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+2014-04-16 19:34:46 * WilliamH is here just hanging around
+2014-04-16 19:38:15 * zlogene around
+2014-04-16 19:43:41 @zlogene !away Pinkbyte
+2014-04-16 19:43:42 willikins zlogene: pinkbyte: Limited development activity till June 1, 2014. Available via e-mail, feel free to contact on urgent stuff or fix things yourself. But do not break anything ;-) @ 2014/04/05 15:04Z
+2014-04-16 19:52:55 @WilliamH fire alarm going off, I'll be back asap
+2014-04-16 20:02:52 @creffett|irssi all right, it's 1800, let's get going
+2014-04-16 20:03:39 @creffett|irssi DrEeevil, Pinkbyte, TomWij, Tommy[D], ulm, WilliamH, wired, Zero_Chaos, zlogene: meeting time
+2014-04-16 20:03:46 * TomWij here
+2014-04-16 20:03:58 @Zero_Chaos oh dear god
+2014-04-16 20:04:00 * ulm here
+2014-04-16 20:04:05 @Zero_Chaos two meetings in a row, YES
+2014-04-16 20:04:07 * Zero_Chaos here
+2014-04-16 20:05:33 @zlogene as usual
+2014-04-16 20:05:48 @creffett|irssi that's 5, would be nice to get one more at least
+2014-04-16 20:05:58 @wired I'm here as well
+2014-04-16 20:06:24 @creffett|irssi excellent, that's enough to get started, and I expect that WilliamH will join us once he's done dealing with whatever's on fire
+2014-04-16 20:06:40 * WilliamH is back, false alarm
+2014-04-16 20:07:18 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: always preferred.
+2014-04-16 20:07:23 @Zero_Chaos well... not always
+2014-04-16 20:07:25 @Zero_Chaos :-)
+2014-04-16 20:07:30 @WilliamH he
+2014-04-16 20:07:32 @WilliamH heh
+2014-04-16 20:07:59 @creffett|irssi first on the agenda: after discussion with antarus, we're going to be backing off a little on the "enforcement" of policies and leaving that to comrel
+2014-04-16 20:08:14 @creffett|irssi the general idea is that if someone's breaking policy, we ask them nicely, and if they refuse, we pass it to comrel
+2014-04-16 20:08:59 @wired 1900 utc should be in 50 m btw
+2014-04-16 20:09:02 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: can you please explicitly state historical samples of why? don't need specifics of each incident, but I'd like to know which incidents specifically.
+2014-04-16 20:09:14 @zlogene it seems we have really long list of topics, no?
+2014-04-16 20:09:18 @Zero_Chaos zlogene: yes
+2014-04-16 20:09:21 @TomWij zlogene: Most are short.
+2014-04-16 20:09:25 @WilliamH wired: the meeting is at 1800
+2014-04-16 20:09:33 @TomWij And we can skip whatever's not important if we go over time.
+2014-04-16 20:09:41 @wired the mail said 1900
+2014-04-16 20:09:48 @wired no worries on my side
+2014-04-16 20:10:05 @creffett|irssi we don't need to be reaching in and changing things when someone's ignoring policy, unless it is presently causing breakage (and by breakage I'm talking "unbootable user system" or "unusable portage tree")
+2014-04-16 20:10:18 @creffett|irssi wired: I forgot to check our agreed-upon time before sending the email, it was my bad
+2014-04-16 20:11:01 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I'm not trying to be difficult but I'd like to know if this is specifically incited by the udev virtuals being masked.
+2014-04-16 20:11:34 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: that was the impetus for this, yes, but it's been something I've been thinking over for a while
+2014-04-16 20:11:56 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: there is no arguement, I just need to understand the resolutions which come out of my actions.
+2014-04-16 20:12:01 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: please continue.
+2014-04-16 20:12:02 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: okay
+2014-04-16 20:12:39 @creffett|irssi basically, the problem I'm addressing here is twofold: inconsistent handling of when someone is ignoring policy, and accusations of us being quick to flash the QA badge without cause
+2014-04-16 20:13:19 @Tommy[D] creffett: so if someone violates a qa policy, you want us to basicly ask "please dont" and next step "comrel, your case"?
+2014-04-16 20:13:33 @Zero_Chaos or a tree policy in general.
+2014-04-16 20:13:35 @TomWij creffett|irssi: So; policy violations => ComRel, user visible breakage => QA. And the gray area goes through discussion with proper step-by-step escalation?
+2014-04-16 20:14:04 @creffett|irssi Tommy[D]: basically, yes, because when they are willfully ignoring tree policy, it's then comrel's problem
+2014-04-16 20:14:14 @wired I thought the original idea was to only touch the tree when breakage is involved, otherwise try to talk with the devs first
+2014-04-16 20:14:23 @creffett|irssi wired: that is the idea
+2014-04-16 20:14:46 @creffett|irssi we're just expanding a bit on that
+2014-04-16 20:14:59 @WilliamH wired: I think the problem is some people's definition of what breakage is is very arbitrary
+2014-04-16 20:15:11 @creffett|irssi the first step should always be to politely message the dev in question and let them know about the issue
+2014-04-16 20:15:20 @wired so nothing needs to change, we only need to be more specific on how to handle devs who don't want to listen to us
+2014-04-16 20:15:25 @creffett|irssi wired: affirmative
+2014-04-16 20:15:34 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: just to further clarify, impending breakage due to policy violation is comrel's problem, current breakage is under the jurisdiction of QA?
+2014-04-16 20:16:00 @wired I'd say that this is not our job, comrel sounds good to me in those cases
+2014-04-16 20:16:01 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: current breakage that is actually user-visible
+2014-04-16 20:16:18 mgorny i'd say it would be good if QA action would result in less visible breakage than there was before the action
+2014-04-16 20:16:22 @WilliamH Zero_Chaos: What I'm getting is willful ignoring of tree policy after we contact the dev is under the jurisdiction of comrel.
+2014-04-16 20:16:28 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: so QA is not to intervene on incipient breakage. understood.
+2014-04-16 20:16:58 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: there will be judgment calls here, but someone using a USE flag against some policy or other isn't a reason for us to jump in
+2014-04-16 20:17:09 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: the concern is that we are creating a policy that literally binds our hands to prevent breakage until the damage is done.
+2014-04-16 20:17:44 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: stabilizing something that gets pulled into the system set with known breakage is not to be blocked until AFTER it's been done. I fully understand the policy.
+2014-04-16 20:18:03 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I fully disagree with the policy mind you, but I understand it.
+2014-04-16 20:18:12 @creffett|irssi I appreciate your candor
+2014-04-16 20:18:37 @WilliamH creffett|irssi: I don't quite get it. Here's what I'm thinking, tell me if I'm right.
+2014-04-16 20:18:46 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: well that is the example most fresh in my head. open stabilization bug for items in the system set, pulling in new undiscussed virtuals with circular deps.
+2014-04-16 20:18:55 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I prevented user visible breakage and that was wrong.
+2014-04-16 20:18:58 @Zero_Chaos I follow
+2014-04-16 20:19:02 @WilliamH creffett|irssi: 1. dev violates policy. 2. we advise him that he is in violation. 3. he says ok, but I'm not fixing it. 4. comrel.
+2014-04-16 20:19:26 @creffett|irssi WilliamH: correct
+2014-04-16 20:19:29 @wired assuming the violation does not visibly break the tree
+2014-04-16 20:20:10 @WilliamH I think the problem is, how do we define what breaks the tree?
+2014-04-16 20:20:14 @ulm glep 48 says that we can take action if devs don't cooperate
+2014-04-16 20:20:19 @TomWij also assuming advise would mean you properly discuss and escalate it in steps.
+2014-04-16 20:20:44 @creffett|irssi ulm: yes, we can, but I would like that to be limited to when things actually break.
+2014-04-16 20:20:44 @TomWij (There's a difference between one QA dev stepping to ComRel and the QA team stepping to ComRel)
+2014-04-16 20:20:54 @ulm creffett|irssi: sure
+2014-04-16 20:21:19 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: which was your main issue with the new udev virtuals, the "undiscussed" part or the "circular deps" part?
+2014-04-16 20:21:36 @Zero_Chaos I am greatly concerned that we are *requiring* ourselves to wait for the breakage to be "user visible". Although again, in my case you could say the breakage was user visible since it would have broken releng for ~arch.
