diff options
authorAndrew Ammerlaan <>2022-05-18 13:31:03 +0200
committerAndrew Ammerlaan <>2022-05-18 16:22:34 +0200
commit768757d3bf88df981cae7b117bbe97177bba8945 (patch)
treef0cd06d152673b54e7cbdfea81b9a4bdc62cce08 /dev-python/cached-property
parentapp-cdr/isoimagewriter: Fix build with dev-qt/qtnetwork[-ssl] (diff)
dev-python/cached-property: update EAPI 7 -> 8, patch for py3.11
Signed-off-by: Andrew Ammerlaan <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-python/cached-property')
2 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-python/cached-property/cached-property-1.5.2-r1.ebuild b/dev-python/cached-property/cached-property-1.5.2-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9da94d1177a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-python/cached-property/cached-property-1.5.2-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..11} pypy3 )
+inherit distutils-r1
+DESCRIPTION="A cached-property for decorating methods in classes"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86"
+BDEPEND="test? ( dev-python/freezegun[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )"
+distutils_enable_tests pytest
+ # bug 638250
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.5.1-test-failure.patch
+ # @asyncio.coroutine removed in py3.11
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.5.2-python311.patch
diff --git a/dev-python/cached-property/files/cached-property-1.5.2-python311.patch b/dev-python/cached-property/files/cached-property-1.5.2-python311.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..989033f20036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-python/cached-property/files/cached-property-1.5.2-python311.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+From 297031687679762849dedeaf24aa3a19116f095b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Petr Viktorin <>
+Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2021 11:26:20 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Don't use asyncio.coroutinefunction if it's not available
+Python 3.11 drops the deprecated @asyncio.coroutine and
+Using a wrapper with @asyncio.coroutine in __get__ wasn't
+necessary (the future from asyncio.ensure_future is awaitable,
+and the wrapper doesn't do anything asynchronous), so the
+logic can be simplified to just call asyncio.ensure_future
+(to schedule the task and store the result when it's
+Tests for @asyncio.coroutine are skipped on 3.11+.
+An unnecessary call to asyncio.coroutine in tests is
+removed: it's not necessary to call this for `async def`
+ | 24 +++++++++++-------------
+ | 6 +++++-
+ tests/ | 3 +--
+ 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 3135871..254739c 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
+ import asyncio
+ except (ImportError, SyntaxError):
+ asyncio = None
++ iscoroutinefunction = asyncio.iscoroutinefunction
++except AttributeError:
++ # Python 3.11: @asyncio.coroutine was removed
++ from inspect import iscoroutinefunction
+ class cached_property(object):
+@@ -30,22 +36,14 @@ def __get__(self, obj, cls):
+ if obj is None:
+ return self
+- if asyncio and asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.func):
+- return self._wrap_in_coroutine(obj)
++ if asyncio and iscoroutinefunction(self.func):
++ value = asyncio.ensure_future(self.func(obj))
++ else:
++ value = self.func(obj)
+- value = obj.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = self.func(obj)
++ obj.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = value
+ return value
+- def _wrap_in_coroutine(self, obj):
+- @wraps(obj)
+- @asyncio.coroutine
+- def wrapper():
+- future = asyncio.ensure_future(self.func(obj))
+- obj.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = future
+- return future
+- return wrapper()
+ class threaded_cached_property(object):
+ """
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 0563f64..1c4b618 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -7,13 +7,17 @@
+ # Whether the async and await keywords work
+ has_async_await = sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 5
++# Whether "from asyncio import coroutine" *fails*
++version_info = sys.version_info
++dropped_asyncio_coroutine = version_info[0] == 3 and version_info[1] >= 11
+ print("", has_asyncio, has_async_await)
+ collect_ignore = []
+-if not has_asyncio:
++if not has_asyncio or dropped_asyncio_coroutine:
+ collect_ignore.append("tests/")
+ if not has_async_await:
+diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
+index 4ba84f3..d61cc28 100644
+--- a/tests/
++++ b/tests/
+@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
+ def unittest_run_loop(f):
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+- coro = asyncio.coroutine(f)
+- future = coro(*args, **kwargs)
++ future = f(*args, **kwargs)
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ loop.run_until_complete(future)
+From 9b210d12fa73c91743378ba4a966417846e7ea9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Petr Viktorin <>
+Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2021 11:44:18 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Restore compatibility with python 2.7
+This is still necessary according to the Contributing Guidelines.
+ | 12 ++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 254739c..944e2f5 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
+ import asyncio
+ except (ImportError, SyntaxError):
+ asyncio = None
+- iscoroutinefunction = asyncio.iscoroutinefunction
+-except AttributeError:
+- # Python 3.11: @asyncio.coroutine was removed
+- from inspect import iscoroutinefunction
++if asyncio:
++ try:
++ iscoroutinefunction = asyncio.iscoroutinefunction
++ except AttributeError:
++ # Python 3.11: @asyncio.coroutine was removed
++ from inspect import iscoroutinefunction
+ class cached_property(object):