sEmptyTable": "Aucune donnée disponible dans la table",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfo": "Affichage de _START_ à _END_ sur _TOTAL_ entrées",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "Affichage de 0 à 0 sur 0 entrées",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoFiltered": "(filtré par _MAX_ entrées au total)",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoThousands": ",",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLengthMenu": "Afficher les entrées _MENU_",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Chargement en cours…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Traitement en cours…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "Rechercher :",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sZeroRecords": "Aucun enregistrement correspondant trouvé",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sFirst": "Premier",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sLast": "Dernier",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "Suivant",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "Précédent",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortAscending": ": activer pour trier la colonne en ordre croissant",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortDescending": ": activer pour trier la colonne en ordre décroissant",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Arbre",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Arbre Ul",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Arbre Ol",
- "srf-noparentprop": "Aucune propriété parente fournie. L'arbre ne peut pas être construit sans une propriété parente spécifiée.",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "$1 n’est pas un titre de page valide.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "La propriété contenant la page parent",
- "srf-paramdesc-root": "La page racine de l’arbre",
- "srf-paramdesc-startlevel": "Le niveau de démarrage de l’arbre, par ex. pour l’intégrer dans un autre arbre",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "Diaporama",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "Le délai entre les diapositives en secondes",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Afficher les contrôles de navigation ou non",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "L'effet à utiliser pour passer d'une diapositive à l'autre",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtré",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-views": "Les vues qui devraient être disponibles dans l'affichage des résultats.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-filter-position": "La position des filtres en lien avec ces vues. Valeurs permises: « top », « bottom ». Par défaut: « top ».",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "Le type de la liste. Valeurs permises: « list », « ul », « ol ». Par défaut: « list ».",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-template": "Le modèle qui doit être utilisé pour mettre en forme les entrées de la liste.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-named-args": "Nommer les arguments passés au modèle.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "Le nom du modèle à afficher avant les résultats de la requête, s'il y en a.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "Le nom d'un modèle à afficher après les résultats de la requête, s'il y en a.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-start": "L'imprimé contenant la date de début d'un événement",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-end": "L'imprimé contenant la date de fin d'un événement",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title": "L'imprimé contenant le titre d'un événement. Ne peux pas être utilisé en même temps qu'un modèle de titre.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title-template": "Un modèle utilisé pour mettre en forme le titre de l'événement dans le calendrier",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "Liste",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Calendrier",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "Graphique D3",
- "srf-printername-timeseries": "Graphique de séries chronologiques",
- "srf-paramdesc-group": "Séries groupées par",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "Activer le zoom",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Activer une table de données",
- "srf-timeseries-zoom-out-of-range": "La plage de zoom n'a pas produit de données suffisantes",
- "srf-printername-sparkline": "Graphique de lignes de tendance",
- "srf-printername-listwidget": "Widget liste",
- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Indiquez le type de liste",
- "srf-paramdesc-widget": "Widget disponible",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "Éléments par page",
- "srf-printername-eventcalendar": "Calendrier des événements",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarfirstday": "Le jour de démarrage de la semaine",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendardefaultview": "La vue initiale quand le calendrier est chargé",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarstart": "Le démarrage du calendrier initial (valeurs de date ou d'horodatage)",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarlegend": "Spécifie la position de la légende et les options du filtre assigné",
- "srf-paramdesc-dayview": "Activer la vue journalière en cliquant sur le numéro du jour",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "Aujourd’hui",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Mois",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "Semaine",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Jour",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "Toute la journée",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-success": "La mise à jour du calendrier des événements a réussi.",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-error": "La mise a jour du calendrier des événements a échoué.",
- "srf-printername-dygraphs": "Diagramme Dygraph",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "La source depuis laquelle les données sont accessibles. Valeurs autorisées: « file », « raw » et « url ». Par défaut: « file »",
- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "La barre d'erreur à utiliser. Valeurs autorisées: « fraction » (intervalles de confiance pour les valeurs), « sigma » (écart-type des valeurs) et « range » (intervalles de valeurs personnalisés)",
- "srf-paramdesc-movingaverage": "Affiche la moyenne sur un nombre donné de jours (zéro indiquera aucune moyenne mobile)",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "Légende apparaissant sur l'axe y",
- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "Légende apparaissant sur l'axe y",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "Unité",
- "srf-printername-pagewidget": "Widget de page",
- "srf-printername-incoming": "Propriétés entrantes",
- "srf-paramdesc-min": "Valeur minimale ou seuil",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludeproperty": "Exclure la propriété de l'ensemble des résultats",
- "srf-printername-media": "Lecteur de média",
- "srf-paramdesc-mediainspector": "Affiche des informations détaillées sur un élément de média particulier",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-previous": "Précédent",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-play": "Lecture",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-pause": "Pause",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-next": "Suivant",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-stop": "Arrêt",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-mute": "Muet",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-unmute": "Non muet",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-volume-max": "Volume max",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle": "Lecture aléatoire",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle-off": "Lecture aléatoire désactivée",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat": "Répétition",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat-off": "Répétition désactivée",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-full-screen": "Plein écran",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-restore-screen": "Rétablir l'écran",
- "srf-excel-link": "Excel",
- "srf-excel-missing-phpexcel": "Impossible d’xporter vers MS-Excel car l’extension [ PHPExcel] n’est pas installée."
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/frp.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/frp.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 73ac78c3..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/frp.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "ChrisPtDe"
- ]
- },
- "srf-name": "Formatâjo des rèsultats sèmanticos",
- "srf-module-loading": "Chargement...",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Hôtior (en pixèls)",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Largior",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Cllâsse CSS de ples",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Mês devant",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Mês aprés",
- "srfc_today": "Houé",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Alar vers lo mês",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Calendriér du mês",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "èxportacion en vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "èxportacion en iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Lo titro du fichiér calendriér",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "La dèscripcion du fichiér calendriér",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "èxportacion en BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Gins de valor",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Començon",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Soma de nombros",
- "srf_printername_average": "Moyena des nombros",
- "srf_printername_max": "Nombro lo ples grant",
- "srf_printername_min": "Nombro lo ples petiôt",
- "srf_printername_product": "Fruit de nombros",
- "srf_printername_median": "Moyena des nombros",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Premiére hora",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Dèrriére hora",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Diagramo cronologico",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Diagramo cronologico des èvènements",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Diagramo en bârres de Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Diagramo en torta de Google",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "La hôtior du diagramo, en pixèls",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "La largior du diagramo, en pixèls",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Lo titro du diagramo",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "La color de les bârres",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "La dirèccion du diagramo en bârres",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "Lo lambél por l’axo numerico",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galerie",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "Lo nombro d’émâges per legne",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "La largior de les émâges",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "La hôtior de les émâges",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Devant",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Aprés",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Émâge $1 sur $2",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Niola de tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "L’ôrdre des tags",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Valor du rang",
- "srf_printername_array": "Tablô",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Chaplâjo",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Diagramo",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Titro",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Talye du diagramo (en px)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Fâre vêre la lègenda du diagramo ou ben pas",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Lambél du diagramo",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Dirèccion de la flèche",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Lim de vers lo diagramo",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Color du diagramo",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Limita de retôrn ôtomatico (en nombro de caractèros)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "Grelyes de donâs",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Âbro",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Âbro Ul",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Âbro Ol",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtrâ",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "Diagramo D3",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "Activar lo zoome",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Activar na grelye de donâs",
- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Tipo de lista",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "Èlèments per pâge"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ga.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ga.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 203275a6..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ga.json
+++ /dev/null
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "පසිඳු කාවින්ද"
- ]
- },
- "srf-module-loading": "Ag Lódáil...",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Teideal"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/gd.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/gd.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 255ac081..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/gd.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Akerbeltz"
- ]
- },
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Ball dàta"
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deleted file mode 100644
index 968844c1..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/gl.json
+++ /dev/null
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Alma",
- "Toliño"
- ]
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- "srf-desc": "Formatos adicionais para as pescudas interiores de Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Formatos dos resultados semánticos",
- "prefs-srf": "Formatos dos resultados semánticos",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "Ten instalada a extensión para dar formato aos resultados semánticos, pero nestes intres non ten opcións de personalización. Para obter axuda, visite a páxina de axuda sobre os [ formatos dos rexultados].",
- "srf-module-loading": "Cargando...",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Esquema dispoñible",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Altura (en píxeles)",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Largo",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Especificar unha clase CSS adicional",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "Non se atoparon coincidencias",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Tipo de gráficas dispoñible",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Anterior",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Anterior",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Seguinte",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Fonte",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Fonte de datos",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "O servidor informou dun fallo na comunicación con este $1. Intente recargar a páxina ou consulte a $2.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "obxecto da solicitude",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "sección de axuda",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Opcións",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "Alcance",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "A opción ($1) non está dispoñible",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "A opción ($1) necesita que o parámetro \"link\" estea definido como \"all\"",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Falta o esquema",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "A gráfica está baleira porque non hai datos suficientes",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Mes anterior",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Mes seguinte",
- "srfc_today": "Hoxe",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Ir ao mes",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Calendario mensual",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "O código da lingua na que mostrar o calendario",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "A cor na que mostrar cada propiedade de data (exemplo: \"Data de inicio=>green,Data de fin=>#09c\")",
- "srf_vcard_link": "vTarxeta",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Exportación en vCard",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iCalendario",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Exportación en iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "O título do ficheiro de calendario",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "A descrición do ficheiro de calendario",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Exportación en BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Sen valor",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Esquema",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "A lista de propiedades a mostrar como cabeceiras de contorno, separadas por comas",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Suma dos números",
- "srf_printername_average": "Media dos números",
- "srf_printername_max": "Número máximo",
- "srf_printername_min": "Número mínimo",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "O número máximo de páxinas a pescudar",
- "srf_printername_product": "Produto dos números",
- "srf_printername_median": "Media dos números",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "O valor por defecto que se mostrará cando non haxa resultados numéricos",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Primeira hora",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Última hora",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Liña do tempo",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Liña do evento",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Define as bandas que se mostrarán no resultado.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Define onde se fixará inicialmente a liña do tempo.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Un nome de propiedade usado para definir un primeiro punto de tempo",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Un nome de propiedade usado para definir un segundo punto de tempo",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "A altura da liña do tempo",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Máis resultados para esta pescuda.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "Debe ter o JavaScript activado para ollar a liña do tempo interactiva.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "As vistas a mostrar",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "O conxunto de propiedades a mostrar en cada páxina",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "O nome dun modelo co que mostrar as propiedades da páxina",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Gráfica de barras do Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Gráfica circular do Google",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": "Gráfica jqPlot",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "Serie jqPlot",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Especificar a altura da gráfica (en píxeles ou porcentaxe)",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Especificar o largo da gráfica (en píxeles ou porcentaxe)",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "O título da gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "A cor das barras",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Especificar a dirección da gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Especificar a dirección da gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "A etiqueta para o eixe numérico",
- "srf-paramdesc-labelaxislabel": "A etiqueta para o eixe da etiqueta",
- "srf-paramdesc-ticklabels": "Activar a visualización de etiquetas de marca",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "O valor mínimo que mostrar no eixe de ordenadas",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "Mostra os puntos de datos na gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Posición da lenda da gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Etiquetas de datos da gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Texto descritivo da gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Clase CSS adicional",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Seleccione un procesador de gráficas",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Opción de recheo individual",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Seleccione un tema visual para a grella",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Asignar cores individuais á gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Seleccione un esquema de cores",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Especifique a regra de formato para os valores",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Mostrar un marcador de punto de datos",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Aplicar un algoritmo de suavizado nas liñas da gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Mostrar a gráfica en forma de serie apilada",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Seleccionar o agrupamento por series",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Determinar a etiqueta da serie",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "Determinar a etiqueta do grupo",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Opción de visualización do cursor da gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Activar a visualización simultánea dunha gráfica e a súa liña de tencendia",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "Mostrar a gráfica e os conxuntos de datos simultaneamente. Valores permitidos: none e tabs. Predeterminado: none",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Mostrar información adicional na lapela de información correspondente",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Elemento de datos",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Valor dos datos",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "Serie de datos",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Gráfica",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Datos",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Información",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galería",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "A cantidade de imaxes por liña",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "O largo das imaxes",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "A altura das imaxes",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Usar o nome do ficheiro como pé de imaxe cando non se indica ningún",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Ao usar o nome do ficheiro como pé de imaxe, mostrar tamén a extensión do ficheiro",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "O nome dunha propiedade semántica presente nas páxinas consultadas a usar como pé de imaxe",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "Nome dunha propiedade semántica nas páxinas consultadas que apunta cara a imaxes a usar. Cando estea definido, as páxinas consultadas en si non se mostrarán como imaxes",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "O nome dunha propiedade semántica presente nas páxinas consultadas que conteñen o destino da redirección",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Control de navegación do esquema",
- "srf-paramdesc-overlay": "Activar a sobreposición de imaxes",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Anterior",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Seguinte",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Imaxe $1 de $2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "Non se atopou a imaxe.",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Nube de etiquetas",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Se os nomes dos temas deben incluírse",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Como aumentar o tamaño das etiquetas",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "A orde das etiquetas",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "A cantidade mínima de veces que un valor ten que producirse para estar na lista",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "O tamaño das etiquetas máis pequenas en porcentaxe",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "O tamaño das etiquetas máis grandes en porcentaxe",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "A cantidade máxima de etiquetas na nube",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Excluír as etiquetas (delimitador: ;)",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Valor do rango",
- "srf_printername_array": "Táboa",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Mostrar ou omitir os títulos das páxinas como entradas dos resultados",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Imprimir ou non os valores non dispoñibles das propiedades e dos rexistros baleiros solicitados, separados por separadores",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "En caso de que fose especificado e que a ArrayExtension estea dispoñible, isto creará unha táboa co nome indicado (sen saída visible)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Separador entre as propiedades solicitadas",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Separador entre os valores das propiedades con moitos valores",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Separador entre os valores das propiedades de rexistro",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Separador entre o nome e o valor da propiedade se \"headers\" está definido como \"show\" ou \"plain\"",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Hash",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "En caso de que fose aclarado e que a extensión HashTables estea dispoñible, isto creará un hash co nome especificado (sen saída visible)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Son os asuntos ou as propiedades dos nomes pais ou fillos?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Permite definir unha propiedade que se usará como asunto no canto do asunto real",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "A forma de cada nodo na gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Título",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Tamaño da gráfica (en px)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Mostrar ou non a lenga da gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Título da gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Dirección da frecha",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Ligazón da gráfica",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Cor da gráfica",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Axuste automático de liña (en número de caracteres)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "Táboas de datos",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Árbore",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Árbore UL",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Árbore OL",
- "srf-noparentprop": "Non se especificou propiedade pai ningunha. Non se pode construír a árbore sen achegar unha propiedade pai.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "A propiedade que contén a páxina pai",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "Presentación de diapositivas",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "O tempo entre diapositivas, en segundos",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Mostrar ou non os controis de navegación",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "O efecto que se usará ao cambiar dunha diapositiva a outra",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtrado",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-views": "As vistas que deberan estar dispoñibles na presentación do resultado.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-filter-position": "A posición dos filtros en relación coas visitas. Valores permitidos: top, bottom. Predeterminado: top.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "O tipo de lista. Valores permitidos: list, ul, ol. Predeterminado: list.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-template": "O modelo empregado para dar formato ás entradas da lista.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-named-args": "Dea nome aos argumentos que se lle pasan ao modelo.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "O nome dun modelo a mostrar antes dos resultados da pescuda, se houbese algún.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "O nome dun modelo a mostrar despois dos resultados da pescuda, se houbese algún.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-start": "A impresión que contén a data de inicio dun acontecemento",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-end": "A impresión que contén a data de fin dun acontecemento",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title": "A impresión que contén o título dun acontecemento. Non se pode empregar á vez que un modelo de título.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title-template": "Un modelo utilizado para dar formato ao título dun acontecemento no calendario",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "Lista",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Calendario",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "Gráfica D3",
- "srf-printername-timeseries": "Gráfica de serie temporal",
- "srf-paramdesc-group": "Serie agrupada por",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "Activar o zoom",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Activar unha táboa de datos",
- "srf-timeseries-zoom-out-of-range": "O rango do zoom non produciu datos suficientes",
- "srf-printername-sparkline": "Gráfica sparkline",
- "srf-printername-listwidget": "Listwidget",
- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Especificar o tipo de lista",
- "srf-paramdesc-widget": "Widget dispoñible",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "Elementos por páxina",
- "srf-printername-eventcalendar": "Calendario de eventos",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarfirstday": "O día que comeza a semana",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendardefaultview": "A vista inicial cando carga o calendario",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarstart": "O comezo do calendario inicial (valores de data ou date e hora)",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarlegend": "Especifica a posición da lenda e as opcións do filtro asignado",
- "srf-paramdesc-dayview": "Activar a vista de día ao premer no número do día",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "Hoxe",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Mes",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "Semana",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Día",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "Todo o día",
- "srf-printername-dygraphs": "Gráfica dupla",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "A fonte na que están accesibles os datos. Valores permitidos: file, raw e url. Predeterminado: file",
- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "A barra de erro a utilizar. Valores permitidos: fraction (intervalos de confianza dos valores), sigma (desviación típica dos valores) e range (rangos personalizados de valores)",
- "srf-paramdesc-movingaverage": "Mostrar a media despois dun número de días (\"zero\" ha indicar que a media non se move)",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "Descrición do eixe Y",
- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "Descrición do eixe X",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "Unidade",
- "srf-printername-pagewidget": "Pagewidget",
- "srf-printername-incoming": "Propiedades entrantes",
- "srf-paramdesc-min": "Valor mínimo ou límite",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludeproperty": "Excluír a propiedade do conxunto de resultados",
- "srf-printername-media": "Reprodutor multimedia",
- "srf-paramdesc-mediainspector": "Mostra a información detallada sobre un elemento multimedia específico",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-previous": "Anterior",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-play": "Reproducir",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-pause": "Pausar",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-next": "Seguinte",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-stop": "Deter",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-mute": "Silenciar",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-unmute": "Restablecer o son",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-volume-max": "Volume máximo",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle": "Reprodución aleatoria",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle-off": "Reprodución aleatoria desactivada",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat": "Repetición",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat-off": "Repetición desactivada",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-full-screen": "Pantalla completa",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-restore-screen": "Restablecer a pantalla"
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deleted file mode 100644
index a5602496..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/grc.json
+++ /dev/null
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Omnipaedista"
- ]
- },
- "srfc_today": "Σήμερον",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Περίγραμμα"
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9dbf3293..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/gsw.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Als-Holder"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Zuesätzligi Format fir Semantic MediaWiki inline-Abfroge",
- "srf-name": "Semantisch Ergebnis-Format",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Vorige Monet",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Negschte Monet",
- "srfc_today": "Hit",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Gang zum Monet",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Monetlige Kaländer",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Dr Sprochcode fir d Sproch, wu dr Kaländer soll din aazeigt wäre",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "vCard-Export",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "iCalendar-Export",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Dr Titel vu dr Kaländerdatei",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "D Bschryybig vu dr Kaländerdatei",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "BibTeX-Export",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Kei Wärt",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Entwurf",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "D Lischt vu dr Eigeschafte, wu as Ibersichts-Chopftext aazeigt wird, dur Komma trännt",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Zahl vu Nummere",
- "srf_printername_average": "Durschnitt vu Nummere",
- "srf_printername_max": "Hegschti Nummere",
- "srf_printername_min": "Niderschti Nummere",
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deleted file mode 100644
index b5ad99dd..00000000
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- "srfc_previousmonth": "Yn vee roish shen",
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deleted file mode 100644
index 21e27aec..00000000
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- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Podaj wysokosć diagrama abo grafiki (w pikselach)",
