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Diffstat (limited to 'metadata/pkg_desc_index')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/metadata/pkg_desc_index b/metadata/pkg_desc_index
index f3005603cccf..7c145a6e9c2f 100644
--- a/metadata/pkg_desc_index
+++ b/metadata/pkg_desc_index
@@ -16375,34 +16375,34 @@ sci-biology/HTSeq 2.0.2 9999: Python support for SAM/BAM/Bowtie/FASTA/Q/GFF/GTF
sci-biology/STAR 2.7.10a: STAR aligner: align RNA-seq reads to reference genome uncompressed suffix arrays
sci-biology/aaindex 9.1-r2: Amino acid indices and similarity matrices
sci-biology/abyss 2.3.4: Assembly By Short Sequences - a de novo, parallel, paired-end sequence assembler
-sci-biology/amap 2.2-r4: Protein multiple-alignment-based sequence annealing
+sci-biology/amap 2.2-r5: Protein multiple-alignment-based sequence annealing
sci-biology/augustus 2.5.5 3.4.0-r1: Eukaryotic gene predictor
sci-biology/bamtools 2.5.2 9999: A programmer's API and an end-user's toolkit for handling BAM files
sci-biology/bcftools 1.15.1: Utilities for variant calling and manipulating VCF and BCF files
sci-biology/bedtools 2.30.0: Tools for manipulation and analysis of BED, GFF/GTF, VCF, SAM/BAM file formats
sci-biology/bfast 0.7.0a: Blat-like Fast Accurate Search Tool
-sci-biology/biogrep 1.0-r2: Multithreaded tool for matching large sets of patterns against biosequence DBs
+sci-biology/biogrep 1.0-r3: Multithreaded tool for matching large sets of patterns against biosequence DBs
sci-biology/biopandas 0.2.7: Molecular Structures in Pandas DataFrames
sci-biology/bioperl 1.6.9-r1: Perl tools for bioinformatics - Core modules
sci-biology/bioperl-db 1.6.9-r2: Perl tools for bioinformatics - Perl API that accesses the BioSQL schema
sci-biology/bioperl-network 1.6.9-r1: Perl tools for bioinformatics - Analysis of protein-protein interaction networks
sci-biology/bioperl-run 1.6.9-r1: Perl wrapper modules for key bioinformatics applications
sci-biology/biopython 1.79: Python modules for computational molecular biology
-sci-biology/biosql 1.0.1-r1: A generic bioinformatics relational database model
-sci-biology/blat 34-r2: The BLAST-Like Alignment Tool, a fast genomic sequence aligner
+sci-biology/biosql 1.0.1-r2: A generic bioinformatics relational database model
+sci-biology/blat 34-r3: The BLAST-Like Alignment Tool, a fast genomic sequence aligner
sci-biology/bowtie 2.4.4: Popular short read aligner for Next-generation sequencing data
sci-biology/bwa 0.7.17: Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Tool, a fast short genomic sequence aligner
-sci-biology/cd-hit 4.6.6: Clustering Database at High Identity with Tolerance
-sci-biology/clustal-omega 1.2.4: Scalable multiple alignment of protein sequences
-sci-biology/clustalw 1.83-r4 2.1-r1: General purpose multiple alignment program for DNA and proteins
+sci-biology/cd-hit 4.6.6-r1: Clustering Database at High Identity with Tolerance
+sci-biology/clustal-omega 1.2.4-r1: Scalable multiple alignment of protein sequences
+sci-biology/clustalw 1.83-r4 2.1-r2: General purpose multiple alignment program for DNA and proteins
sci-biology/clustalw-mpi 0.13-r3: An MPI implemention of the ClustalW general purpose multiple alignment algorithm
sci-biology/clustalx 2.1-r3: Graphical interface for the ClustalW multiple alignment program
sci-biology/consed 29: A genome sequence finishing program
sci-biology/cutg 160-r1: Codon usage tables calculated from GenBank
sci-biology/dialign-tx 1.0.2-r2: Greedy and progressive approaches for segment-based multiple sequence alignment
-sci-biology/dialign2 2.2.1: Multiple sequence alignment
-sci-biology/elph 1.0.1-r1: Estimated Locations of Pattern Hits - Motif finder program
-sci-biology/embassy 6.6.0-r2: A meta-package for installing all EMBASSY packages (EMBOSS add-ons)
+sci-biology/dialign2 2.2.1-r1: Multiple sequence alignment
+sci-biology/elph 1.0.1-r2: Estimated Locations of Pattern Hits - Motif finder program
+sci-biology/embassy 6.6.0-r3: A meta-package for installing all EMBASSY packages (EMBOSS add-ons)
sci-biology/embassy-cbstools EMBOSS integrated version of Applications from the CBS group
