diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SemanticMediaWiki/includes/export/SMW_Exporter.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 737 deletions
diff --git a/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/export/SMW_Exporter.php b/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/export/SMW_Exporter.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c8ec2835..00000000
--- a/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/export/SMW_Exporter.php
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-use SMW\DataTypeRegistry;
-use SMW\DataValueFactory;
-use SMW\DIProperty;
-use SMW\DIWikiPage;
- * SMWExporter is a class for converting internal page-based data (SMWSemanticData) into
- * a format for easy serialisation in OWL or RDF.
- *
- * @author Markus Krötzsch
- * @ingroup SMW
- */
-class SMWExporter {
- /**
- * @var SMWExporter
- */
- private static $instance = null;
- static protected $m_exporturl = false;
- static protected $m_ent_wiki = false;
- static protected $m_ent_property = false;
- static protected $m_ent_wikiurl = false;
- /**
- * @since 2.0
- *
- * @return SMWExporter
- */
- public static function getInstance() {
- if ( self::$instance === null ) {
- self::$instance = new self();
- self::$instance->initBaseURIs();
- }
- return self::$instance;
- }
- /**
- * @since 2.0
- */
- public static function clear() {
- self::$instance = null;
- }
- /**
- * Make sure that necessary base URIs are initialised properly.
- */
- static public function initBaseURIs() {
- if ( self::$m_exporturl !== false ) return;
- global $wgContLang, $wgServer, $wgArticlePath;
- global $smwgNamespace; // complete namespace for URIs (with protocol, usually http://)
- if ( '' == $smwgNamespace ) {
- $resolver = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'URIResolver' );
- $smwgNamespace = $resolver->getFullURL() . '/';
- } elseif ( $smwgNamespace[0] == '.' ) {
- $resolver = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'URIResolver' );
- $smwgNamespace = "http://" . substr( $smwgNamespace, 1 ) . $resolver->getLocalURL() . '/';
- }
- // The article name must be the last part of wiki URLs for proper OWL/RDF export:
- self::$m_ent_wikiurl = $wgServer . str_replace( '$1', '', $wgArticlePath );
- self::$m_ent_wiki = $smwgNamespace;
- self::$m_ent_property = self::$m_ent_wiki . self::encodeURI( urlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $wgContLang->getNsText( SMW_NS_PROPERTY ) . ':' ) ) );
- $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ExportRDF' );
- self::$m_exporturl = self::$m_ent_wikiurl . $title->getPrefixedURL();
- }
- /**
- * @since 2.0
- *
- * @return string
- */
- public function getEncodedPropertyNamespace() {
- return $this->encodeURI( urlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $GLOBALS['wgContLang']->getNsText( SMW_NS_PROPERTY ) . ':' ) ) );
- }
- /**
- * Create exportable data from a given semantic data record.
- *
- * @param $semdata SMWSemanticData
- * @return SMWExpData
- */
- static public function makeExportData( SMWSemanticData $semdata ) {
- self::initBaseURIs();
- $subject = $semdata->getSubject();
- if ( $subject->getNamespace() == SMW_NS_PROPERTY ) {
- $types = $semdata->getPropertyValues( new SMWDIProperty( '_TYPE' ) );
- } else {
- $types = array();
- }
- $result = self::makeExportDataForSubject( $subject, end( $types ) );
- foreach ( $semdata->getProperties() as $property ) {
- self::addPropertyValues( $property, $semdata->getPropertyValues( $property ), $result, $subject );
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * Make an SMWExpData object for the given page, and include the basic
- * properties about this subject that are not directly represented by
- * SMW property values. The optional parameter $typevalueforproperty
- * can be used to pass a particular SMWTypesValue object that is used
- * for determining the OWL type for property pages.
- *
- * @todo Take into account whether the wiki page belongs to a builtin property, and ensure URI alignment/type declaration in this case.
