diff options
authorSamuli Suominen <>2012-08-25 16:43:57 +0000
committerSamuli Suominen <>2012-08-25 16:43:57 +0000
commite208aa277f8cc57936662c8fb5ec7fb4c410dcab (patch)
tree43829a859ac86666a9a669deeee6e1a29abc0119 /sci-libs
parentSupport reading udevdir value from udev.pc pkg-config file. (diff)
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.0_alpha122/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-libs')
4 files changed, 13 insertions, 368 deletions
diff --git a/sci-libs/linux-gpib/ChangeLog b/sci-libs/linux-gpib/ChangeLog
index ca72df55932c..577f91e5e69f 100644
--- a/sci-libs/linux-gpib/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-libs/linux-gpib/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for sci-libs/linux-gpib
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/linux-gpib/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2012/08/25 16:42:55 ssuominen Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/linux-gpib/ChangeLog,v 1.7 2012/08/25 16:43:57 ssuominen Exp $
+ 25 Aug 2012; Samuli Suominen <>
+ -linux-gpib-3.2.16-r1.ebuild, -linux-gpib-3.2.16-r2.ebuild:
+ old
*linux-gpib-3.2.16-r3 (25 Aug 2012)
diff --git a/sci-libs/linux-gpib/Manifest b/sci-libs/linux-gpib/Manifest
index fdd7175a93f7..adc5a9553eff 100644
--- a/sci-libs/linux-gpib/Manifest
+++ b/sci-libs/linux-gpib/Manifest
@@ -6,19 +6,17 @@ AUX linux-gpib-3.2.16-kernel-3.4-asm-includes.patch 2016 SHA256 fb3601ddd1de04cc
AUX linux-gpib-3.2.16-perl.patch 471 SHA256 7393237d7df3bad191d6c6790b87ff6e0b1f5fd006b77c0afeb5e1dcacb744fc SHA512 0ad75078406a8eb6fc09470be108464dcb3e7601d7a3c0813f1c6ba1d9e8f3895dea4da37f5d4928e6ea398a3aeea315a63bb6009a5fa211bba592093a776d10 WHIRLPOOL cd3995233836621a1ce3440a38290ef5162816e9251a5ed6362b9b20ea084cf804d7ad9c246264cfe6246b6e90b7443daa80c7b27225374f2ca97e091456a3d7
DIST gpib_firmware-2006-11-12.tar.gz 169357 SHA256 98380a8d12e6e34dccc0c1d82b48ed796c0c0f5571107d6a685524560aa8d701 SHA512 164d6fcfb3af43933f0a16645276f7d527a7aa24ef311f6ae3dcd7f45c41f92c855cf221bc946772f43fc2f9524057abc34bbd7d805c89b33ed7e111bc6870af WHIRLPOOL 44506c9d03e746f5bc88f9a2f20e07879a4c4c72f52a5dae97accb381f8ac7f5b5c0cf5c58d1045b18ed6cbda20549a1fdb7e5ab0151a1081da1ec798c683e67
DIST linux-gpib-3.2.16.tar.gz 1189792 SHA256 a1d158679a41ae48f826c5cbcb08d39839c65606dcdffb6a6f680554c6286c5e SHA512 41bac9b774e2023e0a6dc3f95cc25f883bf1b40a5e03d870b4f57761f4485189f05412b2c572f3648275a62c7eaf53a5e789610e1a123bf257598d31cb43e393 WHIRLPOOL 415023f7a838d46624a78a9085370dd178f57ac694927f4c565fa7dbd188bae1158faf1944c3abc2c8bd5c51ca321f9bb6921d1f0a332c1ecef4247c45f10f92
-EBUILD linux-gpib-3.2.16-r1.ebuild 5014 SHA256 7c5e63bc7d601add060b51c7274b118f35f81701805234aad13138a575ad6398 SHA512 eb042df58b0f765c6af8b5926897a09f6b3e48c7723accc23de7614735bf3e12d288b64a2fddab6cc2ed223a000aeac794cb49ce2dd041f5b1644a08ced54134 WHIRLPOOL 38c7662645e11ff2996e82bfcab8596e5c50b14cc7f0765a0fcdcd6de0ca0b346965e7cd74ae8708d239eb8bc028368492f42d9af58c6a02f56841c92859743d