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- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Következő",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Címkefelhő",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "A címkék méretének növeléséhez használandó mód",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "A címkék sorrendje",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "Az érték megjelenítéshez szükséges előfordulások minimuma",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "A legkisebb címkék mérete százalékban",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "A legnagyobb címkék mérete százalékban",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "A felhőben lévő címkék maximális mennyisége",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Címkenevek kizárása (;)",
- "srf_printername_array": "Tömb",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Megjelenítse-e az oldalcímeket eredményekként, vagy hagyja ki őket?",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "A kért tulajdonságok közötti elválasztó",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "A tulajdonság neve és értéke közti elválasztó, ha a \"headers\" paraméter \"show\" vagy \"plain\" értékű",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Hash",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Grafikon",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Cím",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Grafikon mérete (pixelben)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Jelmagyarázat megjelenítése vagy sem",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Grafikon címkéje",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Nyíl iránya",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Grafikon linkje",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Grafikon színe",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Sortörési határ (karakterszám)",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Keresés...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Betöltés...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Feldolgozás...",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "Ma",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Hónap",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "Hét",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Nap",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "Egész nap",
- "srf-printername-dygraphs": "Diagram ábra",
- "srf-printername-incoming": "Bejövő tulajdonságok"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ia.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ia.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ec07ef49..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ia.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "McDutchie"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Formatos additional pro incorporar consultas de Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Formatos de resultatos semantic",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Altitude del presentator de diapositivas",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Le latitude del presentator de diapositivas",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Classe CSS additional",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "Le optiones ($1) non es disponibile",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "Le option ($1) require que le parametro [link] es definite como \"all\"",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "Il non ha datos sufficiente pro facer un graphico.",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Mense precedente",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Mense sequente",
- "srfc_today": "Hodie",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Ir al mense",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Calendario mensual",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Le codice del lingua in le qual monstrar le calendario",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "Le color pro cata proprietate de data (exemplo: \"Data de initio=>green,Data de fin=>#09c\")",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Exportation in vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Exportation in iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Le titulo del file del calendario",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "Le description del file del calendario",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Exportation in BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Nulle valor",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Schizzo",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "Le lista de proprietates a presentar como capites de structura, separate per commas",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Total del numeros",
- "srf_printername_average": "Media del numeros",
- "srf_printername_max": "Numero maxime",
- "srf_printername_min": "Numeros minime",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Le numero maxime de paginas a consultar",
- "srf_printername_product": "Producto de numeros",
- "srf_printername_median": "Mediana de numeros",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "Valor predefinite que es monstrate si il non ha resultatos numeric",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Prime hora",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Ultime hora",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Chronologia",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Chronologia de eventos",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Defini qual bandas es monstrate in le resultato.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Defini ubi le chronologia se concentra initialmente.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Un nomine de proprietate usate pro definir un prime puncto de tempore",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Un nomine de proprietate usate pro definir un secunde puncto de tempore",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Le altitude del chronologia",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Ulterior resultatos de iste consulta.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "Es necessari activar JavaScript pro vider le chronologia interactive.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Le vistas a monstrar",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "Le insimul de proprietates a monstrar pro cata pagina",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Le nomine de un patrono con le qual monstrar le proprietates de pagina",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Diagramma a barras de Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Diagramma circular de Google",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Le altitude del diagramma, in pixeles",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Le latitude del diagramma, in pixeles",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Le titulo del diagramma",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Le color del barras",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Specifica le direction de un graphico",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "Le etiquetta pro le axe de numeros",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "Le valor minime a monstrar sur le axe Y",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "Presentar punctos de datos in graphico",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Position del legenda del gaphico",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Monstrar etiquettas del graphico",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Texto descriptive del graphico",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Classe CSS additional",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Selige un motor de rendition de graphicos",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Option de plenamento individual",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Selige un apparentia pro le grillia",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Assignar individual colores al graphico",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Selige un schema de colores",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Specifica le regula de formatation pro le valores",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Presentar un colorator de punctos de datos",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Applicar un algorithmo de lisiamento sur graphicos a lineas",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Presentar graphico como serie accumulate",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Selige aggruppamento de serie",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Specifica etiquettas de serie",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galeria",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "Le numero de imagines per linea",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "Le latitude del imagines",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "Le altitude del imagines",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Usar le nomine de file qua legenda si nulle es fornite",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Si le nomine de file es usate como legenda, monstrar tamben le extension",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "Le nomine de un proprietate semantic presente in le paginas consultate, pro esser usate como legenda",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "Le nomine de un proprietate semantic presente in le paginas consultate, que indica imagines a usar. Si definite, le paginas consultate illos mesme non essera monstrate como imagines.",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Navigation",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Precedente",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Sequente",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Etiquettario",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Si le nomines del subjectos mesme debe esser includite",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Como augmentar le dimension de etiquettas",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "Le ordine del etiquettas",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "Le numero minime de vices que un valor debe occurrer pro esser listate",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "Le dimension del etiquettas le plus parve, como percentage",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "Le dimension del etiquettas le plus grande como percentage",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "Le numero maxime de etiquettas in le nube",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Excluder nomines de etiquettas (;)",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Valor del rango",
- "srf_printername_array": "Array",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Si monstrar titulos de pagina como lineas de resultato o omitter los",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Si monstrar, con separatores, le valores de proprietate e de registro requestate ma indisponibile, o omitter los",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Si isto es specificate e ArrayExtension es disponibile, isto creara un array con le nomine specificate (sin producer un resultato visibile)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Separator inter le proprietates requestate",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Separator inter valores de proprietate plurivalor",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Separator inter valores de proprietates de registro",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Separator inter nomine e valor de proprietate si \"headers\" es mittite a \"show\" o \"plain\"",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Hash",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Si isto es specificate e le extension HashTables es disponibile, isto creara un hash con le nomine specificate (sin producer un resultato visibile)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Graphico",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Le subjectos o proprietates de nomines es genitores o infantes?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Permitte definir un proprietate que essera usate como subjecto in loco del ver subjecto",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "Le forma de cata nodo in le graphico",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Titulo",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Dimension del graphico (in pixels)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Monstrar le legenda del graphico o non",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Etiquetta del graphico",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Direction del sagitta",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Ligamine al graphico",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Color del graphico",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Limite pro torno de parolas (in numero de characteres)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "Tabellas de datos",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Arbore",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Arbore UL",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Arbore OL",
- "srf-noparentprop": "Nulle proprietate genitor specificate. Le arbore non pote esser construite sin specification de un proprietate genitor.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "Le proprietate que contine le pagina genitor",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "Presentation de diapositivas",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "Tempore inter diapositivas in secundas",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Monstrar controlos de navigation o non",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "Le effecto a usar pro cambiar inter diapositivas",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtrate"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/id.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/id.json
deleted file mode 100644
index fcc8b000..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/id.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Bennylin",
- "Farras",
- "IvanLanin",
- "Kenrick95",
- "පසිඳු කාවින්ද"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Format tambahan untuk kueri Semantik MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Format Hasil Semantik",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Sebelumnya",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Sumber",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Bulan lalu",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Bulan depan",
- "srfc_today": "Hari ini",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Pergi ke bulan",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Kalender bulanan",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Kode untuk bahasa yang digunakan untuk menampilkan kalender",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Ekspor vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Ekspor iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Judul berkas kalender",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "Deskripsi berkas kalender",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Ekspor BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Tanpa nilai",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Ikhtisar",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "Daftar properti yang akan ditampilkan sebagai kepala luar, dipisah oleh koma",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Jumlah angka",
- "srf_printername_average": "Angka rata-rata",
- "srf_printername_max": "Angka maksimum",
- "srf_printername_min": "Angka minimum",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Jumlah maksimal halaman yang dicari",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Garis waktu",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Garis kejadian",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Menetapkan tanda yang mana yang ditampilkan di hasil.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Menetapkan tempat fokus awal garis waktu.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Nama properti untuk menetapkan titik waktu pertama",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Nama properti untuk menetapkan titik waktu kedua",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Tinggi garis waktu",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Pandangan yang akan ditampilkan",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "Rangkaian properti untuk ditampilkan di setiap halaman",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Nama templat untuk menampilkan properti halaman",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Grafik batang Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Grafik pai Google",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Tinggi grafik, dalam piksel",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Lebar grafik, dalam piksel",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Judul grafik",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Warna batang",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Arah grafik batang",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "Label untuk poros nomor",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Data",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galeri",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "Jumlah gambar per baris",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "Lebar gambar",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "Tinggi gambar",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Gunakan nama berkas sebagai judul jika judul tidak diberikan",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Sebelumnya",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Awan tag",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Jika nama subjek sendiri harus dimasukkan",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Bagaimana meningkatkan ukuran tag",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "Urutan tag",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "Jumlah minimum kemunculan suatu nilai untuk dapat didaftarkan",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "Ukuran tag terkecil dalam persen",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "Ukuran tag terbesar dalam persen",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "Jumlah maksimum tag di awan",
- "srf_printername_array": "Larik",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Tampilkan atau sembunyikan judul halaman sebagai entri hasil",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Tampilkan atau sembunyikan nilai properti dan rekaman yang kosong, dipisahkan dengan pemisah",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Jika diberikan dan ArrayExtension tersedia, parameter ini akan membuat larik dengan nama yang diberikan",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Pemisah antara properti yang diminta",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Pemisah antara banyak properti bernilai",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Pemisah antara nilai properti rekaman",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Hash",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Jika diberikan dan ekstensi HashTables tersedia, parameter ini akan membuat hash dengan nama yang diberikan",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Grafik",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Apakah subjek atau properti nama merupakan induk atau turunan?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Memungkinkan pengaturan properti yang akan digunakan sebagai subjek, alih-alih subjek yang sebenarnya",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "Bentuk masing-masing nodus (node) pada grafik",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Judul",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Besar grafik (dalam px)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Tampilkan legenda grafik",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Label grafik",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Arah panah",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Tautan grafik",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Warna grafik",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Batas pemenggalan kata (dalam jumlah karakter)",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "Daftar",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Kalender",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "Hari ini",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Bulan",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Hari"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ig.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ig.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 39870b6f..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ig.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Ukabia"
- ]
- },
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Ga na önwa",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Ahiriogẹ",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Ahiriomémé",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Ngwa nkuzie Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Orịrị nkuzie Google",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Ógólógó ihü nkuzie, na ogụgụ pixel",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Íbụ ihü nkuzie, na ogụgụ pixel"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/it.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/it.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4417000c..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/it.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Beta16",
- "Civvì",
- "Darth Kule",
- "F. Cosoleto",
- "පසිඳු කාවින්ද",
- "Ankabel"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Formati addizionali per i risultati delle query di Semantic Mediawiki",
- "srf-name": "Formati di risultato semantici",
- "prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options": "Opzioni calendario eventi",
- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "Opzioni tabelle dati",
- "srf-module-loading": "Caricamento in corso...",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Layout disponibili",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Altezza",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Larghezza",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Specificare un'ulteriore classe di foglio di stile CSS",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "Nessun risultato trovato",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Precedente",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Prec",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Successivo",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Fonte",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Opzioni",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "Opzione ($1) non disponibile",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "L'opzione ($1) richiede che il parametro \"link\" sia impostato a \"all\"",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Layout mancante",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Mese precedente",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Mese successivo",
- "srfc_today": "Oggi",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Vai al mese",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Calendario mensile",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Il codice per la lingua in cui visualizzare il calendario",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "esportazione vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "esportazione iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Il titolo del file di calendario",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "La descrizione del file di calendario",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "esportazione BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Nessun valore",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Contorno",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "L'elenco delle proprietà, separate da virgola, da visualizzare come intestazioni di contorno",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Somma di numeri",
- "srf_printername_average": "Media dei numeri",
- "srf_printername_max": "Numero massimo",
- "srf_printername_min": "Numero minimo",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Il numero massimo di pagine per eseguire una query",
- "srf_printername_product": "Prodotto di numeri",
- "srf_printername_median": "Mediana di numeri",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Linea del tempo (timeline)",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Linea degli eventi",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Definisce quali bande temporali vengono visualizzati nel risultato",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Definisce in quale punto inizia la linea del tempo",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Il nome della proprietà usata per definire il primo punto temporale",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Il nome della proprietà usata per definire il secondo punto temporale",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "L'altezza della linea temporale",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Le visualizzazioni da mostrare",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "L'insieme di proprietà da visualizzare per ogni pagina",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Il nome di un template con cui mostrare le proprietà della pagina",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Google bar chart",
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- "GreenZeb",
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- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-named-args": "Именувајте ги аргументите што му се предаваат на шаблонот.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "Име на шаблонот за приказ пред резултатите од пребарувањето, ако ги има",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "Име на шаблонот за приказ по резултатите од пребарувањето, ако ги има",
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- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-end": "Исписот што го содржи датумот на завршување на настанот",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title": "Исписот што го содржи насловот на настанот. Не може да се користи заедно со насловен шаблон.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title-template": "Шаблон со кој се форматира насловот на настанот во календарот",
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- "srf-timeseries-zoom-out-of-range": "Опсегот на приближување не даде достатни податоци",
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- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Укажување на тип на списокот",
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- "srf-paramdesc-calendarlegend": "Укажива на кое местото ќе стои легендатата и доделените филтерски можности",
- "srf-paramdesc-dayview": "Овозможува преглед на поедичени денови со стискање на бројот на денот",
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- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Месец",
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- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-success": "Подновата на календарот со настани е успешна.",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-error": "Не успеа подновата на календарот.",
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- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "Укажете ја пругата за грешки што ќе се користи. Допуштени вредности: „fraction“ (интервали на доверба за вредностите), „sigma“ (стандардно отстапување на вредностите) и „range“ (прилагодени вредносни опсези)",
- "srf-paramdesc-movingaverage": "Прикажи го просекот за извесен број денови (ако укажете <code>zero</code> (нула), тогаш ова ќе значи дека нема подвижен просек)",
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- "srf-excel-missing-phpexcel": "Не можев да извезам за MS-Excel бидејќи не е воспоставен додатокот [ PHPExcel]."
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deleted file mode 100644
index 51531ae8..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ml.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Shijualex"
- ]
- },
- "srfc_previousmonth": "കഴിഞ്ഞ മാസം",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "അടുത്ത മാസം",
- "srfc_today": "ഇന്ന്",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "മാസത്തിലേക്ക് പോവുക",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iകലണ്ടർ"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/mr.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/mr.json
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index 9ef8be46..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/mr.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Mahitgar"
- ]
- },
- "srfc_previousmonth": "मागचा महीना",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "पुढचा महीना",
- "srfc_today": "आज",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "महीन्याकडे चला",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "इ-कैलेंडर"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ms.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ms.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 74f3c476..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ms.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Anakmalaysia"
- ]
- },
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Tajuk"
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deleted file mode 100644
index 50abd06e..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/myv.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Botuzhaleny-sodamo"
- ]
- },
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Йутазь ковсто",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Сы ковсто",
- "srfc_today": "Течи"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nah.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nah.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 22b4acc6..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nah.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Fluence"
- ]
- },
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Achto mētztli",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Niman mētztli",
- "srfc_today": "Āxcān",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Yāuh mētzhuīc"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nb.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nb.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e02423bf..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nb.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Event",
- "Nghtwlkr"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Tilleggsformater for Semantic MediaWiki-spørringer",
- "srf-name": "Semantisk resultatformat",
- "prefs-srf": "Semantic Result Formats",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "Du har installert utvidelsen Semantic Result Formats. For ytterligere assistanse kan du se på [ result formats] hjelpsiden.",
- "prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options": "Valgmuligheter i hendelseskalenderen.",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-update-default": "Aktiviser [ automatiske oppdateringer] av kalenderhendelser ved sideoppdatering",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-paneview-default": "Aktiviser panelvisning som standard",
- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "DataTables-valgmuligheter",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-update-default": "Aktiviser [ automatiske oppdateringer] av tabellinnhold ved sideoppdatering",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-cache-default": "Aktiviser [ lokal lagring] for å forbedre responstiden",
- "srf-module-loading": "Laster...",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Tilgjengelige visninger",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Høyde",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Bredde",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Angi en CSS-klasse til",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "Ingen treff",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Tilgjengelige diagramtyper",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Forrige",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Forrige",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Neste",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Kilde",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Datakilde",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "Serveren rapporte feil i kommunikasjonen for denne $1. Vær vennlig å oppdatere siden eller sjekk med denne $2.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "etterspurt objekt",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "hjelpeavsnitt",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Valgmuligheter",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "Avgrensning",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-legend": "Tegnforklaring",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "Filter",
- "srf-ui-common-label-refresh": "Oppdater",
- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "Parametre",
- "srf-ui-common-label-query": "Spørring",
- "srf-ui-common-label-paneview": "Panelvisning",
- "srf-ui-common-label-daterange": "Datoområde",
- "srf-ui-widgets-label-parameter-limit": "Grenseparameter",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "Valgmulighet ($1) er ikke tilgjengelig",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "Valgmulighet ($1) krever at parameter \"link\" settes til \"all\"",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Visningsutforming mangler",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "Diagrammet er tomt fordi det ikke finnes data som kan presenteres.",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Forrige måned",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Neste måned",
- "srfc_today": "I dag",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Gå til måned",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Månedlig kalender",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Språkkoden for språket som kalenderen skal vises i",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "Fargen som vil brukes for hver datoegenskap (eksempel: \"Start date=>green,End date=>#09c\")",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "vCard-eksport",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iKalender",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "iCalendar-eksport",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Tittelen på kalenderfilen",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "Beskrivelsen av kalenderfilen",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "BibTeX-eksport",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Ingen verdi",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Disposisjon",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "Listen over egenskaper som skal vises som disposisjonsoverskrifter, adskilt med komma",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Tallsum",
- "srf_printername_average": "Gjennomsnitt av tall",
- "srf_printername_max": "Største tall",
- "srf_printername_min": "Minste tall",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Maks antall sider å etterspørre",
- "srf_printername_product": "Produktet av tallene",
