diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'MLEB/Translate/tests/phpunit/Synchronization/GroupSynchronizationCacheTest.php')
1 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MLEB/Translate/tests/phpunit/Synchronization/GroupSynchronizationCacheTest.php b/MLEB/Translate/tests/phpunit/Synchronization/GroupSynchronizationCacheTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9ccc0a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MLEB/Translate/tests/phpunit/Synchronization/GroupSynchronizationCacheTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Synchronization;
+use InvalidArgumentException;
+use LogicException;
+use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Cache\PersistentDatabaseCache;
+use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Services;
+use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
+use MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase;
+ * @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Synchronization\GroupSynchronizationCache
+ * @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Synchronization\GroupSynchronizationResponse
+ */
+class GroupSynchronizationCacheTest extends MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase {
+ /** @var GroupSynchronizationCache */
+ private $groupSyncCache;
+ protected function setUp(): void {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->groupSyncCache = $this->getGroupSynchronizationCache();
+ }
+ public function testIsGroupBeingProcessed() {
+ $groupId = 'hello';
+ $this->groupSyncCache->markGroupForSync( $groupId );
+ $this->assertTrue( $this->groupSyncCache->isGroupBeingProcessed( $groupId ) );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->endSync( $groupId );
+ $this->assertFalse( $this->groupSyncCache->isGroupBeingProcessed( $groupId ) );
+ }
+ public function testGetGroupMessages() {
+ $groupId = 'hello';
+ $title = 'Title';
+ $this->groupSyncCache->markGroupForSync( $groupId );
+ $messageParam = $this->getMessageParam( $groupId, $title );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->addMessages( $groupId, $messageParam );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ [ $title => $messageParam ],
+ $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupMessages( $groupId )
+ );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->removeMessages( $groupId, $title );
+ $this->assertSame( [], $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupMessages( $groupId ) );
+ }
+ public function testMultiGetGroupMessages() {
+ $groupId = 'hello';
+ $addedMessages = [
+ 'Title' => $this->getMessageParam( $groupId, 'Title' ),
+ 'Title_ABC' => $this->getMessageParam( $groupId, 'Title_ABC' )
+ ];
+ $this->groupSyncCache->addMessages( $groupId, ...array_values( $addedMessages ) );
+ $messages = $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupMessages( $groupId );
+ $this->assertEquals( $addedMessages, $messages );
+ }
+ public function testIsMessageBeingProcessed() {
+ $groupId = 'hello';
+ $title = 'Title';
+ $this->groupSyncCache->addMessages(
+ $groupId, $this->getMessageParam( $groupId, $title )
+ );
+ $this->assertTrue( $this->groupSyncCache->isMessageBeingProcessed( $groupId, $title ) );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->removeMessages( $groupId, $title );
+ $this->assertFalse( $this->groupSyncCache->isMessageBeingProcessed( $groupId, $title ) );
+ }
+ public function testGetGroupsInSync() {
+ $groupId = 'hello';
+ $this->groupSyncCache->markGroupForSync( $groupId );
+ $this->assertSame( [ $groupId ], $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupsInSync() );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->endSync( $groupId );
+ $this->assertSame( [], $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupsInSync() );
+ }
+ public function testEndSync() {
+ $groupId = 'group-id';
+ $title = 'hello';
+ $this->startGroupSync( $groupId, $title );
+ $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches( '/cannot end synchronization/i' );
+ $this->expectException( InvalidArgumentException::class );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->endSync( $groupId );
+ $messages = $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupMessages( $groupId );
+ $this->assertNotEmpty( $messages, 'endSync should not remove group messages' );
+ $this->assertIsInt(
+ $this->groupSyncCache->getSyncEndTime( $groupId ),
+ 'endSync should not remove the group key'
+ );
+ }
+ public function testForceEndSync() {
+ $groupId = 'group-id';
+ $title = 'hello';
+ $this->startGroupSync( $groupId, $title );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->forceEndSync( $groupId );
+ $messages = $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupMessages( $groupId );
+ $this->assertEmpty( $messages, 'forceEndSync should remove group messages' );
+ $this->assertNull(
+ $this->groupSyncCache->getSyncEndTime( $groupId ),
+ 'forceEndSync should remove the group key'
+ );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider provideGetSynchronizationStatus */
+ public function testGetSynchronizationStatus(
+ GroupSynchronizationCache $syncCache,
+ string $groupId,
+ array $titlesToAdd,
+ array $titlesToRemove,
+ bool $hasTimedOut = false
+ ) {
+ $syncCache->markGroupForSync( $groupId );
+ $this->assertTrue( $syncCache->isGroupBeingProcessed( $groupId ) );
+ $addedMessages = [];
+ foreach ( $titlesToAdd as $title ) {
+ $messageParam = $this->getMessageParam( $groupId, $title );