-EBUILD linux-gpib-3.2.16-r2.ebuild 5537 SHA256 fa213d56890f21972839f4483cd86cd79bf740032ea513befdeffab421c8a947 SHA512 da40020a72a65d66cd2ed6f51e720ffd35b342d841b76d15612c8f74191e76b9c1980eb9d84fba03725fe1ecef2d7af1f8aa775e9af2d1751e234f465f7d0255 WHIRLPOOL 990384ce8064caebd07af2d8272d958d93b1eb39477fe96cf52678870708df47183b87ee693c25381df87adc4513b6059750d79c3e6cbda535d1d69908914392
EBUILD linux-gpib-3.2.16-r3.ebuild 5686 SHA256 844db409c504b8449c07f6c00dde370d633e18451067d015e7e52df26c9013b7 SHA512 abe34dd41da1e3171afe9e385534067da21ed78b1223eabc38931081753f66808dcd847f0bc1c5065f4f0555058319e8a297b1f5fbc210a827dee459db842401 WHIRLPOOL 3bbf48d2f419e3069fe09731e0fc9720e7de7da1db42237eb41bfabf9436fd2b84612a699ed3aeabdb1ede0d1afb1ce82eb6248b7651cc382b1d4c3e38b4f2f9
-MISC ChangeLog 1837 SHA256 e2e8a65829a2fa60ecc28ac9ba5eae56002d2b1f3c80a921cda9a3107790e0fc SHA512 874ce4e87efde32c90b302e7da5a845a91b6abc83c228a69390240f43c6fc3a2488050ecc02c4e8a05e7202a6a2f90a3895a66c1948a7a5750937896784dd81b WHIRLPOOL 69c6197973976f883ea044dae2ecd61f38cd1015eda582797bb0e8d417e361fc1ebc482f069532207c86e26ff8f9758d5218d3bca8392903610b73ddbc420512
+MISC ChangeLog 1960 SHA256 1c1de13dcae0cb0aa5461b71f7b535e57cca62cdbd153ee1b058b52264e76763 SHA512 3c5584d12a0e827279d8ac9740b7b8eee9f2be6f0760d828658c21b781f5a926405ee297e7c559d4596ad77af63eb94ab126842052ea75ee5025d2a0b5d9daf4 WHIRLPOOL 27ed9112f92c18ffd57530baa8b51589fd428e187b5a8fe635eb95908169ea6971804dd87b85f80dacdc2e9855135387413e804f555b0d3ddcf78b47f8c7a6b0
MISC metadata.xml 333 SHA256 94def6ae5ea540aab89b204a106ac9a1ffd7f6e07d537e445bb7373e3670d367 SHA512 cbb7ec805e57e4724ec1845253b0af912484d931ca5b9841f653f9becaabe36b5442ca5a0a45aea75fe64aa68a4bc2f500a5fd030af9ced2cb21c22157ed0f8b WHIRLPOOL 7dcb1724a1b475cc1b219f70825bce373b4566a1d465b8e6e3acb1da030729e7f97d58996cd260cc857bac58dd9afaeae19d5a23d4008335523088ea1c5c2475
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sci-libs/linux-gpib/linux-gpib-3.2.16-r1.ebuild b/sci-libs/linux-gpib/linux-gpib-3.2.16-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index bf17674073ad..000000000000
--- a/sci-libs/linux-gpib/linux-gpib-3.2.16-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/linux-gpib/linux-gpib-3.2.16-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2011/11/30 01:18:46 dilfridge Exp $
-inherit base linux-mod autotools perl-module
-DESCRIPTION="Kernel module and driver library for GPIB (IEEE 488.2) hardware"
- firmware? ( )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="pcmcia static debug guile perl php python tcl doc firmware"
- tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )
- guile? ( dev-scheme/guile )
- perl? ( dev-lang/perl )
- php? ( dev-lang/php )
- python? ( dev-lang/python )
- firmware? ( sys-apps/fxload )
- sys-kernel/module-rebuild
- doc? ( app-text/docbook-sgml-utils )
- perl? ( virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker )
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.2.15-build.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.2.16-perl.patch"
-pkg_setup () {
- perl-module_pkg_setup
- linux-mod_pkg_setup
- if kernel_is -lt 2 6 8 ; then
- die "Kernel versions older than 2.6.8 are not supported."
