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1 files changed, 597 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/doc/eclass-howto.lyx b/eclass/doc/eclass-howto.lyx
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+#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
+\lyxformat 218
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+\layout Title
+eclass howto
+\layout Author
+Dan Armak
+\layout Date
+Updated for eclasses v3
+\layout Section
+\layout Standard
+eclasses are parts of ebuilds; that is, they have the same syntax ebuilds
+ do, but do not define all the required variables and functions.
+ ebuilds can inherit from eclasses, and eclasses can inherit from other
+ eclasses.
+ As in OOP, this is used to ensure maximum code reuse among similar ebuilds.
+\layout Standard
+The most similar group of ebuilds is the kde apps.
+ These have been selected to be the test case for this first incarnation
+ of eclasses.
+ Currently test ebuilds are available for all of kde-2.2.1 (as kde*-2.2.1-r1),
+ kdevelop-2.0.1 and koffice-1.1.
+ Many others will follow.
+\layout Standard
+Please read news.txt for an astract of changes between versions of the eclasses.
+\layout Standard
+Section two explains how eclasses work.Section three shows a sample inheriting
+ ebuild.
+\layout Subsection
+Notes on this document
+\layout Itemize
+\emph on
+ebuild variables/functions
+\emph default
+ refers to those used in std.
+ ebuilds e.g.
+ $S, $P, src_unpack()...
+\layout Section
+The eclasses
+\layout Standard
+The best way of becoming familiar with the current eclass structure is an
+ explanation of what each eclass does.
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+Defines inherit() function which handles sourcing of eclasses.
+\layout Standard
+Syntax of inheriting: we define a simple function inherit():
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+inherit() {
+\layout Code
+ while [ "$1" ]; do
+\layout Code
+ source ${ECLASSDIR}/${1}.eclass
+\layout Code
+ shift
+\layout Code
+ done
+\layout Code
+\layout Standard
+This function simply sources files from a hard-coded location.
+ If, in the future, we will decide to move eclasses to a different location
+ or to introduce more
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ (like drobbins' projected
+\emph on
+\emph default
+), any name-to-file resolution code will go in here.
+\layout Standard
+This function is the entire contents of inherit.eclass.
+ In the future, once eclasses are considered to be stable, this function
+ will live in, and every ebuild will be able to use it.
+ For now, we don't want to make a new version of portage just for this,
+ so we put this function in a separate eclass.
+ Every inheriting ebuild begins with these two lines:
+\layout Standard
+ /usr/portage/eclass/inherit.eclass || die
+\layout Standard
+inherit kde-base || die
+\layout Standard
+Once the inherit() function goes into, we can drop the first line;
+ there will be no further change necessary.
+\layout Standard
+Eclasses do not need this first line, since they are always sourced from
+ an ebuild which has it.
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+Defines empty variables and functions; defines EXPORT_FUNCTIONS().
+\layout Standard
+This eclass is inherited by most other eclasses e.g.
+ base, kde*.
+ As a rule, any eclass that defines some of the base functions needs it.
+ Therefore the only ebuilds which don't get it are the ones that only inherit
+ one of the smaller eclasses e.g.
+ c, autoconf.
+\layout Standard
+It defines all ebuild vars and funcs to be empty.
+\layout Standard
+It also defines the EXPORT_FUNCTIONS() function which looks like this:
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+ while [ "$1" ]; do
+\layout Code
+ eval "$1() { ${ECLASS}_$1 ; }" > /dev/null
+\layout Code
+ shift
+\layout Code
+ done
+\layout Code
+\layout Standard
+This means that after foo.eclass has defined e.g.
+ src_unpack() and src_install(), it says:
+\layout Standard
+\layout Standard
+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_unpack src_install
+\layout Standard
+Actually, the ECLASS setting is put at the beginning of the eclass, directly
+ after the inherit statements.
+ It will in the future be used by other functions as well.
+ Someday we will (I hope) adapt the portage ebuild filename->name algorithm
+ and get the ECLASS setting the same way we do $P and $PN.