- *
- * @param $diWikiPage SMWDIWikiPage
- * @param $typesvalueforproperty mixed either an SMWTypesValue or null
- * @param $addStubData boolean to indicate if additional data should be added to make a stub entry for this page
- * @return SMWExpData
- */
- static public function makeExportDataForSubject( SMWDIWikiPage $diWikiPage, $typesvalueforproperty = null, $addStubData = false ) {
- global $wgContLang;
- $wikiPageExpElement = self::getDataItemExpElement( $diWikiPage );
- $result = new SMWExpData( $wikiPageExpElement );
- if ( $diWikiPage->getSubobjectName() !== '' ) {
- $result->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialNsResource( 'rdf', 'type' ), self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'Subject' ) );
- $masterPage = new SMWDIWikiPage( $diWikiPage->getDBkey(), $diWikiPage->getNamespace(), $diWikiPage->getInterwiki() );
- $masterExpElement = self::getDataItemExpElement( $masterPage );
- $result->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'masterPage' ), $masterExpElement );
- // Add a sortkey: subobjects do not get this during parsing (they are no pages),
- // but it is needed to query for them (e.g., to get a defined order for result pages)
- $subObjectLabel = $diWikiPage->getDBkey() . '#' . $diWikiPage->getSubobjectName();
- $sortkey = new SMWExpLiteral( str_replace( '_', ' ', $subObjectLabel ) );
- $result->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialPropertyResource( '_SKEY' ), $sortkey );
- } else {
- $pageTitle = str_replace( '_', ' ', $diWikiPage->getDBkey() );
- if ( $diWikiPage->getNamespace() !== 0 ) {
- $prefixedSubjectTitle = $wgContLang->getNsText( $diWikiPage->getNamespace()) . ":" . $pageTitle;
- } else {
- $prefixedSubjectTitle = $pageTitle;
- }
- $prefixedSubjectUrl = wfUrlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $prefixedSubjectTitle ) );
- switch ( $diWikiPage->getNamespace() ) {
- $maintype_pe = self::getSpecialNsResource( 'owl', 'Class' );
- $label = $pageTitle;
- break;
- if ( $typesvalueforproperty == null ) {
- $types = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getPropertyValues( $diWikiPage, new SMWDIProperty( '_TYPE' ) );
- $typesvalueforproperty = end( $types );
- }
- $maintype_pe = self::getSpecialNsResource( 'owl', self::getOWLPropertyType( $typesvalueforproperty ) );
- $label = $pageTitle;
- break;
- default:
- $label = $prefixedSubjectTitle;
- $maintype_pe = self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'Subject' );
- }
- $result->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialNsResource( 'rdf', 'type' ), $maintype_pe );
- if ( !$wikiPageExpElement->isBlankNode() ) {
- $ed = new SMWExpLiteral( $label );
- $result->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialNsResource( 'rdfs', 'label' ), $ed );
- $ed = new SMWExpResource( self::getNamespaceUri( 'wikiurl' ) . $prefixedSubjectUrl );
- $result->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'page' ), $ed );
- $ed = new SMWExpResource( self::$m_exporturl . '/' . $prefixedSubjectUrl );
- $result->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialNsResource( 'rdfs', 'isDefinedBy' ), $ed );
- $ed = new SMWExpLiteral( strval( $diWikiPage->getNamespace() ), '' );
- $result->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'wikiNamespace' ), $ed );
- if ( $addStubData ) {
- // Add a default sort key; for pages that exist in the wiki,
- // this is set during parsing
- $defaultSortkey = new SMWExpLiteral( str_replace( '_', ' ', $diWikiPage->getDBkey() ) );
- $result->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialPropertyResource( '_SKEY' ), $defaultSortkey );
- }
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * Extend a given SMWExpData element by adding export data for the
- * specified property data itme. This method is called when
- * constructing export data structures from SMWSemanticData objects.