- fi
-src_prepare () {
- base_src_prepare
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- set_arch_to_kernel
- econf \
- $(use_enable pcmcia) \
- $(use_enable static) \
- $(use_enable debug driver-debug) \
- $(use_enable guile guile-binding) \
- $(use_enable perl perl-binding) \
- $(use_enable php php-binding) \
- $(use_enable python python-binding) \
- $(use_enable tcl tcl-binding) \
- $(use_enable doc documentation) \
- --with-linux-srcdir=${KV_DIR}
-src_compile() {
- set_arch_to_kernel
- FIRM_DIR=/usr/share/usb
- emake \
- DESTDIR=${D} \
- HOTPLUG_USB_CONF_DIR=${D}/etc/hotplug/usb \
- docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
-src_install () {
- set_arch_to_kernel
- FIRM_DIR=/usr/share/usb
- emake \
- DESTDIR=${D} \
- HOTPLUG_USB_CONF_DIR=${D}/etc/hotplug/usb \
- docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html install
- if use perl; then
- einfo "Installing perl module"
- cd "${S}/language/perl" || die
- DESTDIR=${D} perl-module_src_install
- cd "${S}" || die
- fi
- echo "KERNEL==\"gpib[0-9]*\", MODE=\"0660\", GROUP=\"gpib\"" >> 99-gpib.rules
- insinto /etc/udev/rules.d/
- doins 99-gpib.rules
- dodoc doc/linux-gpib.pdf ChangeLog AUTHORS README* NEWS
- insinto /etc
- newins util/templates/gpib.conf gpib.conf
- newins util/templates/gpib.conf gpib.conf.example
- if use pcmcia ; then
- dodir /etc/pcmcia
- insinto /etc/pcmcia
- doins "${S}"/etc/pcmcia/*
- fi
- if use firmware ; then
- insinto "${FIRM_DIR}/agilent_8237a"
- doins "${WORKDIR}"/gpib_firmware-2006-11-12/agilent_8237a/*
- insinto "${FIRM_DIR}/ni_gpib_usb_b"
- doins "${WORKDIR}"/gpib_firmware-2006-11-12/ni_gpib_usb_b/*
- insinto "/usr/share/linux-gpib/hp_82341"
- doins "${WORKDIR}"/gpib_firmware-2006-11-12/hp_82341/*
- fi
-pkg_preinst () {
- linux-mod_pkg_preinst
- perl-module_pkg_preinst
- enewgroup gpib
-pkg_postinst () {
- linux-mod_pkg_postinst
- perl-module_pkg_postinst
- einfo "You need to run the 'gpib_config' utility to setup the driver before"
- einfo "you can use it. In order to do it automatically you can add to your"
- einfo "start script something like this (supposing the appropriate driver"
- einfo "is loaded on the startup):"
- einfo " gpib_config --minor 0"
- einfo ""
- einfo "To give a user access to the computer's gpib board you will have to add"
- einfo "them to the group 'gpib' or, you could change the permissions on the device"
- einfo "files /dev/gpib[0-15] to something you like better, using 'chmod'."
- einfo ""
- einfo "Edit /etc/gpib.conf to match your interface board, and any devices you wish"
- einfo "to open via ibfind(). See the documentation in /usr/share/linux-gpib/html for"
- einfo "more information."
- einfo ""
- if use pcmcia ; then
- einfo "For PCMCIA cards:"
- einfo "All files needed for a PCMCIA board were copied to /etc/pcmcia."
- einfo "You may wish to edit the options passed to the gpib_config call in the"
- einfo "/etc/pcmcia/linux-gpib-pcmcia script."
- einfo "You may need to send a SIGHUP signal to the cardmgr daemon to force it"
- einfo "to reload the files in /etc/pcmcia (alternatively you could use your"
- einfo "pcmcia init.d script to restart the cardmgr, or you could just reboot)."
- einfo "The driver module will be loaded as needed by the cardmgr."
- einfo ""
- fi
- if use firmware ; then
- einfo "For Agilent (HP) 82341C and 82341D cards:"
- einfo "The firmware for these boards is uploaded by passing the appropriate"
- einfo "firmware file from /usr/share/linux-gpib/hp_82341 directory to"
- einfo "gpib_config using the -I or --init-data command line option. Example:"
- einfo "gpib_config --minor 0 --init-data \\"
- einfo "/usr/share/linux-gpib/hp_82341/hp_82341c_fw.bin"
- einfo ""
- fi
diff --git a/sci-libs/linux-gpib/linux-gpib-3.2.16-r2.ebuild b/sci-libs/linux-gpib/linux-gpib-3.2.16-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 9711b6be98f4..000000000000
--- a/sci-libs/linux-gpib/linux-gpib-3.2.16-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/linux-gpib/linux-gpib-3.2.16-r2.ebuild,v 1.2 2012/08/04 01:39:55 mr_bones_ Exp $
-PYTHON_DEPEND="python? 2"
-inherit base linux-mod autotools perl-module python
-DESCRIPTION="Kernel module and driver library for GPIB (IEEE 488.2) hardware"
- firmware? ( )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="pcmcia static debug guile perl php python tcl doc firmware"
- tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )
- guile? ( dev-scheme/guile )
- perl? ( dev-lang/perl )
- php? ( dev-lang/php )
- firmware? ( sys-apps/fxload )"
- sys-kernel/module-rebuild
- doc? ( app-text/docbook-sgml-utils )
- perl? ( virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker )"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.2.15-build.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.2.16-perl.patch"
-pkg_setup () {
- perl-module_pkg_setup
- python_pkg_setup
- python_set_active_version 2
- linux-mod_pkg_setup
- if kernel_is -lt 2 6 8 ; then
- die "Kernel versions older than 2.6.8 are not supported."