+\layout Standard
+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS() creates stub functions called ${ECLASS}_blah for every
+ parameter blah passed to it.
+ The stub function does nothing but call blah.
+\layout Standard
+When you inherit more than one eclass (almost always), your ebuild functions
+ are those defined by the 1st eclass inherited.
+ Since eclasses usually inherit other eclasses, you do not want to keep
+ track of that.
+ Instead, you prefix all your functions from foo.eclass with foo_, or ${ECLASS}_.
+ This way, people can call a specific function from a specific eclass and
+ know what they are going to get.
+\layout Standard
+Because you still want default functions to be defined with the original
+ ebuild names, you call EXPORT_FUNCTIONS() at the end of every eclass.
+ This makes sure that the default functions you passed as parameters are
+ stubs calling the ones you just defined.
+\layout Standard
+I looked at adding ${EBUILD}_ instead of literal strings to the actual function
+ definitions, but the bash syntax for that is too ugly.
+\layout Subsubsection
+ebuild function sections
+\layout Standard
+Although this is not an integral part of eclasses, this is a good place
+ to introduce function sections.
+\layout Standard
+One rarely uses predefined functions as-is; you usually want to extend them.
+ Once they have unique names (foo_src_unpack) it's easy to add code that
+ executes before or after them.
+ Function sections break them down and allow code to execute between any
+ two sections.
+\layout Standard
+The implementation is simple.
+ Let's take as an example the src_compile() function from base.eclass.
+ It looks like this:
+\layout Code
+base_src_compile() {
+\layout Code
+./configure || die
+\layout Code
+make || die
+\layout Code
+\layout Standard
+Here is the same function, divided into sections:
+\layout Code
+base_src_compile() {
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+ [ -z "$1" ] && base_src_compile all
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+ while [ "$1" ]; do
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+ case $1 in
+\layout Code
+ configure)
+\layout Code
+ ./configure || die;;
+\layout Code
+ make)
+\layout Code
+ make || die;;
+\layout Code
+ all)
+\layout Code
+ base_src_compile configure make;;
+\layout Code
+ esac
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+ shift
+\layout Code
+ done
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Standard
+The code has been divided into two
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+\emph on
+\emph default
+ and
+\emph on
+\emph default
+ In our simple example, they correspond to the two commands in the original
+ function.
+\layout Standard
+In the center of the new function is a while;case...esac;shift;done block.
+ This block matches the parameters to the functions with the defined section
+ names and executes the corresponding lines of code.
+\layout Standard
+The special case
+\emph on
+\emph default
+ calls the same function recursively with a list of sections in order.
+ It's up to the eclass's author to maintain this list, which is very important.
+\layout Standard
+The line before the block says that a call without parameters should be
+ treated the same as a call with the single parameter
+\emph on
+\emph default
+As you see, this function recurses a lot.
+ Note, however, that the call
+\emph on
+base_src_compile configure all make
+\emph default
+is also legal; it will execute
+\emph on
+base_src_compile configure configure make make
+\emph default
+\layout Standard
+Now, in your ebuild (or eclass) that inherits from base.eclass, you get the
+ stub function src_compile which calls base_src_compile without parameters.
+ This makes base_src_compile execute
+\emph on
+\emph default
+, that is, all its sections.
+ You can leave it as-is.
+ If you wish to extend it, you define a new src_compile and call base_src_compil
+e a section at a time:
+\layout Code
+src_compile() {
+\layout Code
+ myfunc1
+\layout Code
+ base_src_compile configure
+\layout Code
+ myfunc2
+\layout Code
+ base_src_compile make
+\layout Code
+\layout Standard
+The only way to know what functions contain what sections is to read the
+ eclasses.
+\layout Standard
+A final note: not all functions execute all their sections when called with
+\emph on
+\emph default
+ or without parameters.
+ Some sections may be non-standrd and must be called explicitly.