sci-biology/embassy-clustalomega EMBOSS integrated version of Clustal Omega - Multiple Sequence Alignment
sci-biology/embassy-domainatrix 0.1.660-r1: EMBOSS integrated version of Protein domain analysis add-on package
@@ -16419,8 +16419,8 @@ sci-biology/embassy-structure 0.1.660-r1: EMBOSS integrated version of Protein s
sci-biology/embassy-topo 2.0.660-r1: EMBOSS integrated version of Transmembrane protein display
sci-biology/embassy-vienna EMBOSS integrated version of Vienna RNA package - RNA folding
sci-biology/emboss 6.6.0-r2: The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite - A sequence analysis package
-sci-biology/eugene 4.1d: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic gene predictor
-sci-biology/exonerate 2.2.0-r2: Generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison
+sci-biology/eugene 4.1d-r1: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic gene predictor
+sci-biology/exonerate 2.2.0-r3: Generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison
sci-biology/express 1.5.1: Streaming RNA-Seq Analysis
sci-biology/fasta 36.3.8h-r1: FASTA is a DNA and Protein sequence alignment software package
sci-biology/fasttree 2.1.11: Fast inference of approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees
@@ -16430,58 +16430,58 @@ sci-biology/foldingathome 7.6.13-r1 7.6.21: Folding@Home is a distributed comput
sci-biology/glimmer 3.02b: An HMM-based microbial gene finding system from TIGR
sci-biology/glimmerhmm 3.0.1-r1: A eukaryotic gene finding system from TIGR
sci-biology/gmap 2020.10.27: A Genomic Mapping and Alignment Program for mRNA and EST Sequences
-sci-biology/hmmer 2.3.2-r4 3.1_beta2: Sequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models
-sci-biology/iedera 1.05-r1: A subset seed design tool for DNA sequence alignment
+sci-biology/hmmer 2.3.2-r5 3.1_beta2-r1: Sequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models
+sci-biology/iedera 1.05-r2: A subset seed design tool for DNA sequence alignment
sci-biology/infernal 1.0.2-r1: Inference of RNA alignments
-sci-biology/iqpnni 3.3.2-r1: Important Quartet Puzzling and NNI Operation
-sci-biology/kalign 2.03-r2: Global and progressive multiple sequence alignment
+sci-biology/iqpnni 3.3.2-r2: Important Quartet Puzzling and NNI Operation
+sci-biology/kalign 2.03-r3: Global and progressive multiple sequence alignment
sci-biology/kallisto 0.46.2: Near-optimal RNA-Seq quantification
sci-biology/lagan 2.0-r4: The LAGAN suite of tools for whole-genome multiple alignment of genomic DNA
sci-biology/libgtextutils 0.6.1-r1: Gordon Text utils Library
sci-biology/mafft 7.490: Multiple sequence alignments using a variety of algorithms
-sci-biology/maq 0.7.1-r2: Mapping and Assembly with Qualities, mapping NGS reads to reference genomes
-sci-biology/maqview 0.2.5-r3: GUI for sci-biology/maq, a short read mapping assembler
+sci-biology/maq 0.7.1-r3: Mapping and Assembly with Qualities, mapping NGS reads to reference genomes
+sci-biology/maqview 0.2.5-r4: GUI for sci-biology/maq, a short read mapping assembler
sci-biology/mcl 14.137: A Markov Cluster Algorithm implementation
sci-biology/mosaik 2.2.30: A reference-guided aligner for next-generation sequencing technologies
sci-biology/mothur 1.27.0-r1: A suite of algorithms for ecological bioinformatics
sci-biology/mrbayes 3.1.2-r2 3.2.7: Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny
-sci-biology/mummer 3.23: A rapid whole genome aligner
+sci-biology/mummer 3.23-r1: A rapid whole genome aligner
sci-biology/muscle 3.8.31: Multiple sequence comparison by log-expectation
sci-biology/newick-utils 1.6-r1: Tools for processing phylogenetic trees
-sci-biology/pals 1.0-r1: Pairwise Aligner for Long Sequences
+sci-biology/pals 1.0-r2: Pairwise Aligner for Long Sequences
sci-biology/paml 4.9j: Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood
sci-biology/phrap 1.080812-r2: Shotgun assembly and alignment utilities
-sci-biology/phred 071220-r1: A base caller for Sanger DNA sequencing
+sci-biology/phred 071220-r2: A base caller for Sanger DNA sequencing
sci-biology/phylip 3.698: The PHYLogeny Inference Package
-sci-biology/phyml 2.4.5-r3: Estimation of large phylogenies by maximum likelihood
