diff options
authorSantiago M. Mola <>2008-07-23 15:55:28 +0000
committerSantiago M. Mola <>2008-07-23 15:55:28 +0000
commit35dadc1196f7de411459d2cff1aa0757db13ec25 (patch)
tree86af4b515f6a5bbaa689bd9b37bb0b9247189266 /app-text/htmlrecode
parentversion bump, removed old versions (diff)
Version bump, add ~amd64 keyword, fix 64bit (bug #228103) and gcc-4.3 compatibility.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc1/cvs/Linux 2.6.26-gentoo x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'app-text/htmlrecode')
4 files changed, 207 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/app-text/htmlrecode/ChangeLog b/app-text/htmlrecode/ChangeLog
index 90bf394db40c..2f9572d6fed9 100644
--- a/app-text/htmlrecode/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-text/htmlrecode/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for app-text/htmlrecode
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/htmlrecode/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2007/03/12 22:45:41 leonardop Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/htmlrecode/ChangeLog,v 1.7 2008/07/23 15:55:28 coldwind Exp $
+*htmlrecode-1.3.0 (23 Jul 2008)
+ 23 Jul 2008; Santiago M. Mola <>
+ +files/htmlrecode-1.3.0-misc-fixes.patch, +htmlrecode-1.3.0.ebuild:
+ Version bump, add ~amd64 keyword, fix 64bit (bug #228103) and gcc-4.3
+ compatibility.
12 Mar 2007; Leonardo Boshell <> metadata.xml:
Replacing text-markup herd with the new sgml herd.
diff --git a/app-text/htmlrecode/Manifest b/app-text/htmlrecode/Manifest
index 3d26ce36183c..4e0d6ab828c7 100644
--- a/app-text/htmlrecode/Manifest
+++ b/app-text/htmlrecode/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+AUX htmlrecode-1.3.0-misc-fixes.patch 4916 RMD160 add94aa77530fb087bb926c09d4311b8bd51cc86 SHA1 eae2efa882c89969051ccef9cbef7fe23b1de58f SHA256 24fc86681e06a20939587dbe0b3fb585d5880dad10c09f8b563197a653790559
DIST htmlrecode-1.2.0.tar.bz2 46093 RMD160 f742567f515765b411776d5f75af743ccbb505f2 SHA1 78a84b555ad9591c3b02bdaea7f2852f70939508 SHA256 76b4c0518d30dc80123ea7b240297e278491e6f1202f80e815b92b7c41ada545
+DIST htmlrecode-1.3.0.tar.bz2 47170 RMD160 95124a2f05e107928525dd0589d69bc7f72e98c5 SHA1 2dd3d0ba48a07b79c7faa593dd73f5608e64f9ca SHA256 3218ab4e639e01b34150b90a132c65732c8d999271963a3d7f6e55fe25345be6
EBUILD htmlrecode-1.2.0.ebuild 817 RMD160 5cb60d0bcaf9a1e5a89543123d254ab7d2fbc386 SHA1 0d6c5babfce2a638e08519283331fe181613fae6 SHA256 68b5eccfbf8730779cacafe68681572257e7e0e9935f41e441825a77e6fea8ac
-MISC ChangeLog 855 RMD160 43da229fc257c51e157e08308b0a46e77540a65a SHA1 075c8603ac0a0f0521c34b97941ab36a9b95eb7a SHA256 9d46871151650636f7fe3df72b19783aec9edd116067b09fc8487d9c1013e49d
+EBUILD htmlrecode-1.3.0.ebuild 892 RMD160 2e617f0687d36beff909b8bc81dcfe20f027fe06 SHA1 7a835fff766b0b7a65a0ce84e0f57b91c4c3c89e SHA256 6259a00408e8d42819b8eba2b0ee14534dfd5889ab730af5a22713eb3795a2a3
+MISC ChangeLog 1101 RMD160 da13ab49d51c8c148150b6b69596d84d1e819a8d SHA1 c872f2bbfe81b534888c8198f594a64ceba12544 SHA256 67846fd7088398c967323d290edd6f2041088f5f58ca9f536eb62e10e374abba
MISC metadata.xml 159 RMD160 a94e7b2c191d1593b8bc416d266571e001c2f673 SHA1 3c1d0831d8acacef390234d20d7711cabded861a SHA256 52cf1b9dda72e2d61fef95515c8a124ac9f1196e5509e5636e269f396fcba8a3
diff --git a/app-text/htmlrecode/files/htmlrecode-1.3.0-misc-fixes.patch b/app-text/htmlrecode/files/htmlrecode-1.3.0-misc-fixes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4c32c8ae5e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/htmlrecode/files/htmlrecode-1.3.0-misc-fixes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+Reason: Adds missing headers (gcc-4.3 compatibility),
+ use size_t and long where needed (amd64 fixes), and fixes some warnings.
+Upstream: Sent.