+2014-04-16 20:21:57 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: my main issue is the attempt to bind our hands to not act when we see impending failure.
+2014-04-16 20:22:04 @WilliamH creffett|irssi: he told me at the time that his main issue was the undiscussed part.
+2014-04-16 20:22:08 mgorny Zero_Chaos: did you confirm that it would, or are you assuming that it would?
+2014-04-16 20:22:16 @creffett|irssi mgorny: enough.
+2014-04-16 20:22:18 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: as of this moment my actions still meet the new policy. There was user visible breakage in ~arch, I acted accordingly.
+2014-04-16 20:22:32 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: I am still not clear on what the breakage was
+2014-04-16 20:22:43 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: I'm also concerned with breakage-by-default type of actions happening these days (VS working-by-default).
+2014-04-16 20:22:55 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: circular deps between udev and the new virtuals would make it impossible to bootstrap.
+2014-04-16 20:23:08 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: agreed.
+2014-04-16 20:23:24 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: then that is almost certainly issue that we would want to act on.
+2014-04-16 20:23:38 @creffett|irssi but it came off to me as you masking because it was not discussed prior to introductin
+2014-04-16 20:23:42 @creffett|irssi *introduction
+2014-04-16 20:23:45 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: as I said, even by the new standards my actions followed policy.
+2014-04-16 20:23:51 @WilliamH It came off that way to me too.
+2014-04-16 20:24:02 @creffett|irssi and that is explicitly what I am trying to deal with with the new policy
+2014-04-16 20:24:40 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: yes, I understand, but what you are saying is that we need to wait for user visible breakage before we can act. This is in no way an improvement, it's the opposite.
+2014-04-16 20:24:51 @WilliamH I think it was even stated on the ml that the masking was done to force discussion.
+2014-04-16 20:25:07 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: ~arch breakage is still breakage
+2014-04-16 20:25:15 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: by the time that post hit the mailing list some of the fixes had been made.
+2014-04-16 20:25:30 @creffett|irssi so unless you are able to read minds, every issue is going to have to hit the tree in some way before we act
+2014-04-16 20:25:53 @WilliamH creffett|irssi: ~arch breakage is breakage, but ~arch users are supposed to understand that they may get breakage from time to time.
+2014-04-16 20:26:08 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: right, but by that standard everything in the tree affects users so this policy may as well require oxygen nearby the QA member before he is allowed to act.
+2014-04-16 20:26:18 @TomWij creffett|irssi: Yep, the lack of discussion is a ComRel matter; it's of concern when people want to raise something after they introduce and stabilize it (as it can break due to unawareness, assumptions, lack of thoughts, ...), but it's not our terrain if you think about the scope of QA and ComRel.
+2014-04-16 20:26:24 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: so we are making a pointless policy here.
+2014-04-16 20:26:37 @Zero_Chaos "QA isn't allowed to mask things not in the tree"
+2014-04-16 20:27:05 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: Reiterating it; I've not seen something new here, just learning from what happened and what could happen.
+2014-04-16 20:27:06 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: disagree, there are a lot of policies that are nice-to-follow but won't break peoples' systems
+2014-04-16 20:27:37 @creffett|irssi so let me try giving an example to see if I can make clear what I'm imagining
+2014-04-16 20:27:43 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I suppose I'm still lacking an example then.
+2014-04-16 20:27:48 @creffett|irssi I introduce an eclass without discussing it on the ML
+2014-04-16 20:28:04 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: if that eclass is in use that's user visible breakage.
+2014-04-16 20:28:07 @creffett|irssi someone from QA masks packages that are using it because it wasn't discussed -> bad.
+2014-04-16 20:28:12 @wired I tend to consider testing as current, not as a playground, I would prefer to avoid breakage of possible
+2014-04-16 20:28:33 @creffett|irssi someone from QA masks packages using it because it runs rm -rf / in pkg_postinst -> okay \
+2014-04-16 20:28:52 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: it is not breakage, because nothing is broken; someone just ignored part of the policy, and we should talk to them about it
+2014-04-16 20:28:58 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: sorry but how is a new undiscussed eclass IN USE not user visible breakage?
+2014-04-16 20:29:06 @WilliamH wired: the reason for that is slow stabilizations.
+2014-04-16 20:29:11 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: how do we know the eclass works? it wasn't reviewed at all, by anyone.
+2014-04-16 20:29:35 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: you want us to pour over every single thing looking for bugs before we are allowed to follow policy?
+2014-04-16 20:29:43 @creffett|irssi no
+2014-04-16 20:29:55 @creffett|irssi but if it is not actively hurting somebody, then there is no reason to take immediate action
+2014-04-16 20:30:01 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: try reading /usr/portage/eclass/python* "real quick" to make sure there is no breakage.
+2014-04-16 20:30:22 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: so again, you are specifically saying we must wait for users to be harmed by the policy breakage, is that correct?
+2014-04-16 20:30:42 @creffett|irssi no, I'm saying there needs to be something wrong, not that the users need to be harmed
+2014-04-16 20:30:42 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: because that isn't "Quality Assurance" that's "Custodial Engineering"
+2014-04-16 20:31:00 @TomWij creffett|irssi: I think bug #435094 (comment #11) is an example of how we can address things.
+2014-04-16 20:31:01 willikins TomWij: "Optional multilib USE flag could cause problems, devs and users could be unaware (was: Force multilib USE flag only on core packages)"; Gentoo Linux, Eclasses and Profiles; RESO, FIXE; mattst88:toolchain
+2014-04-16 20:31:01 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: fixing something BEFORE it affects users is QA, cleaning up after is janitorial.
+2014-04-16 20:31:10 @creffett|irssi I would like to assume basic competence on the part of the developer base
+2014-04-16 20:31:32 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I'd like to assume I can get any girl I like and I'll be 6 feet tall someday.
+2014-04-16 20:31:52 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: people make mistakes, honest mistakes, it happens.
+2014-04-16 20:31:56 @wired I think what creffet is trying to say is that there are qa violations that don't have significant impact to users and we can delay actions on those cases
+2014-04-16 20:32:26 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: Even better is if you can prevent it from existing; as that is true QA, but of course often hard to do.
+2014-04-16 20:32:26 @Zero_Chaos wired: and what I'm saying is that very specifically we wouldn't be the Quality ASSURANCE team in that case.
+2014-04-16 20:33:07 @wired well it is not always easy to enforce policy in a large group of developers
+2014-04-16 20:33:09 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: I agree, but to specficially bind QA from preventing problems before they occur is moving the assumption of perfection from us to the developer community.
+2014-04-16 20:33:46 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: no matter what we do, some assumptions must be made about the developers at large, and QA itself. First we assume niether side has no malice, and both sides make mistakes.
+2014-04-16 20:33:57 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: I am not disagreeing with that
+2014-04-16 20:34:27 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: now all that is left is do we want to assume it's more likely QA will make mistakes, or the developers will make mistakes? Further we need to see what the negative impact of those mistakes are.
+2014-04-16 20:34:44 @creffett|irssi right now? QA's making the mistakes.
+2014-04-16 20:34:53 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: if a dev screws up, people can lose everything. if QA screws up, a perfectly good package isn't in use for a few days while we discuss.
+2014-04-16 20:35:20 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I'd rather have QA have the power to prevent breakage, and admit sometimes they are wrong, rather than wait for breakage to be assured and damage the users.
+2014-04-16 20:35:45 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I realize everyone wants to be in charge, but sadly, we are harming our users, here and now.
+2014-04-16 20:35:55 @TomWij A mask is just a mask.
+2014-04-16 20:36:00 @Zero_Chaos exactly
+2014-04-16 20:36:18 @Zero_Chaos worst case, we masked something improperly, remove the mask, users didn't get a change for a few days
+2014-04-16 20:36:22 @Zero_Chaos no harm, no foul.
+2014-04-16 20:36:25 @TomWij It sits there between Gentoo and the users; it even allows the developers to continue their work, although in a way that the users won't get their updates.
+2014-04-16 20:36:39 @TomWij It's perceived as a weapon by some; however, it isn't. It's just a temporary measure.
+2014-04-16 20:37:05 @Zero_Chaos if there is malice in a QA mask that's an entirely different matter, what we are dicussing here is trying to help the users before injury vs digging them out of the hole we let them fall in.