- "srf_printername_median": "Median av tall",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "Standardverdi som vises når det ikke er numeriske resultater",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Tidligst tidspunkt",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Senest tidspunkt",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Tidslinje",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Hendelseslinje",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Definerer hvilke bånd som vises i resultatet.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Definerer hvor tidslinjen først fokuseres rundt.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Et egenskapsnavn brukt for å definere et første tidspunkt",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Et egenskapsnavn brukt for å definere et andre tidspunkt",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Høyden på tidslinjen",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Flere resultater for denne spørringen",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "Du må tillate JavaScript for å kunne se den interaktive tidslinjen.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Visninger som skal sees",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "Egenskapssettet som skal vises for hver side",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Navnet på malen som skal vise frem sideegenskapene",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Google stolpediagram",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Google kakediagram",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": "jqPlot-diagram",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "jqPlot-rekke",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Angi diagrammets høyde, i piksler",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Angi diagrammes bredde, i piksler",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Tittelen på diagrammet",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Fargen på stolpene",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Angi diagramretning",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Angi diagrammets retning",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "Etiketten for tallaksen",
- "srf-paramdesc-labelaxislabel": "Etiketten for tallaksen",
- "srf-paramdesc-ticklabels": "Vis akseverdier",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "Minimumsverdi på Y-aksen",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "Visning diagramspesifikke datapunkter",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Diagramforklaringsposisjon",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Vis dataetiketter",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Beskrivende diagramtekst",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Ekstra CSS-klasse",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Velg en diagram-fremviser",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Valg av enkeltutfylling",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Velg et rutenett-tema",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Bruk individuelle diagramfarger",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Velg en fargepalett",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Velg en formateringsregel for verdier",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Vis en datapunktuthever",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Bruk glatting i linjediagrammer",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Vis diagrammet som en stablet rekke",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Velg rekkegruppering",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Angi rekke-etiketter",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "Angi gruppe-etikett",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Visningsvalg for diagrampekere",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Aktiviser samtidig visning av diagram og tendenslinje",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "Vis diagram og datasett samtidig. Tillatte verdier: \"none\" og \"tabs\". Standardverdi: \"none\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Vis tilleggsinformasjon på en tilhørende info-fane",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Dataelement",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Dataverdi",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "Datarekke",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Diagram",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Data",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Info",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galleri",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "Antall bilder per rad",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "Bredde på bildene",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "Høyde på bildene",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Bruk filnavn som bildetekst når denne mangler",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Hvis filnavn brukes som figurtekst, vis også filtypen",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "Som figurtekst brukes navnet på den semantiske egenskapen tilgjengelig på sidene med spørringer",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "Navnet på en semantisk egenskap for sidene med spørringer som peker to bilder som skal brukes. Hvis satt, blir sidene med spørringer ikke selv vist frem som bilder.",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "Navnet på en semantisk egenskap til stede på spørringssidene som inneholder omdirigeringsmålet",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Navigering for resultatutforming",
- "srf-paramdesc-overlay": "Aktiviser lagdeling av bilder",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Forrige",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Neste",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Bilde $1 av $2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "Bildet ble ikke funnet",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Tagg-sky",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Hvis emnetekstene selv bør være med",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Hvordan du øker størrelsen på taggene",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "Tagrekkefølgen",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "Minste antall forekomster av en verdi for at den skal bli oppført",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "Størrelsen på de minste taggene i prosent",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "Størrelsen på de største taggene i prosent",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "Minste antall tagger i skyen",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Ekskluder (skilletegn: \";\")",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Verdirangering",
- "srf_printername_array": "Array",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Angi om sidetitlene skal vises eller skjules i resultatlisten",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Angi om utilgjengelige egenskaper eller record-verdier adskilt med skilletegn skal vises eller skjules",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Hvis angitt samt at ArrayExtension er tilgjengelig, vil dette opprette et array med det angitte navnet",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Skilletegn mellom valgte egenskaper",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Skilletegn mellom flere verdier for samme egenskap",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Skilletegn mellom flerverdi-recordegenskaper",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Skilletegn mellom egenskapsnavn og -verdi hvis \"overskrifter\" er satt til \"vis\" eller \"vanlig\"",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Hash",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Hvis angitt samt at HashTables-utvidelsen er tilgjengelig, vil dette opprette en hashkode med det angitte navnet",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Graf",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Er subjektene eller navnegenskapene foreldre eller barn?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Tillater å sette en egenskap som vil brukes som subjekt istedenfor det egentlige subjektet",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "Formen på hver node i grafen",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Tittel",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Grafstørrelse (i piksler)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Vis eller skjul graf-beskrivelse",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Graf-etikett",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Pilretning",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Graf-lenke",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Graf-farge",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Maksimal lengde av tekstlinje",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "Datatabeller",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-conditions": "Betingelser",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-parameters": "Parametre",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-filters": "Kolonnefiltre og søk",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-information": "Informasjon",
- "srf-ui-datatables-panel-disclaimer": "Parametre og betingelser kan endres, men slike endringer er midlertidige og borte etter en sideoppdatering.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-success": "Tabelloppdateringen var vellykket",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-error": "Tabelloppdateringen var mislykket",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Søk...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-cache": "Innholdet ble hentet fra det lokale mellomlagret.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-server": "Innholdet ble hentet fra serveren.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-header": "Tilgjengelige kolonner",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-noneselectedtext": "Filterinnstillinger",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-selectedtext": "Kolonner er synlige",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sEmptyTable": "Ingen data tilgjengelige i tabellen",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfo": "Viser _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ punkter",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "Viser 0 til 0 av 0 punkter",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoFiltered": "(filtrert fra _MAX_ samlede punkter)",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoThousands": "&nbsp;",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLengthMenu": "Vis _MENU_ punkter",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Laster...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Behandler...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "Søk:",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sZeroRecords": "Ingen samsvarende poster ble funnet",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sFirst": "Første",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sLast": "Siste",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "Neste",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "Forrige",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortAscending": ": aktiviser for å sortere kolonne stigende",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortDescending": ": aktiviser for å sortere kolonne synkende",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Tre",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Unummerert tre",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Nummerert tre",
- "srf-noparentprop": "Ingen foreldreegenskap er oppgitt. Treet kan ikke bygges uten en slik.",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "$1 er ikke en gyldig sidetittel.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "Egenskapen som inneholder foreldresiden",
- "srf-paramdesc-root": "Rotsiden av treet"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nl.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nl.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d6f12ccb..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nl.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "AvatarTeam",
- "GerardM",
- "McDutchie",
- "Rcdeboer",
- "SPQRobin",
- "Siebrand",
- "Southparkfan"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Aanvullende formaten voor inline zoekopdrachten via Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Semantische resultaatopmaken",
- "prefs-srf": "Semantische resultaatopmaken",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "U heeft de uitbreiding Semantic Result Formats geïnstalleerd, die op dit moment geen instelbare gebruikersopties heeft. Raadpleeg de hulppagina voor [ resultaatopmaken] voor meer informatie.",
- "srf-module-loading": "Bezig met laden…",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Beschikbare opmaak",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Hoogte",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Breedte",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Geef een extra CSS-klasse op",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "Geen overeenkomsten gevonden",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Beschikbaar grafiektype",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Vorige",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Vorige",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Volgende",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Bron",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Gegevensbron",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "De server heeft een communicatiefout gerapporteerd voor dit $1. Probeer de pagina opnieuw te laden of raadpleeg deze $2.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "verzoek",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "hulppagina",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Opties",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "Scope",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "De optie ($1) is niet beschikbaar",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "Voor optie ($1) moet de parameter \"link\" ingesteld worden op \"all\".",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Vormgeving ontbreekt",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "De grafiek of kaart is leeg omdat er gegevens missen",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Vorige maand",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Volgende maand",
- "srfc_today": "Vandaag",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Ga naar maand",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Maandkalender",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "De taalcode voor de taal waarin de kalender wordt weergegeven",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "De kleur weer te geven voor elke datumeigenschap (voorbeeld: \"Startdatum=>green,Einddatum=>#09c\")",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Naar vCard exporteren",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Naar iCalendar exporteren",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "De titel van het kalenderbestand",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "De beschrijving van het kalenderbestand",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Naar BibTeX exporteren",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Geen waarde",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Outline",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "De koomagescheiden lijst met eigenschappen die weergegeven moet worden als overzichtskoptekst",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Som van getallen",
- "srf_printername_average": "Gemiddelde van getallen",
- "srf_printername_max": "Hoogste getal",
- "srf_printername_min": "Laagste getal",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Het maximaal aantal op te vragen pagina's",
- "srf_printername_product": "Product van getallen",
- "srf_printername_median": "Mediaan van getallen",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "De standaard waarde die wordt weergegeven als er geen numerieke resultaten zijn",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Vroegste tijd",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Meest recente tijd",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Tijdlijn",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Gebeurtenissenlijn",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Geeft aan welke banden in het resultaat weergegeven moeten worden.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Geeft aan waar de tijdlijn zich aanvankelijk op richt.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "De naam van een eigenschap die wordt gebruikt om het eerst punt in de tijd te bepalen",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "De naam van een eigenschap die wordt gebruikt om het tweede punt in de tijd te bepalen",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "De hoogte van de tijdlijn",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Meer resultaten voor deze zoekopdracht.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "U moet JavaScript ingeschakeld hebben om de interactieve tijdlijn te kunnen weergeven.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "De weer te geven overzichten",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "De op iedere pagina weer te geven eigenschappen",
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- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "jqPlotserie",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Geef de hoogte op (in pixels) van een kaart of grafiek",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Geef de breedte op (in pixels) van een kaart of grafiek",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Grafiektitel",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "De kleur van de balken",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Geeft de richting van een grafiek aan",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Geef de richting van een tabel of grafiek op",
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- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "De minimumwaarde om weer te geven op de Y-as",
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- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Positie van de grafieklegenda",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Grafiek- of kaartlabels weergeven",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Beschrijvende grafiektekst",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Extra CSS-klasse",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Selecteer een renderer voor een kaart of grafiek",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Optie voor individuele vulling",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Selecteer een vormgeving voor het raster",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Individuele grafiekkleuren toewijzen",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Selecteer een kleurschema",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Geef een opmaakregel voor de waarden op",
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- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Lijnen in lijngrafieken vloeiend maken",
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- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Selecteer groeperen van series",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Label voor series bepalen",
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- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Optie voor het weergeven van een cursor in de grafiek",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Gelijktijdige weergave van een tabel en de trendlijn inschakelen",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "Tabel en gegevensets gelijktijdig weergeven. Toegestane waarden: \"none\" en \"tabs\". Standaard: \"none\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Extra informatie in een bijbehorend informatietabblad weergeven",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Gegevensitem",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Gegevenswaarde",
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- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Informatie",
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- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "Het aantal afbeeldingen per rij",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "De breedte van de afbeeldingen",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "De hoogte van de afbeeldingen",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Bestandsnaam als beschrijving gebruiken als er geen is opgegeven",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Ook de extensie weergeven als bestandsnamen als bijschrift worden gebruikt",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "De naam van een semantische eigenschap die aanwezig is op de doorzochte pagina's die gebruikt moet worden als bijschrift",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "De naam van een semantische eigenschap die aanwezig is op de doorzochte pagina's die verwijst naar de te gebruiken afbeeldingen. Als deze instelling wordt gebruikt, worden de doorzochte pagina's zelf niet weergegeven als afbeeldingen",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "De naam van een semantische eigenschap die aanwezig is op de opgevraagde pagina's die het doorverwijzingsdoel bevatten",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Navigatie-instellingen",
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- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Volgende",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Afbeelding $1 van $2",
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- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Woordwolk",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Of de namen van de onderwerpen zelf opgenomen moeten worden",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Hoe de grootte van de labels moet worden vergroot",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "De volgorde van de labels",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "Het minimale aantal keren dat een waarde moet voorkomen om opgenomen te worden",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "De grootte van de kleinste labels in percentage",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "De grootte van de grootste labels in percentage",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "Het maximale aantal labels in de wolk",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Labels uitsluiten (scheidingsteken is \";\")",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Rangwaarde",
- "srf_printername_array": "Array",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Of paginanamen moeten worden weergegeven of weggelaten in resultaatregels",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Of lege eigenschap- en recordwaardes door komma's gescheiden moeten worden weergegeven of weggelaten",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Als opgegeven en ArrayExtension is beschikbaar, wordt een array met de aangegeven naam gemaakt (er is dan geen zichtbare uitvoer)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Scheidingsteken voor de opgevraagde eigenschappen",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Scheidingsteken voor eigenschappen met meerdere waarden",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Scheidingsteken voor waarden van recordeigenschappen",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Scheidingsteken tussen de eigenschapnaam en de waarde als \"headers\" is ingesteld op \"show\" of \"plain\"",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Hash",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Als opgegeven en de uitbreiding HashTables is beschikbaar, dan wordt een hash met de aangegeven naam gemaakt (er is dan geen zichtbare uitvoer)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Grafiek",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Zijn de onderwerpen of naameigenschappen ouders of kinderen?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Maakt het mogelijk een eigenschap in te stellen die wordt gebruikt als onderwerp in plaats van het eigenlijke onderwerp",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "De vorm van de knooppunten in de grafiek.",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Naam",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Grafiekgrootte (in pixels)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Legenda weergeven of verbergen",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Grafieklabel",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Pijlrichting",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Grafiekkoppeling",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Grafiekkleur",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Regellimiet (in aantal tekens)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "Gegevenstabellen",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Bezig met laden...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "Volgende",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "Vorige",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Boom",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Ongenummerde lijst",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Genummerde lijst",
- "srf-noparentprop": "Er is geen bovenliggende eigenschap opgegeven. De boom kan niet opgebouwd worden zonder een bovenliggende eigenschap.",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "$1 is geen geldige paginatitel.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "De eigenschap die de bovenliggende pagina bevat",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "Diapresentatie",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "De vertraging tussen dia's in seconden",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Of navigatieknoppen wel of niet weergegeven moeten worden",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "Het effect om tussen dia's te wisselen",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Gefilterd",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-views": "De views die beschikbaar zijn in de resultaatweergave.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-filter-position": "De positie van de filters in relatie tot de views. Toegestane waarden: \"top\" en \"bottom\". Standaard: \"top\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "Het lijsttype. Toegestane waarden: \"list\", \"ul\" en \"ol\". Standaard: \"list\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-template": "De sjabloon die wordt gebruikt om de lijstonderdelen op te maken.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-named-args": "Naam van de argumenten die worden doorgegeven aan de sjabloon.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "De naam van een sjabloon om voor de resultaten van de zoekopdracht weer te geven, als er resultaten zijn.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "De naam van een sjabloon om na de resultaten van de zoekopdracht weer te geven, als er resultaten zijn.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title-template": "Een sjabloon dat wordt gebruikt om de naam van een gebeurtenis in de kalender weer te geven",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "Lijst",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Kalender",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "D3-grafiek",
- "srf-printername-timeseries": "Tijdseriegrafiek",
- "srf-paramdesc-group": "Series groepen op",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "Zoom inschakelen",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Gegevenstabel inschakelen",
- "srf-timeseries-zoom-out-of-range": "Het zoombereik heeft onvoldoende gegevens opgeleverd",
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- "srf-printername-listwidget": "Lijstwidget",
- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Geef het lijsttype op",
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- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "Items per pagina",
- "srf-printername-eventcalendar": "Evenementenkalender",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarfirstday": "De dag waarop de week begint",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendardefaultview": "De weergave wanneer de kalender wordt geladen",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarstart": "De begindatum van de kalender (datum- of datumtijdwaarden)",
- "srf-paramdesc-dayview": "Dagweergave inschakelen door te klikken op het dagnummer",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "Vandaag",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Maand",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "Week",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Dag",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "Hele dag",
- "srf-printername-dygraphs": "Dygraphsgrafiek",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "De bron op waar de gegevens toegankelijk zijn. Toegestane waarden: \"file\", \"raw\" en \"url\". Standaard: \"file\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "De te gebruiken foutbalk. Toegestane waarden: \"fractie\" (vertrouwensintervallen voor waarden), \"sigma\" (standaarddeviatie van waarden) en \"range\" (aangepaste waardereeksen).",
- "srf-paramdesc-movingaverage": "Het gemiddelde over een aantal dagen weergeven (met \"0\" wordt aangegeven dat er geen glijdend gemiddelde weergegeven moet worden)",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "Op Y-as weer te geven beschrijving",
- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "Op X-as weer te geven beschrijving",
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- "srf-printername-pagewidget": "Paginawidget",
- "srf-printername-incoming": "Inkomende eigenschappen",
- "srf-paramdesc-min": "Minimale waar of drempelwaarde",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludeproperty": "Eigenschap uitsluiten van resultaatset",
- "srf-printername-media": "Mediaspeler",
- "srf-paramdesc-mediainspector": "Geeft gedetailleerde gegevens weer over een aangegeven mediaelement",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-previous": "Vorige",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-play": "Afspelen",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-pause": "Pauzeren",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-next": "Volgende",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-stop": "Stoppen",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-mute": "Geluid uit",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-unmute": "Geluid aan",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-volume-max": "max volume",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle": "Willekeurig",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle-off": "Willekeurig uit",
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- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat-off": "Herhalen uit",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-full-screen": "Volledig scherm",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-restore-screen": "Scherm herstellen"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nn.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nn.json
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--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/nn.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Eirik",
- "Gunnernett"
- ]
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- "srf-desc": "Fleire format for Semantic MediaWiki «inline»-spørjingar",
- "srf-name": "Semantisk resultatformat",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Førre månad",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Neste månad",
- "srfc_today": "I dag",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Gå til månad",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Månadleg kalender",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "vCard eksport",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "iCalendar eksport",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "BibTeX eksport",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Ingen verdi",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Sum av tal",
- "srf_printername_average": "Gjennomsnitt av tal",
- "srf_printername_max": "Største tal",
- "srf_printername_min": "Minste tal",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Tidsline",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Tidsline for hendingar"
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deleted file mode 100644
index cfdb6a28..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/oc.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Boulaur",
- "Cedric31"
- ]
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- "srf-desc": "Formats adicionals d'afichatge de resultat per las requèstas de Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Formatatge dels resultats semantics",
- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "Opcions {{INT:srf-printername-datatables}}",
- "srf-module-loading": "Cargament…",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-legend": "Legenda",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "Filtre",
- "srf-ui-common-label-refresh": "Refrescar",
- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "Paramètres",
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- "srfc_previousmonth": "Mes precedent",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Mes seguent",
- "srfc_today": "Uèi",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Anar cap al mes",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Calendièr mesadièr",
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- "srf_printername_vcard": "expòrt en vCard",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iCalendièr",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "expòrt en iCalendar",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "expòrt en BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Pas cap de valor",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Esbòs",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Soma de nombres",
- "srf_printername_average": "Mejana dels nombres",
- "srf_printername_max": "Nombre maximal",
- "srf_printername_min": "Nombre minimal",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Cronologia",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Cronologia dels eveniments",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Element de donada",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Exclure los noms de balisa (delimitador : ';')",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Títol",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-conditions": "Condicions",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-parameters": "Paramètres",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-filters": "Filtres de colomna e recèrca",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-information": "Informacion",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-success": "La mesa a jorn del tablèu a capitat",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Recèrca en cors…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-header": "Colomnas disponiblas",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-noneselectedtext": "Paramètres de filtre",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-selectedtext": "Las colomnas son visiblas",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfo": "Afichatge de _START_ a _END_ sus _TOTAL_ entradas",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "Afichatge de 0 a 0 sus 0 entradas",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoFiltered": "(filtrat per _MAX_ entradas al total)",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoThousands": ",",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLengthMenu": "Afichar las entradas _MENU_",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Cargament…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Tractament en cors...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "Recercar :",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sFirst": "Primièr",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sLast": "Darrièr",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "Seguent",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "Precedent",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortAscending": ": activar per triar la colomna en òrdre creissent",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "$1 es pas un títol de pagina valida.",
- "srf-paramdesc-root": "La pagina raiç de l’arbre",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "Lo tipe de la lista. Valors permesas: « list », « ul », « ol ». Per defaut : « list ».",
- "srf-excel-link": "Excel"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/om.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/om.json
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index ef587162..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/om.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Tumsaa"
- ]
- },
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Barbaacha..."
