diff options
authorMarek Szuba <>2020-12-26 22:15:10 +0000
committerMarek Szuba <>2020-12-26 23:18:19 +0000
commit52b195c1624b27428e4fca190e0ab4316cf52d2d (patch)
tree8df8d2490915135ccb2074a98775ad242592aa0d /media-gfx/gimp
parentmedia-gfx/darktable: + AVIF support, - bundled liblua, unified release/live s... (diff)
media-gfx/gimp/gimp: migrate to lua-single.eclass
Latest 2.99 and the live ebuild; older versions do not depend on Lua. Approved by the maintainer via comment in the GitHub PR #18768. Also includes the requested Pango version bump in the dependencies of 9999. Closes: Closes: Signed-off-by: Marek Szuba <>
Diffstat (limited to 'media-gfx/gimp')
2 files changed, 277 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-2.99.2-r100.ebuild b/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-2.99.2-r100.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0ee31a0bca99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-2.99.2-r100.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+LUA_COMPAT=( luajit )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{6,7,8,9} )
+inherit autotools gnome2 lua-single python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs vala virtualx
+DESCRIPTION="GNU Image Manipulation Program"
+IUSE="aalib alsa aqua debug doc gnome heif javascript jpeg2k lua mng openexr postscript python udev unwind vala vector-icons webp wmf xpm cpu_flags_ppc_altivec cpu_flags_x86_mmx cpu_flags_x86_sse"
+ python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+# media-libs/{babl,gegl} are required to be built with USE="introspection"
+# to fix the compilation checking of /usr/share/gir-1.0/{Babl-0.1gir,Gegl-0.4.gir}
+ >=app-text/poppler-0.90.1[cairo]
+ >=app-text/poppler-data-0.4.9
+ >=dev-libs/atk-2.34.1
+ >=dev-libs/glib-2.62.6:2
+ >=dev-libs/json-glib-1.4.4
+ dev-libs/libxml2:2
+ dev-libs/libxslt
+ >=gnome-base/librsvg-2.40.21:2
+ >=media-gfx/mypaint-brushes-2.0.2:=
+ >=media-libs/babl-0.1.78[introspection,lcms,vala?]
+ >=media-libs/fontconfig-2.12.6
+ >=media-libs/freetype-2.10.2
+ >=media-libs/gegl-0.4.26:0.4[cairo,introspection,lcms,vala?]
+ >=media-libs/gexiv2-0.10.10
+ >=media-libs/harfbuzz-2.6.5
+ >=media-libs/lcms-2.9:2
+ >=media-libs/libmypaint-1.6.1:=
+ >=media-libs/libpng-1.6.37:0=
+ >=media-libs/tiff-4.1.0:0
+ net-libs/glib-networking[ssl]
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ virtual/jpeg
+ >=x11-libs/cairo-1.16.0
+ >=x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.40.0:2
+ >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.16:3
+ x11-libs/libXcursor
+ >=x11-libs/pango-1.42.4
+ aalib? ( media-libs/aalib )
+ alsa? ( >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.0 )
+ aqua? ( >=x11-libs/gtk-mac-integration-2.0.0 )
+ heif? ( >=media-libs/libheif-1.7.0:= )
+ javascript? ( dev-libs/gjs )
+ jpeg2k? ( >=media-libs/openjpeg-2.3.1:2= )
+ lua? (
+ $(lua_gen_cond_dep '
+ dev-lua/lgi[${LUA_USEDEP}]
+ ')
+ )
+ mng? ( media-libs/libmng:= )
+ openexr? ( >=media-libs/openexr-2.3.0:= )
+ postscript? ( app-text/ghostscript-gpl )
+ python? (
+ $(python_gen_cond_dep '
+ >=dev-python/pygobject-3.0:3[${PYTHON_MULTI_USEDEP}]
+ ')
+ )
+ udev? ( >=dev-libs/libgudev-167:= )
+ unwind? ( >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1.0:= )
+ webp? ( >=media-libs/libwebp-0.6.0:= )
+ wmf? ( >=media-libs/libwmf-0.2.8 )