+2014-04-16 20:38:08 @wired I need to relocate, I'll be back in 10m
+2014-04-16 20:38:09 * antarus lurks
+2014-04-16 20:38:14 @Zero_Chaos I don't see how we expect the QA team to Assure Quality if we are not allowed to attempt to prevent breakage.
+2014-04-16 20:38:18 @creffett|irssi antarus: oh, hi there.
+2014-04-16 20:38:23 @creffett|irssi antarus: any input on the discussion so far?
+2014-04-16 20:38:26 @Zero_Chaos WORST CASE, we mask something, remove it, no big deal.
+2014-04-16 20:38:34 @TomWij creffett|irssi: This all then boils down to "what is perceived as breakage?" and the whole way the GLEP addresses that.
+2014-04-16 20:38:40 @Zero_Chaos vs an undiscussed change that causes massive breakage.
+2014-04-16 20:38:59 @creffett|irssi TomWij: the glep does not address it sufficiently, thus the problem.
+2014-04-16 20:39:01 * Tommy[D] will be back in some minutes
+2014-04-16 20:39:07 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: this really boils down to people understanding a mask isn't a weapon.
+2014-04-16 20:39:15 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: but most undiscussed changes will _not_ cause breakages
+2014-04-16 20:39:21 @creffett|irssi and there can be discussed changes which do
+2014-04-16 20:39:38 @TomWij Iotw "Ukraine and Russia are starting a war. Do you want to mask? [Y/N]"
+2014-04-16 20:39:43 @creffett|irssi your assumption seems to be something down the lines of "if it's not discussed, it's going to break things"
+2014-04-16 20:39:48 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I agree with you 100%, BUT 100% of masks won't cause breakage. So masking something is much safer than not if there is a question.
+2014-04-16 20:40:16 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: no, I'm saying there is a ZERO percent chance of a QA mask hurting the users, and a slim chance not masking something will.
+2014-04-16 20:40:30 * creffett|irssi sighs
+2014-04-16 20:40:48 @creffett|irssi fine, we will remain as-is, and revisit this later if the issue comes up again
+2014-04-16 20:40:54 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: we cannot possibly hurt the users by masking something we feel breaks policy, et al. The reverse cannot be said.
+2014-04-16 20:41:22 antarus creffett|irssi: I think generally I expect masks to be backed up by some sort of policy
+2014-04-16 20:41:28 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: honestly, comrel needs to be there when the devs cannot discuss like people (it happens to us all) or when there is direct and obvious malice.
+2014-04-16 20:41:36 antarus I don't think actual user breakage is necessary
+2014-04-16 20:41:37 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: past that, it's not their job.
+2014-04-16 20:41:40 @TomWij (Answer: If you don't mask, they'll have their resolution and/or fight, hard to tell which; if you mask, they perceive it as a weapon and you get world war until we understand a world war isn't the most efficient way to become powerful and/or solve problems.)
+2014-04-16 20:41:51 antarus creffett|irssi: if you want comrel to mask for policy violations (rather than user breakages)
+2014-04-16 20:41:55 antarus I'm happy to discuss
+2014-04-16 20:41:57 @creffett|irssi I suggest we adjourn until 1850, since wired and Tommy[D] are both out, and I need to run to my next class anyway
+2014-04-16 20:42:14 @Zero_Chaos heh
+2014-04-16 20:42:18 * WilliamH agrees with antarus, if we qa mask something we should cite the policy that we are using in the mask message.
+2014-04-16 20:42:51 @Zero_Chaos antarus:
+2014-04-16 20:42:52 @Zero_Chaos @creffett|irssi> first on the agenda: after discussion with antarus, we're going to be backing off a little on the "enforcement" of policies and leaving that to comrel
+2014-04-16 20:42:56 @Zero_Chaos 14:09 <@creffett|irssi> the general idea is that if someone's breaking policy, we ask them nicely, and if they refuse, we pass it to comrel
+2014-04-16 20:43:04 @Zero_Chaos antarus: to catch you up, that was the start of this discussion.
+2014-04-16 20:43:30 @Zero_Chaos antarus: I am against this, as we have policies to prevent breakage, ignoring them isn't a matter for comrel, it's a matter for Quality Assurance, imho.
+2014-04-16 20:44:06 @Zero_Chaos antarus: comrel is for personal inability to discuss something technically (like how for instance Samuli and I both got a bit heated) or direct malice.
+2014-04-16 20:44:23 @Zero_Chaos antarus: unless I'm missing something, technical policy enforcement is our charter, not comrels.
+2014-04-16 20:44:26 @zlogene oops i have a hard problem, should be back ASAP, (but not sure right now).On line anyway.
+2014-04-16 20:44:38 @Zero_Chaos zlogene: I think we are on break for a few anyway.
+2014-04-16 20:45:03 antarus Zero_Chaos: well the aforementioned eclass policy could be construed as a policy issue (but not a user-affecting issue)
+2014-04-16 20:45:10 @WilliamH Zero_Chaos: what about willful violation of policy?
+2014-04-16 20:45:12 antarus so who owns that one?
+2014-04-16 20:45:23 @TomWij WilliamH: Willful / repeated is ComRel.
+2014-04-16 20:45:31 @Zero_Chaos antarus: eclasses are technical issues not personal, QA does.
+2014-04-16 20:45:38 @Zero_Chaos antarus: that's not even blurry to me.
+2014-04-16 20:46:04 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: willful violation of policy is both, QA corrects things technically and comrel deals with the malice since we lack the power to do so.
+2014-04-16 20:46:06 antarus to speak bluntly
+2014-04-16 20:46:11 @Zero_Chaos antarus: please :-)
+2014-04-16 20:46:34 @WilliamH Zero_Chaos: but if the eclass doesn't break things there is no breakage.
+2014-04-16 20:46:47 antarus I don't mind if qa members mask things if they communicate clearly what they did, why they did it, and what the remediation is, and they cite the relevant policies
+2014-04-16 20:46:50 @WilliamH Zero_Chaos: so that the dev didn't discuss it isn't our issue really.
+2014-04-16 20:46:56 antarus becuase you are in essence utilizing your authority over other people
+2014-04-16 20:47:03 antarus and it needs to be clear to them why
+2014-04-16 20:47:57 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: sorry that's not how that works. If a new "whatever" is introduced and there is supposed to be policy requiring discussion then to not discuss it is violating policy and has the potential to affect users. we are here to PREVENT breakage not to pour over undiscussed code looking for mistakes before we can act.
+2014-04-16 20:48:16 antarus (I will avoid making the qa-as-cops comparison)
+2014-04-16 20:48:23 antarus but I think there are similarities there
+2014-04-16 20:48:36 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: again, if QA masks something the worst case is we are wrong and the users get is in a few days. If we don't mask something and it turns out to break, much worse things can happen.
+2014-04-16 20:48:58 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: I'm going to introduce a new kernel-builder.eclass soon, and move all kernel sources to using it.
+2014-04-16 20:49:15 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: when I do that without any discussion, do you think ANYONE will let that stand until breakage is reported?
+2014-04-16 20:49:37 @TomWij antarus: And ComRel is Committee P?
+2014-04-16 20:49:41 @TomWij (:P)
+2014-04-16 20:50:00 dilfridge nope, just shady conspiracy :D
+2014-04-16 20:50:23 * wired back
+2014-04-16 20:50:33 @Zero_Chaos antarus: expecting either side to be perfect is irrational, but when QA messes up, no one is really "hurt". In my opinion anyway.
+2014-04-16 20:50:49 antarus TomWij: not getting it
+2014-04-16 20:51:01 antarus Zero_Chaos: being wrongfully arrested is a crime
+2014-04-16 20:51:06 @Zero_Chaos antarus: take my most recent example. barring the rampant asshattery (on both sides), the changes were discussed, the bugs were fixed, and the mask was removed inside of a day.
+2014-04-16 20:51:12 @Zero_Chaos antarus: not in my country buddy.
+2014-04-16 20:52:00 @TomWij (Not a joke, just further comparing; because as they say here, the police is your friend)
+2014-04-16 20:52:01 @Zero_Chaos antarus: now if there were no QA mask, ~arch was broken with circular deps, and there was an open stable bug which means that stable would have been affected shortly. I see a lot of harm there.