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pdc.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pdc.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6049eb09..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pdc.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Xqt"
- ]
- },
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Letscht Munet",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Neegscht Munet",
- "srfc_today": "Heit"
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deleted file mode 100644
index 518f2c22..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pfl.json
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- "authors": [
- "Manuae"
- ]
- },
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Vorische Monad",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Negschde Monad",
- "srfc_today": "Haid",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "De friehschde Zaidpungd",
- "srf_printername_latest": "De schbedschde Zaidpungd"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pl.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pl.json
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index 338092f7..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pl.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "BeginaFelicysym",
- "Maire",
- "Sp5uhe",
- "ToSter",
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- "Alan ffm"
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- "srf-desc": "Dodatkowe formaty dla zapytań semantycznych MediaWiki z wiersza poleceń",
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- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Źródło danych",
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- "srfc_gotomonth": "Idź do miesiąca",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Kalendarz na miesiąc",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Kod języka, w którym jest wyświetlany kalendarz",
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- "srf_printername_icalendar": "eksport iCalendar",
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- "srf_outline_novalue": "Brak wartości",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Szkic",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "Spis właściwości, które zostaną wyświetlone jako nagłówki konspektu, rozdzielone przecinkami",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Suma liczb",
- "srf_printername_average": "Średnia liczb",
- "srf_printername_max": "Maksymalna liczba",
- "srf_printername_min": "Minimalna liczba",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Maksymalna liczba stron dla zapytania",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Oś czasu",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Oś wydarzeń",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Określa, które okresy są wyświetlane w wynikach.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Określa, gdzie początkowo zaczyna się oś czasu.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Nazwa własności używana do określenia pierwszego punktu w czasie.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Nazwa własności używana do określenia drugiego punktu w czasie.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Wysokość osi czasu",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Widoki do wyświetlenia",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "Zestaw właściwości do wyświetlenia na każdej stronie",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Nazwa szablonu, który zostanie użyty do wyświetlenia właściwości strony",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "wykres słupkowy Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "wykres kołowy Google",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Wskaż wysokość wykresu (w pikselach)",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Wskaż szerokość wykresu (w pikselach)",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Tytuł wykresu",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Kolory słupków",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Wskaż kierunek wykresu",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "Etykieta wartości osi",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Element danych",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galeria",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "Dzisiaj",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Miesiąc",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "Tydzień",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Dzień",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat": "Powtórz",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat-off": "Powtarzanie wyłączone",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-full-screen": "Pełny ekran"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pms.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pms.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 15efeb7f..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pms.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Borichèt",
- "Dragonòt",
- "පසිඳු කාවින්ද"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Formà adissionaj për anterogassion an linia ëd Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Formà dj'Arzultà Semàntich",
- "prefs-srf": "Formà dj'Arzultà Semàntich",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "A l'ha anstalà l'estension Formà dj'Arzultà Semàntich che al moment a l'ha gnun-e opsion utent përsonalisabij. Për assistensa, për piasì, ch'a vìsita la pagina d'agiut [ formà dj'arzultà]",
- "srf-module-loading": "A caria ...",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Visualisassion disponìbij",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Autëssa",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Larghëssa",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Spessifiché na classa adissional ëd feuj dë stil an cascada",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "A-i é pa gnun-a ròba parèj",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Sòrt ëd gràfich disponìbil",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Prima",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Andaré",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Apress",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Sorgiss",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Sorgiss dij dat",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "Ël servent a l'ha arportà na comunicassion falìa për $1. Për piasì, ch'a preuva a rinfrësché la pàgina o ch'a consulta $2.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "ciamé n'ogèt",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "session d'agiut",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Opsion",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "But",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "L'opsion ($1) a l'é pa disponìbil",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "L'opsion ($1) a veul che ël paràmetr \"link\" a sia ampostà a \"all\"",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Visualisassion mancanta",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "La tàula o ël gràfich a son veuid a càusa ëd dat mancant",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Meis prima",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Meis apress",
- "srfc_today": "Ancheuj",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Va al meis",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Armanach dël meis",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Ël còdes për la lenga ant la qual visualisé ël calendari",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "Ël color da mostré për minca propietà dla data (për esempi: \"Start date=>green,End date=>#09c\")",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "esportassion ëd vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "esportassion d'iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Ël tìtol ëd l'archivi dël calendari",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "La descrission ëd l'achivi dël calendari",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "esportassion BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Pa gnun valor",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Fòra linia",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "La lista ëd proprietà da visualisé com antestassion, separà da vìrgole",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Total dij nùmer",
- "srf_printername_average": "Media dij nùmer",
- "srf_printername_max": "Nùmer pì gròss",
- "srf_printername_min": "Nùmer pì cit",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Ël nùmer màssim ëd pàgine da ciamé",
- "srf_printername_product": "Prodòt dij nùmer",
- "srf_printername_median": "Media dij nùmer",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "Valor predefinì che a sarà smonù quand a-i é gnun arzultà numérich",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Prima ora",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Ùltima ora",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Cronologìa",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Cronologìa dj'event",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "A definiss che partìe a son visualisà ant l'arzultà.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "A definiss andoa la cronologìa a part inissialment.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Ël nòm ëd na proprietà dovrà për definì un prim pont ëd temp",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Ël nòm ëd na proprietà dovrà për definì un secont pont ëd temp",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "L'autëssa dla cronologìa",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Àutri arzultà për cost'arserca.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "A dev avèj JavaScript abilità për vëdde la bara dij temp anterativa.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Le viste da visualisé",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "L'ansema ëd proprietà da visualisé për minca pàgina",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Ël nòm ëd në stamp con ël qual visualisé le proprietà dle pàgine",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Ël diagrama a bare ëd Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Ël diagrama a torta ëd Google",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": "gràfich jqPlot",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "serie jqPlot",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Spessifiché l'autëssa (an pontin) dël gràfich o dël diagrama",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Spessifiché la larghëssa (an pontin o përsentual) del gràfich o dël diagrama",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Ël tìtol dël gràfich",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Ël color ëd le bare",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Specìfica la diression d'un gràfich",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Specìfica la diression d'un gràfich o d'un diagrama",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "La tichëtta për l'ass dij nùmer",
- "srf-paramdesc-labelaxislabel": "La tichëtta për l'ass dle tichëtte",
- "srf-paramdesc-ticklabels": "Abilité la visualisassion dle tichëtte da sponté",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "Ël valor mìnim da smon-e dzora l'ass Y",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "Smon-e ij pont dij dat an gràfich",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Posission dla legenda dël gràfich",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Tichëtte dat dël gràfich/diagrama",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Test descritiv dël gràfich",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Classa adissional ëd CSS",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Selession-a un visualisador ëd diagrama/gràfich",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Opsion andividual d'ampiniment",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Selession-a un tema ëd grija",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Assigné dij color andividuaj ëd gràfich",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Selession-a në schema ëd color",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Specìfica la régola ëd formatassion për valor",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Smon-e n'evidensiator ëd pont ëd dat",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Apliché n'algoritm ëd livelament dzor ël grafich a linie",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Smon-e ël gràfich tanme serie ëd pilie",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Selessioné j'argropament ëd le serie",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Detérmina la tichëtta dle serie",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "Detérmina la tichëtta dla partìa",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Opsion ëd visualisassion dël cursor dël gràfich",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Abilité le visualisassion simultanie dël gràfich e ëd soa linia ëd tendensa",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "Smon-e ij gràfich e le serie ëd dat simultaneament. Valor përmëttù: gnun e tabulassion. Predefinì: gnun.",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Smon-e j'anformassion adissionaj dzora na tabulassion d'anformassion corëspondente",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "element ëd dat",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Valor ëd dat",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "Serie ëd dat",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Gràfich",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Dàit",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Anformassion",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galarìa",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "Ël total ëd figure për riga",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "La larghëssa dla figure",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "L'autëssa dle figure",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Dovré ël nòm d'archivi com descrission quand che gnun-a a l'é dàita",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Quand as deuvra ël nòm ëd l'archivi com didascalìa, smon-e ëdcò l'estension dl'archivi",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "Ël nòm ëd na propietà semàntica presenta an sle pàgine ciamà da dovré com didascalìa",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "Ël nòm ëd na propietà semantica an sle pàgine ciamà ch'a ponta a dle figure da dovré. Quand ampostà, le pàgine ciamà mideme a saran pa smonùe com figure",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "Ël nòm ëd na propietà semantica presenta an sle pàgine ciamà ch'a conten la destinassion ëd la ridiression",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Contròl ëd navigassion ëd la visualisassion",
- "srf-paramdesc-overlay": "Abilité la covertura dla figura",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Prima",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Apress",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Figura $1 ëd $2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "La figura a l'é pa stàita trovà",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Ansema ëd tichëtte",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Se ij nòm dël soget midem a dovrìo esse ancludù",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Com aumenté la dimension dle tichëtte",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "L'órdin dle tichëtte",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "Ël nùmer mìnim ëd vire che un valor a dev ancapité për esse listà",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "La dimension dle tichëtte pi cite an persentual",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "La dimension dle tichëtte pi gròsse an përsentual",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "La quantità màssima ëd tichëtte ant l'ansema",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Gavé le tichëtte (delimitador: ;)",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Classìfica dij valor",
- "srf_printername_array": "Tàula",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "S'a venta smon-e ij tìtoj ëd pàgina com vos ëd l'arzultà o lasseje fòra",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "S'a venta smon-e na propietà da stampé ma nen disponìbil e argistré ij valor separà da 'd separator o lassela fòra",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Se dàit e si ArrayEstension a l'é disponìbil sòn a creerà na tàula con ij nòm ëspessìfich (gnun-a stampa visìbil antlora)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Separator tra le proprietà ciamà",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Separator tra tanti valor ëd propietà valorisà",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Separator tra ij valor ëd le propietà d'argistrassion",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Separador tra nòm ëd propietà e valor se «headers» a l'é ampostà a «show» o «plain»",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Taj",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Se dàit e l'estension HashTables a l'é disponìbil sòn a creerà un taj con ël nòm ëspessìfich (gnun-a stampa visìbil antlora)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Gràfich",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Ij soget o le propietà ëd nòm son-ne dij pare o dij fieuj?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "A përmët d'amposté na propietà che a sarà dovrà com soget al pòst dël soget atual",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "La forma ëd minca vértes ant ël gràf",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Tìtol",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Dimension dël graf (an pontin)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Mostré la legenda dël graf o nò",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Tichëtta dël gràfich",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Diression dla flecia",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Liura al graf",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Color dël gràfich",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Lìmit dl'a cap automàtich dla paròla (an nùmer ëd caràter)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "Tàule ëd dàit",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Erbo",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Ultree",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Oltree",
- "srf-noparentprop": "Gnun-a propietà a mont dàita. L'erbo a peul pa esse fàit sensa na propietà a mont specificà.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "La propietà a conten la pàgina a mont",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "Sequensa ëd diapositive",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "Ël ritard tra le diapositive an second",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Smon-e ij contròj ëd navigassion o pa",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "L'efet da dovré për passé da na diapositiva a n'àutra",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtrà",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-views": "Le visualisassion ch'a dovrìo esse disponìbij ant la visualisassion arzultà.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-filter-position": "La posission dij filtr an relassion a le visualisassion, Valor përmëttù: testa, pé. Predefinì: testa.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "La sòrt ëd la lista. Valor përmëttù: list, ul, ol. Predefinì: list.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-template": "Lë stamp da dovré për formaté le vos dla lista.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-named-args": "Deje un nòm a j'argoment passà a lë stamp.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "Ël nòm ëd në stamp da mostré prima dj'arzultà dl'arserca, s'a-i në j'é.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "Ël nòm ëd në stamp da mostré apress j'arzultà dl'arserca, s'a-i në j'é.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-start": "La stampa contenent la data inissial ëd n'event",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-end": "La stampa contenta la data final ëd n'event",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title": "la stampa contenenta ël tìtol ëd n'event. As peul pa dovresse ansema a në stamp ëd tìtol.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title-template": "Në stamp dovrà për formaté ël tìtol ëd n'event ant ël calendari",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "Lista",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Calendari",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "Gràfich D3",
- "srf-printername-timeseries": "Gràfich ëd serie temporaj",
- "srf-paramdesc-group": "Serie argropà për",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "Abilité l'angrandiment",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Abilité na tàula ëd dat",
- "srf-timeseries-zoom-out-of-range": "L'antërval d'angrandiment a dà pa a basta 'd dat",
- "srf-printername-sparkline": "Gràfich dë sparkline",
- "srf-printername-listwidget": "Listwidget",
- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Specìfica la sòrt ëd lista",
- "srf-paramdesc-widget": "Acessòri disponìbij",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "Element për pàgina",
- "srf-printername-eventcalendar": "Calendari dj'event",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarfirstday": "Ël di che minca sman-a a ancamin-a",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendardefaultview": "La visualisassion inissial cand as caria ël calendari",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarstart": "Ël prinsipi dël calendari (data o valor ëd data e ora)",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarlegend": "A specìfica la posission ëd la legenda e dj'opsion dij filtr assignà",
- "srf-paramdesc-dayview": "Abìlita la visualisassion dij di sgnacand ël nùmer dël di",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "Ancheuj",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Mèis",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "Sman-a",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Di",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "Tùit ij di",
- "srf-printername-dygraphs": "Gràfich ëd dygraphs",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "La sorgiss d'andoa la data a l'é acessìbil. Valor përmëttù: file, raw e url. Predefinì: file.",
- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "La bara d'eror da dovré. Valor përmëttù: fraction (antërval ëd confidensa per ij valor), sigma (deviassion stàndard dij valor) e range (antërval ëd valor përsonalisà)",
- "srf-paramdesc-movingaverage": "Smon-e la media dzora un nùmer ëd di (zero a andicherà gnun cangiament ëd media)",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "Descrission ch'as vëdd an sl'ass y",
- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "Descrission ch'as vëdd an sl'ass x",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "Unità",
- "srf-printername-pagewidget": "Pagewidget",
- "srf-printername-incoming": "Propietà an intrada",
- "srf-paramdesc-min": "Mìnim o valor ëd seuja",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludeproperty": "Esclude na propietà da l'ansem dj'arzultà",
- "srf-printername-media": "Letor multimojen",
- "srf-paramdesc-mediainspector": "A smon dj'anformassion detajà a propòsit ëd n'element multimojen specificà",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-previous": "Prima",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-play": "Fé parte",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-pause": "Pàusa",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-next": "Apress",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-stop": "Fërma",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-mute": "Mut",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-unmute": "Unmute",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-volume-max": "Volum màssim",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle": "A asar",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle-off": "Dëstissé l'ordinament për asar",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat": "Arpet",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat-off": "Dëstissé l'arpetission",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-full-screen": "Scren antregh",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-restore-screen": "Ripristiné lë scren"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ps.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ps.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c06ae2a1..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ps.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Ahmed-Najib-Biabani-Ibrahimkhel"
- ]
- },
- "srf-module-loading": "برسېرېدنې کې دی...",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "خوښنې",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "پخوانۍ مياشت",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "راتلونکې مياشت",
- "srfc_today": "نن",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "مياشت ته ورځه",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "مالومات",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "انځورتون",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "پخوانی",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "راتلونکی",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "لړليک",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "نن",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "مياشت",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "اونۍ",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "ورځ",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "ټوله ورځ",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-play": "غږول",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-stop": "درول",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-mute": "ټپول",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-unmute": "ناټپول"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pt-br.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pt-br.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a20c900c..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pt-br.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Eduardo.mps",
- "GKnedo",
- "Giro720",
- "Jaideraf",
- "Luckas Blade",
- "Luckas"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Formatos adicionais de resultado para consultas do Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Semantic Result Formats",
- "prefs-srf": "Formatos de resultado semântico",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "Você instalou a extensão Semantic Result Formats. Para mais informações, por favor visite as [ páginas de ajuda dos formatos de resultado].",
- "prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options": "Opções do calendário de eventos",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-update-default": "Habilitar as [ atualizações automáticas] dos eventos de calendário durante a atualização da página",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-paneview-default": "Habilite a exibição do painel por padrão",
- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "Opções do DataTables",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-update-default": "Habilitar as [ atualizações automáticas] do conteúdo da tabela durante a atualização da página",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-cache-default": "Habilitar o [ armazenamento local] para melhorar o tempo de resposta",
- "srf-module-loading": "Carregando...",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Layout disponível",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Altura",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Largura",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Especifique uma classe CSS adicional",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "Nenhuma correspondência encontrada",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Tipo de gráfico disponível",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Anterior",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Anterior",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Proximo",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Fonte",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Fontes de dados",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "O servidor relatou uma falha na comunicação para este $1. Por favor, tente atualizar a página ou consultar com esse $2.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "objeto solicitado",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "seção de ajuda",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Opções",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "Contexto",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-legend": "Legenda",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "Filtro",
- "srf-ui-common-label-refresh": "Atualizar",
- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "Parâmetros",
- "srf-ui-common-label-query": "Consulta",
- "srf-ui-common-label-paneview": "Painel de visualização",
- "srf-ui-common-label-daterange": "Intervalo de data",
- "srf-ui-widgets-label-parameter-limit": "Parâmetro limit",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "A opção ($1) não está disponível",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "A opção ($1) requer o parâmetro \"link\" definido como \"all\"",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "O layout está faltando",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "O quadro ou gráfico está vazio devido à dados ausentes",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Mês anterior",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Mês seguinte",
- "srfc_today": "Hoje",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Ir para o mês",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Calendário mensal",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "O código de idioma em que será apresentado o calendário",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "A cor a ser exibida para cada propriedade de data (exemplo: \"Start date=>green,End date=>#09c\")",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Exportar vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Exportar iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "O título do arquivo do calendário",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "A descrição do arquivo do calendário",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Exportar BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Nenhum valor",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Lista estruturada",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "A lista das propriedades a serem apresentadas como cabeçalhos das listas estruturadas, separadas por vírgulas",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Soma dos números",
- "srf_printername_average": "Média dos números",
- "srf_printername_max": "Número máximo",
- "srf_printername_min": "Número mínimo",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "O número máximo de páginas a serem consultadas",
- "srf_printername_product": "Produto dos números",
- "srf_printername_median": "Mediana dos números",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "O valor padrão que será exibido quando não houver qualquer resultado numérico",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Tempo mais antigo",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Tempo mais recente",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Linha do tempo",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Cronograma de eventos",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Define quais grupos são apresentadas nos resultados.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Define onde é que o cronograma inicialmente está focado.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Um nome de propriedade usado para definir um primeiro ponto no tempo.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Um nome de propriedade usado para definir um segundo ponto no tempo",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "A altura do cronograma",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Mais resultados para esta consulta.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "Você precisa ter o JavaScript habilitado para visualizar a linha do tempo interativa.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "As visualizações a serem apresentadas",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "O conjunto de propriedades a ser apresentado para cada página",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "O nome de uma predefinição usada para apresentar as propriedades das páginas",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Gráfico de barras do Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Gráfico de pizza do Google",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": " Gráfico jqPlot",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "Série jqPlot",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Especifique a altura do gráfico ou quadro (em pixels)",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Especifique a largura do gráfico ou quadro (em pixels ou porcentagem)",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "O título do gráfico",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Especifique as cores do quadro",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Especifique a orientação do gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Especifica a direção de um quadro ou gráfico",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "A legenda para o eixo dos números",
- "srf-paramdesc-labelaxislabel": "A legenda para o nome do eixo",
- "srf-paramdesc-ticklabels": "Habilitar exibição dos rótulos de seleção",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "O valor mínimo a ser mostrado no eixo y",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "Exibir pontos de dados no gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Posição da legenda do gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Rótulos dos dados do quadro/gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Texto descritivo do gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Clase CSS adicional",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Selecione um renderizador de gráficos/quadros",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Opção de preenchimento individual",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Selecione um tema de grade",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Atribuir cores individuais ao gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Selecione um esquema de cores",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Especifica regras de formatação para valores",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Exibe um destaque de ponto de dados",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Aplica um algorítmo de suavização nos gráficos de linhas",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Exibir o gráfico como uma série empilhada",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Selecione grupos de séries",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Determina o rótulo da série",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "Determina o rótulo do grupo",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Opção de exibição do cursor gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Habilita a exibição simultânea de um gráfico e suas linhas de tendência",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "Exibe simultaneamente o gráfico e os conjuntos de dados. Valores permitidos: \"none\" e \"tabs\". Padrão: \"none\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Exibe informações adicionais em uma aba correspondente",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Item dos dados",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Valor dos dados",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "Série de dados",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Gráfico",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Dados",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Informações",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galeria",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "A quantidade de imagens por linha",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "A largura das imagens",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "A altura das imagens",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Usar o nome do arquivo como legenda quando nenhum for fornecido",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Ao usar o nome do arquivo como legenda, mostrar também a extensão do arquivo",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "O nome de uma propriedade semântica presente nas páginas consultadas para ser usado como legenda",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "O nome de uma propriedade semântica nas páginas consultadas que aponta para imagens a usar. Quando definido, as próprias páginas consultadas não serão mostradas como imagens",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "O nome de uma propriedade semântica nas páginas consultadas que contém o alvo do redirecionamento",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Controle do layout de navegação",
- "srf-paramdesc-overlay": "Habilitar a sobreposição de imagens",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Anterior",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Próximo",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Imagem $1 de $2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "A imagem não foi encontrada.",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Nuvem de tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Se os nomes dos próprios sujeitos devem ser incluídos",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Como aumentar o tamanho das tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "A ordem das tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "O número mínimo de vezes que um valor deve ocorrer, para ser listado",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "O tamanho das tags menores, em porcentagem",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "O tamanho das tags maiores, em porcentagem",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "A quantidade máxima de tags na nuvem",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Excluir tags (delimitador: \";\")",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Ranking de valores",
- "srf_printername_array": "Array",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Se deseja apresentar os títulos das páginas como resultados ou omiti-los",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Se deseja exibir os valores das propriedades e registros vazios separados por separadores ou omiti-los",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Se especificado e a ArrayExtension estiver disponível, isso criará uma array com o nome especificado (nesse caso, sem uma saída visível)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Separador entre as propriedades solicitadas",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Separador entre propriedades com mais de um valor",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Separador entre valores de propriedades de registro",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Separador entre o nome e o valor da propriedade se \"headers\" estiver definido como \"show\" ou \"plain\"",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Hash",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Se especificado e a extensão HashTables estiver disponível, isso criará um hash com o nome especificado (nesse caso, sem uma saída visível)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Os sujeitos ou as propriedades dos nomes são pais ou filhos?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Permite definir uma propriedade que será utilizada como sujeito ao invés do verdadeiro sujeito",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "A forma de cada nó no gráfico",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Título",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Tamanho do gráfico (em pixels)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Exibir ou não a legenda do gráfico",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Título do gráfico",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Direção da seta",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Link do gráfico",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Cor do gráfico",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Limite para a quebra de linha (em número de caracteres)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "DataTables",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-conditions": "Condições",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-parameters": "Parâmetros",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-filters": "Filtros de coluna e busca",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-information": "Informação",
- "srf-ui-datatables-panel-disclaimer": "Parâmetros e condições podem ser alteradas, mas qualquer mudança é temporária e abandonada após uma atualização da página.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-success": "A atualização da tabela foi realizada com sucesso.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-error": "A atualização da tabela falhou.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Procura…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-cache": "O conteúdo foi derivado do cache local.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-server": "O conteúdo foi derivado do servidor.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-header": "Colunas disponíveis",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-noneselectedtext": "Configurações de filtro",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-selectedtext": "Colunas são visíveis",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sEmptyTable": "Nenhum dado disponível na tabela",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfo": "Exibindo _START_ até _END_ de _TOTAL_ linhas",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "Exibindo 0 até 0 de 0 linhas",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoFiltered": "(filtrado a partir de _MAX_ linhas totais)",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoThousands": ".",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLengthMenu": "Exibir _MENU_ linhas",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Carregando…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Processando…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "Pesquisar:",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sZeroRecords": "Nenhuma correspondência encontrada",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sFirst": "Primeiro",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sLast": "Último",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "Próximo",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "Anterior",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortAscending": ": ativar alfabetação ascendente da tabela",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortDescending": ": ativar alfabetação descendente da tabela",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Árvore",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Árvore (marcadores)",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Árvore (números)",
- "srf-noparentprop": "Nenhuma propriedade pai dada. A árvore não pode ser construída sem uma propriedade pai especificada.",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "$1 não é um título de página válido.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "A propriedade que contém a página pai",
- "srf-paramdesc-root": "A página raiz da hierarquia",
- "srf-paramdesc-startlevel": "O nível inicial da hierarquia, por exemplo, para integrá-lo em outra hierarquia",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "SlideShow",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "O tempo entre os slides, em segundos",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Mostrar ou não os controles de navegação",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "O efeito a ser utilizado para a transição de slides",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtrado",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-views": "As visualizações que deverão estar disponíveis na exibição do resultado.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-filter-position": "A posição dos filtros em relação às visualizações. Valores permitidos: \"top\", \"bottom\". Padrão: \"top\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "O tipo de lista. Valores permitidos: \"list\", \"ul\", \"ol\". Padrão: \"list\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-template": "A predefinição a ser utilizada para formatar as entradas da lista.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-named-args": "Nomeie os argumentos passados para a predefinição",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "Nome da predefinição a ser exibida antes dos resultados da consulta, se existir algum resultado.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "Nome da predefinição a ser exibida após os resultados da consulta, se existir algum resultado.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-start": "A exibição que contém a data de início de um evento",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-end": "A exibição que contém a data final de um evento",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title": "A exibição que contém o título de um evento. Não pode ser utilizado junto com um título de uma predefinição.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title-template": "Uma predefinição utilizada para formatar o título do evento no calendário",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "Lista",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Calendário",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "Gráfico D3",
- "srf-printername-timeseries": "Gráfico de séries temporais",
- "srf-paramdesc-group": "Séries agrupadas por",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "Ativar zoom",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Ativar uma tabela de dados",
- "srf-timeseries-zoom-out-of-range": "O alcance do zoom não produziu dados suficientes",
- "srf-printername-sparkline": "Gráfico Sparkline",
- "srf-printername-listwidget": "Listwidget",
- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Especificar o tipo de lista",
- "srf-paramdesc-widget": "Widget disponível",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "Itens por página",
- "srf-printername-eventcalendar": "Calendário de eventos",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarfirstday": "O dia em que cada semana começa",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendardefaultview": "A exibição inicial quando o calendário carrega",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarstart": "O começo do calendário inicial (valores de data ou de data e hora)",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarlegend": "Especifica a posição da legenda e as opções de filtro atribuídas",
- "srf-paramdesc-dayview": "Habilitar o modo de exibição do dia clicando no número do dia",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "Hoje",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Mês",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "Semana",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Dia",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "O dia todo",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-success": "A atualização do calendário de eventos foi executada com êxito.",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-error": "A atualização do calendário de eventos falhou.",
- "srf-printername-dygraphs": "Gráfico Dygraphs",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "A fonte onde os dados estão acessíveis. Valores permitidos: \"file\", \"raw\" e \"url\". Padrão: \"file\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "A barra de erro a ser utilizada. Valores permitidos: \"fraction\" (intervalos de confiança para os valores), \"sigma\" (desvio-padrão dos valores) e \"range\" (intervalos de valores personalizados).",
- "srf-paramdesc-movingaverage": "Exibir a média ao longo de vários dias (zero indicará nenhuma média móvel)",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "Descrição que aparece no eixo y",
- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "Descrição que aparece no eixo x",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "Unidade",
- "srf-printername-pagewidget": "Widget de página",
- "srf-printername-incoming": "Propriedades afluentes",
- "srf-paramdesc-min": "Mínimo ou valor limite",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludeproperty": "Excluir a propriedade do conjunto de resultados",
- "srf-printername-media": "Player de mídia",
- "srf-paramdesc-mediainspector": "Exibe informações detalhadas sobre um elemento de mídia especificado",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-previous": "Anterior",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-play": "Reproduzir",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-pause": "Pausar",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-next": "Próximo",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-stop": "Parar",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-mute": "Mudo",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-unmute": "Reativar",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-volume-max": "Volume máximo",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle": "Aleatório",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle-off": "Desativar aleatoriedade",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat": "Repetir",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat-off": "Desativar repetição",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-full-screen": "Tela inteira",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-restore-screen": "Restaurar tela",
- "srf-excel-link": "Excel",
- "srf-excel-missing-phpexcel": "Não foi possível exportar para MS-Excel porque a extensão [ PHPExcel] não está instalada."