- *
- * @param $property SMWDIProperty
- * @param $dataItems array of SMWDataItem objects for the given property
- * @param $data SMWExpData to add the data to
- */
- static public function addPropertyValues( SMWDIProperty $property, array $dataItems, SMWExpData &$expData ) {
- if ( $property->isUserDefined() ) {
- $pe = self::getResourceElementForProperty( $property );
- $peHelper = self::getResourceElementForProperty( $property, true );
- foreach ( $dataItems as $dataItem ) {
- $ed = self::getDataItemExpElement( $dataItem );
- if ( !is_null( $ed ) ) {
- $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( $pe, $ed );
- }
- $edHelper = self::getDataItemHelperExpElement( $dataItem );
- if ( !is_null( $edHelper ) ) {
- $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( $peHelper, $edHelper );
- }
- }
- } else { // pre-defined property, only exported if known
- $diSubject = $expData->getSubject()->getDataItem();
- // subject wikipage required for disambiguating special properties:
- if ( is_null( $diSubject ) ||
- $diSubject->getDIType() != SMWDataItem::TYPE_WIKIPAGE ) {
- return;
- }
- $pe = self::getSpecialPropertyResource( $property->getKey(), $diSubject->getNamespace() );
- if ( is_null( $pe ) ) return; // unknown special property, not exported
- // have helper property ready before entering the for loop, even if not needed:
- $peHelper = self::getResourceElementForProperty( $property, true );
- $filterNamespace = ( $property->getKey() == '_REDI' || $property->getKey() == '_URI' );
- foreach ( $dataItems as $dataItem ) {
- // Basic namespace filtering to ensure that types match for redirects etc.
- /// TODO: currently no full check for avoiding OWL DL illegal redirects is done (OWL property type ignored)
- if ( $filterNamespace && !( $dataItem instanceof SMWDIUri ) &&
- ( !( $dataItem instanceof SMWDIWikiPage ) ||
- ( $dataItem->getNamespace() != $diSubject->getNamespace() ) ) ) {
- continue;
- }
- $ed = self::getDataItemExpElement( $dataItem );
- if ( !is_null( $ed ) ) {
- if ( $property->getKey() == '_CONC' &&
- $ed->getSubject()->getUri() === '' ) {
- // equivalent to anonymous class -> simplify description
- foreach ( $ed->getProperties() as $subp ) {
- if ( $subp->getUri() != self::getSpecialNsResource( 'rdf', 'type' )->getUri() ) {
- foreach ( $ed->getValues( $subp ) as $subval ) {
- $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( $subp, $subval );
- }
- }
- }
- } elseif ( $property->getKey() == '_REDI' ) {
- $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( $pe, $ed );
- $peUri = self::getSpecialPropertyResource( '_URI' );
- $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( $peUri, $ed );
- } elseif ( !$property->isUserDefined() && !self::hasSpecialPropertyResource( $property ) ) {
- $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(
- self::getResourceElementForWikiPage( $property->getDiWikiPage(), 'aux' ),
- $ed
- );
- } else {
- $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( $pe, $ed );
- }
- }
- $edHelper = self::getDataItemHelperExpElement( $dataItem );
- if ( !is_null( $edHelper ) ) {
- $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( $peHelper, $edHelper );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create an SMWExpElement for some internal resource, given by an
- * SMWDIProperty object.
- * This code is only applied to user-defined properties, since the
- * code for special properties in
- * SMWExporter::getSpecialPropertyResource() may require information
- * about the namespace in which some special property is used.
- *
- * @param $diProperty SMWDIProperty
- * @param $helperProperty boolean determines if an auxiliary property resource to store a helper value (see SMWExporter::getDataItemHelperExpElement()) should be generated
- * @return SMWExpResource
- */
- static public function getResourceElementForProperty( SMWDIProperty $diProperty, $helperProperty = false ) {
- $diWikiPage = $diProperty->getDiWikiPage();
- if ( is_null( $diWikiPage ) ) {
- throw new Exception( 'SMWExporter::getResourceElementForProperty() can only be used for non-inverse, user-defined properties.' );
- } elseif ( $helperProperty ) {
- return self::getResourceElementForWikiPage( $diWikiPage, 'aux' );
- } else {
- return self::getResourceElementForWikiPage( $diWikiPage );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create an SMWExpElement for some internal resource, given by an
- * SMWDIWikiPage object. This is the one place in the code where URIs
- * of wiki pages and user-defined properties are determined. A modifier
- * can be given to make variants of a URI, typically done for
- * auxiliary properties. In this case, the URI is modiied by appending
- * "-23$modifier" where "-23" is the URI encoding of "#" (a symbol not
- * occuring in MW titles).