+2014-04-16 20:52:24 @TomWij antarus: A mask is hardly an arrest though.
+2014-04-16 20:52:57 antarus TomWij: legally, the police are not your friends
+2014-04-16 20:52:58 @Zero_Chaos a mask isn't "OMG you are a terrible person and must die!" it's more like "whoa, hold on, let's look at this"
+2014-04-16 20:53:07 antarus but I digress ;)
+2014-04-16 20:53:13 @Zero_Chaos removing things from the tree is "DIE DIE DIE"
+2014-04-16 20:53:28 @Zero_Chaos a mask is just a "this needs review/discussion/majorfix/etc"
+2014-04-16 20:53:55 antarus TomWij: I use them here as they are both 'uses of authority'
+2014-04-16 20:54:00 @Zero_Chaos we need to either assume both parties are acting without malice or we need to involve comrel like they should be involved when there is malice.
+2014-04-16 20:54:14 @Zero_Chaos masks aren't a punishment.
+2014-04-16 20:54:29 @Zero_Chaos I've masked my own packages before, I didn't take any offense :-)
+2014-04-16 20:56:16 antarus as I said, in the past things were not...on the level?
+2014-04-16 20:56:46 @Zero_Chaos antarus: go back to speaking bluntly, clarity is important here.
+2014-04-16 20:57:29 @ulm do I see it right, we are at one hour and haven't finished with any agenda topic yet? ;)
+2014-04-16 20:57:43 @wired yup
+2014-04-16 20:57:45 antarus hehe
+2014-04-16 20:57:52 @wired you could say the meeting starts now
+2014-04-16 20:57:53 @creffett|irssi let's get going
+2014-04-16 20:57:54 @ulm well, roll call is done ;)
+2014-04-16 20:58:11 @creffett|irssi someone got the agenda up? what's next? /me mobile right now, so a pain to switch back and forth
+2014-04-16 20:58:17 antarus Zero_Chaos: so using the samuli as an example
+2014-04-16 20:58:24 @TomWij Masks are like "It is fine for the Portage tree where ~200 devs can test if it's not broken, but it needs at least a bit of peer review before releasing this (possible / actual) breakage to OVER 9000 users".
+2014-04-16 20:58:27 antarus it looked as though you tackled him to the ground
+2014-04-16 20:58:33 antarus and then beat him repeatedly
+2014-04-16 20:58:38 @ulm creffett|irssi: GTK flags is next, I think
+2014-04-16 20:58:39 antarus and then masked his package ;p
+2014-04-16 20:58:55 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: we hadn't really finished with the first topic yet... or had we?
+2014-04-16 20:58:59 @creffett|irssi okay, I think that one gets pushed back since we just send the mail
+2014-04-16 20:59:09 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: I said that we'll just stay as-is and revisit if we have further issues
+2014-04-16 20:59:10 @TomWij (
+2014-04-16 20:59:25 @Zero_Chaos antarus: moving to pm to avoid disrupting the meeting
+2014-04-16 20:59:39 @wired 15m => 1h, yeah, nailed that first topic :p
+2014-04-16 21:00:01 antarus sure
+2014-04-16 21:00:20 @TomWij creffett|irssi: Yes, let's keep things as-is; several of us have a different view of this, both you and me have thought about ways to steer it when it happens, it'll happen different (and hopefully better) next time.
+2014-04-16 21:00:51 @wired * Where are the GNOME and QA team at with the GTK flag issue? [~ 5 min] (Mail was sent, either defer agenda item or ask leio or eva [were working on something])
+2014-04-16 21:01:27 @TomWij I know that weeks before the mail, Eva was working on reviewing all the gtk* packages in the tree; not sure what the progress on that is, other than that I guess we'll await response to the mail?
+2014-04-16 21:01:37 * WilliamH hasn't heard a word from the gnome guys
+2014-04-16 21:01:56 @TomWij We could ask; but given the mail went out late, that might be too early.
+2014-04-16 21:01:59 leio We have heard absolutely nothing from the QA people, so eva deferred finishing the work until useful stuff is done, like getting gnome 3.12 to the tree.
+2014-04-16 21:02:01 @WilliamH I guess my question is, how long do we wait?
+2014-04-16 21:02:02 @creffett|irssi we'll push that one back
+2014-04-16 21:02:15 @TomWij leio: Did you receive the mail WilliamH has sent out?
+2014-04-16 21:02:17 leio QA people haven't even contacted us, at all, sans that possible mail you are talking about now.
+2014-04-16 21:02:27 @creffett|irssi leio: we sent a mail a few days ago
+2014-04-16 21:02:37 @WilliamH leio: you didn't get the mail to gnome@g.o that was sent a few days ago?
+2014-04-16 21:02:39 @creffett|irssi check your spam folder :)
+2014-04-16 21:03:01 leio I was busy with work and just got back from abroad, so no, I haven't seen that yet
+2014-04-16 21:03:16 @WilliamH leio: it was sent a few days back.
+2014-04-16 21:03:25 leio was eva's working sheet
+2014-04-16 21:03:40 * WilliamH looks for the date
+2014-04-16 21:03:43 @TomWij (Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 21:49:43 -0500 From: William Hubbs <> To: Cc: Subject: gtk use flag situation)
+2014-04-16 21:03:46 @creffett|irssi leio: we don't need a response, but could you verify that you got the mail?
+2014-04-16 21:04:03 leio ok, but I need to find my mouse :)
+2014-04-16 21:04:10 @creffett|irssi leio: sounds good
+2014-04-16 21:04:20 @wired mouse? you still use that thing? xD
+2014-04-16 21:04:27 @WilliamH heh
+2014-04-16 21:04:48 leio I haven't found a good brain to computer interface yet, that would be open source
+2014-04-16 21:04:55 leio that would be more effective than keyboard and mouse
+2014-04-16 21:05:14 @zlogene wired: now about pc :P
+2014-04-16 21:05:22 * WilliamH thinks brain-computer interfaces are sort of scary... well not them specifically, but the implications...
+2014-04-16 21:05:23 @zlogene *how
+2014-04-16 21:05:37 @creffett|irssi while we wait, next topic: dynamic-deps, revbumps, etc.
+2014-04-16 21:05:37 @WilliamH if/when that tech falls into the wrong hands
+2014-04-16 21:05:42 @wired * Rely on dynamic dependencies (has binpkg and subslot problems), revision bumps (causes some unnecessary rebuilds) or keep status quo when changing dependencies in an existing ebuild? [~ 10 min]
+2014-04-16 21:05:46 @creffett|irssi wired++
+2014-04-16 21:06:03 @zlogene wired: what you will do there without mouse? :p
+2014-04-16 21:06:06 @creffett|irssi so basically, we need to produce a recommendation for this (or no change)
+2014-04-16 21:06:18 @TomWij (leio: Thank you for the link.)
+2014-04-16 21:06:31 @creffett|irssi since right now, if you revbump after changing deps, it breaks binpkgs but dynamic-deps for normal packages handles things fine
+2014-04-16 21:06:34 @creffett|irssi er
+2014-04-16 21:06:36 @wired zlogene: mouse exists for games and design apps, but lets leave that for another time :P
+2014-04-16 21:06:38 @creffett|irssi if you _don't_ revbump
+2014-04-16 21:07:03 @creffett|irssi opinions? thoughts? edontcare?
+2014-04-16 21:07:11 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: honestly this topic is above QA. PMS doesn't specifiy how things should be handled.
+2014-04-16 21:07:12 @ulm dynamic dependencies are a hack and not always working
+2014-04-16 21:07:32 @ulm e.g. they aren't working if the ebuild has been removed
+2014-04-16 21:07:43 @Zero_Chaos dynamic deps are indeed a hack and cause all kinds of issues but the flip side is rebuilding libreoffice daily.
+2014-04-16 21:07:46 @ulm and they are portage specific
+2014-04-16 21:07:48 @WilliamH Well, if we force a revbump for this, we are adding another stable req to arch teams too just for changing deps.
+2014-04-16 21:07:56 @creffett|irssi so what do we do? punt it to PMS?
+2014-04-16 21:08:07 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: The PMS does say dependencies should be merged before certain moments; and thus, by PMS dynamic deps shouldn't even be possible.