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pt.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pt.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d3ba646c..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/pt.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Hamilton Abreu",
- "Malafaya",
- "SandroHc",
- "Waldir",
- "Vitorvicentevalente"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Formatos adicionais para consultas de incorporação dinâmica ''(inline queries)'' do MediaWiki Semântico",
- "srf-name": "Formatos dos Resultados Semânticos",
- "srf-module-loading": "A carregar...",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Mês anterior",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Mês seguinte",
- "srfc_today": "Hoje",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Ir para mês",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Calendário mensal",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "O código da língua em que será apresentado o calendário",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "exportação vCard",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iCalendário",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "exportação iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "O título do ficheiro do calendário",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "A descrição do ficheiro do calendário",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "exportação BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Nenhum valor",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Lista estruturada",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "A lista das propriedades apresentadas como cabeçalhos das listas estruturadas, separadas por vírgulas",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Soma dos números",
- "srf_printername_average": "Média dos números",
- "srf_printername_max": "Número máximo",
- "srf_printername_min": "Número mínimo",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "O número máximo de páginas a consultar",
- "srf_printername_product": "Produto dos números",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Cronograma",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Cronograma de eventos",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Define que bandas são apresentadas no resultado.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Define onde é que o cronograma inicialmente está focado.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Um nome de propriedade, usado para definir um primeiro ponto no tempo",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Um nome de propriedade, usado para definir um segundo ponto no tempo",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "A altura do cronograma",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Mais resultados desta consulta.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "Para ver o cronograma interactivo tem de activar o JavaScript.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "As vistas que serão apresentadas",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "O conjunto de propriedades que serão apresentadas para cada página",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "O nome de uma predefinição usada para apresentar as propriedades das páginas",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Gráfico de barras Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Gráfico circular Google",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Altura do gráfico (em pixels)",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Largura do gráfico (em pixels)",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "O título do gráfico",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "A cor das barras",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Especifica a orientação do gráfico",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "A legenda para o eixo dos números",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galeria",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "A quantidade de imagens por linha",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "A largura das imagens",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "A altura das imagens",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Usar o nome do ficheiro como legenda se esta não for fornecida",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Ao usar o nome do ficheiro como legenda, mostrar também a extensão",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "O nome de uma propriedade semântica presente nas páginas consultadas para ser usado como legenda",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "O nome de uma propriedade semântica nas páginas consultadas que aponta para imagens a usar. Quando definido, as próprias páginas consultadas não serão mostradas como imagens",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Nuvem de tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Se os nomes dos próprios temas devem ser incluídos",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Como aumentar o tamanho das tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "A ordem das tags",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "O número mínimo de vezes que um valor deve ocorrer, para ser listado",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "O tamanho das tags menores, em percentagem",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "O tamanho das tags maiores, em percentagem",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "A quantidade máxima de tags na nuvem",
- "srf_printername_array": "Matriz",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Se deseja apresentar como resultados os títulos das páginas, ou omiti-los",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Se deseja apresentar os valores das propriedades e registos vazios separados por separadores ou escondê-los",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Se especificado e a ArrayExtension estiver disponível, isto criará uma matriz com o nome especificado",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Separador entre as propriedades solicitadas",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Separador entre propriedades com mais do que um valor",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Separador entre os valores das propriedades do registo",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Resumo criptográfico (\"hash\")",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Se especificado e a extensão HashTables estiver disponível, isto cria um resumo criptográfico (\"hash\") com o nome especificado (sem saída visível)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Grafo",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Os assuntos (\"subjects\") ou propriedades dos nomes (\"nameproperties\"), são pais ou filhos?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Permite definir uma propriedade que será usada como assunto (\"subject\") em vez do verdadeiro assunto",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "A forma de cada vértice no grafo",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Título",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Tamanho do grafo (em px)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Mostrar ou não a legenda do grafo",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Título do grafo",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Direcção da seta",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Link do grafo",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Cor do grafo",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Limite para forçar nova linha (em nº de caracteres)",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Pesquisar...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "A carregar...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "A processar...",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtrado"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/qqq.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/qqq.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5451373b..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/qqq.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "EugeneZelenko",
- "F.trott",
- "Kghbln",
- "Purodha",
- "Raymond",
- "Shirayuki",
- "Siebrand",
- "Toliño",
- "Umherirrender",
- "Robby",
- "Amire80"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "{{desc|name=Semantic Result Formats|url=}}",
- "srf-name": "This is the name of this extension (Used by the [[mw:Extension:Admin_Links|Admin Links]] extension).",
- "prefs-srf": "This is the text of a section header on [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-smw|Special:Preferences]].",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "This is an user preference intro text on [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-smw|Special:Preferences]].",
- "prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options": "This is a section header text on [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-smw|Special:Preferences]]. \"Event calendar\" is the same thing as in {{msg-mw|Srf-printername-eventcalendar}}.",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-update-default": "This is the description of an user preference for the \"Event calendar\" format on [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-smw|Special:Preferences]].",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-paneview-default": "This is the description of an user preference for the \"Event calendar\" format on [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-smw|Special:Preferences]].",
- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "This is a section header text on [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-smw|Special:Preferences]].",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-update-default": "This is the description of an user preference for the \"Datatables\" format on [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-smw|Special:Preferences]].",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-cache-default": "This is the description of an user preference for the \"Datatables\" format on [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-smw|Special:Preferences]].",
- "srf-module-loading": "This is an informatory message.\n{{Identical|Loading}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "{{doc-paramdesc|layout}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "{{doc-paramdesc|height}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "{{doc-paramdesc|width}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "{{doc-paramdesc|class}}",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "This is an informatory message.",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "{{doc-paramdesc|charttype}}",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "A label describing a navigation control component.",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "A label describing a navigation control component.",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "A label describing a navigation control component.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "{{doc-smw-ui-label|source}}\n{{Identical|Source}}",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "{{doc-smw-ui-label|datasource}}",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "Information message that is displayed during a failed Ajax communication. See [ Help:Ajax].\nParameters:\n* $1 is a link with {{msg-mw|srf-ui-common-label-request-object}}\n* $2 is a link with {{msg-mw|srf-ui-common-label-help-section}}",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "Link text that appears in the message {{msg-mw|Srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error}}. It must be adapted to that sentence in terms of case, grammar endings, and so on.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "Link text that appears in the message {{msg-mw|Srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error}}. It must be adapted to that sentence in terms of case, grammar endings, and so on.",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "{{doc-smw-ui-tooltip|Options}}\n{{Identical|Options}}",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "{{doc-smw-ui-tooltip|Scope}}",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-legend": "{{doc-smw-ui-tooltip|tooltip-title-legend}}\n{{Identical|Legend}}",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "{{doc-smw-ui-tooltip|Filter}}\n{{Identical|Filter}}",
- "srf-ui-common-label-refresh": "{{doc-smw-ui-label|refresh}}\n{{Identical|Refresh}}",
- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "{{doc-smw-ui-label|parameters}}\n\n{{Identical|Parameter|Plural}}",
- "srf-ui-common-label-query": "{{doc-smw-ui-label|query}}\n{{Identical|Query}}",
- "srf-ui-common-label-paneview": "{{doc-smw-ui-label|paneview}}",
- "srf-ui-common-label-daterange": "{{doc-smw-ui-label|daterange}}",
- "srf-ui-widgets-label-parameter-limit": "{{doc-smw-ui-label|parameter-limit}}",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "This is an error message. Parameters:\n* $1 is a fixed entity name (name of the option) that cannot and should not be translated.",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "{{doc-important|Do not translate the parameter \"link\" and its possible value \"all\".}}\nThis is an error message. Parameters:\n* $1 is a fixed entitity name that cannot and should not be translated.",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "This is an error message.",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "This is an informatory message.",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "A label describing a navigation control component.",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "A label describing a navigation control component.",
- "srfc_today": "A label describing a navigation control component.",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "A label describing a navigation control component.",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "{{doc-smwformat|calendar}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "{{doc-paramdesc|lang}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "{{doc-paramdesc|colors}}\n{{doc-important|\"Start date\" and \"End date\" should be translated, but not the other parts of the example code.}}",
- "srf_vcard_link": "{{doc-smw-link}}",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "{{doc-smwformat|vcard}}",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "{{doc-smw-link}}",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "{{doc-smwformat|icalendar}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "{{doc-paramdesc|title}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "{{doc-paramdesc|description}}",
- "srf_bibtex_link": "{{doc-smw-link}}",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "{{doc-smwformat|Bibtex}}",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "This is an error message.",
- "srf_printername_outline": "{{doc-smwformat|outline}}\n\nIt is basically a list, or nested list, of topics, subtopics, subsubtopics, etc., as deeply stacked as defined by page editors in an inline query.\nThere is an [ Outline example]",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "{{doc-paramdesc|outlineproperties}}\n\n\"Outline\" means the outline of text or document here.",
- "srf_printername_sum": "{{doc-smwformat|sum}}",
- "srf_printername_average": "{{doc-smwformat|average}}",
- "srf_printername_max": "{{doc-smwformat|max}}",
- "srf_printername_min": "{{doc-smwformat|min}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "{{doc-paramdesc|limit}}",
- "srf_printername_product": "{{doc-smwformat|product}}",
- "srf_printername_median": "{{doc-smwformat|median}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "{{doc-paramdesc|default}}",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "{{doc-smwformat|earliest}}",
- "srf_printername_latest": "{{doc-smwformat|latest}}",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "{{doc-smwformat|timeline}}",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "{{doc-smwformat|eventline}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "{{doc-smwformat|timelinebands}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "{{doc-paramdesc|timelineposition}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "{{doc-paramdesc|timelinestart}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "{{doc-paramdesc|timelineend}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "{{doc-paramdesc|timelinesize}}",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "This is the text of a link pointing to further query results.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "This is an informatory and/or error message.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "{{doc-paramdesc|views}}\n\nThe [ result format \"filtered\"], part of the Semantic Result Formats extension, displays results in switchable '''views''', e.g. as map, as table, as calendar, etc.\n\nThis text is a description of the parameter \"views\" to the function that generates the \"filtered\" result format.\n\nSynonyms for '''views''' might be representation, or maybe appearance, aspect, facet",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "{{doc-paramdesc|facets}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "{{doc-paramdesc|lens}}",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "{{doc-smwformat|googlebar}}",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "{{doc-smwformat|googlepie}}",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": "{{doc-smwformat|Jqplotchart}}",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "{{doc-smwformat|Jqplotseries}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "{{doc-paramdesc|chartheight}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "{{doc-paramdesc|chartwidth}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "{{doc-paramdesc|charttitle}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "{{doc-paramdesc|barcolor}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "{{doc-paramdesc|bardirection}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "{{doc-paramdesc|direction}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "{{doc-paramdesc|barnumbersaxislabel}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-labelaxislabel": "{{doc-paramdesc|labelaxislabel}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-ticklabels": "{{doc-paramdesc|ticklabels}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "{{doc-paramdesc|minvalue}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "{{doc-paramdesc|pointlabels}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "{{doc-paramdesc|chartlegend}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "{{doc-paramdesc|datalabels}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "{{doc-paramdesc|charttext}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "{{doc-paramdesc|class}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "{{doc-paramdesc|renderer}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "{{doc-paramdesc|filling}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "{{doc-paramdesc|theme}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "{{doc-paramdesc|chartcolor}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "{{doc-paramdesc|colorscheme}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "{{doc-paramdesc|valueformat}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "{{doc-paramdesc|highlighter}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "{{doc-paramdesc|smoothlines}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "{{doc-paramdesc|stackseries}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "{{doc-paramdesc|seriesgroup}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "{{doc-paramdesc|serieslabel}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "{{doc-paramdesc|grouplabel}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "{{doc-paramdesc|chartcursor}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "{{doc-paramdesc|trendline}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "{{doc-paramdesc|gridview}}\n{{doc-important|Do not translate the possible parameters \"none\" and \"tabs\".}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "{{doc-paramdesc|infotext}}",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "{{doc-smw-ui-gridview}}",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "{{doc-smw-ui-gridview}}",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "{{doc-smw-ui-gridview}}",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "{{doc-smw-ui-gridview}}",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "{{doc-smw-ui-gridview}}",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "{{doc-smw-ui-gridview}}",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "{{doc-smwformat|gallery}}\n{{Identical|Gallery}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "{{doc-paramdesc|perrow}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "{{doc-paramdesc|width}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "{{doc-paramdesc|height}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "{{doc-paramdesc|autocaptions}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "{{doc-paramdesc|fileextensions}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "{{doc-paramdesc|captionproperty}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "{{doc-paramdesc|imageproperty}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "{{doc-paramdesc|redirects}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "{{doc-paramdesc|navigation}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-overlay": "{{doc-paramdesc|overlay}}",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "A label describing a navigation control component.",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "A label describing a navigation control component.",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "This is an informatory message. Parameters:\n* $1 is a number\n* $2 is a number",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "This is an error message.",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "{{doc-smwformat|tagcloud}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "{{doc-paramdesc|includesubject}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "{{doc-paramdesc|increase}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "{{doc-paramdesc|tagorder}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "{{doc-paramdesc|mincount}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "{{doc-paramdesc|minsize}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "{{doc-paramdesc|maxsize}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "{{doc-paramdesc|maxtags}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "{{doc-paramdesc|excludetags}}",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "{{doc-smwformat|valuerank}}",
- "srf_printername_array": "{{doc-smwformat|array}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "{{doc-paramdesc|pagetitle}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "{{doc-paramdesc|hidegaps}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "{{doc-paramdesc|name}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "{{doc-paramdesc|propsep}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "{{doc-paramdesc|manysep}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "{{doc-paramdesc|recordsep}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "{{doc-smwformat|headersep}}\n{{doc-important|Do not translate the parameter name \"headers\" and its possible values \"show\" or \"plain\".}}",
- "srf_printername_hash": "{{doc-smwformat|hash}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "{{doc-paramdesc|name}}",
- "srf-printername-graph": "{{doc-smwformat|graph}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "{{doc-paramdesc|graphrelation}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "{{doc-paramdesc|nameproperty}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "{{doc-paramdesc|nodeshape}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "{{doc-smwformat|graphname}}\n{{Identical|Title}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "{{doc-paramdesc|graphsize}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "{{doc-paramdesc|graphlegend}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "{{doc-paramdesc|graphlabel}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "{{doc-paramdesc|rankdir}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "{{doc-paramdesc|graphlink}}",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "{{doc-paramdesc|graphcolor}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "{{doc-paramdesc|wordwraplimit}}",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "{{doc-smwformat|datatables}}\n\nAlso used in {{msg-mw|Prefs-srf-datatables-options}}.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-conditions": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|conditions}}\n{{Identical|Condition}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-parameters": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|parameters}}\n\n{{Identical|Parameter|Plural}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-filters": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|filters}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-information": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|information}}\n{{Identical|Information}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-panel-disclaimer": "Some textual information for the user",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-success": "{{doc-smw-ui-feedback|update-success}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-error": "{{doc-smw-ui-feedback|update-error}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|placeholder-column-search}}\n{{Identical|Search}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-cache": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|content-cache}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-server": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|content-server}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-header": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|multiselect-column-header}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-noneselectedtext": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|multiselect-column-noneselectedtext}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-selectedtext": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|multiselect-column-selectedtext}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sEmptyTable": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|sEmptyTable}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfo": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|sInfo}}\n{{doc-important|Do not localise the variables <code>_START_</code>, <code>_END_</code> and <code>_TOTAL_</code>}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|sInfoEmpty}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoFiltered": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|sInfoFiltered}}\n{{doc-important|Do not localise the variable <code>__MAX__.</code>}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoPostFix": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|sInfoPostFix}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoThousands": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|sInfoThousands}}\n{{optional}}\nThis message is as a separator symbol for thousands in numbers, like \",\" in English 1,234.56.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLengthMenu": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|sLengthMenu}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|sLoadingRecords}}\n{{Identical|Loading}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|sProcessing}}\n{{Identical|Processing}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|sSearch}}\n{{Identical|Search}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sZeroRecords": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|sZeroRecords}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sFirst": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|oPaginate-sFirst}}\n{{Identical|First}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sLast": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|oPaginate-sLast}}\n{{Identical|Last}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|oPaginate-sNext}}\n{{Identical|Next}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|oPaginate-sPrevious}}\n{{Identical|Previous}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortAscending": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|oAria-sSortAscending}}",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortDescending": "{{doc-smw-ui-label-datatables|oAria-sSortDescending}}",
- "srf_printername_tree": "{{doc-smwformat|tree}}",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "{{doc-smwformat|ultree}}\nThis is an alias of \"tree\" {{msg-mw|Srf printername tree}}.",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "{{doc-smwformat|oltree}}",
- "srf-noparentprop": "This is an error message. See result format [ tree] for further information.",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "This is an error message.\n\nSee result format [ tree] for further information.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the specified page title",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "{{doc-paramdesc|parent}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-root": "{{doc-paramdesc|root}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-startlevel": "{{doc-paramdesc|start level}}",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "{{doc-smwformat|slideshow}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "{{doc-paramdesc|delay}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "{{doc-paramdesc|nav controls}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "{{doc-paramdesc|effect}}",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "{{doc-smwformat|filtered}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-views": "{{doc-paramdesc|views}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-filter-position": "{{doc-paramdesc|filter position}}\n{{doc-important|Do not translate the parameter values \"top\" and \"bottom\".}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "{{doc-paramdesc|list view type}}\n{{doc-important|Do not translate the parameter values \"list\", \"ul\" and \"ol\"}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-template": "{{doc-paramdesc|list view template}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-named-args": "{{doc-paramdesc|list view named args}}\n\nSee this page for [ detailed information on named argruments].",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "{{doc-paramdesc|list view introtemplate}}\n\nSimilar to {{msg-mw|srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate}}.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "{{doc-paramdesc|list view outrotemplate}}\n\nSimilar to {{msg-mw|srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate}}.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-start": "{{doc-paramdesc|calendar view start}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-end": "{{doc-paramdesc|calendar view end}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title": "{{doc-paramdesc|calendar view title}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-calendar-title-template": "{{doc-paramdesc|calendar view title template}}",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "The label for the tab that selects the \"list\" view",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "The label for the tab that selects the \"calendar\" view",
- "srf-filtered-firstdayofweek": "{{optional}}\n0 - sunday, 1 - monday...",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "{{doc-smwformat|d3chart}}\nD3 is the name of the library used to generate the charts.",
- "srf-printername-timeseries": "{{doc-smwformat|timeseries}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-group": "{{doc-paramdesc|group}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "{{doc-paramdesc|zoom}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "{{doc-paramdesc|datatable}}",
- "srf-timeseries-zoom-out-of-range": "This is an informatory and/or error message.",
- "srf-printername-sparkline": "{{doc-smwformat|sparkline}}",
- "srf-printername-listwidget": "{{doc-smwformat|listwidget}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "{{doc-paramdesc|listtype}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-widget": "{{doc-paramdesc|widget}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "{{doc-paramdesc|pageitems}}",
- "srf-printername-eventcalendar": "{{doc-smwformat|eventcalendar}}\n\nAlso used in {{msg-mw|Prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options}}.",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarfirstday": "{{doc-paramdesc|calendarfirstday}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendardefaultview": "{{doc-paramdesc|calendardefaultview}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarstart": "{{doc-paramdesc|calendarstart}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarlegend": "{{doc-paramdesc|calendarlegend}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-dayview": "{{doc-paramdesc|dayview}}",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "Text that will be displayed on buttons of the calendar header. See [ Event calendar format] and [ buttonText]",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Text that will be displayed on buttons of the calendar header. See [ Event calendar format] and [ buttonText]",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "Text that will be displayed on buttons of the calendar header. See [ Event calendar format] and [ buttonText]",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Text that will be displayed on buttons of the calendar header. See [ Event calendar format] and [ buttonText]",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "Text that will be displayed on buttons of the calendar header. See [ Event calendar format] and [ buttonText]",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-time": "Determines the time-text that will be displayed on each event and is language dependent. For more see [ here]",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-time-agenda": "Determines the time-text that will be displayed on each event and is language dependent. For more see [ here]",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-axis": "Determines the time-text that will be displayed on the vertical axis of the agenda. See [ axisFormat]",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-month": "Determines the text that will be displayed in the header's title. See [ titleFormat]\n{{Related|Srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title}}",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-week": "Determines the text that will be displayed in the header's title. See [ titleFormat]\n{{Related|Srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title}}",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-day": "Determines the text that will be displayed in the header's title. See [ titleFormat]\n{{Related|Srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title}}",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-column-month": "Determines the text that will be displayed on the calendar's column headings. See [ columnFormat]",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-column-week": "Determines the text that will be displayed on the calendar's column headings. See [ columnFormat]",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-column-day": "Determines the text that will be displayed on the calendar's column headings. See [ columnFormat]",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-success": "{{doc-smw-ui-feedback|update-success}}",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-error": "{{doc-smw-ui-feedback|update-error}}",
- "srf-printername-dygraphs": "{{doc-smwformat|dygraphs}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "{{doc-paramdesc|datasource}}\n{{doc-important|Do not translate the possible parameters \"file\", \"raw\" and \"url\".}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "{{doc-paramdesc|errorbar}}\n{{doc-important|Do not translate the parametre values \"fraction\", \"sigma\" and \"range\".}}\nInformation on terms used: [[wikipedia:Error bar|error bar]], [[wikipedia:Standard deviation|standard deviation]], [[wikipedia:Confidence interval|confidence interval]].",
- "srf-paramdesc-movingaverage": "{{doc-paramdesc|movingaverage}}\n{{doc-important|Do not translate <code>zero</code>}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "{{doc-paramdesc|yaxislabel}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "{{doc-paramdesc|xaxislabel}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "{{doc-paramdesc|unit}}",
- "srf-printername-pagewidget": "{{doc-smwformat|pagewidget}}",
- "srf-printername-incoming": "{{doc-smwformat|incoming}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-min": "{{doc-paramdesc|min}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludeproperty": "{{doc-paramdesc|excludeproperty}}",
- "srf-printername-media": "{{doc-smwformat|media}}",
- "srf-paramdesc-mediainspector": "An option to display extra media information",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-previous": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|previous}}\n{{Identical|Previous}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-play": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|play}}\n{{Identical|Play}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-pause": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|pause}}\n{{Identical|Pause}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-next": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|next}}\n{{Identical|Next}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-stop": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|stop}}\n{{Identical|Stop}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-mute": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|mute}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-unmute": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|unmute}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-volume-max": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|volume-max}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|shuffle}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle-off": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|shuffle-off}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|repeat}}\n{{Identical|Repeat}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat-off": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|repeat-off}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-full-screen": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|full-screen}}\n{{Identical|Full screen}}",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-restore-screen": "{{Doc-smw-ui-label-media|restore-screen}}",
- "srf-excel-link": "{{doc-smw-link}}",
- "srf-excel-missing-phpexcel": "This is an error message."