- *
- * @param $diWikiPage SMWDIWikiPage or SMWDIProperty
- * @param $modifier string, using only Latin letters and numbers
- * @return SMWExpResource
- */
- static public function getResourceElementForWikiPage( SMWDIWikiPage $diWikiPage, $modifier = '' ) {
- global $wgContLang;
- if ( $diWikiPage->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIA ) { // special handling for linking media files directly (object only)
- $title = Title::makeTitle( $diWikiPage->getNamespace(), $diWikiPage->getDBkey() ) ;
- $file = wfFindFile( $title );
- if ( $file !== false ) {
- return new SMWExpResource( $file->getFullURL() );
- } // else: Medialink to non-existing file :-/ fall through
- }
- if ( $diWikiPage->getSubobjectName() !== '' ) {
- $modifier = $diWikiPage->getSubobjectName();
- }
- if ( $modifier === '' ) {
- $importProperty = new SMWDIProperty( '_IMPO' );
- $importDis = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getPropertyValues( $diWikiPage, $importProperty );
- $importURI = ( count( $importDis ) > 0 );
- } else {
- $importURI = false;
- }
- if ( $importURI ) {
- $importValue = DataValueFactory::getInstance()->newDataItemValue( current( $importDis ), $importProperty );
- $namespace = $importValue->getNS();
- $namespaceId = $importValue->getNSID();
- $localName = $importValue->getLocalName();
- } else {
- $localName = '';
- if ( $diWikiPage->getNamespace() == SMW_NS_PROPERTY ) {
- $namespace = self::getNamespaceUri( 'property' );
- $namespaceId = 'property';
- $localName = self::encodeURI( rawurlencode( $diWikiPage->getDBkey() ) );
- }
- if ( ( $localName === '' ) ||
- ( in_array( $localName{0}, array( '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' ) ) ) ) {
- $namespace = self::getNamespaceUri( 'wiki' );
- $namespaceId = 'wiki';
- $localName = self::getEncodedPageName( $diWikiPage );
- }
- if ( $modifier !== '' ) {
- $localName .= '-23' . $modifier;
- }
- }
- return new SMWExpNsResource( $localName, $namespace, $namespaceId, $diWikiPage );
- }
- /**
- * Try to find an SMWDataItem that the given SMWExpElement might
- * represent. Returns null if this attempt failed.
- *
- * @param SMWExpElement $expElement
- * @return SMWDataItem or null
- */
- static public function findDataItemForExpElement( SMWExpElement $expElement ) {
- global $wgContLang;
- $dataItem = null;
- if ( $expElement instanceof SMWExpResource ) {
- $uri = $expElement->getUri();
- $wikiNamespace = self::getNamespaceUri( 'wiki' );
- if ( strpos( $uri, $wikiNamespace ) === 0 ) {
- $localName = substr( $uri, strlen( $wikiNamespace ) );
- $dbKey = rawurldecode( self::decodeURI( $localName ) );
- $parts = explode( '#', $dbKey, 2 );
- if ( count( $parts ) == 2 ) {
- $dbKey = $parts[0];
- $subobjectname = $parts[1];
- } else {
- $subobjectname = '';
- }
- $parts = explode( ':', $dbKey, 2 );
- if ( count( $parts ) == 1 ) {
- $dataItem = new SMWDIWikiPage( $dbKey, NS_MAIN, '', $subobjectname );
- } else {
- // try the by far most common cases directly before using Title
- $namespaceName = str_replace( '_', ' ', $parts[0] );
- $namespaceId = -1;
- foreach ( array( SMW_NS_PROPERTY, NS_CATEGORY, NS_USER, NS_HELP ) as $nsId ) {
- if ( $namespaceName == $wgContLang->getNsText( $nsId ) ) {
- $namespaceId = $nsId;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( $namespaceId != -1 ) {
- $dataItem = new SMWDIWikiPage( $parts[1], $namespaceId, '', $subobjectname );
- } else {
- $title = Title::newFromDBkey( $dbKey );
- if ( !is_null( $title ) ) {
- $dataItem = new SMWDIWikiPage( $title->getDBkey(), $title->getNamespace(), $title->getInterwiki(), $subobjectname );
- }
- }
- }
- } // else: not in wiki namespace -- TODO: this could be an imported URI
- } else {
- // TODO (currently not needed, but will be useful for displaying external SPARQL results)
- }
- return $dataItem;
- }
- /**
- * Determine what kind of OWL property some SMW property should be exported as.