+2014-04-16 21:08:14 @ulm creffett|irssi: we cannot
+2014-04-16 21:08:30 @creffett|irssi ulm: why not?
+2014-04-16 21:08:45 @ulm that would mean to keep metadata of removed ebuilds indefinitely
+2014-04-16 21:08:58 @ulm otherwise it's not guaranteed to work
+2014-04-16 21:08:59 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: you are saying that dynamic deps specifically violates pms?
+2014-04-16 21:09:14 @creffett|irssi ulm: I meant "can we punt this question to the PMS team"
+2014-04-16 21:09:18 @TomWij So, we need to decide on either the PMS (rev bump) or Portage (dyn deps) approach and correct the other; that is, unless we keep the status quo.
+2014-04-16 21:09:29 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: fyi this is a VERY long standing issue, I wouldn't expect resolution, just direction of travel.
+2014-04-16 21:09:49 leio latest e-mail from WilliamH that I see is from 5th April, and only gentoo-commits of him after that. But I found it from spam...
+2014-04-16 21:10:19 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: I'm okay with either one, leaning towards extending the hack of dynamic deps to binpkgs and PMS
+2014-04-16 21:10:28 @ulm I'd say always revbump if necessary
+2014-04-16 21:10:29 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: we can't solve long-standing issues in one meeting? /me removes "cure cancer" from the agenda
+2014-04-16 21:10:56 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: "Build dependencies (DEPEND). These must be installed and usable before any of the ebuild src_* phase functions is executed. [...] Runtime dependencies (RDEPEND). These must be installed and usable before the results of an ebuild merging are treated as usable. [...] Post dependencies (PDEPEND). These must be installed at some point before
+2014-04-16 21:10:56 @TomWij the package manager finishes the batch of installs."
+2014-04-16 21:11:04 @ulm maybe introduce an exception that the new revision can go straight to stable if only dependencies are changed
+2014-04-16 21:11:20 dilfridge that does not solve the issue of libreoffice rebuilds
+2014-04-16 21:11:29 @creffett|irssi ^^ beat me to it
+2014-04-16 21:11:34 @Zero_Chaos ulm: that's going to piss off a lot of people for "unnessesary rebuilds"
+2014-04-16 21:12:09 @ulm well, there's libreoffice-bin for them :p
+2014-04-16 21:12:16 @Zero_Chaos honestly, and I've been on this issue since I became a dev, I think we need to keep the ugly hack of dynamic deps and correct binpkgs and PMS to define it better.
+2014-04-16 21:12:39 @Zero_Chaos it's too much to rebuild for every little thing but portage needs to know the deps properly, it's critical.
+2014-04-16 21:13:06 wired_ sorry
+2014-04-16 21:13:10 wired_ my vps died
+2014-04-16 21:13:34 @TomWij You can bend that RDEPEND definition in the PMS by claiming that usable in "results of an ebuild merging are treated as usable" to be usable after you've changed the dependencies; but well, that's quite a loophole. :D
+2014-04-16 21:13:45 @creffett|irssi so, for now, how abot we push this to portage/PMS teams?
+2014-04-16 21:13:47 wired_ I've missed everything on the last topic
+2014-04-16 21:14:12 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I agree with that, however, it should be noted that the portage team is understaffed for this kind of thing.
+2014-04-16 21:14:14 @WilliamH wired_: the topic is dynamic deps.
+2014-04-16 21:14:26 @TomWij creffett|irssi: +1 Push this off to both teams.
+2014-04-16 21:14:34 wired_ yeah, I dropped right after I pasted the topic
+2014-04-16 21:14:43 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: the portage team has somewhere ~20 contributors, I owuld not call them understaffed
+2014-04-16 21:15:11 @Tommy[D] numbers are not everything ;)
+2014-04-16 21:15:22 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: then you clearly don't discuss issues of this magnitude with them, because they have told me they do not have the man power to work this due to skill, and the one who could do it refuses.
+2014-04-16 21:15:37 @TomWij wired_:
+2014-04-16 21:15:41 @ulm creffett|irssi: I predict that neither of the teams will have a solution
+2014-04-16 21:15:57 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: the only one would could fix this is few_ and he said if he touches dynamic-deps code at all it will only be to remove it.
+2014-04-16 21:15:58 dilfridge we'd need something like a revbump that only triggers update of metadata
+2014-04-16 21:15:59 wired_ TomWij, thanks
+2014-04-16 21:16:04 @ulm come up with one and we'll adopt it
+2014-04-16 21:16:06 @creffett|irssi ulm: then we stay at staus quo
+2014-04-16 21:16:21 * antarus is on few_'s side on this one, ftr ;)
+2014-04-16 21:16:24 @ulm dilfridge: yeah, but how?
+2014-04-16 21:16:27 @Zero_Chaos dilfridge: same problem as dynamic deps, once the ebuild is gone the information is gone.
+2014-04-16 21:16:38 @creffett|irssi the alternative of "revbump on all dep changes" is, to be blunt, stupid.
+2014-04-16 21:16:43 dilfridge i.e. introduce one more version level -r0-s1 (yes I know ugly)
+2014-04-16 21:16:56 @ulm sub-revisions ;) like sub-slots
+2014-04-16 21:16:59 @creffett|irssi dilfridge: could have it stored in the ebuild itself
+2014-04-16 21:17:11 @creffett|irssi METADATA_VERSION="0"
+2014-04-16 21:17:21 dilfridge but then portage has to read the file
+2014-04-16 21:17:26 @TomWij dilfridge, creffett|irssi: Sounds like overengineering to me somehow.
+2014-04-16 21:17:33 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: then devs would need to bump it by hand
+2014-04-16 21:17:43 @creffett|irssi I'm just spitballing right now
+2014-04-16 21:17:54 @creffett|irssi so my ideas should be taken with a grain of salt
+2014-04-16 21:17:56 @TomWij Do we need dependency information in /var/db/pkg?
+2014-04-16 21:18:06 dilfridge yes.
+2014-04-16 21:18:07 @ulm TomWij: yes
+2014-04-16 21:18:10 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: YES
+2014-04-16 21:18:11 @Zero_Chaos :-)
+2014-04-16 21:18:35 dilfridge because if a package is removed otherwise things would really go down hard.
+2014-04-16 21:18:35 @TomWij I guess ... for the subslot information? Or are there other reasons?
+2014-04-16 21:18:56 @ulm TomWij: it reflects the state of installed packages
+2014-04-16 21:18:56 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: when ebuilds are removed the only information we have left are in /var/db/pkg
+2014-04-16 21:18:58 dilfridge (removed from portage)
+2014-04-16 21:19:06 @ulm including their dependencies
+2014-04-16 21:19:15 @TomWij dilfridge: But for what do you need to know the dependencies of a package?
+2014-04-16 21:19:17 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: that's the problem with all of this. when ebuilds are removed
+2014-04-16 21:19:31 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: if we never removed ebuilds, dynamic deps would be near perfect actually.
+2014-04-16 21:19:32 @ulm TomWij: for depcleaning, for example
+2014-04-16 21:19:56 @TomWij Hmm, right; it can't just pick another version from the Portage tree.
+2014-04-16 21:20:15 * dilfridge back later
+2014-04-16 21:20:20 @Zero_Chaos dilfridge: peace
+2014-04-16 21:21:15 @TomWij ulm: Before a depclean a full world upgrade should be done; and thus, that would ensure you don't have packages with no dependencies...
+2014-04-16 21:21:40 @creffett|irssi for now, can we agree on pushing this to PMS/portage teams?
+2014-04-16 21:21:44 @TomWij creffett|irssi: Yes.
+2014-04-16 21:21:46 @Zero_Chaos yes
+2014-04-16 21:21:49 wired_ yeah
+2014-04-16 21:22:02 @WilliamH yes
+2014-04-16 21:22:02 @creffett|irssi good enough for me
+2014-04-16 21:22:09 @creffett|irssi next topic: QA bugs
+2014-04-16 21:22:12 * TomWij still awaits an actual example for why dependencies are needed in /var/db/pkg, feel free to /query or mail me later.
+2014-04-16 21:22:44 @Tommy[D] by "pushing to PMS/portage team" you mean asking them for their input? or should they decide what to do?