+ xpm? ( x11-libs/libXpm )
+ x11-themes/hicolor-icon-theme
+ gnome? ( gnome-base/gvfs )
+ >=dev-lang/perl-5.30.3
+ >=dev-libs/appstream-glib-0.7.16
+ dev-util/gdbus-codegen
+ dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache
+ >=dev-util/intltool-0.51.0
+ sys-apps/findutils
+ >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.54
+ >=sys-devel/automake-1.11
+ >=sys-devel/gettext-0.21
+ >=sys-devel/libtool-2.4.6
+ doc? (
+ >=dev-util/gtk-doc-1.32
+ dev-util/gtk-doc-am
+ )
+ vala? ( $(vala_depend) )
+# TODO: there are probably more atoms in DEPEND which should be in BDEPEND now
+# Bugs 685210 (and duplicate 691070)
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.10_fix_test-appdata.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}_fix_autoconf-2.70.patch"
+pkg_setup() {
+ use lua && lua-single_pkg_setup
+ if use python; then
+ python-single-r1_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ sed -i -e 's/\[gegl_micro_version\], \[27\]/\[gegl_micro_version\], \[26\]/' || die
+ sed -i -e 's/mypaint-brushes-1.0/mypaint-brushes-2.0/' || die #737794
+ sed -i -e 's/== "xquartz"/= "xquartz"/' || die #494864
+ sed 's:-DGIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:-DGIMP_protect_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:g' -i || die #615144
+ gnome2_src_prepare # calls eautoreconf
+ use vala && vala_src_prepare
+ sed 's:-DGIMP_protect_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:-DGIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:g' -i configure || die #615144
+ fgrep -q GIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED configure || die #615144, self-test
+ export CC_FOR_BUILD="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)"
+_adjust_sandbox() {
+ # Bugs #569738 and #591214
+ local nv
+ for nv in /dev/nvidia-uvm /dev/nvidiactl /dev/nvidia{0..9} ; do
+ # We do not check for existence as they may show up later
+ #
+ addwrite "${nv}"
+ done
+ addwrite /dev/dri/ # bugs #574038 and #684886
+ addwrite /dev/ati/ # bug #589198
+ addwrite /proc/mtrr # bug #589198
+src_configure() {
+ _adjust_sandbox
+ local myconf=(
+ GEGL="${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin/gegl-0.4
+ GDBUS_CODEGEN="${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin/gdbus-codegen
+ --enable-default-binary
+ --disable-check-update
+ --enable-mp
+ --with-appdata-test
+ --with-bug-report-url=
+ --with-xmc
+ --without-libbacktrace
+ --without-webkit
+ --without-xvfb-run
+ $(use_enable cpu_flags_ppc_altivec altivec)
+ $(use_enable cpu_flags_x86_mmx mmx)
+ $(use_enable cpu_flags_x86_sse sse)
+ $(use_enable doc gtk_doc)
+ $(use_enable vector-icons)
+ $(use_with aalib aa)
+ $(use_with alsa)
+ $(use_with !aqua x)
+ $(use_with heif libheif)
+ $(use_with javascript)
+ $(use_with jpeg2k jpeg2000)
+ $(use_with lua)
+ $(use_with mng libmng)
+ $(use_with openexr)
+ $(use_with postscript gs)
+ $(use_with python)
+ $(use_with udev gudev)
+ $(use_with unwind libunwind)
+ $(use_with vala)
+ $(use_with webp)
+ $(use_with wmf)
+ $(use_with xpm libxpm)
+ )
+ gnome2_src_configure "${myconf[@]}"
+src_compile() {
+ export XDG_DATA_DIRS="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share # bug 587004
+ gnome2_src_compile
+# for
+_rename_plugins() {
+ einfo 'Renaming plug-ins to not collide with pre-2.10.6 file layout (bug #664938)...'