+ Current examples inculde base_src_unpack
+\emph on
+ patch
+\emph default
+and the upcoming kde_src_unpack
+\emph on
+\emph default
+ (whose name may change when I actually write it).
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+This eclass defines some default variables and functions, similar to those
+ you'd get by default in a non-inheriting ebuild.
+\layout Standard
+It is inherited by higher-level eclasses like the kde ones.
+\layout Standard
+Note that in base_src_unpack there is one non-default section (i.e.
+ it doesn't execute for section
+\emph on
+\emph default
+ It is called
+\emph on
+\emph default
+ and it looks like this:
+\layout Code
+cd ${S}
+\layout Code
+patch -p0 < ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.diff
+\layout Standard
+Once, long ago, I remember hearing that emerge would execute this code automatic
+ally between src_unpack() and src_compile() if the file ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.d
+iff was present.
+ Was this a plan, a rumour, or what? Someone please correct me, or at least
+ correct this document.
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+Used by all kde apps, whether directly or indirectly.
+ This is a med-level eclass, which is intended to provide not only sensible
+ defaults but functions which can be used as-is more often then not.
+ In fact, none of the high-level kde-* eclasses which inherit from here
+ change the functions in any way, and the ebuilds rarely do so.
+\layout Standard
+It inherits autoconf and base.
+\layout Standard
+Read it to find out what it defines.
+ It is quite self-explanatory.
+\layout Standard
+Briefly, it handles all standard kde-2.1* and 2.2* apps that need configure/make/m
+ake install cycles.
+ It handles all the std.
+ configure options e.g.
+ objprelink.
+ It also adds kdelibs to DEPEND/RDEPEND.
+\layout Standard
+Note: some kde apps, like widget styles and i18n packages, do not need to
+ compile anything.
+ Therefore kde.eclass does not inherit c and does not depend on qt.
+ These packages can then inherit straight from here (or from kde-i18n.eclass,
+ which also inherits from here).
+ All other packages, which need to ompile c code and link against qt, should
+ inhreit from kde-base.eclass.
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+Meant for standard kde apps, of both 2.1 and 2.2 architectures.
+ Inherits c,kde and adds objprelink and qt deps.
+ Sets
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+Meant for the kde-i18n-* packages, possibly also for the koffice-i18n to-be-writ
+ten packages.
+ Niche use.
+\layout Standard
+In fact, all kde-i18n ebuilds are completely identical and so all they have
+ to do is inherit from this eclass.
+\layout Standard
+Inherits from kde,
+ Makes a few differences, such as PROVIDE virtual/kde-i18n, correct $S,
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+Meant for the base kde distribution packages in kde-base/*.
+ Inherits kde-base,
+ Adds the correct DESCRIPTION and HOMEPAGE and kdelibs-${PV} deps.
+ The simpler/smaller kde-base/ packages (e.g.
+ kdetoys) make no changes at all; most of those that do only add deps.
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+Adds gcc and glibc to DEPEND and RDEPEND.
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+Adds make/automake/autoconf to DEPEND.
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+Will be written soon.
+ Will provide verbose debug output functions to centralise the numerous
+\emph on
+\emph default
+s I have scattered around the eclasses.
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+Will be written soon.
+ Will provide the objprelink deps and the
+\emph on
+\emph default
+ src_unpack section.
+\layout Section
+The inheriting ebuilds
+\layout Standard
+Not much here as yet.
+ Look at the kde*-2.2.1-r1 ebuilds for examples.
+ As a rule, read the eclass you are inheriting from and put any necessary
+ changes in your ebuild.
+ For now, a collection of tips:
+\layout Itemize
+Always extend variables and functions.
+ You should almost never need to replace them.
+ In particular, always remember to use DEPEND=
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ and the same for RDEPEND.
+\layout Itemize
+The eclasses have DESCRIPTION=
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+Derived from $ECLASS
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ set.
+ This is to remind you to write a description of your own for your ebuilds.
+ Otherwise the inherited one will show through as a reminder.