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Diffstat (limited to 'MLEB/Translate/tests/browser/features/translation_stash.feature')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/MLEB/Translate/tests/browser/features/translation_stash.feature b/MLEB/Translate/tests/browser/features/translation_stash.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bfcc732..00000000
--- a/MLEB/Translate/tests/browser/features/translation_stash.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-@firefox @login @stash
-Feature: Translation stash
- As a new translator, I can make translations in sandbox mode so that a translation administrator
- can check them and give me translator rights, so that I do not have to register and wait for
- approval before contributing translation for the site.
- Design:
- -
- These scenarios test the Special:TranslationStash page. User needs to be inside the sandbox
- to access this page.
- The easiest way to achieve this is to add the test username to $wgTranslateTestUsers[].
- Background:
- Given I am logged in at sandbox
- And I am a sandboxed user on the stash page
- Scenario: Can select a language to translate into
- Then I should see a language selector
- And I should be able to select a language
- Scenario: Common elements in translation widget
- The first message is automatically opened for editing
- Then I should see the save button
- And I should see the skip button
- Scenario: Can make a translation
- When I make a translation
- Then I should see my translation saved
- And I should see the next message open for translation
- And I should see a message indicating I have one completed translation
- Scenario: Can improve own earlier translation
- When I make a translation
- Then I should see my translation saved
- And I reload the page
- And I can open and see my earlier translation
- Scenario: User is displayed a message when all messages have been translated
- When I translate all the messages in the sandbox
- Then I can see a message that maximum number of translations has been reached