- * The input is an SMWTypesValue object, a typeid string, or empty (use default)
- * @todo An improved mechanism for selecting property types here is needed.
- */
- static public function getOWLPropertyType( $type = '' ) {
- if ( $type instanceof SMWDIWikiPage ) {
- $type = DataTypeRegistry::getInstance()->findTypeId( str_replace( '_', ' ', $type->getDBkey() ) );
- } elseif ( $type == false ) {
- $type = '';
- } // else keep $type
- switch ( $type ) {
- case '_anu': return 'AnnotationProperty';
- case '': case '_wpg': case '_wpp': case '_wpc': case '_wpf':
- case '_uri': case '_ema': case '_tel': case '_rec': case '__typ':
- case '__red': case '__spf': case '__spu':
- return 'ObjectProperty';
- default: return 'DatatypeProperty';
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get an SMWExpNsResource for a special property of SMW, or null if
- * no resource is assigned to the given property key. The optional
- * namespace is used to select the proper resource for properties that
- * must take the type of the annotated object into account for some
- * reason.
- *
- * @param $propertyKey string the Id of the special property
- * @param $forNamespace integer the namespace of the page which has a value for this property
- * @return SMWExpNsResource or null
- */
- static public function getSpecialPropertyResource( $propertyKey, $forNamespace = NS_MAIN ) {
- switch ( $propertyKey ) {
- case '_INST':
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'rdf', 'type' );
- case '_SUBC':
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'rdfs', 'subClassOf' );
- case '_CONC':
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'owl', 'equivalentClass' );
- case '_URI':
- if ( $forNamespace == NS_CATEGORY || $forNamespace == SMW_NS_CONCEPT ) {
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'owl', 'equivalentClass' );
- } elseif ( $forNamespace == SMW_NS_PROPERTY ) {
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'owl', 'equivalentProperty' );
- } else {
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'owl', 'sameAs' );
- }
- case '_REDI':
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'redirectsTo' );
- case '_SUBP':
- if ( $forNamespace == SMW_NS_PROPERTY ) {
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'rdfs', 'subPropertyOf' );
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- case '_MDAT':
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'wikiPageModificationDate' );
- case '_CDAT':
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'wikiPageCreationDate' );
- case '_LEDT':
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'wikiPageLastEditor' );
- case '_NEWP':
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'wikiPageIsNew' );
- case '_SKEY':
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'wikiPageSortKey' );
- case '_TYPE':
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'type' );
- case '_IMPO':
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'specialImportedFrom' );
- default:
- return self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'specialProperty' . $propertyKey );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create an SMWExpNsResource for some special element that belongs to
- * a known vocabulary. An exception is generated when given parameters
- * that do not fit any known vocabulary.
- *
- * @param $namespaceId string (e.g. "rdf")
- * @param $localName string (e.g. "type")
- * @return SMWExpNsResource
- */
- static public function getSpecialNsResource( $namespaceId, $localName ) {
- $namespace = self::getNamespaceUri( $namespaceId );
- if ( $namespace !== '' ) {
- return new SMWExpNsResource( $localName, $namespace, $namespaceId );
- } else {
- throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The vocabulary '$namespaceId' is not a known special vocabulary." );
- }
- }
- /**
- * This function escapes symbols that might be problematic in XML in a uniform
- * and injective way. It is used to encode URIs.
- */
- static public function encodeURI( $uri ) {
- $uri = str_replace( '-', '-2D', $uri );
- // $uri = str_replace( '_', '-5F', $uri); //not necessary
- $uri = str_replace( array( ':', '"', '#', '&', "'", '+', '!', '%' ),
- array( '-3A', '-22', '-23', '-26', '-27', '-2B', '-21', '-' ),
- $uri );
- return $uri;
- }
- /**
- * This function unescapes URIs generated with SMWExporter::encodeURI. This
- * allows services that receive a URI to extract e.g. the according wiki page.
- */
- static public function decodeURI( $uri ) {
- $uri = str_replace( array( '-3A', '-22', '-23', '-26', '-27', '-2B', '-21', '-' ),
- array( ':', '"', '#', '&', "'", '+', '!', '%' ),
- $uri );
- $uri = str_replace( '%2D', '-', $uri );
- return $uri;
- }
- /**
- * This function expands standard XML entities used in some generated
- * URIs. Given a string with such entities, it returns a string with
- * all entities properly replaced.
