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Diffstat (limited to 'dev-cpp/glog/files/glog-0.5.0-vmodule_levels_changeability.patch')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-cpp/glog/files/glog-0.5.0-vmodule_levels_changeability.patch b/dev-cpp/glog/files/glog-0.5.0-vmodule_levels_changeability.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f9b90c1521aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-cpp/glog/files/glog-0.5.0-vmodule_levels_changeability.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+--- /src/glog/
++++ /src/glog/
+@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@
+ // parsing of --vmodule flag and/or SetVLOGLevel calls.
+ #define VLOG_IS_ON(verboselevel) \
+ __extension__ \
+- ({ static @ac_google_namespace@::int32* vlocal__ = NULL; \
++ ({ static @ac_google_namespace@::SiteFlag vlocal__{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}; \
+ @ac_google_namespace@::int32 verbose_level__ = (verboselevel); \
+- (vlocal__ == NULL ? @ac_google_namespace@::InitVLOG3__(&vlocal__, &FLAGS_v, \
+- __FILE__, verbose_level__) : *vlocal__ >= verbose_level__); \
++ (vlocal__.level == NULL ? @ac_google_namespace@::InitVLOG3__(&vlocal__, &FLAGS_v, \
++ __FILE__, verbose_level__) : *vlocal__.level >= verbose_level__); \
+ })
+ #else
+ // GNU extensions not available, so we do not support --vmodule.
+@@ -105,6 +105,13 @@
+ // Various declarations needed for VLOG_IS_ON above: =========================
++struct SiteFlag {
++ @ac_google_namespace@::int32* level;
++ const char* base_name;
++ size_t base_len;
++ SiteFlag* next;
+ // Helper routine which determines the logging info for a particalur VLOG site.
+ // site_flag is the address of the site-local pointer to the controlling
+ // verbosity level
+@@ -114,7 +121,7 @@
+ // We will return the return value for VLOG_IS_ON
+ // and if possible set *site_flag appropriately.
+ extern GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL bool InitVLOG3__(
+- @ac_google_namespace@::int32** site_flag,
++ @ac_google_namespace@::SiteFlag* site_flag,
+ @ac_google_namespace@::int32* site_default,
+ const char* fname,
+ @ac_google_namespace@::int32 verbose_level);
+--- /src/
++++ /src/
+@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
+ static void TestRawLogging();
+ static void LogWithLevels(int v, int severity, bool err, bool alsoerr);
+ static void TestLoggingLevels();
++static void TestVLogModule();
+ static void TestLogString();
+ static void TestLogSink();
+ static void TestLogToString();
+@@ -223,6 +224,7 @@
+ TestLogging(true);
+ TestRawLogging();
+ TestLoggingLevels();
++ TestVLogModule();
+ TestLogString();
+ TestLogSink();
+ TestLogToString();
+@@ -453,6 +455,24 @@
+ LogWithLevels(1, GLOG_FATAL, false, true);
+ }
++int TestVlogHelper() {
++ if (VLOG_IS_ON(1)) {
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++void TestVLogModule() {
++ int c = TestVlogHelper();
++ EXPECT_EQ(0, c);
++#if defined(__GNUC__)
++ EXPECT_EQ(0, SetVLOGLevel("logging_unittest", 1));
++ c = TestVlogHelper();
++ EXPECT_EQ(1, c);
+ TEST(DeathRawCHECK, logging) {
+ ASSERT_DEATH(RAW_CHECK(false, "failure 1"),
+ "RAW: Check false failed: failure 1");
+--- /src/
++++ /src/
+@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@
+ // Pointer to head of the VModuleInfo list.
+ // It's a map from module pattern to logging level for those module(s).
+ static VModuleInfo* vmodule_list = 0;
++static SiteFlag* cached_site_list = 0;
+ // Boolean initialization flag.
+ static bool inited_vmodule = false;
+@@ -190,6 +192,23 @@
+ info->vlog_level = log_level;
+ info->next = vmodule_list;
+ vmodule_list = info;
++ SiteFlag** item_ptr = &cached_site_list;
++ SiteFlag* item = cached_site_list;
++ // We traverse the list fully because the pattern can match several items
++ // from the list.
++ while (item) {
++ if (SafeFNMatch_(module_pattern, pattern_len, item->base_name,
++ item->base_len)) {
++ // Redirect the cached value to its module override.
++ item->level = &info->vlog_level;
++ *item_ptr = item->next; // Remove the item from the list.
++ } else {
++ item_ptr = &item->next;
++ }
++ item = *item_ptr;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ RAW_VLOG(1, "Set VLOG level for \"%s\" to %d", module_pattern, log_level);
+@@ -198,7 +217,7 @@
+ // NOTE: Individual VLOG statements cache the integer log level pointers.
+ // NOTE: This function must not allocate memory or require any locks.
+-bool InitVLOG3__(int32** site_flag, int32* site_default,
++bool InitVLOG3__(SiteFlag* site_flag, int32* level_default,
+ const char* fname, int32 verbose_level) {
+ MutexLock l(&vmodule_lock);
+ bool read_vmodule_flag = inited_vmodule;
+@@ -211,10 +230,17 @@
+ int old_errno = errno;
+ // site_default normally points to FLAGS_v
+- int32* site_flag_value = site_default;
++ int32* site_flag_value = level_default;
+ // Get basename for file
+ const char* base = strrchr(fname, '/');
++#ifdef _WIN32
++ if (!base) {
++ base = strrchr(fname, '\\');
++ }
+ base = base ? (base+1) : fname;
+ const char* base_end = strchr(base, '.');
+ size_t base_length = base_end ? size_t(base_end - base) : strlen(base);
+@@ -244,7 +270,20 @@
+ "*site_flag may be written by several threads,"
+ " but the value will be the same");
+- if (read_vmodule_flag) *site_flag = site_flag_value;
++ if (read_vmodule_flag) {
++ site_flag->level = site_flag_value;
++ // If VLOG flag has been cached to the default site pointer,
++ // we want to add to the cached list in order to invalidate in case
++ // SetVModule is called afterwards with new modules.
++ // The performance penalty here is neglible, because InitVLOG3__ is called
++ // once per site.
++ if (site_flag_value == level_default && !site_flag->base_name) {
++ site_flag->base_name = base;
++ site_flag->base_len = base_length;
++ site_flag->next = cached_site_list;
++ cached_site_list = site_flag;
++ }
++ }
+ // restore the errno in case something recoverable went wrong during
+ // the initialization of the VLOG mechanism (see above note "protect the..")