+2014-04-16 21:22:44 @creffett|irssi the first one--nothing to do there, that's just Pinkbyte following up on our decision a couple months ago re: USE=multislot
+2014-04-16 21:22:53 @creffett|irssi Tommy[D]: their decision
+2014-04-16 21:23:35 @Tommy[D] ok with me
+2014-04-16 21:23:37 @creffett|irssi second bug, re: readme.gentoo.eclass: anyone have input on that?
+2014-04-16 21:24:03 * WilliamH doesn't think we can do much there, that eclass isn't part of policy...
+2014-04-16 21:24:29 @ulm any dev can help with that bug
+2014-04-16 21:24:34 @WilliamH Right.
+2014-04-16 21:24:42 @ulm e.g. file bugs for packages
+2014-04-16 21:24:44 @TomWij WilliamH: Yeah, I think it's somewhat less important than EAPI migration, "respecting *FLAGS" bugs, ...; it's nice to have, but it isn't really covered by policy / a big need / ...
+2014-04-16 21:24:55 @ulm so it's not a exclusive qa task
+2014-04-16 21:24:56 @TomWij ... but indeed, anyone can still help with it.
+2014-04-16 21:25:06 @creffett|irssi agreed, we can add it to the list of stuff anyone can help with vaguely QA-related
+2014-04-16 21:25:50 @TomWij creffett|irssi: And then I've put "..." for input on whether there were other bugs we should look into; because sometimes I see bugs pass on the alias, eg. pax-mark but I wonder if someone looks into them.
+2014-04-16 21:26:16 @creffett|irssi TomWij: they've been there for a while; whether they're our problem or not is something we can discuss later
+2014-04-16 21:26:22 @TomWij (Sometimes it's hard to tell what the QA involvement is and whether QA should be involved)
+2014-04-16 21:26:44 @TomWij Yeah, okay, let's move on them; just wanted to make sure we're not losing our view on open bugs, ... :)
+2014-04-16 21:26:49 @TomWij then*
+2014-04-16 21:28:01 @creffett|irssi kk
+2014-04-16 21:28:43 @creffett|irssi next: handling internal disagreements
+2014-04-16 21:29:18 @Zero_Chaos "I"ll kill you all!!!!"
+2014-04-16 21:29:36 @creffett|irssi sounds about right.
+2014-04-16 21:29:42 @TomWij creffett|irssi: That agenda item is based on rich0's mails to us.
+2014-04-16 21:29:43 @WilliamH lol
+2014-04-16 21:29:49 @creffett|irssi TomWij: I know
+2014-04-16 21:30:07 @Zero_Chaos I think it's important that we clarify that the team is allowed to act individually. Some people seem to think we need to vote on EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING and that's just not useful.
+2014-04-16 21:30:23 @creffett|irssi my suggestion: even if you don't agree with a QA member's action, back them publicly, discuss privately
+2014-04-16 21:30:40 wired_ or don't say anything publicly
+2014-04-16 21:30:40 @Zero_Chaos I think using best judgement as when to ask others, and discussion when needed.
+2014-04-16 21:30:43 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: great idea
+2014-04-16 21:30:53 @creffett|irssi and if there is an issue, we discuss, we vote, and then we make a change if needed--but we only change after discussion
+2014-04-16 21:31:01 wired_ you don't have to agree, just don't make a big deal of it in public
+2014-04-16 21:31:06 @TomWij wired_++, don't even back them
+2014-04-16 21:31:08 @creffett|irssi wired_: works for me
+2014-04-16 21:31:17 @creffett|irssi but don't disagree in public is the end goal
+2014-04-16 21:31:28 @TomWij creffett|irssi: What is considered public? :D
+2014-04-16 21:31:59 @ulm any public medium
+2014-04-16 21:32:00 @TomWij I mean, when the discussion is in #gentoo-qa; we have no #gentoo-qa-private.
+2014-04-16 21:32:07 @ulm mailing lists, irc etc.
+2014-04-16 21:32:08 @TomWij Or should we then move to the mail alias?
+2014-04-16 21:32:40 @TomWij Though the mail alias is slow.
+2014-04-16 21:33:08 @ulm TomWij: not sure
+2014-04-16 21:33:19 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: the mail alias is slow, but it actually gets the whole team, unlike irc.
+2014-04-16 21:33:20 @ulm reading long irc backlogs is slow, too
+2014-04-16 21:33:50 @creffett|irssi I'd suggest the alias for this
+2014-04-16 21:34:10 @TomWij Zero_Chaos, ulm: Good points, thanks.
+2014-04-16 21:34:50 * WilliamH is concerned still about the definition of "breakage", is that something we should discuss somewhere else?
+2014-04-16 21:35:04 @creffett|irssi WilliamH: I think we need a whole meeting for that argument.
+2014-04-16 21:35:06 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: so official policy to not pull support of team members in public without consensus?
+2014-04-16 21:35:25 * Zero_Chaos fractures WilliamH's arm
+2014-04-16 21:35:25 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: yes, and I acknowledge that I wasn't following that policy recently
+2014-04-16 21:35:28 @creffett|irssi and I'm sorry for that
+2014-04-16 21:35:36 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: don't worry, it's not broken.
+2014-04-16 21:35:51 @WilliamH Zero_Chaos: heh
+2014-04-16 21:36:05 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: some recent events were not handled in a cohesive manner. I look forward to all of us acting more like a team.
+2014-04-16 21:36:24 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: i think this policy will help that. we can't all be countermanding each other in public.
+2014-04-16 21:36:37 @creffett|irssi mhm
+2014-04-16 21:37:02 @TomWij WilliamH: Would need you to make a full list of the user visible effects, categorize them in different categories and then mark them as not at all breakage, almost not at all breakage, might be breakage, somewhat breakage, half broken, ...
+2014-04-16 21:37:34 @creffett|irssi so, for an official policy: if a QA member takes an action other team members disagree with, it should be discussed privately within the team, and reverted only by team vote. Team members who disagree with the action should not discuss this until the vote is taken.
+2014-04-16 21:37:40 @creffett|irssi how's that sound?
+2014-04-16 21:38:02 @ulm not discuss this *in public*
+2014-04-16 21:38:09 @creffett|irssi right.
+2014-04-16 21:38:52 @wired ++
+2014-04-16 21:38:53 @creffett|irssi further additions/comments?
+2014-04-16 21:39:04 @creffett|irssi if not, I'd like to call a vote
+2014-04-16 21:39:25 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I believe the only part of this which is new is the "don't discuss in public". team vote isn't needed for lead/deputy action, so do not wish to tie hands with "only after vote"
+2014-04-16 21:39:33 @TomWij creffett|irssi: And leads can still override that? (but are accountable / responsible themselves when doing so)
+2014-04-16 21:39:35 @WilliamH Can any team member call another member's action up for a vote?
+2014-04-16 21:39:53 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: specifically in the recent challenge to action, WilliamH and I agreed to talk to a lead/deputy instead of voting.
+2014-04-16 21:40:01 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: YES
+2014-04-16 21:40:02 @TomWij Not in general, as a form of power; but rather, to prevent abuse.
+2014-04-16 21:40:07 @creffett|irssi WilliamH: yes
+2014-04-16 21:40:12 @creffett|irssi TomWij: clarify
+2014-04-16 21:40:12 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: I'm 100% for that.
+2014-04-16 21:40:22 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: but as for anything else, if possible discuss first.
+2014-04-16 21:40:24 @TomWij creffett|irssi: Clarify what you want me to clarify?
+2014-04-16 21:40:37 @creffett|irssi TomWij: I want you to clarify the things I want you to clarify. Clearly.
+2014-04-16 21:40:52 @creffett|irssi TomWij: what actions by leads would be exempt from this rule?
+2014-04-16 21:41:10 @wired IMO the lead/deputy has the power to overrule any action without vote if they deem it a serious mistake
+2014-04-16 21:41:20 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: ALL.
+2014-04-16 21:41:21 @wired but they would be responsible for that action
+2014-04-16 21:41:37 @creffett|irssi does the rest of the team feel that way?
+2014-04-16 21:41:41 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: power structure is member, vote of members, deputy overrule, lead overrule.