- *
- * @note The function SMWExporter::getNamespaceUri() is often more
- * suitable. This XML-specific method might become obsolete.
- *
- * @param $uri string of the URI to be expanded
- * @return string of the expanded URI
- */
- static public function expandURI( $uri ) {
- self::initBaseURIs();
- $uri = str_replace( array( '&wiki;', '&wikiurl;', '&property;', '&owl;', '&rdf;', '&rdfs;', '&swivt;', '&export;' ),
- array( self::$m_ent_wiki, self::$m_ent_wikiurl, self::$m_ent_property, '', '', '', '',
- self::$m_exporturl ),
- $uri );
- return $uri;
- }
- /**
- * Get the URI of a standard namespace prefix used in SMW, or the empty
- * string if the prefix is not known.
- *
- * @param $shortName string id (prefix) of the namespace
- * @return string of the expanded URI
- */
- static public function getNamespaceUri( $shortName ) {
- self::initBaseURIs();
- switch ( $shortName ) {
- case 'wiki': return self::$m_ent_wiki;
- case 'wikiurl': return self::$m_ent_wikiurl;
- case 'property': return self::$m_ent_property;
- case 'export': return self::$m_exporturl;
- case 'owl': return '';
- case 'rdf': return '';
- case 'rdfs': return '';
- case 'swivt': return '';
- case 'xsd': return '';
- default: return '';
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create an SMWExpData container that encodes the ontology header for an
- * SMW exported OWL file.
- *
- * @param string $ontologyuri specifying the URI of the ontology, possibly
- * empty
- */
- static public function getOntologyExpData( $ontologyuri ) {
- $data = new SMWExpData( new SMWExpResource( $ontologyuri ) );
- $ed = self::getSpecialNsResource( 'owl', 'Ontology' );
- $data->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialNsResource( 'rdf', 'type' ), $ed );
- $ed = new SMWExpLiteral( date( DATE_W3C ), '' );
- $data->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'creationDate' ), $ed );
- $ed = new SMWExpResource( '' );
- $data->addPropertyObjectValue( self::getSpecialNsResource( 'owl', 'imports' ), $ed );
- return $data;
- }
- /**
- * Create an SWMExpElement that encodes the data of the given
- * dataitem object. This method is meant to be used when exporting a
- * dataitem as a subject or object. To get the URI of a property, use
- * SMWExporter::getResourceElementForProperty() or
- * SMWExporter::getSpecialPropertyResource().
- *
- * @param $dataItem SMWDataItem
- * @return SMWExpElement
- */
- static public function getDataItemExpElement( SMWDataItem $dataItem ) {
- switch ( $dataItem->getDIType() ) {
- case SMWDataItem::TYPE_NUMBER:
- $lit = new SMWExpLiteral( strval( $dataItem->getNumber() ), '', $dataItem );
- return $lit;
- case SMWDataItem::TYPE_BLOB:
- $lit = new SMWExpLiteral( smwfHTMLtoUTF8( $dataItem->getString() ), '', $dataItem );
- return $lit;
- case SMWDataItem::TYPE_BOOLEAN:
- $xsdvalue = $dataItem->getBoolean() ? 'true' : 'false';
- $lit = new SMWExpLiteral( $xsdvalue, '', $dataItem );
- return $lit;
- case SMWDataItem::TYPE_URI:
- $res = new SMWExpResource( $dataItem->getURI(), $dataItem );
- return $res;
- case SMWDataItem::TYPE_TIME:
- $gregorianTime = $dataItem->getForCalendarModel( SMWDITime::CM_GREGORIAN );
- if ( $gregorianTime->getYear() > 0 ) {
- $xsdvalue = str_pad( $gregorianTime->getYear(), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT );
- } else {
- $xsdvalue = '-' . str_pad( 1 - $gregorianTime->getYear(), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT );
- }
- $xsdtype = '';
- if ( $gregorianTime->getPrecision() >= SMWDITime::PREC_YM ) {
- $xsdtype = '';
- $xsdvalue .= '-' . str_pad( $gregorianTime->getMonth(), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT );
- if ( $gregorianTime->getPrecision() >= SMWDITime::PREC_YMD ) {
- $xsdtype = '';
- $xsdvalue .= '-' . str_pad( $gregorianTime->getDay(), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT );
- if ( $gregorianTime->getPrecision() == SMWDITime::PREC_YMDT ) {
- $xsdtype = '';
- $xsdvalue .= 'T' .