+--- htmlrecode-1.3.0.orig/argh/
++++ htmlrecode-1.3.0/argh/
+@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ #include <map>
+ #include <cstdio>
+ #include <cstring>
++#include <cstdlib>
+ using std::strchr;
+ using std::sprintf;
+@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@
+ else if(longo.substr(0, 5) == "with-") { nega=false; longo.erase(0, 5); }
+ NegaDone:
+- unsigned p = longo.find('=');
++ size_t p = longo.find('=');
+ if(p == longo.npos)p = longo.find(':');
+ string option;
+ if(p != longo.npos) {option=longo.substr(p+1);longo.erase(p);}
+@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@
+ argh_descsmap::const_iterator k;
+ vector<pair<string,string> > hdrs;
+- unsigned widest=0;
++ size_t widest=0;
+ for(j=aliases->begin(); j!=aliases->end(); ++j)
+ if(argtypes->find(j->second) == argtypes->end())
+@@ -244,7 +245,7 @@
+ hdrs.push_back(pair<string,string> (s, k->second.first));
+ }
+- for(unsigned a=0; a<hdrs.size(); ++a)
++ for(size_t a=0; a<hdrs.size(); ++a)
+ PrintOpt(widest, hdrs[a].first, hdrs[a].second);
+ }
+@@ -380,9 +381,9 @@
+ printf(" %-*s ", space, opt.c_str());
+ bool needeol = true;
+- for(unsigned a=0; a < desc.size(); )
++ for(size_t a=0; a < desc.size(); )
+ {
+- unsigned b = desc.find('\n', a);
++ size_t b = desc.find('\n', a);
+ if(!needeol){printf("%*s", space+6, "");needeol=true;}
+ if(b == desc.npos) { printf("%s", desc.c_str()+a); break; }
+ printf("%s", desc.substr(a, b-a).c_str());
+--- htmlrecode-1.3.0.orig/
++++ htmlrecode-1.3.0/
+@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+ #include <list> // list
+ #include <cerrno> // errno
+ #include <cstdlib> // perror
++#include <cstring> // memmove
+ #include "htmlrecode.hh"
+@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@
+ }
+ static bool IsEqual(const wstring &s1, const char *s2)
+ {
+- for(unsigned a=0; a<s1.size(); ++a, ++s2)
++ for(size_t a=0; a<s1.size(); ++a, ++s2)
+ {
+ if(!*s2)return false;
+ if(s1[a] >= 0x100)return false;
+@@ -147,8 +148,8 @@
+ bool Page::Dumper::isok(ucs4 p) const
+ {
+ char OutBuf[256], *outptr = OutBuf, *tmp = (char *)&p;
+- unsigned outsize = sizeof OutBuf;
+- unsigned insize = sizeof(p);
++ size_t outsize = sizeof OutBuf;
++ size_t insize = sizeof(p);
+ size_t retval = iconv(tester, &tmp, &insize, &outptr, &outsize);
+ if(retval == (size_t)-1)return false;
+ return true;
+@@ -524,10 +525,10 @@
+ while(left > 0)
+ {
+ char OutBuf[4096], *outptr = OutBuf;
+- unsigned outsize = sizeof OutBuf;
++ size_t outsize = sizeof OutBuf;
+ #if DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "P1:Converting %u bytes to %u bytes space\n", left, outsize);
+- unsigned bytesread = left, converted = outsize;
++ size_t bytesread = left, converted = outsize;
+ #endif
+ size_t retval = iconv(converter, &input, &left, &outptr, &outsize);
+ #if DEBUG
+@@ -761,7 +762,7 @@
+ wstring &s = tag.GetParamValue("CONTENT");
+ wstring tmp; tmp += "charset=";
+- unsigned a = s.find(tmp);
++ size_t a = s.find(tmp);
+ if(a == s.npos) { continue; }
+ a += 8;
+@@ -852,7 +853,7 @@
+ for(;;)
+ {
+- int code = fread(bufptr+bytes, 1, sizeof InBuf - bytes, fp);
++ size_t code = fread(bufptr+bytes, 1, sizeof InBuf - bytes, fp);
+ if(code <= 0)
+ {
+ if(!bytes)break;
+@@ -868,9 +869,9 @@
+ bool gotilseq = false;
+ #if DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "P2:Converting %u bytes to %u bytes space\n", bytes, outsize);
+- unsigned bytesread = bytes;
++ size_t bytesread = bytes;
+ #endif
+- unsigned converted = outsize;
++ size_t converted = outsize;
+ size_t retval = iconv(converter, &bufptr, &bytes, &outptr, &outsize);
+ converted -= outsize;
+ #if DEBUG
+@@ -971,7 +972,7 @@
+ wstring s = tag.GetParamValue("CONTENT");
+ wstring tmp; tmp += "charset=";
+- unsigned a = s.find(tmp);
++ size_t a = s.find(tmp);
+ if(a == s.npos) { continue; }
+ wstring way = s.substr(a+8);
+@@ -1002,7 +1003,7 @@
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: The document is schizophrenic and claims to be encoded in various ways:");
+ set<wstring>::const_iterator i;
+- unsigned c=newcharset.size();
++ size_t c=newcharset.size();
+ for(i=newcharset.begin(); i!=newcharset.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ string s = Stringify(*i);
+@@ -1523,7 +1524,7 @@
+ Argh.StartParse(argc, argv);
+ for(;;)
+ {
+- int c = Argh.GetParam();
++ long c = Argh.GetParam();
+ if(c == -1)break;
+ switch(c)
+ {
diff --git a/app-text/htmlrecode/htmlrecode-1.3.0.ebuild b/app-text/htmlrecode/htmlrecode-1.3.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d620f7a7beb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/htmlrecode/htmlrecode-1.3.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/htmlrecode/htmlrecode-1.3.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/07/23 15:55:28 coldwind Exp $
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Recodes HTML file using a new character set"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+ >=sys-apps/sed-4"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-misc-fixes.patch
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:^\\(ARGHLINK.*-L.*\\):#\\1:" \
+ -e "s:^#\\(ARGHLINK=.*a\\)$:\\1:" \
+ Makefile
+ touch .depend argh/.depend
+src_compile() {
+ emake -C argh libargh.a || die
+ emake htmlrecode || die
+src_install() {
+ dobin htmlrecode || die
+ dodoc README.html