diff options
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/app-backup/spideroak-bin/Manifest b/app-backup/spideroak-bin/Manifest
index d904ef77309b..1224850bbcd8 100644
--- a/app-backup/spideroak-bin/Manifest
+++ b/app-backup/spideroak-bin/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
-DIST spideroak-bin-7.2.0_amd64.deb 24854982 BLAKE2B 9eab89f2c7713f9edbf97da986744c605113830efa971b5327794aa05640ab6386d76d4473cd3a5f6373611bdf7f2ee5ec8eb59d1b9914de48a7b2f724ce4c4e SHA512 9edaf0a7e6e6e985dd7ae1e969c43373393ea6293b8895d74be48f364513a992865ca5cb3150e5fce23eb49635a3442f5162a2606d8fac1ab1036ed922c214cb
-DIST spideroak-bin-7.2.0_x86.deb 24773806 BLAKE2B 4c4c778f50efa8b77c6d0b2ff522ce3ccacc9c0b6fba5b9acb8e6ea25816b303b34751e47f3e27f6b014c03e02473d22b1eba280618cdd9b6c639b82f2425d70 SHA512 758bdaefe307c4c7b7eebc47ebbb835e66c0a57350e34a2cd818212de1d800ae432459933d9613af60b877889724fe90726dd6705fa152b2478bd55552e541ba
-DIST spideroak-bin-7.3.0_amd64.deb 18514400 BLAKE2B 3c0d617c4b791cc0e5a9c82111c9486c18ab09d2bfc4102d69b266f6e3d4185a9d74d640ddd3733a86dac1f87f3360968636407ee4f3da6c2bd20779c16e6ddb SHA512 f27cfac3f9055281fece38ba68781287cd886c7c40b998e63cfc1aba0a036b375a06b9cc60390b7e4845ef9c4eae2d94914669dd345ba8de90424ff98ec28d58
-DIST spideroak-bin-7.3.0_x86.deb 24779422 BLAKE2B 8cdae243794e5de6a8326e335b539d004c0ba0f1121b85067acbffffbef67f4a0c785f3b794abb62a5eedfd459c8e4d5e48cf8848b005ba637150b286b13db22 SHA512 32504b6e6931f1e923d4202f0b3201c93190128d30767ec41ac11cf7c8c751b87094bdedcf44dda3ae8089543418366c5a78093b9236fee5f95e7f89a29141fc
DIST spideroak-bin-7.5.0_amd64.deb 20758038 BLAKE2B ecd549ee0d479f576e8d50b44f4f7a13c4d24445af32f460d34081e5b654586f314399b34cff1c937e157582a143fee6b98641a68655552bb6d3609e532ceba4 SHA512 4af9f6b57d8748c03bccb0ab843cf27f70eac8e8cc5f11bb494c597d5fd29f475bf9c68bce8971d3cc1550a6def7bac6beed78fdfb31961b09be61ee14116ddd
DIST spideroak-bin-7.5.0_x86.deb 24779422 BLAKE2B 8cdae243794e5de6a8326e335b539d004c0ba0f1121b85067acbffffbef67f4a0c785f3b794abb62a5eedfd459c8e4d5e48cf8848b005ba637150b286b13db22 SHA512 32504b6e6931f1e923d4202f0b3201c93190128d30767ec41ac11cf7c8c751b87094bdedcf44dda3ae8089543418366c5a78093b9236fee5f95e7f89a29141fc
diff --git a/app-backup/spideroak-bin/spideroak-bin-7.2.0.ebuild b/app-backup/spideroak-bin/spideroak-bin-7.2.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b50355c676a7..000000000000
--- a/app-backup/spideroak-bin/spideroak-bin-7.2.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils unpacker
-DESCRIPTION="Secure free online backup, storage, and sharing system"
-SRC_URI="x86? ( ${SRC_URI_BASE}/deb_x86 -> ${P}_x86.deb )
- amd64? ( ${SRC_URI_BASE}/deb_x64 -> ${P}_amd64.deb )"
-RESTRICT="mirror strip"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="dbus X"
- app-crypt/mit-krb5[keyutils]
- media-libs/libpng:1.2
- dbus? ( sys-apps/dbus )
- X? (
- media-libs/fontconfig
- media-libs/freetype:2
- dev-libs/glib:2
- x11-libs/libICE
- x11-libs/libSM
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXmu
- x11-libs/libXrender
- x11-libs/libXt
- )
-src_prepare() {
- # Set RPATH for preserve-libs handling (bug #400979).