- sprintf( "%02d", $gregorianTime->getHour() ) . ':' .
- sprintf( "%02d", $gregorianTime->getMinute()) . ':' .
- sprintf( "%02d", $gregorianTime->getSecond() );
- }
- }
- }
- $xsdvalue .= 'Z';
- $lit = new SMWExpLiteral( $xsdvalue, $xsdtype, $gregorianTime );
- return $lit;
- case SMWDataItem::TYPE_GEO:
- /// TODO
- return null;
- return self::makeExportData( $dataItem->getSemanticData() );
- case SMWDataItem::TYPE_WIKIPAGE:
- return self::getResourceElementForWikiPage( $dataItem );
- case SMWDataItem::TYPE_CONCEPT:
- /// TODO
- return null;
- case SMWDataItem::TYPE_PROPERTY:
- return self::getResourceElementForProperty( $dataItem );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create an SWMExpElement that encodes auxiliary data for representing
- * values of the specified dataitem object in a simplified fashion.
- * This is done for types of dataitems that are not supported very well
- * in current systems, or that do not match a standard datatype in RDF.
- * For example, time points (DITime) are encoded as numbers. The number
- * can replace the actual time for all query and ordering purposes (the
- * order in either case is linear and maps to the real number line).
- * Only data retrieval should better use the real values to avoid that
- * rounding errors lead to unfaithful recovery of data. Note that the
- * helper values do not maintain any association with their original
- * values -- they are a fully redundant alternative representation, not
- * an additional piece of information for the main values. Even if
- * decoding is difficult, they must be in one-to-one correspondence to
- * the original value.
- *
- * For dataitems that do not have such a simplification, the method
- * returns null.
- *
- * @note If a helper element is used, then it must be the same as
- * getDataItemHelperExpElement( $dataItem->getSortKeyDataItem() ).
- * Query conditions like ">" use sortkeys for values, and helper
- * elements are always preferred in query answering.
- *
- * @param $dataItem SMWDataItem
- * @return SMWExpElement or null
- */
- static public function getDataItemHelperExpElement( SMWDataItem $dataItem ) {
- if ( $dataItem->getDIType() == SMWDataItem::TYPE_TIME ) {
- $lit = new SMWExpLiteral( (string)$dataItem->getSortKey(), '', $dataItem );
- return $lit;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check whether the values of a given type of dataitem have helper
- * values in the sense of SMWExporter::getDataItemHelperExpElement().
- *
- * @param DIProperty $property
- *
- * @return boolean
- */
- static public function hasHelperExpElement( DIProperty $property ) {
- return ( $property->findPropertyTypeID() === '_dat' ) || ( !$property->isUserDefined() && !self::hasSpecialPropertyResource( $property ) );
- }
- static protected function hasSpecialPropertyResource( DIProperty $property ) {
- return $property->getKey() === '_SKEY' ||
- $property->getKey() === '_INST' ||
- $property->getKey() === '_MDAT' ||
- $property->getKey() === '_SUBC' ||
- $property->getKey() === '_SUBP' ||
- $property->getKey() === '_TYPE' ||
- $property->getKey() === '_IMPO' ||
- $property->getKey() === '_URI';
- }
- /**
- * @since 2.0
- *
- * @param DIWikiPage $diWikiPage
- * @return string
- */
- static public function getEncodedPageName( DIWikiPage $diWikiPage ) {
- $localName = '';
- if ( $diWikiPage->getNamespace() !== 0 ) {
- $localName = str_replace( ' ', '_', $GLOBALS['wgContLang']->getNSText( $diWikiPage->getNamespace() ) ) . ':' . $diWikiPage->getDBkey();
- } else {
- $localName = $diWikiPage->getDBkey();
- }
- return self::encodeURI( wfUrlencode( $localName ) );
- }