+ $syncCache->addMessages( $groupId, $messageParam );
+ $addedMessages[$title] = $messageParam;
+ }
+ $this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing( $addedMessages, $syncCache->getGroupMessages( $groupId ) );
+ $syncCache->removeMessages( $groupId, ...$titlesToRemove );
+ $groupSyncResponse = $syncCache->getSynchronizationStatus( $groupId );
+ $diffTitles = array_values( array_diff( $titlesToAdd, $titlesToRemove ) );
+ $diffMessages = [];
+ foreach ( $diffTitles as $title ) {
+ $diffMessages[$title] = $addedMessages[$title];
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals( $diffMessages, $syncCache->getGroupMessages( $groupId ) );
+ if ( $diffMessages === [] ) {
+ // getSynchronizationStatus does not perform any updates
+ $this->assertContains( $groupId, $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupsInSync() );
+ }
+ $this->assertSame( $diffMessages === [], $groupSyncResponse->isDone() );
+ $this->assertSame( $hasTimedOut, $groupSyncResponse->hasTimedOut() );
+ $this->assertEquals( $diffMessages, $groupSyncResponse->getRemainingMessages() );
+ $this->assertSame( $groupId, $groupSyncResponse->getGroupId() );
+ }
+ public function testAddGroupErrors() {
+ $this->assertEmpty( $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupsWithErrors() );
+ $groupId = 'test-group';
+ $groupSyncResponse = $this->addTestGroupError( $groupId );
+ $this->assertContains( $groupId, $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupsWithErrors() );
+ $this->assertEquals( $groupSyncResponse, $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupErrorInfo( $groupId ) );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->addGroupErrors( $groupSyncResponse );
+ $this->assertContains(
+ $groupId,
+ $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupsWithErrors(),
+ 'Multiple additions of group errors don\'t duplicate entries in cache'
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $groupSyncResponse,
+ $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupErrorInfo( $groupId ),
+ 'Multiple additions of group errors don\'t duplicate entries in cache'
+ );
+ }
+ public function testMarkGroupAsResolved() {
+ $groupId = 'test-group';
+ $this->addTestGroupError( $groupId );
+ $this->assertContains( $groupId, $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupsWithErrors() );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->markGroupAsResolved( $groupId );
+ $this->assertNotContains( $groupId, $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupsWithErrors() );
+ }
+ public function testMarkMessageAsResolved() {
+ $groupId = 'test-group';
+ $groupSyncResponse = $this->addTestGroupError( $groupId );
+ $this->assertContains( $groupId, $this->groupSyncCache->getGroupsWithErrors() );
+ $errorMessages = $groupSyncResponse->getRemainingMessages();
+ $pageName = $errorMessages[0]->getPageName();
+ $this->groupSyncCache->markMessageAsResolved( $groupId, $pageName );
+ $fixedGroupSyncResponse = $this->groupSyncCache->syncGroupErrors( $groupId );
+ $fixedErrorMessages = $fixedGroupSyncResponse->getRemainingMessages();
+ $this->assertEquals( count( $errorMessages ) - 1, count( $fixedErrorMessages ) );
+ }
+ public function testAddGroupErrorsEmpty() {
+ $groupId = 'test-group';
+ $groupHasTimedOut = true;
+ $groupSyncResponse = new GroupSynchronizationResponse( $groupId, [], $groupHasTimedOut );
+ $this->expectException( LogicException::class );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->addGroupErrors( $groupSyncResponse );
+ }
+ public function provideGetSynchronizationStatus() {
+ $groupId = 'hello';
+ yield [
+ $this->getGroupSynchronizationCache(),
+ $groupId,
+ [ 'Title', 'Title1' ],
+ [ 'Title' ],
+ false
+ ];
+ yield [
+ $this->getGroupSynchronizationCache(),
+ $groupId,
+ [ 'Hello' ],
+ [ 'Hello' ],
+ false
+ ];
+ yield [
+ $this->getGroupSynchronizationCache( -1 ),
+ $groupId,
+ [ 'Hello' ],
+ [ 'Hello' ],
+ false
+ ];
+ yield [
+ $this->getGroupSynchronizationCache( -1 ),
+ $groupId,
+ [ 'Hello', 'Title' ],
+ [ 'Hello' ],
+ true
+ ];
+ }
+ private function getMessageParam( string $groupId, string $title ): MessageUpdateParameter {
+ return new MessageUpdateParameter( [
+ 'fuzzy' => true,
+ 'content' => 'Hello',
+ 'title' => $title,
+ 'groupId' => $groupId
+ ] );
+ }
+ private function getGroupSynchronizationCache( int $timeout = null ): GroupSynchronizationCache {
+ $lb = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancer();
+ $jsonCodec = Services::getInstance()->getJsonCodec();
+ $persistentCache = new PersistentDatabaseCache( $lb, $jsonCodec );
+ $persistentCache->clear();
+ if ( $timeout ) {
+ return new GroupSynchronizationCache( $persistentCache, $timeout );
+ } else {
+ return new GroupSynchronizationCache( $persistentCache );
+ }
+ }
+ private function startGroupSync( string $groupId, string $title ): void {
+ $this->groupSyncCache->markGroupForSync( $groupId );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->addMessages( $groupId, $this->getMessageParam( $groupId, $title ) );
+ }
+ private function addTestGroupError( string $groupId ): GroupSynchronizationResponse {
+ $groupHasTimedOut = true;
+ $groupSyncResponse = new GroupSynchronizationResponse(
+ $groupId,
+ [
+ $this->getMessageParam( $groupId, 'title1' ),
+ $this->getMessageParam( $groupId, 'title2' ),
+ $this->getMessageParam( $groupId, 'title3' )
+ ],
+ $groupHasTimedOut
+ );
+ $this->groupSyncCache->addGroupErrors( $groupSyncResponse );
+ return $groupSyncResponse;
+ }