+ local prepend=gimp-org-
+ (
+ cd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/gimp/2.99/plug-ins || exit 1
+ for plugin_slash in $(ls -d1 */); do
+ plugin=${plugin_slash%/}
+ if [[ -f ${plugin}/${plugin} ]]; then
+ # NOTE: Folder and file name need to match for Gimp to load that plug-in
+ # so "file-svg/file-svg" becomes "${prepend}file-svg/${prepend}file-svg"
+ mv ${plugin}/{,${prepend}}${plugin} || exit 1
+ mv {,${prepend}}${plugin} || exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ )
+src_test() {
+ virtx emake check
+src_install() {
+ gnome2_src_install
+ if use python; then
+ python_optimize
+ fi
+ # Workaround for bug #321111 to give GIMP the least
+ # precedence on PDF documents by default
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/share/applications/{,zzz-}gimp.desktop || die
+ find "${D}" -name '*.la' -type f -delete || die
+ # Prevent dead symlink gimp-console.1 from downstream man page compression (bug #433527)
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/gimp-console{-*,}.1 || die
+ _rename_plugins || die
+pkg_postinst() {
+ gnome2_pkg_postinst
+pkg_postrm() {
+ gnome2_pkg_postrm
diff --git a/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-9999.ebuild b/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-9999.ebuild
index 0d94d06ee022..04c9a09842a1 100644
--- a/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-9999.ebuild
+++ b/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-9999.ebuild
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+LUA_COMPAT=( luajit )
PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{6,7,8,9} )
-inherit autotools git-r3 gnome2 python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs vala virtualx
+inherit autotools git-r3 gnome2 lua-single python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs vala virtualx
DESCRIPTION="GNU Image Manipulation Program"
@@ -19,7 +20,8 @@ SLOT="0/3"
IUSE="aalib alsa aqua debug doc gnome heif javascript jpeg2k lua mng openexr postscript python udev unwind vala vector-icons webp wmf xpm cpu_flags_ppc_altivec cpu_flags_x86_mmx cpu_flags_x86_sse"
+ python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )"
RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
@@ -35,10 +37,10 @@ COMMON_DEPEND="
- >=media-libs/babl-0.1.82[introspection,lcms,vala?]
+ >=media-libs/babl-0.1.84[introspection,lcms,vala?]
- >=media-libs/gegl-0.4.27:0.4[cairo,introspection,lcms,vala?]
+ >=media-libs/gegl-0.4.28:0.4[cairo,introspection,lcms,vala?]
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ COMMON_DEPEND="
- >=x11-libs/pango-1.42.4
+ >=x11-libs/pango-1.44.7
aalib? ( media-libs/aalib )
alsa? ( >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.0 )
aqua? ( >=x11-libs/gtk-mac-integration-2.0.0 )
@@ -60,8 +62,10 @@ COMMON_DEPEND="
javascript? ( dev-libs/gjs )
jpeg2k? ( >=media-libs/openjpeg-2.3.1:2= )
lua? (
- dev-lang/luajit
- dev-lua/lgi
+ $(lua_gen_cond_dep '
+ dev-lua/lgi[${LUA_USEDEP}]
+ ')
mng? ( media-libs/libmng:= )
openexr? ( >=media-libs/openexr-2.3.0:= )
@@ -97,7 +101,6 @@ DEPEND="
- virtual/pkgconfig
doc? (
@@ -105,6 +108,9 @@ DEPEND="
vala? ( $(vala_depend) )
+# TODO: there are probably more atoms in DEPEND which should be in BDEPEND now
# Bugs 685210 (and duplicate 691070)
@@ -113,6 +119,8 @@ PATCHES=(
pkg_setup() {
+ use lua && lua-single_pkg_setup
if use python; then
@@ -210,7 +218,7 @@ _rename_plugins() {
einfo 'Renaming plug-ins to not collide with pre-2.10.6 file layout (bug #664938)...'
local prepend=gimp-org-
- cd "${ED%/}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/gimp/2.99/plug-ins || exit 1
+ cd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/gimp/2.99/plug-ins || exit 1
for plugin_slash in $(ls -d1 */); do
if [[ -f ${plugin}/${plugin} ]]; then
@@ -236,12 +244,12 @@ src_install() {
# Workaround for bug #321111 to give GIMP the least
# precedence on PDF documents by default
- mv "${ED%/}"/usr/share/applications/{,zzz-}gimp.desktop || die
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/share/applications/{,zzz-}gimp.desktop || die
find "${D}" -name '*.la' -type f -delete || die
# Prevent dead symlink gimp-console.1 from downstream man page compression (bug #433527)
- mv "${ED%/}"/usr/share/man/man1/gimp-console{-*,}.1 || die
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/gimp-console{-*,}.1 || die
_rename_plugins || die