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/qu.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/qu.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d534588..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/qu.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "AlimanRuna"
- ]
- },
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-month": "MMMM killapi yyyy watapi"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/rmf.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/rmf.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 45422f67..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/rmf.json
+++ /dev/null
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Szonja"
- ]
- },
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "Naaluno"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ro.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ro.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b32ff3af..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ro.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "KlaudiuMihaila",
- "Minisarm",
- "Stelistcristi"
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- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Înălțime",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Lățime",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Sursă",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Opțiuni",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Luna anterioară",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Luna următoare",
- "srfc_today": "Astăzi",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Calendar lunar",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Export BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Nici o valoare",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Suma numerelor",
- "srf_printername_average": "Media numerelor",
- "srf_printername_max": "Numărul maxim",
- "srf_printername_min": "Numărul minim",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Diagramă",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Informații",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galerie",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Titlu",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtrat",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "Listă",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Calendar",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "Descriere care apare pe axa y",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "Unitate",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-play": "Redare",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-pause": "Pauză",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-stop": "Stop",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-mute": "Fără sunet",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-volume-max": "Volum maxim",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-shuffle": "Amestecare",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-repeat": "Repetare",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-full-screen": "Pe tot ecranul",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-restore-screen": "Restabilește ecranul"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/roa-tara.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/roa-tara.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cfbda2b..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/roa-tara.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Joetaras"
- ]
- },
- "srf-module-loading": "Stoche a scareche…",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Altezze",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Larghezze",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Precedende",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Prec",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Successive",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Sorgende",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Opziune",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "Obbiettive",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Mese precedende",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Mese successive",
- "srfc_today": "Osce",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Va a 'u mese",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Esporte vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Esporte iCalendar",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Esporte BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Nisciune valore",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Somme de le numere",
- "srf_printername_average": "Medie de le numere",
- "srf_printername_max": "Numere massime",
- "srf_printername_min": "Numere minime",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Grafiche a barre de Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Grafiche a torte de Google",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": "Grafiche jqPlot",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "Serie jqPlot",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "Elenghe",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Calendarije",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "grafiche D3",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "Vôsce pe pàgene",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Mese",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "Sumáne",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Sciúrne",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "Tutte le sciurne",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "Aunità",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-next": "Prossime",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-stop": "Stuèppe",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-mute": "Citte",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-unmute": "Cu 'a vôsce",
- "srf-ui-mediaplayer-label-volume-max": "Volume massime"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ru.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ru.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a9a43a08..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ru.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Ferrer",
- "Haffman",
- "Innv",
- "Kaganer",
- "Pastakhov",
- "Александр Сигачёв",
- "Okras",
- "Meshkov.a"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Дополнительные форматы вывода для запросов Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Semantic Result Formats",
- "prefs-srf": "Semantic Result Formats",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "У вас установлено расширение «Semantic Result Formats». Для получения дополнительной помощи, пожалуйста, посетите страницу [Форматы_вывода Форматы вывода].",
- "prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options": "Календарь событий параметры",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-update-default": "Включить [ автоматическое обновление] событий календаря при обновлении страницы",
- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "Настройки DataTables",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-update-default": "Включить [ автоматическое обновление] содержания при обновлении страницы",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-cache-default": "Включить [ локальный том хранения], чтобы улучшить время отклика",
- "srf-module-loading": "Загрузка...",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Высота",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Ширина",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "Совпадений не найдено",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Доступные типы диаграмм",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Предыдущий",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Пред.",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "След.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Источник",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Источник данных",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "Сервер сообщил о неудачной связи с $1. Пожалуйста, попробуйте обновить страницу или обратитесь с этим в $2.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "раздел справки",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Параметры",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-legend": "Легенда",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "Фильтр",
- "srf-ui-common-label-refresh": "Обновить",
- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "Параметры",
- "srf-ui-common-label-query": "Запрос",
- "srf-ui-common-label-daterange": "Диапазон дат",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "Параметр ( $1 ) не доступен",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "Опция ($1) требует, чтобы параметр «link» был задан как «all»",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "Диаграммы или графика пуст из-за недостающих данных",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Предыдущий месяц",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Следующий месяц",
- "srfc_today": "Сегодня",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Перейти к месяцу",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Ежемесячный календарь",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Код языка, на котором отображать календарь",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Экспорт vCard",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iКалендарь",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Экспорт iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Название файла календаря",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "Описание файла календаря",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Экспорт BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Нет значений",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Наброски",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "Список свойств, отображающихся в виде заголовков, разделяется запятыми",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Сумма чисел",
- "srf_printername_average": "Среднее число",
- "srf_printername_max": "Максимальное число",
- "srf_printername_min": "Минимальное число",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Максимальное количество страниц для выборки",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "Значение по умолчанию, которое будет отображаться когда нет численных результатов",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Раннее время",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Позднее время",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Хронология",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Список событий",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Определяет, какие полосы будут отображены.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Определяет какое место временной шкалы будет отображаться первоначально",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Имя свойства, используемое для определения первой временной точки",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Имя свойства, используемое для определения второй временной точки",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Высота временной шкалы",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Дальнейшие результаты для этого запроса.",
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- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Показать ли элементы управления",
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- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-error": "Не удалось обновить календарь событий.",
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- "srf-excel-link": "Excel",
- "srf-excel-missing-phpexcel": "Не удалось экспортировать в MS Excel, потому что не установлено расширение [ PHPExcel]."
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/rue.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/rue.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e157bf35..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/rue.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Gazeb"
- ]
- },
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Минулый місяць",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Далшый місяць",
- "srfc_today": "Днесь",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Ґалерія"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sco.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bf390587..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sco.json
+++ /dev/null
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "John Reid"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Addeetional ootcome formats fer Semantic MediaWiki speirins",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "Ye'v instawed the Semanteec Ootcome Formats extension. Fer mair heelp, please veesit the [ ootcome formats] heelp page.",
- "prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options": "Event calandair opties",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-update-default": "Enable [ autæmateec updates] o calendair events durin the page refresh",
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- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "DataBuirds opties",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-update-default": "Enable [ autæmateec updates] o buird content durin the page refresh",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-cache-default": "Enable [ local storage] tae impruiv response time",
- "srf-module-loading": "Laidin...",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-legend": "The Legend",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "Filter",
- "srf-ui-common-label-refresh": "Refresh",
- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "Boondins",
- "srf-ui-common-label-query": "Speirin",
- "srf-ui-common-label-paneview": "The Pane luik",
- "srf-ui-common-label-daterange": "Date range",
- "srf-ui-widgets-label-parameter-limit": "Leemit boondin",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "Displey the chairt n data sets at the same time. The permitit values ar: \"nane\" n \"tabs\". The defaut is: \"nane\"",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Excluid the tags (delimiter: \";\")",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Whather tae prent the requestit, bit onavailable propertie n record values separatit bi separaters or leain thaim oot",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-conditions": "The Condeetions",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-parameters": "Boondins",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-filters": "Column filters n rake",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-information": "Information",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-success": "The buird update wis successfu",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-error": "The buird update failed.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Rake …",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-cache": "The content wis derived fae the local cache.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-server": "The content wis derived fae the server.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-header": "Available columns",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-noneselectedtext": "The Filter settins",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-selectedtext": "Columns ar veesible",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sEmptyTable": "Nae data is available in the buird",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfo": "Shawin _STAIRT_ til _END_ o _TOTAL_ entries",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "Shawin 0 til 0 o 0 entries",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoThousands": ",",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLengthMenu": "Shaw _MENU_ entries",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Laidin...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Processin…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "Rake:",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sZeroRecords": "Nae matchin records were foond",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sFirst": "First",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sLast": "Laist",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "Nex",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "Afore-gaun",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortAscending": ": acteevate to sort column ascendin",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortDescending": ": acteevate tae sort column descendin",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "$1 is na ae valid page title.",
- "srf-paramdesc-root": "The ruit page o the tree",
- "srf-paramdesc-startlevel": "The stairt level o the tree, e.g. fer integratin it intil anither tree",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-filter-position": "The poseetion o the filters in relation til the views. The permitit values ar: \"tap\", n \"bottom\". The default is: \"tap\".",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "The type o the leet. The permitit values ar: \"leet\", \"ul\", \"ol\". The defaut is: \"leet\".",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-success": "The event calendair update wis successfu.",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-update-error": "The event calendair update failed.",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "The soorce fae whaur the data is accessible. The permitit values ar: \"file\", \"raw\" n \"url\". The default is: \"file\"",
- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "The mistak baur tae be uised. The permitit values ar: \"fraction\" (confidance intervals fer values), \"sigma\" (staundairt deviation o values) n \"range\" (custom value ranges)",
- "srf-excel-link": "Excel",
- "srf-excel-missing-phpexcel": "Coudna export fer MS-Excel cause the extension [ PHPExcel] isna instawed."