+2014-04-16 21:42:16 @ulm the lead cannot overrule a team vote
+2014-04-16 21:42:22 @wired well, no, lead is lead, but team > lead IMO, if you have 8/10 saying A and lead says B
+2014-04-16 21:42:25 @wired it's A, bot B
+2014-04-16 21:42:34 @wired not*
+2014-04-16 21:42:35 @TomWij creffett|irssi: Ah, "override" here means: QA dev does an action widely breaking a @system package but claims it to fix breakage as a form of abuse, QA lead reverts and takes the accountability / responsibility on him.
+2014-04-16 21:42:41 @Zero_Chaos okay, so "member, deputy, lead, team vote"?
+2014-04-16 21:42:59 @Zero_Chaos that seems fair to me ^^
+2014-04-16 21:43:40 @TomWij creffett|irssi: I was NOT saying "this is a rule affecting the team but not leads", but saying "if someone acts under this rule, can leads undo it without a vote if really necessary?".
+2014-04-16 21:43:49 * WilliamH agrees with wired
+2014-04-16 21:44:02 @wired I feel we are nitpicking this too much
+2014-04-16 21:44:09 @wired too much politics :p
+2014-04-16 21:44:37 @creffett|irssi so...someone give me a wording we can all agree on
+2014-04-16 21:44:38 @WilliamH The deputy then the lead are the highest authority on the team.
+2014-04-16 21:45:03 @TomWij wired, Zero_Chaos: Yes, "member, deputy, lead, team vote"; I'm talking about the action by the member, not about the vote of the team.
+2014-04-16 21:45:04 @WilliamH so they have the authority to override any actions.
+2014-04-16 21:45:26 @ulm it's outlined in glep 48
+2014-04-16 21:45:44 @WilliamH and remember the lead is approved by the council.
+2014-04-16 21:45:45 @Zero_Chaos A team member may act on their own. Any action by a member may be overruled by the deputy or lead without a vote if needed, however, the highest authority in the team will be a team vote.
+2014-04-16 21:45:47 @ulm if there's disagreement amongst members, a team vote is needed
+2014-04-16 21:45:53 @Zero_Chaos something like this ^^?
+2014-04-16 21:46:03 @ulm that includes disagreements between a member and the lead
+2014-04-16 21:46:55 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: Where did the discuss in private go? :D
+2014-04-16 21:47:55 @WilliamH ulm: ok, so if I do something and creffett removes me from the team for it, can the rest of the team force him to reinstate me?
+2014-04-16 21:48:30 @creffett|irssi that one I will object to; removing people from the team is the one power that is explicitly given to the team lead
+2014-04-16 21:48:37 @ulm WilliamH: can the lead actually remove members from the team?
+2014-04-16 21:48:42 @Zero_Chaos A QA team member may act on their own. If there is any dispute of a QA member's action, it should be in private. Any action by a member may be overruled by the deputy or lead without a vote if needed, however, the highest authority in the team will be a team vote.
+2014-04-16 21:48:46 @Zero_Chaos better?
+2014-04-16 21:49:15 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: where do you see that power assigned to you?
+2014-04-16 21:49:18 @creffett|irssi wait, no it isn't
+2014-04-16 21:49:19 @WilliamH ulm: I think so?
+2014-04-16 21:49:19 @creffett|irssi adding people is
+2014-04-16 21:49:24 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: bingo
+2014-04-16 21:49:25 @creffett|irssi oh well
+2014-04-16 21:49:27 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: Isn't this in metastructure?
+2014-04-16 21:49:36 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: show me, I've never seen it
+2014-04-16 21:49:52 @WilliamH flameeyes sure did ;-)
+2014-04-16 21:49:55 @Zero_Chaos anyway, shall we add this to our wiki page? :
+2014-04-16 21:49:57 @Zero_Chaos A QA team member may act on their own. If there is any dispute of a QA member's action, it should be in private. Any action by a member may be overruled by the deputy or lead without a vote if needed, however, the highest authority in the team will be a team vote.
+2014-04-16 21:50:01 @Zero_Chaos ^^ ?
+2014-04-16 21:50:05 @wired QA team members may act on their own. All internal disagreements on said actions must be handled privately between QA members. The Lead/Deputy may revert any action if they believe it was a mistake, but they will be held responsible for that change. All disagreements are to be settled by team votes.
+2014-04-16 21:50:05 @wired or something
+2014-04-16 21:50:29 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: It neither says something about voting. :-$
+2014-04-16 21:50:37 @ulm wired: that sounds good
+2014-04-16 21:50:41 @creffett|irssi +1
+2014-04-16 21:50:46 @Zero_Chaos wait one
+2014-04-16 21:50:52 * creffett|irssi waits
+2014-04-16 21:51:04 @Zero_Chaos "All disagreements are to be settled by team votes" is a requirement
+2014-04-16 21:51:08 @Zero_Chaos not an option
+2014-04-16 21:51:11 @Zero_Chaos it needs to be an option
+2014-04-16 21:51:23 @Zero_Chaos If the lead acts we don't have to vote still
+2014-04-16 21:51:25 @TomWij Again, where did the discussion in private go?
+2014-04-16 21:51:35 @TomWij Ah
+2014-04-16 21:51:40 * TomWij reads *again*.
+2014-04-16 21:51:40 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: you are skipping lines dude ;-)
+2014-04-16 21:52:22 @Zero_Chaos "If the Lead/Deputy action is disputed a team vote will be used to settle the disagreement."
+2014-04-16 21:52:26 @Zero_Chaos is that okay?
+2014-04-16 21:52:35 @Tommy[D] Zero_Chaos: if the lead acts and everyone does agree, there is no disagreement anymore, so no need to vote, but if there is still some disagreement, there should be a vote
+2014-04-16 21:52:45 @Zero_Chaos QA team members may act on their own. All internal disagreements on said actions must be handled privately between QA members. The Lead/Deputy may revert any action if they believe it was a mistake, but they will be held responsible for that change. If the Lead/Deputy action is disputed a team vote will be used to settle the disagreement.
+2014-04-16 21:53:03 wired_ meh
+2014-04-16 21:53:21 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: "All disagreements" means that once there is a disagreement it must be voted upon.
+2014-04-16 21:53:29 @Tommy[D] Zero_Chaos: now you are missing the vote for team member disagreements ;)
+2014-04-16 21:53:40 wired_ something is srly wrong with this thing today. haven't read anything after my last message
+2014-04-16 21:54:09 @TomWij wired_: Don't worry, we're forming the statement we'll vote on; I think Zero_Chaos will very soon post another revision of it.
+2014-04-16 21:54:13 @Tommy[D] the last suggestion from wired looks good to me
+2014-04-16 21:54:30 @WilliamH Zero_Chaos: I don't quite read it that way. The statement with "all disagreements" just refers to not discussing them in public.
+2014-04-16 21:54:36 @Zero_Chaos QA team members may act on their own. All internal disagreements on said actions must be handled privately between QA members. The Lead/Deputy may revert any action if they believe it was a mistake, but they will be held responsible for that change. Any action which is disputed can be settled by a team vote.
+2014-04-16 21:55:08 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: the line in question read: "All disagreements are to be settled by team votes" that means if there is a disagreement it MUST be voted on.
+2014-04-16 21:55:14 @creffett|irssi One addition: "by a team vote, and the result of that vote will be the final decision"
+2014-04-16 21:55:18 wired_ well, it should be
+2014-04-16 21:55:26 @creffett|irssi just to make it clear that a team vote trumps all
+2014-04-16 21:55:36 wired_ if there's a disagreement, I want it settled
+2014-04-16 21:55:40 wired_ not floating around
+2014-04-16 21:56:06 @Zero_Chaos QA team members may act on their own. All internal disagreements on said actions must be handled privately between QA members. The Lead/Deputy may revert any action if they believe it was a mistake, but they will be held responsible for that change. Any action which is disputed can be settled by a team vote, and the result of that vote will be the final decision.
+2014-04-16 21:56:11 @Zero_Chaos ^^ vote?
+2014-04-16 21:56:23 @TomWij Wait.
+2014-04-16 21:56:30 @Zero_Chaos waiting :-)
+2014-04-16 21:56:38 @TomWij How about non-internal disagreements?
+2014-04-16 21:56:49 @WilliamH TomWij: separate issue.
+2014-04-16 21:56:57 @Zero_Chaos those are obviously not required to be in private :-)
+2014-04-16 21:57:03 @WilliamH TomWij: not relevant for this vote.