- cd "${S}/opt/SpiderOakONE/lib" || die
- local x
- for x in `find` ; do
- # Use \x7fELF header to separate ELF executables and libraries
- [[ -f ${x} && $(od -t x1 -N 4 "${x}") == *"7f 45 4c 46"* ]] || continue
- patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN' "${x}" || \
- die "patchelf failed on ${x}"
- done
- #Remove the libraries that break compatibility in modern systems
- #SpiderOak will use the system libs instead
- rm -f "${S}/opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/"
- rm -f "${S}/opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/"
- rm -f "${S}/opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/"
- rm -f "${S}/opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/"
- eapply_user
-src_install() {
- #install the wrapper script
- exeinto /usr/bin
- doexe usr/bin/SpiderOakONE
- # inotify_dir_watcher needs to be marked executable, bug #453266
- #chmod a+rx opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/inotify_dir_watcher
- #install the executable
- exeinto /opt/SpiderOakONE/lib
- doexe opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/SpiderOakONE
- doexe opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/inotify_dir_watcher
- rm -f opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/{SpiderOakONE,inotify_dir_watcher}
- #install the prebundled libraries
- insinto /opt/SpiderOakONE
- doins -r opt/SpiderOakONE/lib
- #install the config files
- use dbus || rm -rf etc/dbus-1
- insinto /
- doins -r etc
- #install the manpage
- doman usr/share/man/man1/SpiderOakONE.1.gz
- if use X; then
- domenu usr/share/applications/SpiderOakONE.desktop
- doicon usr/share/pixmaps/SpiderOakONE.png
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if ! use X; then
- einfo "For instructions on running SpiderOakONE without a GUI, please read the FAQ:"
- einfo ""
- einfo ""
- fi
diff --git a/app-backup/spideroak-bin/spideroak-bin-7.3.0.ebuild b/app-backup/spideroak-bin/spideroak-bin-7.3.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dd6ec9d73fe..000000000000
--- a/app-backup/spideroak-bin/spideroak-bin-7.3.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils unpacker
-DESCRIPTION="Secure free online backup, storage, and sharing system"
-SRC_URI="x86? ( ${SRC_URI_BASE}/deb_x86 -> ${P}_x86.deb )
- amd64? ( ${SRC_URI_BASE}/deb_x64 -> ${P}_amd64.deb )"
-RESTRICT="mirror strip"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="dbus X"
- app-crypt/mit-krb5[keyutils]
- media-libs/libpng:1.2
- dbus? ( sys-apps/dbus )
- X? (
- media-libs/fontconfig
- media-libs/freetype:2
- dev-libs/glib:2
- x11-libs/libICE
- x11-libs/libSM
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXmu
- x11-libs/libXrender
- x11-libs/libXt
- )
-src_prepare() {
- # Set RPATH for preserve-libs handling (bug #400979).
- cd "${S}/opt/SpiderOakONE/lib" || die
- local x
- for x in `find` ; do
- # Use \x7fELF header to separate ELF executables and libraries
- [[ -f ${x} && $(od -t x1 -N 4 "${x}") == *"7f 45 4c 46"* ]] || continue
- patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN' "${x}" || \
- die "patchelf failed on ${x}"
- done
- #Remove the libraries that break compatibility in modern systems
- #SpiderOak will use the system libs instead
- rm -f "${S}/opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/"
- rm -f "${S}/opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/"
- rm -f "${S}/opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/"
- rm -f "${S}/opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/"
- eapply_user
-src_install() {
- #install the wrapper script
- exeinto /usr/bin
- doexe usr/bin/SpiderOakONE
- # inotify_dir_watcher needs to be marked executable, bug #453266
- #chmod a+rx opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/inotify_dir_watcher
- #install the executable
- exeinto /opt/SpiderOakONE/lib
- doexe opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/SpiderOakONE
- doexe opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/inotify_dir_watcher
- rm -f opt/SpiderOakONE/lib/{SpiderOakONE,inotify_dir_watcher}
- #install the prebundled libraries
- insinto /opt/SpiderOakONE
- doins -r opt/SpiderOakONE/lib
- #install the config files
- use dbus || rm -rf etc/dbus-1
- insinto /
- doins -r etc
- #install the manpage
- doman usr/share/man/man1/SpiderOakONE.1.gz
- if use X; then
- domenu usr/share/applications/SpiderOakONE.desktop
- doicon usr/share/pixmaps/SpiderOakONE.png
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if ! use X; then
- einfo "For instructions on running SpiderOakONE without a GUI, please read the FAQ:"
- einfo ""
- einfo ""
- fi