diff options
authorSebastien Fabbro <>2007-12-28 11:24:57 +0000
committerSebastien Fabbro <>2007-12-28 11:24:57 +0000
commitcc483defb0de5a4b56d24d6a890320421d4f407c (patch)
tree25006845b6c19eee5cdb394ce2ac8807ff0ccbb0 /sci-libs
parentx86 stable, bug #202848 (diff)
Initial import, closing bug #165934. Thanks Eric Thibodeau for his help
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.4_rc11
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-libs')
5 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-libs/ipp/ChangeLog b/sci-libs/ipp/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8cad074b5f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/ipp/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# ChangeLog for sci-libs/ipp
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/ipp/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2007/12/28 11:24:56 bicatali Exp $
+*ipp- (28 Dec 2007)
+ 28 Dec 2007; SĂ©bastien Fabbro <> +metadata.xml,
+ +ipp-
+ Initial import, closing bug #165934. Thanks Eric Thibodeau for his help.
diff --git a/sci-libs/ipp/Manifest b/sci-libs/ipp/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0b99c7594b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/ipp/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+DIST l_ipp_em64t_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 283581997 RMD160 4679b0945d895e049470dc6c72e370037ff1b0cf SHA1 374cf301cfbfb935cd3451d24cbf2d32a1c570fe SHA256 a262ea4ee4ed035fed98ebc24eed33fa863d571287ca0dafe867477d7483a747
+DIST l_ipp_ia32_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 338214466 RMD160 2410830b22aee0d99ed377d9afda10034b87c57a SHA1 ab923f3807ac2aa21776868968ecf52a57497137 SHA256 fff09cf5f2c8f05fcdc72c60a73032435cd47dbf51d7a2c0d493642b8ab1d423
+DIST l_ipp_itanium_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 230318851 RMD160 3a9492369cdea867d0cd10a38653385d17698757 SHA1 44223efdc883301bd49f17d74aaf0fb6dc5d5986 SHA256 9b443488dc983e5568f516555ffda3d032f002ff9b2c051a554cc6bff9ba5e53
+EBUILD ipp- 3746 RMD160 3083e383198fc4aca0959c615cf588920f060292 SHA1 3940589b30e7686fdb449575c426d5b4e81c8135 SHA256 14a99eea4338bd4c13aac229f8470c30797fe6b562f18865fdeb6c02b705dbfd
+MD5 55abcaa49864099038ff502bbbf00063 ipp- 3746
+RMD160 3083e383198fc4aca0959c615cf588920f060292 ipp- 3746
+SHA256 14a99eea4338bd4c13aac229f8470c30797fe6b562f18865fdeb6c02b705dbfd ipp- 3746
+MISC ChangeLog 400 RMD160 244e17c1a9c0dbaae6090c19b88de46a4b456f3f SHA1 b481f874788c4abad8da77446a3457117d979c2d SHA256 66fc09033ed5a6a52894f45d597210000a35e59fcb7eee57c1004adf713b570f
+MD5 f63174a4b45376793de567c03f58edc0 ChangeLog 400
+RMD160 244e17c1a9c0dbaae6090c19b88de46a4b456f3f ChangeLog 400
+SHA256 66fc09033ed5a6a52894f45d597210000a35e59fcb7eee57c1004adf713b570f ChangeLog 400
+MISC metadata.xml 389 RMD160 3f726abf16a69255e6208c41604b41f9acde1434 SHA1 f827b185d58d751c682466996366b680c40c653a SHA256 110a71e5b60235c978d09d262b487ce359784964c37d1faa9cab616276ece3c5
+MD5 9a8932f07dac1852622d64d56b0df018 metadata.xml 389
+RMD160 3f726abf16a69255e6208c41604b41f9acde1434 metadata.xml 389
+SHA256 110a71e5b60235c978d09d262b487ce359784964c37d1faa9cab616276ece3c5 metadata.xml 389
+MD5 d29d440e2a17ba780a86982fb6667391 files/digest-ipp- 816
+RMD160 84db1c64e6d451523072877052c35aad5b9535d9 files/digest-ipp- 816
+SHA256 cec26da446a008d846f3ffd4f413079482ac47e08368981a7538247c08234bc5 files/digest-ipp- 816
diff --git a/sci-libs/ipp/files/digest-ipp- b/sci-libs/ipp/files/digest-ipp-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..002ee50c05ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/ipp/files/digest-ipp-
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+MD5 4521e5ef57dd8e965745b7761e730559 l_ipp_em64t_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 283581997
+RMD160 4679b0945d895e049470dc6c72e370037ff1b0cf l_ipp_em64t_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 283581997
+SHA256 a262ea4ee4ed035fed98ebc24eed33fa863d571287ca0dafe867477d7483a747 l_ipp_em64t_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 283581997
+MD5 39fe966c850d0b6fb6969ecb4d876df4 l_ipp_ia32_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 338214466
+RMD160 2410830b22aee0d99ed377d9afda10034b87c57a l_ipp_ia32_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 338214466
+SHA256 fff09cf5f2c8f05fcdc72c60a73032435cd47dbf51d7a2c0d493642b8ab1d423 l_ipp_ia32_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 338214466