-sci-biology/piler 1.0-r1: Analysis of repetitive DNA found in genome sequences
-sci-biology/pilercr 1.0-r1: Analysis of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPRs)
+sci-biology/phyml 2.4.5-r4: Estimation of large phylogenies by maximum likelihood
+sci-biology/piler 1.0-r2: Analysis of repetitive DNA found in genome sequences
+sci-biology/pilercr 1.0-r2: Analysis of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPRs)
sci-biology/plink 1.90_pre140514: Whole genome association analysis toolset
sci-biology/poa 2-r1: Fast multiple sequence alignments using partial-order graphs
-sci-biology/prank 140603: Probabilistic Alignment Kit
+sci-biology/prank 140603-r1: Probabilistic Alignment Kit
sci-biology/primer3 2.3.7-r1: Primer Design for PCR reactions
sci-biology/prints 39.0-r2: A protein motif fingerprint database
sci-biology/probcons 1.12-r1: Probabilistic Consistency-based Multiple Alignment of Amino Acid Sequences
-sci-biology/prodigal 2.6.3: Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm
+sci-biology/prodigal 2.6.3-r1: Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm
sci-biology/profphd 1.0.40: Secondary structure and solvent accessibility predictor
sci-biology/prosite 2017.02-r1: A protein families and domains database
sci-biology/pysam 0.19.1: Python interface for the SAM/BAM sequence alignment and mapping format
sci-biology/qrna 2.0.3c-r3: Prototype ncRNA genefinder
sci-biology/raxml 7.2.6: Sequential, Parallel & Distributed Inference of Large Phylogenetic Trees
sci-biology/rebase 1901-r1: A restriction enzyme database
-sci-biology/recon 1.08: Automated de novo identification of repeat families from genomic sequences
-sci-biology/rnaview 20040713-r4: Generates 2D displays of RNA/DNA secondary structures with tertiary interactions
+sci-biology/recon 1.08-r1: Automated de novo identification of repeat families from genomic sequences
+sci-biology/rnaview 20040713-r5: Generates 2D displays of RNA/DNA secondary structures with tertiary interactions
sci-biology/samtools 0.1.20-r4 1.15.1: Utilities for analysing and manipulating the SAM/BAM alignment formats
sci-biology/seaview 4.6-r1: A graphical multiple sequence alignment editor
sci-biology/seqan 2.4.0-r1 3.1.0: C++ Sequence Analysis Library
sci-biology/sibsim4 0.20: A rewrite and improvement upon sim4, a DNA-mRNA aligner
sci-biology/sim4 20030921-r2: A program to align cDNA and genomic DNA
sci-biology/stride 20011129-r1: Protein secondary structure assignment from atomic coordinates
-sci-biology/t-coffee 11.00-r2: A multiple sequence alignment package
-sci-biology/transfac 3.2-r1: A database of eucaryotic transcription factors
+sci-biology/t-coffee 11.00-r3: A multiple sequence alignment package
+sci-biology/transfac 3.2-r2: A database of eucaryotic transcription factors
sci-biology/tree-puzzle 5.2: Maximum likelihood analysis for nucleotide, amino acid, and two-state data
sci-biology/treeviewx 0.5.1-r3: A phylogenetic tree viewer
-sci-biology/trf 4.04-r1: Tandem Repeats Finder
+sci-biology/trf 4.04-r2: Tandem Repeats Finder
sci-biology/trnascan-se 1.31 1.31-r1: tRNA detection in large-scale genome sequences
sci-biology/uchime 4.2.40: Fast, accurate chimera detection
sci-biology/ucsc-genome-browser 260-r1: The UCSC genome browser suite, also known as Jim Kent's library and GoldenPath
@@ -16490,7 +16490,7 @@ sci-biology/update-blastdb 12.0.0: for local blast db maintain
sci-biology/vcftools 0.1.16: Tools for working with VCF (Variant Call Format) files
sci-biology/velvet 1.2.10: A sequence assembler for very short reads
sci-biology/wise 2.4.0_alpha-r1: Intelligent algorithms for DNA searches
-sci-biology/yass 1.14-r2: Genomic similarity search with multiple transition constrained spaced seeds
+sci-biology/yass 1.14-r3: Genomic similarity search with multiple transition constrained spaced seeds
sci-calculators/bc-gh 5.2.1 5.3.3: Implementation of POSIX bc with GNU extensions
sci-calculators/calcoo 1.3.18-r1: Scientific calculator designed to provide maximum usability
sci-calculators/datamash 1.7-r1: command-line program for basic numeric, textual and statistical operations