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/si.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/si.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f46a2e38..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/si.json
+++ /dev/null
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- "පසිඳු කාවින්ද"
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diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sk.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sk.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c3085bbf..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sk.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
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- "Helix84"
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1aaeb977..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sr-ec.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
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- "Rancher",
- "Михајло Анђелковић",
- "Milicevic01"
- ]
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- "srfc_today": "Данас",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Пређи на месец",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Месечни календар",
- "srf_vcard_link": "vCard",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iCalendar",
- "srf_bibtex_link": "BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Нема вредности",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Сума бројева",
- "srf_printername_average": "Средња вредност бројева",
- "srf_printername_max": "Највећи број",
- "srf_printername_min": "Најмањи број",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Галерија"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sr-el.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sr-el.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2738639c..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sr-el.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Michaello",
- "Milicevic01"
- ]
- },
- "srf-ui-common-label-refresh": "Osveži",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Prethodni mesec",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Sledeći mesec",
- "srfc_today": "Danas",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Pređi na mesec",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Mesečni kalendar",
- "srf_vcard_link": "vCard",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iCalendar",
- "srf_bibtex_link": "BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Nema vrednosti",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Suma brojeva",
- "srf_printername_average": "Srednja vrednost brojeva",
- "srf_printername_max": "Najveći broj",
- "srf_printername_min": "Najmanji broj",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galerija"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sv.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sv.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ae63615e..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/sv.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Dafer45",
- "M.M.S.",
- "Martinwiss",
- "Per",
- "Rotsee",
- "WikiPhoenix",
- "Lokal Profil"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Extra resultatformat för Semantic MediaWiki-frågor",
- "srf-name": "Semantiska resultatformat",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-cache-default": "Aktivera [ lokal lagring] för att förbättra svarstiden",
- "srf-module-loading": "Laddar...",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Tillgänglig layout",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Höjd",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Bredd",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Ange ytterligare en CSS-klass som ska gälla för formatet",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "Inga sökresultat hittades",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Vilken diagramtyp som ska användas",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Föregående",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Föreg.",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Nästa",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Källa",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Datakälla",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "hjälpavsnitt",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Alternativ",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-legend": "Teckenförklaring",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "Filter",
- "srf-ui-common-label-refresh": "Uppdatera",
- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "Parametrar",
- "srf-ui-common-label-daterange": "Datumintervall",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "Alternativ ( $1 ) är inte tillgängligt",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "För alternativ ($1) måste parametern \"link\" ges värdet \"all\"",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Layouten saknas",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "Det finns inget diagram eftersom data saknas",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Föregående månad",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Nästa månad",
- "srfc_today": "Idag",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Gå till månad",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Månadskalender",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Språkkoden för det språk som kalendern skall visas med",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "Färgen som ska visas för varje datum-egenskap (t.ex: \"Start date=>green,End date=>#09c\")",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "vCard-export",
- "srf_icalendar_link": "iKalender",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "iCalendar-export",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Titeln på kalenderfilen",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "Beskrivningen av kalenderfilen",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "BibTeX-export",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Inget värde",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Outline",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "En kommaseparerad lista med de egenskaper som ska visas som rubriker",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Summa av tal",
- "srf_printername_average": "Genomsnitt av tal",
- "srf_printername_max": "Största nummer",
- "srf_printername_min": "Minsta nummer",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Högsta antal sidor att fråga",
- "srf_printername_product": "Produkt (multiplikation)",
- "srf_printername_median": "Medianvärde",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "Standardvärde att visa när resultat saknas",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Earliest time",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Latest time",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Tidslinje",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Händelselinje",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Anger vilka tidslinjer (t.ex. för vecka, dag, eller månad) som ska visas i resultatet.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Anger tidpunkt för tidslinjens mittpunkt.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "En egenskap för första tidpunkten.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "En egenskap för en andra tidpunkt.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Tidslinjens höjd",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Visa ytterligare sökresultat för den här frågan.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "Du måste använda JavaScript för att kunna se den interaktiva tidslinjen.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Vyer som ska visas",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "De egenskaper som ska visas för varje sida",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Namnet på den mall som ska visa egenskaper från en sida",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Google stapeldiagram",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Google tårtdiagram",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": "jqPlot diagram",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "jqPlot serier",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Ange höjden (i pixlar) för diagrammet",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Ange bredden (i pixlar) för diagrammet",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Namnet på diagrammet (dess titel)",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Ange diagramfärger",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Ange riktning för diagrammet",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Ange riktning för diagrammet",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "Etiketten för tal-axeln",
- "srf-paramdesc-labelaxislabel": "Etiketten för sak-axeln",
- "srf-paramdesc-ticklabels": "Visa stödlinjer",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "Minsta värdet för Y-axeln",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "Visa datapunkter",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Position för teckenförklaring",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Diagrametiketter",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Beskrivande diagramtext",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Ytterligare CSS-klass",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Välj diagram-ritare",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Särskild ifyllnad",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Välj rutnät",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Använd särskilda diagramfärger",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Välj färgpalett",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Ange format för värden",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Visa en \"datapunkts-framhävare\"",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Ange en lijneutjämningsalgoritm för linjediagram",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Visa diagram som serier ovanpå varandra",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Visa seriegrupperingar",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Ta reda på serieetiketten",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "Ta reda på gruppetiketten",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Visningsalternativ för diagram-pekare",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Gör så att man kan visa diagrammet och dess trendlinje samtidigt",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Visa ytterligare information på en motsvarande informations-fliken",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Dataobjekt",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Datavärde",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "Dataserie",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Diagram",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Data",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Information",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Bildgalleri",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "Antal bilder per rad",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "Bildbredd",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "Bildhöjd",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Använd filnamnet som bildtext, om ingen annan bildtext angetts",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Skriv ut filändelser när bildnamn används som bildtext",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "Namnet på den semantiska egenskap (som är närvarande på de efterfrågade sidorna) som ska användas som figurtext",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "Namnet på en semantisk egenskap på den efterfrågade sidan som pekar på bilder som ska användas. När den här parametern är angiven så kommer de efterfrågade sidorna själv inte att visas som bilder",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "Namnet på den semantiska egenskap som är närvarande på de efterfrågade sidorna som innehåller förflyttningsmålet",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Specificera navigation för layout",
- "srf-paramdesc-overlay": "Möjliggör bilder ovanpå",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Föregående",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Nästa",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Bild $1 av $2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "Bilden hittades inte",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Tag cloud",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Ämnestexterna inkluderas",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Hur man ökar storleken på orden",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "Ordens ordning",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "Hur många gånger ett ord måste förekomma för att visas",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "Storleken på det minsta ordet (i procent)",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "Storleken på det största ordet (i procent)",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "Den största mängden ord i molnet",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Ord som ska uteslutas (avgränsare: \";\")",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Value rank",
- "srf_printername_array": "Array",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Om man ska visa sidtitlar i resultatet eller inte",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Om man ska visa efterfrågade egenskaper och datavärden som saknas eller om de ska utelämnas",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Skapar en array med det specificerade namnet om tillägget ArrayExtension har installerats (inget syns då)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Avgränsare mellan de efterfrågade egenskaperna",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Avgränsare mellan egenskaper med många värden",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Avgränsare mellan värden för dataegenskaper",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Avgränsare mellan egenskapsnamn och egenskapsvärde om \"headers\" har värdet \"show\" eller \"plain\"",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Hash",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Skapar en \"hash\" med namnet om tillägget HashTables är installerat (inget syns då).",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Diagram",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Är objekten eller namnegenskaperna ärvda, eller ärvs de?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Möjliggör att en egenskap används som objekt istället för den faktiska egenskapen",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "Formen på varje nod i diagrammet",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Titel",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Diagramstorlek (i punkter)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Visa diagramets teckenförklaring (eller inte)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Diagrametikett",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Pilriktning",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Diagramlänk",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Diagramfärg",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Maximal längd för textlinje (i # bokstäver)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "Datatabeller",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-parameters": "Parametrar",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-information": "Information",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-success": "Tabellen uppdaterades",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Sök ...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-header": "Tillgängliga kolumner",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-noneselectedtext": "Filterinställningar",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfo": "Visar _START_ till _END_ av _TOTAL_ poster",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "Visar 0 till 0 av 0 poster",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoThousands": ",",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLengthMenu": "Visar _MENU_ poster",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Läser in...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Bearbetar...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "Sök:",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "Nästa",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "Föregående",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Tree",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Ultree",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Oltree",
- "srf-noparentprop": "Ingen ärv egenskap given. Trädet kan inte skapas utan att man anger en ärvd egenskap.",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "$1 är inte en giltig sidtitel.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "Egenskapen som innehåller den ärvda sidan",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "Bildvisning",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "Stunden mellan bilder (i sekunder)",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Visa navigeringsknappar eller inte",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "Vilken effekt som ska visas när bilden byts",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Filtrerad",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "Lista",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "Kalender",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "D3 diagram",
- "srf-printername-timeseries": "Tidsserie diagram",
- "srf-paramdesc-group": "Serie grupperad efter",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "Använd zoom",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Använd datatabell",
- "srf-timeseries-zoom-out-of-range": "Zoom inom den angivna upplösningen gav ingen (eller inte tillräckligt med) data",
- "srf-printername-sparkline": "Sparkline diagram",
- "srf-printername-listwidget": "Listwidget",
- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Ange listtyp",
- "srf-paramdesc-widget": "Tillgängliga manicker (widget)",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "Antal per sida",
- "srf-printername-eventcalendar": "Event calendar",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarfirstday": "Första dagen i veckan",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendardefaultview": "Första läget när kalendern visas",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarstart": "Startdatum för kalendern (datum- eller datum/tid-värden)",
- "srf-paramdesc-dayview": "Visa \"dags-vyn\" genom att klicka på numret för den dagen",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "Idag",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month": "Månad",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week": "Vecka",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "Dag",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "Hela dagen",
- "srf-printername-dygraphs": "Dygraphs diagram",
- "srf-paramdesc-datasource": "Källan varifrån data är tillgänglig. Tillåtna värden: \"file\", \"raw\" och \"url\". Standard: \"file\"",
- "srf-paramdesc-errorbar": "De felstaplar som ska användas. Tillåtna värden: \"fraction\" (konfidensintervall för värden), \"sigma\" (standardavvikelsen för värden) och \"range\" (anpassad värdeintervall)",
- "srf-paramdesc-movingaverage": "Visa medelvärdet för ett visst antal dagar (zero innebär inget medelvärde)",
- "srf-paramdesc-yaxislabel": "Beskrivning som visas på y-axeln",
- "srf-paramdesc-xaxislabel": "Beskrivning som visas på x-axeln",
- "srf-paramdesc-unit": "Enhet",
- "srf-printername-pagewidget": "Pagewidget (sidomanick)",
- "srf-printername-incoming": "Ingående egenskaper",
- "srf-paramdesc-min": "Minsta värde eller tröskelvärdet",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludeproperty": "Uteslut egenskap från resultatet",
- "srf-excel-link": "Excel"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ta.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ta.json
deleted file mode 100644
index caa668e3..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/ta.json
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@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Karthi.dr",
- "Shanmugamp7",
- "ElangoRamanujam"
- ]
- },
- "srf-module-loading": "ஏற்றப்படுகிறது...",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "கிடைக்கும் வடிவமைப்பு",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "உயரம்",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "அகலம்",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "பொருத்தமானவைகள் ஒன்றும் காணப்படவில்லை.",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "கிடைக்கும் வரைபட வகை",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "முந்தைய",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "முந்தைய",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "அடுத்தது",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "மூலம்",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "தரவு மூலம்",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "பொருளைக் கோரவும்",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "உதவிப் பகுதி",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "விருப்பத்தேர்வுகள்",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "நோக்கம்",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "வடிகட்டி",
- "srf-ui-common-label-paneview": "பக்க நோக்கு",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "விருப்பத்தேர்வு ($1) இல்லை",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "கடந்த மாதம்",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "அடுத்த மாதம்",
- "srfc_today": "இன்று",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "மாதாந்திர நாட்காட்டி",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "மதிப்பு இல்லை",
- "srf_printername_outline": "திட்டவரை",
- "srf_printername_sum": "எண்களின் கூட்டல்",
- "srf_printername_average": "எண்களின் சராசரி",
- "srf_printername_max": "அதிகபட்ச எண்",
- "srf_printername_min": "குறைந்தபட்ச எண்",
- "srf_printername_product": "எண்களின் பெருக்கல்",
- "srf_printername_median": "எண்களின் இடைநிலை",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "மிகமுந்திய நேரம்",
- "srf_printername_latest": "மிகஅண்மைய நேரம்",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "காலவரிசை",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "நிகழ்ச்சிவரிசை",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "காலக்கோட்டின் உயரம்",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "கூகிள் பட்டை வரைபடம்",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "கூகுள் வட்ட விளக்கப்படம்",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "தரவு உருப்படி",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "தரவு வரிசைகள்",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "விளக்கப்படம்",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "தரவு",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "தகவல்",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "காட்சியகம்",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "நெடுவரிசை ஒன்றிற்கு படங்களின் எண்ணிக்கை",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "படங்களின் அகலம்",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "படங்களின் உயரம்",
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- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "அடுத்தது",
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- "Liangent"
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--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/tl.json
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "AnakngAraw",
- "Sky Harbor"
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- },
- "srf-desc": "Dagdag na mga anyo para sa nasa loob ng guhit na mga pagtatanong na pang-Semantikong MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Mga Anyo ng Resultang Semantiko",
- "srf-module-loading": "Ikinakarga...",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Makukuhang kalatagan",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Taas",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Lapad",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Tumukoy ng isang karagdagang klase ng mga pilas ng lumalagaslas na estilo",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "Walang natagpuang mga pagtutugma",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Makukuhang uri ng talangguhit",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "Hindi makukuha ang napili ($1)",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "Ang mapagpipilian ($1) ay nangangailangan ng parametrong \"link\" na maitakda bilang \"all\"",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Nawawala ang kalatagan",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "Ang talaguhitan/talangguhit ay walang laman dahil sa nawawalang dato",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Nakaraang buwan",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Susunod na buwan",
- "srfc_today": "Ngayong araw na ito",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Pumunta sa buwan",
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- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "Ang kulay na ipapakita para sa bawat isang pag-aaring petsa (halimbawa: \"Petsa ng simula=>green,Petsa ng wakas=>#09c\")",
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- "srf_printername_vcard": "Luwas ng vCard",
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- "srf_printername_average": "Pinatakang halaga ng mga bilang",
- "srf_printername_max": "Pinakamataas na bilang",
- "srf_printername_min": "Pinakamababang bilang",
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- "srf-paramdesc-default": "Ang likas na nakatakdang halaga na ipapakita kapag walang mga resultang pambilang",
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- "srf_printername_latest": "Pinaka huling oras",
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- "srf_printername_eventline": "Guhit ng kaganapan",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Tumutukoy kung aling mga sintas ang ipapakita sa loob ng resulta.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Tumutukoy kung saan unang tutuon ang guhit ng panahon.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Isang pangalan ng pag-aaring ginamit upang tukuyin ang isang unang punto ng oras",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Isang pangalan ng pag-aaring ginamit upang tukuyin ang isang pangalawang punto ng oras",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Ang taas ng guhit ng panahon",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Karagdagang mga resulta para sa pagsisiyasat na ito.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "Kailangan mong paganahin ang JavaScript upang makita ang masiglang guhit ng panahon.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Mga tanawing ipapakita",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "Ang pangkat ng mga pag-aaring ipapakita para sa bawat pahina",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Ang pangalan ng isang suleras na pagpapakitaan ng mga pag-aari ng pahina",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Baretang tsart ng Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Kakaning-tsart ng Google",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": "Talangguhit ng jqPlot",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "Mga serye ng jqPlot",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Tukuyin ang taas ng (na nasa mga piksel) ng isang talangguhit o talaguhitan",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Tukuyin ang lapad (na nasa mga piksel o bahagdan) ng isang talangguhit o talaguhitan",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Ang pamagat ng talangguhit",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Ang kulay ng mga bareta",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Tukuyin ang kapupuntahan ng isang talangguhit",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Tukuyin ang kapupuntahan ng isang talangguhit o talaguhitan",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "Ang tatak para sa painugan ng mga bilang",
- "srf-paramdesc-labelaxislabel": "Ang tatak para sa painugan ng mga tatak",
- "srf-paramdesc-ticklabels": "Paganahin ang pagpapakita ng mga tatak ng tsek",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "Ang pinaka mababang halaga na ipapakita sa ibabaw ng aksis na Y",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "Ipakita ang mga tuldok ng dato na nasa loob ng talangguhit",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Puwesto ng paliwanag para sa talangguhit",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Mga katatakan ng dato ng talangguhit/talaguhitan",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Mapaglarawang teksto ng talangguhit",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Karagdagang klase ng Mga Pilas ng Lumalagaslas na Estilo",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Pumili ng isang tagapagharap ng talaguhitan/talangguhit",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Indibiduwal na magpipilian ng pampuno",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Pumili ng isang tema ng parilya",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Magtalaga ng mga kulay ng indibiduwal na talangguhit",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Pumili ng isang panukala ng kulay",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Tukuyin ang patakaran ng pagsasaayos ng mga halaga",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Magpakita ng isang pampaliwanag ng tuldok ng dato",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Maglapat ng isang algoritmong pampakinis sa ibabaw ng mga talangguhit na paguhit",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Ipakita ang talangguhit bilang mga seryeng nakasalansan",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Piliin ang pagkakapangkat ng mga serye",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Alamin ang katatakan ng serye",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "Alamin ang tatak ng pangkat",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Mapipili na pangtanghal ng panturo ng talangguhit",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Paganahin ang sabay-sabay na pagpapakita ng isang talangguhit at ang guhit ng kalakaran nito",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Bagay na pandatos",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Halaga ng dato",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "Mga serye ng dato",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Talangguhit",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Datos",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Galerya",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "Ang dami ng mga larawan bawat hilera",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "Ang lapad ng mga larawan",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "Ang taas ng mga larawan",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Gamitin ang pangalan ng talaksan bilang paliwag kapag walang ibinigay",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "Kapag ginagamit ang pangalan ng talaksan bilang paliwanag, ipakita rin ang dugtong ng talaksan",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "Ang pangalan ng isang kaariang semantiko naroroon sa ibabaw ng mga pahinang siniyasat na gagamitin bilang paliwanag",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "Pangalan ng isang kaariang semantiko sa ibabaw ng mga pahina siniyasat na tumuturo sa mga imaheng gagamitin. Kapag nakatakda, ang mga pahina siniyasat mismo ay hindi ipapakita sa mga imahe",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "Ang pangalan ng isang semantikong kaariang naroon sa inuusisang mga pahina na naglalaman ng pinupukol na pagpunta sa ibang lugar",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Pantaban sa kalatagan ng panglibot",
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- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Susunod",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Imaheng $1 ng $2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "Hindi natagpuan ang larawan.",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Ulap ng tatak",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Kung dapat bang isama ang mga pangalan ng mga paksa mismo",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Paano patataasin ang sukat ng mga tatak",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "Ang pagkakasunud-sunod ng mga tatak",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "Ang pinaka mababang dami ng ulit na kailangang lumitaw ang isang halaga upang mailista",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "Ang sukat ng pinaka maliit na mga tatak na nasa bahagdan",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "Ang sukat ng pinaka malaking mga tatak na nasa bahagdan",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "Ang pinaka mataas na dami ng mga tatak na nasa loob ng ulap",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Huwag isali ang mga tatak (panghangga: ;)",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Ranggo ng halaga",
- "srf_printername_array": "Hanay",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Kung ipapakita ba ang mga pamagat ng pahina bilang resultang mga lahok o huwag isali ang mga ito",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Kung ililimbag ba ang hiniling ngunit hindi makukuhang kaarian at mga halaga ng pagtatala na pinaghihiwalay-hiwalay ng mga panghiwalay o hindi pagsasali ng mga ito",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Kapag ibinigay at kung makukuha ang Dugtong ng Hanay, lilikha ito ng isang hanay na mayroong tinukoy na pangalan (wala pang makikitang kinalabasan noon)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Panghiwalay sa pagitan ng hiniling na mga kaarian",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Panghiwalay sa pagitan ng maraming pinahahalagahang mga halaga ng ari-arian",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Panghiwalay sa pagitan ng mga halaga ng mga pag-aari ng katalaan",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Panghiwalay sa pagitan ng pangalan ng kaarian at halaga kapag ang \"headers\" ay nakatakda sa \"show\" o \"plain\"",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Muling paghahayag",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Kapag ibinigay at kung makukuha ang Talahanayan ng Kahaluan, lilikha ito ng isang kahaluan na mayroong tinukoy na pangalan (wala pang makikitang kinalabasan noon)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Talangguhit",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Mga magulang ba o mga anak ang mga paksa o mga kaarian ng pangalan?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Nagpapahintulot ng pagtatakda ng isang pag-aari na gagamitin bilang paksa sa halip na ang talagang paksa",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "Ang hugis ng bawat buko sa ibabaw ng talangguhit",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Pamagat",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Sukat ng talangguhit (nasa px)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Ipakita ang alamat ng talangguhit o hindi",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Tatak ng talangguhit",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Patutunguhan ng palaso",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Kawing ng talangguhit",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Kulay ng talangguhit",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Hangganan ng balot ng salita (sa loob ng # mga panitik)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "Mga Talahanayan ng Dato",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Puno",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Puno na ang listahan ay walang pagkakasunud-sunod",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Puno na ang listahan ay may pagkakasunud-sunod",
- "srf-noparentprop": "Walang ibinigay na magulang na kaarian. Ang puno ay hindi maaaring buuin na wala ang isang tinukoy na magulang na kaarian.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "Ang pag-aari na naglalaman ng magulang na pahina",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "Palabas na Dumudulas",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "Ang pag-antala sa pagitan ng mga padulas na nasa mga segundo",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Ipakita o huwag ipakita ang mga pantaban ng paglilibot",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "Ang epektong gagamitin upang magpalipat-lipat mula sa bawat isang padulas",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Nasala na",
- "srf-printername-d3chart": "Talangguhit ng D3",
- "srf-printername-timeseries": "Talangguhit ng pagkakasunud-sunod ng panahon",
- "srf-paramdesc-group": "Pinagpangkat-pangkat ang mga serye ayon sa",
- "srf-paramdesc-zoom": "Paganahin ang paglapit na nakatutok",
- "srf-paramdesc-datatable": "Paganahin ang isang talahanayan ng dato",
- "srf-timeseries-zoom-out-of-range": "Ang saklaw ng paglapit na nakatutok ay hindi nakagawa ng anumang sapat na dato",
- "srf-printername-sparkline": "Mga guhit ng pagkisap",
- "srf-printername-listwidget": "Widyet ng lista",
- "srf-paramdesc-listtype": "Tukuyin ang uri ng tala",
- "srf-paramdesc-widget": "Makukuhang widyet",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "Mga bagay sa bawat pahina",
- "srf-printername-eventcalendar": "Kalendaryo ng pangyayari",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendarfirstday": "Ang araw na pinagsisimulan ng bawat isang linggo",
- "srf-paramdesc-calendardefaultview": "Ang paunang pagpapatanaw kapag kumarga na ang kalendaryo",
- "srf-paramdesc-dayview": "Paganahin ang pagpapatanaw ng araw sa pamamagitan ng paglagitik sa bilang ng araw"
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deleted file mode 100644
index d3e2bbfb..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/tr.json
+++ /dev/null
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- "authors": [
- "Joseph",
- "Karduelis",
- "Vito Genovese",
- "Sayginer"
- ]
- },
- "srf-name": "Anlamsal Sonuç Bilimleri",
- "srf-module-loading": "Yükleniyor...",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Önceki ay",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Sonraki ay",
- "srfc_today": "Bugün",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Aya git",
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- "srf_printername_icalendar": "iCalendar dışa aktarımı",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Takvim dosyasının başlığı",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "Takvim dosyasının tanımı",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Değer yok",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Sayıların toplamı",
- "srf_printername_average": "Sayılan ortalaması",
- "srf_printername_max": "Azami sayı",
- "srf_printername_min": "Asgari sayı",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Sorgulanacak azami sayfa sayısı",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Zaman çizgisi",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Görüntülenecek görünümler",
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- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Google dilim çizelgesi",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Yükleniyor...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "İşleniyor..."