+2014-04-16 21:57:13 @TomWij Okay.
+2014-04-16 21:57:20 @Zero_Chaos this is our policy for us
+2014-04-16 21:57:28 @TomWij +1 on Zero_Chaos last statement.
+2014-04-16 21:57:32 @Zero_Chaos there is already an escalation policy for people outside QA disputing QA actions.
+2014-04-16 21:57:35 @Zero_Chaos so vote
+2014-04-16 21:57:43 @creffett|irssi +1 from me
+2014-04-16 21:57:47 @Zero_Chaos +1
+2014-04-16 21:57:59 @ulm +1
+2014-04-16 21:58:07 @Tommy[D] +1
+2014-04-16 21:58:15 * WilliamH yes
+2014-04-16 21:58:40 @Zero_Chaos that's 6, and poor wired is probably still having connection issues.
+2014-04-16 21:58:51 @wired +1, but can be settled sounds vague
+2014-04-16 21:59:00 @creffett|irssi 7, good enough for me
+2014-04-16 21:59:20 @Zero_Chaos wired: it really isn't, it means you *can* vote but you are not required to.
+2014-04-16 21:59:31 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: may i add this to the wiki then?
+2014-04-16 21:59:36 @creffett|irssi since we've been going two hours, I suggest that we handle one minor issue, then meet again next Wednesday
+2014-04-16 21:59:39 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: go for it
+2014-04-16 21:59:46 @wired I want to settle all issues, so can't is vague for me
+2014-04-16 21:59:54 @wired I don't want to leave conflicts around
+2014-04-16 22:00:26 @creffett|irssi wired: it will be settled in some capacity, and I don't expect that people who have disputes will let them go until they've been completely settled :)
+2014-04-16 22:00:29 @TomWij * Where and how will we document what QA processes for both current and future Gentoo Developers and QA members? (Per Council meeting: "the council notes that QA is looking into documenting their process"). [~ 5 min]
+2014-04-16 22:00:30 @TomWij * Are there unclarities wrt what "QA team" and similar things mean in GLEP 48? An individual or the whole team? With agreement or not? Do we need to suggest a change to Council? [~ 10 min]
+2014-04-16 22:00:30 @TomWij * Move QA policies to the devmanual? [~ 5 min]
+2014-04-16 22:00:30 @TomWij * What will we do about the missing QA meeting logs and summaries? [~ 5 min]
+2014-04-16 22:00:33 @TomWij ^ Take your pick. :D
+2014-04-16 22:00:37 @Tommy[D] if you want a vote, request it and you get it, but if someone wants to leave the discussion without vote, that should be ok too
+2014-04-16 22:00:46 @Zero_Chaos wired: then it would be voted on, or abandoned (and there is no more conflict)
+2014-04-16 22:00:47 @creffett|irssi I'm up for the last one
+2014-04-16 22:01:08 @wired creffett|irssi: yeah, thats what I'm hoping for. TBH, this policy is a bit redundant, the only important thing stated here is that we should avoid conflicts in the open so we don't look bad
+2014-04-16 22:01:11 @creffett|irssi can I get volunteers to find, summarize, and email out/add to wiki the results of both this meeting and the last meeting?
+2014-04-16 22:02:30 @creffett|irssi last meeting wasn't too bad, the only major change iirc was clarifying the drop-last-stable policy
+2014-04-16 22:02:34 @creffett|irssi don't all volunteer at once.
+2014-04-16 22:03:20 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: way to kill a meeting dude
+2014-04-16 22:03:23 @Zero_Chaos :-)
+2014-04-16 22:03:31 @TomWij creffett|irssi: You're going to have to pick people. :D
+2014-04-16 22:03:32 @WilliamH lol
+2014-04-16 22:03:39 @Zero_Chaos fine, I'll do this meeting
+2014-04-16 22:03:46 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: thank you
+2014-04-16 22:03:49 @Zero_Chaos someone else volunteer, not like I want to do this either.
+2014-04-16 22:03:58 @creffett|irssi WilliamH: congratulations, you get to take care of last meeting's summary
+2014-04-16 22:04:13 * WilliamH doesn't have a backlog
+2014-04-16 22:04:31 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: that was an expensive lol, I hope it was heartfelt and enjoyable.
+2014-04-16 22:04:43 @creffett|irssi who does have a log of last meeting?
+2014-04-16 22:04:51 @Zero_Chaos not I
+2014-04-16 22:04:57 wired_ I probably have one
+2014-04-16 22:05:01 @Zero_Chaos that's why i volunteer for this week :-)
+2014-04-16 22:05:08 wired_ lemme check
+2014-04-16 22:05:45 @TomWij WilliamH: Now you do:
+2014-04-16 22:05:47 @Tommy[D] you are talking about the meeting on the 26th of march?
+2014-04-16 22:05:51 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: where in the hell do I add this policy for us on the wiki, I can't pick a place in the wiki that makes sense.
+2014-04-16 22:05:55 @creffett|irssi Tommy[D]: yes
+2014-04-16 22:06:02 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: policy page, under team policies
+2014-04-16 22:06:11 @wired TomWij beat me to it :)
+2014-04-16 22:06:41 @TomWij Yeah, had it still open.
+2014-04-16 22:06:48 @creffett|irssi WilliamH: okay, there's your backlog. summarize :)
+2014-04-16 22:07:18 @creffett|irssi anyway, meet next week, same time same place?
+2014-04-16 22:07:20 @TomWij Here is a automatically generated summary: {"sentences":["Zero_Chaos: I agree, especially when this summer comes and I actually have a job to keep.","creffett|irssi: who is marking them exp?. creffett|irssi: and on what authority?. in case of doubt me .","creffett|irssi: ^^.","creffett|irssi: I was a little confused on your last point, I think I got it right though.","I apologize, I have a flight to
+2014-04-16 22:07:20 @TomWij catch."]}
+2014-04-16 22:07:41 @wired lol
+2014-04-16 22:07:54 @creffett|irssi that...didn't work at all
+2014-04-16 22:08:03 @TomWij (Produced with
+2014-04-16 22:08:25 @TomWij Works quite good on news articles and scientific papers; but yeah, not on meetings.
+2014-04-16 22:08:34 @creffett|irssi okay, no objections to same time same place
+2014-04-16 22:08:38 * creffett|irssi bangs the gavel
+2014-04-16 22:08:39 @Tommy[D] next week, same time should work, would be nice to have a reminder at least some hours before it (in irc+mail) in case i forgot it
+2014-04-16 22:08:43 @creffett|irssi Tommy[D]: will do
+2014-04-16 22:08:47 @Zero_Chaos <-- anyone have an issue with the heading name?
+2014-04-16 22:08:56 @wired thanks, c ya guys
+2014-04-16 22:08:59 @Zero_Chaos thanks all
+2014-04-16 22:09:05 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: lgtm
+2014-04-16 22:09:30 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I always try to figure out what sex act that is for at least 10 seconds before I remember what it means.
+2014-04-16 22:11:51 @TomWij So, from a quick look the next meeting is about documenting QA processes further (council's statement), are there unclarities in GLEP (raised on project ML, I'll find that mail back by next week) and moving QA policies (and perhaps ComRel's dev handbook) to devmanual as well as about anything that comes up by then.
+2014-04-16 22:12:15 @TomWij None of them urgent.
+2014-04-16 22:12:51 @WilliamH TomWij: Yeah, there was a discussion a while back about putting all of our policies in one place, but I don't know what happened to it.
+2014-04-16 22:13:18 @TomWij WilliamH: It was put at the bottom of I figured out today.
+2014-04-16 22:17:14 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: we just do meeting summaries right? we don't preserve the entire meeting log? we probably should have the whole log available to be able to show the summary is correct....
+2014-04-16 22:19:10 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: We should have the logs online; wired for example did for the first, the second is yet to be filled in.
+2014-04-16 22:20:07 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: roger that
+2014-04-16 22:24:49 @TomWij (It's just opinion; but under the thought that we're forming policies that affect all developers, and because of that how they were formed should be available to those interested in them. Otherwise you get the behind closed door effect; or misconceptions, when someone really doesn't understand how we came to a decision, for what reason [background, reasoning, etc...])
+2014-04-16 22:33:00 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: agreed, I didn't see the other logs and was concerned for exactly those reasons.