- fi
- #
- if use pcmcia && kernel_is -ge 2 6 38 ; then
- die "pcmcia support is broken on kernels newer 2.6.38"
- fi
-src_prepare () {
- base_src_prepare
- eautoreconf
- #
- if kernel_is -ge 3 4 0 ; then
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-kernel-3.4-asm-includes.patch
- fi
-src_configure() {
- set_arch_to_kernel
- export PYTHON=$(PYTHON -2 -a)
- econf \
- $(use_enable pcmcia) \
- $(use_enable static) \
- $(use_enable debug driver-debug) \
- $(use_enable guile guile-binding) \
- $(use_enable perl perl-binding) \
- $(use_enable php php-binding) \
- $(use_enable python python-binding) \
- $(use_enable tcl tcl-binding) \
- $(use_enable doc documentation) \
- --with-linux-srcdir=${KV_DIR} \
-src_compile() {
- set_arch_to_kernel
- FIRM_DIR=/usr/share/usb
- emake \
- DESTDIR=${D} \
- HOTPLUG_USB_CONF_DIR=${D}/etc/hotplug/usb \
- docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
-src_install () {
- set_arch_to_kernel
- FIRM_DIR=/usr/share/usb
- emake \
- DESTDIR=${D} \
- HOTPLUG_USB_CONF_DIR=${D}/etc/hotplug/usb \
- docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html install
- if use perl; then
- einfo "Installing perl module"
- cd "${S}/language/perl" || die
- DESTDIR=${D} perl-module_src_install
- cd "${S}" || die
- fi
- echo "KERNEL==\"gpib[0-9]*\", MODE=\"0660\", GROUP=\"gpib\"" >> 99-gpib.rules
- insinto /etc/udev/rules.d/
- doins 99-gpib.rules
- dodoc doc/linux-gpib.pdf ChangeLog AUTHORS README* NEWS
- insinto /etc
- newins util/templates/gpib.conf gpib.conf
- newins util/templates/gpib.conf gpib.conf.example
- if use pcmcia ; then
- dodir /etc/pcmcia
- insinto /etc/pcmcia
- doins "${S}"/etc/pcmcia/*
- fi
- if use firmware ; then
- insinto "${FIRM_DIR}/agilent_82357a"
- doins "${WORKDIR}"/gpib_firmware-2006-11-12/agilent_82357a/*
- insinto "${FIRM_DIR}/ni_gpib_usb_b"
- doins "${WORKDIR}"/gpib_firmware-2006-11-12/ni_gpib_usb_b/*
- insinto "/usr/share/linux-gpib/hp_82341"
- # do not install precompiled generate_firmware
- doins "${WORKDIR}"/gpib_firmware-2006-11-12/hp_82341/{*.bin,README}
- fi
-pkg_preinst () {
- linux-mod_pkg_preinst
- perl-module_pkg_preinst
- enewgroup gpib
-pkg_postinst () {
- linux-mod_pkg_postinst
- perl-module_pkg_postinst
- einfo "You need to run the 'gpib_config' utility to setup the driver before"
- einfo "you can use it. In order to do it automatically you can add to your"
- einfo "start script something like this (supposing the appropriate driver"
- einfo "is loaded on the startup):"
- einfo " gpib_config --minor 0"
- einfo ""
- einfo "To give a user access to the computer's gpib board you will have to add"
- einfo "them to the group 'gpib' or, you could change the permissions on the device"
- einfo "files /dev/gpib[0-15] to something you like better, using 'chmod'."
- einfo ""
- einfo "Edit /etc/gpib.conf to match your interface board, and any devices you wish"
- einfo "to open via ibfind(). See the documentation in /usr/share/linux-gpib/html for"
- einfo "more information."
- einfo ""
- if use pcmcia ; then
- einfo "For PCMCIA cards:"
- einfo "All files needed for a PCMCIA board were copied to /etc/pcmcia."
- einfo "You may wish to edit the options passed to the gpib_config call in the"
- einfo "/etc/pcmcia/linux-gpib-pcmcia script."
- einfo "You may need to send a SIGHUP signal to the cardmgr daemon to force it"
- einfo "to reload the files in /etc/pcmcia (alternatively you could use your"
- einfo "pcmcia init.d script to restart the cardmgr, or you could just reboot)."
- einfo "The driver module will be loaded as needed by the cardmgr."
- einfo ""
- fi
- if use firmware ; then
- einfo "For Agilent (HP) 82341C and 82341D cards:"
- einfo "The firmware for these boards is uploaded by passing the appropriate"
- einfo "firmware file from /usr/share/linux-gpib/hp_82341 directory to"
- einfo "gpib_config using the -I or --init-data command line option. Example:"
- einfo "gpib_config --minor 0 --init-data \\"
- einfo "/usr/share/linux-gpib/hp_82341/hp_82341c_fw.bin"
- einfo ""
- fi