+MD5 25ac3b5e292f975ad0e3944b110adc7c l_ipp_itanium_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 230318851
+RMD160 3a9492369cdea867d0cd10a38653385d17698757 l_ipp_itanium_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 230318851
+SHA256 9b443488dc983e5568f516555ffda3d032f002ff9b2c051a554cc6bff9ba5e53 l_ipp_itanium_p_5.3.1.062.tgz 230318851
diff --git a/sci-libs/ipp/ipp- b/sci-libs/ipp/ipp-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b711c747d042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/ipp/ipp-
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/ipp/ipp-,v 1.1 2007/12/28 11:24:56 bicatali Exp $
+inherit versionator multilib
+DESCRIPTION="Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitive library for multimedia and data processing"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~ia64"
+SRC_URI="amd64? (${PID}/l_${PB}_em64t_p_${PV}.tgz )
+ x86? (${PID}/l_${PB}_ia32_p_${PV}.tgz )
+ ia64? (${PID}/l_${PB}_itanium_p_${PV}.tgz )"
+RESTRICT="strip mirror"
+pkg_setup() {
+ # setting up license
+ [[ -z ${IPP_LICENSE} ]] && [[ -d ${ROOT}/opt/intel/licenses ]] && \
+ IPP_LICENSE="$(find ${ROOT}/opt/intel/licenses -name *IPP*.lic)"
+ # Alternative license file, the file might be included in a `package deal`
+ [[ -z ${IPP_LICENSE} ]] && \
+ IPP_LICENSE="$(grep 'COMPONENTS="PerfPrimL PerfPrim"' ${ROOT}/opt/intel/licenses/*|cut -d: -f1)"
+ if [[ -z ${IPP_LICENSE} ]]; then
+ eerror "Did not find any valid ipp license."
+ eerror "Please locate your license file and run:"
+ eerror "\t IPP_LICENSE=/my/license/dir emerge ${PN}"
+ eerror "or place your license in /opt/intel/licenses"
+ eerror "Hint: the license file is in the email Intel sent you"
+ die "setup ipp license failed"
+ fi
+ if use amd64; then
+ IPP_ARCH=em64t
+ elif use x86; then
+ IPP_ARCH=ia32
+ elif use ia64; then
+ IPP_ARCH=ia64
+ fi
+ einfo "IPP_ARCH=${IPP_ARCH}"
+src_unpack() {
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Intel ${PN} requires at least 300Mb of disk space"
+ ewarn "Make sure you have enough in ${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}, /tmp and in /opt"
+ ewarn
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd l_${PB}_*_${PV}/install
+ # need to make a file to install non-interactively.
+ # to produce such a file, first do it interactively
+ # tar xf l_*; ./ --duplicate ipp.ini;
+ # the file will be instman/ipp.ini
+ # NOTE: Command line arguments tend to be more portable
+ # across Intel installations, so put as much of the settings
+ # in the command line as you can (for reuse purposes)
+ # binary blob extractor installs crap in /opt/intel
+ addwrite /opt/intel
+ IPP_TMP_LICENSE="$(basename ${IPP_LICENSE})"
+ cat > ipp.ini <<- EOF
+ einfo "Extracting ..."
+ ./install \
+ --silent ${PWD}/ipp.ini \
+ --nonrpm \
+ --licensepath "${WORKDIR}"/${IPP_TMP_LICENSE} \
+ --installpath "${S}" \
+ --log log.txt &> /dev/null
+ # This check is arbitrary to say the least...
+ # We used to look for a specific library (ie: but that
+ # is unreliable as they are moving targets and may not be there on
+ # the next release. ippEULA.txt is more likely to remain there at
+ # the next release.
+ if [[ -z $(find "${S}" -name ippEULA.txt) ]]; then
+ eerror "could not find extracted files"
+ eerror "see ${PWD}/log.txt to see why"
+ die "extracting failed"
+ fi
+ rm -rf "${WORKDIR}"/l_*
+src_compile() {
+ einfo "Binary package, nothing to compile"
+src_install() {
+ local instdir=/opt/intel/${PN}/${PV}/${IPP_ARCH}
+ dodir ${instdir}
+ # install license file
+ if [[ ! -f /opt/intel/licenses/${IPP_TMP_LICENSE} ]]; then
+ insinto /opt/intel/licenses
+ fi
+ # cp quicker than doins
+ einfo "Copying all files"
+ cp -pPR "${S}"/* "${D}"${instdir} || \
+ die "copying files failed"
+ local env_file=36ipp
+ echo "LDPATH=${instdir}/sharedlib" > ${env_file}
+ doenvd ${env_file} || die "doenvd ${env_file} failed"
diff --git a/sci-libs/ipp/metadata.xml b/sci-libs/ipp/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eac715408af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/ipp/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+<longdescription lang="en">
+Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel(R) IPP) is a
+library of multi-core-ready, optimized software functions for
+multimedia data processing, and communications applications.