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/tt-cyrl.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/tt-cyrl.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 99323f9e..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/tt-cyrl.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Ilnur efende"
- ]
- },
- "srfc_today": "Бүген"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/tyv.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/tyv.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f9671960..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/tyv.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Agilight"
- ]
- },
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Данныйлар элементизи"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/tzm.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/tzm.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 151283f8..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/tzm.json
+++ /dev/null
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- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Tifinaghes"
- ]
- },
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "ⵓⵎⵓⵖ"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/uk.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/uk.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 20ddbb3e..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/uk.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Base",
- "Steve.rusyn",
- "SteveR",
- "Ата",
- "NataChe"
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Додаткові формати результатів для запитів Semantic MediaWiki",
- "srf-name": "Формати семантичних результатів",
- "prefs-srf": "Формати семантичних результатів",
- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "Ви встановили розширення Semantic Result Formats. За отримання допомоги, відвідайте, будь ласка, [ довідкову сторінку форматів результатів].",
- "prefs-srf-eventcalendar-options": "Налаштування календаря подій",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-update-default": "Увімкнути [ автоматичні оновлення] календаря подій під час оновлення сторінки",
- "srf-prefs-eventcalendar-options-paneview-default": "Увімкнути за замовчуванням вигляд клітинками",
- "prefs-srf-datatables-options": "Налаштування DataTables",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-update-default": "Увімкнути [ автоматичні оновлення] вмісту таблиці під час оновлення сторінки",
- "srf-prefs-datatables-options-cache-default": "Увімкнути [ локальне збереження] для покращення часу відповіді",
- "srf-module-loading": "Завантаження…",
- "srf-paramdesc-layout": "Доступний макет",
- "srf-paramdesc-height": "Висота",
- "srf-paramdesc-width": "Ширина",
- "srf-paramdesc-class": "Вказати додатковий клас CSS",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "Не знайдено збігів",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttype": "Доступні типи діаграм",
- "srf-navigation-previous": "Попередній",
- "srf-ui-navigation-prev": "Попер.",
- "srf-ui-navigation-next": "Наступний",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "Джерело",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "Джерело даних",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "Сервер повідомив про невдалий зв'язок з $1. Будь ласка, спробуйте оновити сторінку або зверніться з цим до $2.",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "об'єкт запиту",
- "srf-ui-common-label-help-section": "розділ довідки",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "Опції",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-scope": "Сфера",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-legend": "Легенда",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-filter": "Фільтр",
- "srf-ui-common-label-refresh": "Оновити",
- "srf-ui-common-label-parameters": "Параметри",
- "srf-ui-common-label-query": "Запит",
- "srf-ui-common-label-daterange": "Діапазон дати",
- "srf-ui-widgets-label-parameter-limit": "Параметр ліміту",
- "srf-error-option-mix": "Опція ($1) не доступна",
- "srf-error-option-link-all": "Опція ($1) вимагає, щоб параметр «link» було встановлено як «all»",
- "srf-error-missing-layout": "Макет відсутній",
- "srf-warn-empy-chart": "Діаграма або графік пусті через нестачу даних",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "Попередній місяць",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "Наступний місяць",
- "srfc_today": "Сьогодні",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "Перейти до місяця",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "Місячний календар",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "Код мови, якою показувати календар",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "Колір, яким показувати кожну властивість дати (наприклад: «Start date=>green,End date=>#09c»)",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "Експорт vCard",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "Експорт iCalendar",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "Назва фалу календаря",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "Опис файлу календаря",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "Експорт BibTeX",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "Немає значення",
- "srf_printername_outline": "Ескіз",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "Список властивостей, що буде показано як заголовки ескізу, розділених комами",
- "srf_printername_sum": "Сума чисел",
- "srf_printername_average": "Середнє арифметичне чисел",
- "srf_printername_max": "Максимальне число",
- "srf_printername_min": "Мінімальне число",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "Максимальне число сторінок для запиту",
- "srf_printername_product": "Добуток чисел",
- "srf_printername_median": "Медіана чисел",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "Значення за змовчуванням, яке буде показано, якщо немає числових результатів",
- "srf_printername_earliest": "Найранніший час",
- "srf_printername_latest": "Найпізніший час",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "Хронологія",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "Список подій",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "Визначає, які діапазони буде показано у результаті.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "Визначає, яке місце часової шкали буде показано початково.",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "Назва властивості, що використовується для визначення першої часової точки",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "Назва властивості, що використовується для визначення другої часової точки",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "Висота часової шкали",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "Подальші результати для цього запиту.",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "Вам слід увімкнути JavaScript для того, щоб бачити інтерактивну часову шкалу.",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "Вигляди для показу",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "Набір властивостей, що показується на кожній сторінці",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "Назва шаблону для відображення властивостей сторінки",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Гістограма Google",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Секторна діаграма Google",
- "srf-printername-jqplotchart": "діаграма jqPlot",
- "srf-printername-jqplotseries": "серія jqPlot",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartheight": "Вкажіть висоту (у пікселях) діаграми або графіка",
- "srf_paramdesc_chartwidth": "Вкажіть ширину (у пікселях чи відсотках) діаграми або графіка",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "Назва діаграми",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "Укажіть колір діаграми",
- "srf_paramdesc_bardirection": "Укажіть напрямок діаграми",
- "srf-paramdesc-direction": "Укажіть напрямок діаграми або графіка",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "Позначка для числової осі",
- "srf-paramdesc-labelaxislabel": "Позначка для поділок осі",
- "srf-paramdesc-ticklabels": "Увімкнути відображення позначень поділок.",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "Мінімальне значення для відображення на осі Y",
- "srf-paramdesc-pointlabels": "Відображення точок даних у діаграмі",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartlegend": "Розташування легенди діаграми",
- "srf-paramdesc-datalabels": "Підписи даних діаграми/графіка",
- "srf-paramdesc-charttext": "Текст опису діаграми",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartclass": "Додатковий CSS-клас",
- "srf-paramdesc-renderer": "Виберіть візуалізацію графіка/діаграми",
- "srf-paramdesc-filling": "Індивідуальна опція заповнення",
- "srf-paramdesc-theme": "Виберіть тему сітки",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcolor": "Призначити окремі кольори діаграми",
- "srf-paramdesc-colorscheme": "Виберіть схему кольорів",
- "srf-paramdesc-valueformat": "Вкажіть правило форматування для значень",
- "srf-paramdesc-highlighter": "Відобразити виділення точок даних",
- "srf-paramdesc-smoothlines": "Застосувати алгоритм згладжування для лінійних діаграм",
- "srf-paramdesc-stackseries": "Відобразити діаграми у вигляді складеної серії",
- "srf-paramdesc-seriesgroup": "Оберіть групування серії",
- "srf-paramdesc-serieslabel": "Визначте ярлик серії",
- "srf-paramdesc-grouplabel": "Визначте ярлик групи",
- "srf-paramdesc-chartcursor": "Параметр відображення покажчика діаграми",
- "srf-paramdesc-trendline": "Увімкнути одночасне відображення діаграми та її лінії тренду",
- "srf-paramdesc-gridview": "Відобразити діаграму та набори даних одночасно. Допустимі значення: «none» і «tabs». За замовчуванням: «none»",
- "srf-paramdesc-infotext": "Відображати додаткові відомості на відповідній інформаційній вкладці",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-item": "Елемент даних",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-value": "Значення даних",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-series": "Серія даних",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-chart-tab": "Графік",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "Дані",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "Інформація",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "Галерея",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "Кількість зображень у рядку",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "Ширина зображень",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "Висота зображень",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "Використовувати назву файлу в якості заголовку, якщо його не вказано",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "При використанні імені файлу в якості заголовка, відображати також і розширення файлу",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "Назва семантичної властивості, наявна на запинатих сторінках, яку буде використано як опис",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "Назва семантичної властивості на запитаних сторінках, яка вказує на зображення, які треба використати. Якщо вказана, самі запитані сторінки не відображатимуться як зображення",
- "srf-paramdesc-redirects": "Назва семантичної властивості, наявна на запитаних сторінках, яка містить ціль перенаправлення",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation": "Керування навігацією макету",
- "srf-paramdesc-overlay": "Дозволити накладання зображення",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "Попередній",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "Наступний",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "Зображення $1 з $2",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "Зображення не знайдено.",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "Хмаринка теґів",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "Мають бути включені назви власне суб'єктів",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "Як збільшити розмір теґів",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "Порядок тегів",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "Мінімальна кількість разів появи значення, після яких воно потрапляє в список",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "Розмір найменших теґів у відсотках",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "Розмір найбільших теґів у відсотках",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "Максимальна кількість теґів у хмарці",
- "srf-paramdesc-excludetags": "Виключити теги (розділювач: \";\")",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "Оцінити ранг",
- "srf_printername_array": "Масив",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "Чи слід відображати заголовки сторінок як результуючі записи або пропускати їх",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "Чи друкувати запитану, але недоступну властивісь і значення записів, розділених розділювачами, чи пропускати їх",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "Якщо подано і ArrayExtension доступне, то це створюватиме масив з вказаною назвою (жодного видимого виходу)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "Розділювач між запитаними властивостями",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "Розділювач між багатьма оціненими значеннями властивостей",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "Розділювач між значеннями властивостей записів",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "Розділювач між назвою властивості та значенням, якщо \"headers\" встановлено як \"show\" або \"plain\"",
- "srf_printername_hash": "Хеш",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "Якщо вкажане, і доступне розширення HashTables, це створить хеш з поданою назвою (жодного видимого виходу)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "Графік",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "Предмети або властивості назв батьківські чи дочірні?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "Дозволяє встановлювати властивість, що буде використана як предмет замість нинішнього предмета",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "Форма кожного вузла графу",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "Назва",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "Розмір графу (у пікселях)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "Показувати легенду чи ні?",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "Підпис графу",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "Напрямок стрілки",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "Посилання графу",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "Колір графу",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Межа переносу слів (у # символів)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "Таблиці даних",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-conditions": "Умови",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-parameters": "Параметри",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-filters": "Фільтри стовпців і пошук",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-information": "Інформація",
- "srf-ui-datatables-panel-disclaimer": "Параметри та умови можуть бути змінені, але будь-яка зміна тимчасова і скидається після оновлення сторінки.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-success": "Оновлення таблиці пройшло успішно",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-error": "Не вдалося оновити таблицю.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "Пошук…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-cache": "Зміст отримано з локального кеша.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-server": "Зміст було отримано з сервера.",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-header": "Доступні колонки",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-noneselectedtext": "Налаштування фільтра",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-selectedtext": "Стовпці відображаються",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sEmptyTable": "Немає даних у таблиці",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfo": "Відображення записів від _START_ по _END_ з _TOTAL_",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "Показані від 0 до 0 з 0 записів",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoFiltered": "(відфільтровано з усього _MAX_ записів)",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoThousands": ",",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLengthMenu": "Показати _MENU_ записів",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sLoadingRecords": "Завантаження…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "Обробка…",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "Пошук:",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sZeroRecords": "Нічого не знайдено відповідно до критеріїв пошуку",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sFirst": "Перше",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sLast": "Останнє",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "Наступне",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sPrevious": "Попереднє",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortAscending": ": активувати сортування стовпців за зростанням",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oAria-sSortDescending": ": активувати сортування стовпців за спаданням",
- "srf_printername_tree": "Дерево",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Ultree",
- "srf_printername_oltree": "Oltree",
- "srf-noparentprop": "Не вказано батьківської властивості. Дерево не може бути побудоване без вказання батьківської властивості.",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "«$1» не є коректною назвою сторінки.",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "Властивість, яка містить батьківську сторінку",
- "srf-paramdesc-root": "Коренева сторінка дерева",
- "srf-paramdesc-startlevel": "Початковий рівень дерева, напр., для інтегрування його в інше дерево",
- "srf-printername-slideshow": "Слайд-шоу",
- "srf-paramdesc-delay": "Затримка між слайдами у секундах",
- "srf-paramdesc-navigation-controls": "Показувати елементи керування навігацією чи ні",
- "srf-paramdesc-effect": "Ефект використовується для перемикання від слайда до слайда",
- "srf-printername-filtered": "Відфільтровано",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-views": "Вигляд, який буде доступний при виведенні результатів.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "Тип списку. Допустимі значення: «list», «ul», «ol». За замовчуванням: «list».",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-template": "Шаблон, за допомогою якого форматуватимуться елементи списку.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-named-args": "Назви аргументів, що передаються шаблону.",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "Назва шаблону, який показувати перед результатами запиту, якщо вони є.",
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- "Malafaya",
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- "srf-prefs-intro-text": "您已安装语义结果格式拓展。额外帮助请参见[ 此拓展的帮助页]。",
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- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "服务器报告对此$1的通信失败。请尝试刷新页面或查阅$2获取帮助。",
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- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "每个日期属性的显示颜色(示例:\"Start date=>green,End date=>#09c\")",
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- "srf_printername_average": "数值的平均值",
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- "srf-paramdesc-default": "没有数值型结果时将会显示的默认值",
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- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "用来定义第一个时间点的属性名称",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "用来定义第二个时间点的属性名称",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "时间轴高度",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "此查询的进一步结果。",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "要查看交互式的时间轴,您需要启用JavaScript。",
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- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "为每个页面所要显示的那套属性",
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- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "当使用文件名作为标题,同时也显示文件扩展名",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "存在于所查询页面上的某个语义属性的名称要用作标题",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "所查询页面上某一指向所要使用的图像的语义属性的名称。当设置时,所查询页面本身将不会显示为图像。",
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- "srf-gallery-navigation-previous": "上一步",
- "srf-gallery-navigation-next": "下一步",
- "srf-gallery-overlay-count": "$2的图像$1",
- "srf-gallery-image-url-error": "图像未找到。",
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- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "如果主题名称本身应当包括在内",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "如何增加标签的大小",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "标签的顺序",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "要列出某一取值所需出现的最少次数",
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- "srf_printername_array": "数组",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "究竟是把页面标题显示为结果条目,还是略去它们",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "究竟是打印输出所请求的但不可用的属性以及采用分隔符分隔的记录取值,还是略去它们",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "如果已经给出,且ArrayExtension可用,这将会创建一个带有指定名称的数组(没有任何可见的输出)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "所请求属性之间的分隔符",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "许多已经赋值的属性取值之间的分隔符",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "记录属性的取值之间的分隔符",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "当把\"headers\"设置为\"show\"或\"plain\"时,属性名称和取值之间的分隔符",
- "srf_printername_hash": "哈希",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "如果已经给出,且HashTables可用,这将会创建一个带有指定名称的哈希表(没有任何可见的输出)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "图形",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "这些主题或名称属性是父节点或子节点吗?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "允许设置一个属性,并将其作为主题来使用,而不是实际的主题",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "图形上每个节点的形状",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "标题",
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- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "显示或不显示图形图例",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-update-error": "图标更新失败。",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "搜索中...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-content-server": "内容从服务器得到。",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-header": "可用阵列",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-noneselectedtext": "过滤器设置",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-multiselect-column-selectedtext": "阵列是可见的",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sEmptyTable": "表中无可用数据",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfo": "显示_TOTAL_的记录,从_START_至_END_",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoEmpty": "显示0的记录,从0至0",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoFiltered": "(从_MAX_总记录中筛选)",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sInfoThousands": ",",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sProcessing": "处理中...",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-sSearch": "搜索:",
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- "srf-ui-datatables-label-oPaginate-sNext": "下",
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- "srf_printername_tree": "树",
- "srf_printername_ultree": "Ultree",
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- "srf-noparentprop": "未提供父属性。在没有指定父属性的情况下无法构建树种结构。",
- "srf-rootinvalid": "$1不是有效的页面标题。",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "包含父页面的属性",
- "srf-paramdesc-root": "树的根页面",
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- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-type": "列表的类型。允许的值:“list”、“ul”、“ol”。默认值:“list”。",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "列表",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "日历",
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- "srf-paramdesc-widget": "可用组件",
- "srf-paramdesc-pageitems": "项每页",
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- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "今天",
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- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day": "日",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday": "全天",
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- "srf-excel-missing-phpexcel": "无法导出成MS-Excel因为[ PHPExcel]拓展未安装。"
diff --git a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/zh-hant.json b/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/zh-hant.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5790043e..00000000
--- a/SemanticResultFormats/i18n/zh-hant.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- "@metadata": {
- "authors": [
- "Shirayuki",
- "Wrightbus",
- "Liuxinyu970226",
- ]
- },
- "srf-desc": "Semantic MediaWiki嵌入式查詢的附加格式",
- "srf-name": "語義結果格式",
- "srf-module-loading": "載入中...",
- "srf-module-nomatch": "沒有符合的資訊",
- "srf-ui-common-label-source": "來源",
- "srf-ui-common-label-datasource": "資料來源",
- "srf-ui-common-label-ajax-error": "伺服器報告對此$1通訊失敗。請嘗試重新載入頁面或查閱$2。",
- "srf-ui-common-label-request-object": "徽求對象",
- "srf-ui-tooltip-title-options": "選項",
- "srfc_previousmonth": "上月",
- "srfc_nextmonth": "下月",
- "srfc_today": "今天",
- "srfc_gotomonth": "跳至月份",
- "srf_printername_calendar": "月曆",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarlang": "顯示日曆的語言代碼",
- "srf_paramdesc_calendarcolors": "每個日期屬性的顯示顏色(示例:\"Start date=>green,End date=>#09c\")",
- "srf_printername_vcard": "vCard匯出",
- "srf_printername_icalendar": "iCalendar匯出",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle": "日曆文件的標題",
- "srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription": "日曆檔案的說明",
- "srf_printername_bibtex": "BibTeX匯出",
- "srf_outline_novalue": "沒有取值",
- "srf_printername_outline": "大綱",
- "srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties": "要顯示為大綱標題的屬性列表,以逗號分隔",
- "srf_printername_sum": "數值之和",
- "srf_printername_average": "數值的平均值",
- "srf_printername_max": "最大數目",
- "srf_printername_min": "最小數目",
- "srf_paramdesc_limit": "所要查詢頁面的最大數量",
- "srf_printername_product": "數值的乘積",
- "srf_printername_median": "數值的中位數",
- "srf-paramdesc-default": "沒有數值型結果時將會顯示的默認值",
- "srf_printername_timeline": "時間軸",
- "srf_printername_eventline": "事件軸",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinebands": "定義在結果當中顯示哪些條帶。",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineposition": "定義時間軸最初的焦點位於何處。",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinestart": "用來定義第一個時間點的屬性名稱",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelineend": "用來定義第二個時間點的屬性名稱",
- "srf_paramdesc_timelinesize": "時間軸高度",
- "srf-timeline-allresults": "此查詢的進一步結果。",
- "srf-timeline-nojs": "要檢視互動式的時間軸,您需要啟用JavaScript。",
- "srf_paramdesc_views": "所要顯示的視圖",
- "srf_paramdesc_facets": "為每個頁面所要顯示的那套屬性",
- "srf_paramdesc_lens": "用於顯示頁面屬性的模板名稱",
- "srf_printername_googlebar": "Google條形圖",
- "srf_printername_googlepie": "Google餅圖",
- "srf_paramdesc_charttitle": "圖表標題",
- "srf_paramdesc_barcolor": "條形的顏色",
- "srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel": "數字軸標籤",
- "srf-paramdesc-minvalue": "Y-軸上所要顯示的最小值",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-data-tab": "資料",
- "srf-ui-gridview-label-info-tab": "資訊",
- "srf_printername_gallery": "圖庫",
- "srf_paramdesc_perrow": "每行的圖像個數",
- "srf_paramdesc_widths": "圖像寬度",
- "srf_paramdesc_heights": "圖像高度",
- "srf_paramdesc_autocaptions": "不提供任何標題時使用檔案名稱作為標題",
- "srf_paramdesc_fileextensions": "當使用檔案名稱作為標題,同時也顯示檔案副檔名",
- "srf_paramdesc_captionproperty": "存在於所查詢頁面上的某個語義屬性的名稱要用作標題",
- "srf_paramdesc_imageproperty": "所查詢頁面上某一指向所要使用的圖像的語義屬性的名稱。當設置時,所查詢頁面本身將不會顯示為圖像。",
- "srf_printername_tagcloud": "標籤雲",
- "srf_paramdesc_includesubject": "如果主題名稱本身應當包括在內",
- "srf_paramdesc_increase": "如何增加標籤的大小",
- "srf_paramdesc_tagorder": "標籤的順序",
- "srf_paramdesc_mincount": "要列出某一取值所需出現的最少次數",
- "srf_paramdesc_minsize": "以百分比計算的最小標籤的大小",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxsize": "以百分比計算的最大標籤的大小",
- "srf_paramdesc_maxtags": "雲中標籤的最大數量",
- "srf_printername_valuerank": "取值排名",
- "srf_printername_array": "數組",
- "srf_paramdesc_pagetitle": "究竟是把頁面標題顯示為結果條目,還是略去它們",
- "srf_paramdesc_hidegaps": "究竟是打印輸出所請求的但不可用的屬性以及採用分隔符分隔的記錄取值,還是略去它們",
- "srf_paramdesc_arrayname": "如果已經給出,且ArrayExtension可用,這將會創建一個帶有指定名稱的數組(沒有任何可見的輸出)",
- "srf_paramdesc_propsep": "所請求屬性之間的分隔符",
- "srf_paramdesc_manysep": "許多已經賦值的屬性取值之間的分隔符",
- "srf_paramdesc_recordsep": "記錄屬性的取值之間的分隔符",
- "srf_paramdesc_headersep": "當把\"headers\"設定為\"show\"或\"plain\"時,屬性名稱和取值之間的分離符",
- "srf_printername_hash": "哈希",
- "srf_paramdesc_hashname": "如果已經給出,且HashTables可用,這將會創建一個帶有指定名稱的哈希表(沒有任何可見的輸出)",
- "srf-printername-graph": "圖形",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-relation": "這些主題或名稱屬性是父節點或子節點嗎?",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop": "允許設定一個屬性,並將其作為主題來使用,而不是實際的主題",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape": "圖形上每個節點的形狀",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphname": "標題",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphsize": "圖形尺寸(以像素計)",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlegend": "顯示或不顯示圖形圖例",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlabel": "圖形標籤",
- "srf_paramdesc_rankdir": "箭頭方向",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphlink": "圖形連結",
- "srf_paramdesc_graphcolor": "圖形顏色",
- "srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl": "Word自動換行限制(以字元計)",
- "srf-printername-datatables": "數據表",
- "srf-ui-datatables-label-placeholder-column-search": "搜尋中...",
- "srf-noparentprop": "未提供父屬性。在沒有指定父屬性的情況下無法構建樹種結構。",
- "srf-paramdesc-parent": "包含父頁面的屬性",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-introtemplate": "用於在查詢結果前顯示內容的模板的名稱。",
- "srf-paramdesc-filtered-list-outrotemplate": "用於在查詢結果後顯示內容的模板的名稱。",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-list": "列表",
- "srf-filtered-selectorlabel-calendar": "日曆",
- "srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today": "今天"