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Diffstat (limited to 'sys-boot')
2 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest b/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest
index 33437615cdb6..c593d10b0766 100644
--- a/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest
+++ b/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ DIST lilo-22.8.src.tar.gz 437555 SHA256 bad5907c212c0b2b15de5e852787a1ad2129a702
DIST lilo-23.2.tar.gz 580758 SHA256 0245e300494c0700411d518ffd81a15a00450face7922fb3b08cec7d16984030 SHA512 fe6789d3643751128afcb2c9761623329e84ab05ec84d75d6b13eff991d10a6671617b65f4ab5ef414a6ca4bc530bcf33b96ddeee3f5dce78bb69b8db740f9c5 WHIRLPOOL f12c44fc48ba74a57ed83174b44966a4330ad3a96714bf52afea6e4d1c4a01c2881d447e563c0b363f602fa0e15d6012633734fb962cf2adba4ec62c7481519a
DIST lilo-24.0.tar.gz 768631 SHA256 3d40c0af1d60a0adbe3696cd6cb8d7e892694351ff225371d871b6b479d82152 SHA512 4158a0f7ab085da063938df2bc77356f9536aa78208a902561f9e61ec478fb17f204f68407f6809638aea9d2e0c88ffc701548291c1635ab40f5b18a7be6bae7 WHIRLPOOL 598e915ddb08b3b8383fb08a1b3dbb75f9340fbb052c4ceed88309274c33b8a5965502a95b99997aba7af2d3ec9da737c13b85784afd8f371ad96b69942069a2
DIST lilo-24.1.tar.gz 773223 SHA256 a15280edacb8bca31b9163d65e61270b8c06cb9ffea74374a3a42164a13d4532 SHA512 d1375cac9654fcb3934e7e5e0533e126ff8700a48154eb5019cf62e4b89f14d2ce7a17b6324795d9b60b37ab7656bfb2c9467f6e9d3540095f5c294579e83883 WHIRLPOOL 6534b9494cce30c56f0ec700eb8288ebfdfb9e07ed631958e3f34d03d4fb42de372237dab5d07a8b8ef1c3da49b427d3777be14de9abca339dcd184fce550ab0
+DIST lilo-24.2.tar.gz 777400 SHA256 e158f19de4560c935ebe0507c21b79bff17618b9230d8076fe8c5fff9fdbd5b1 SHA512 4437cae21345f483194a5dc95f686f3f3cb2beec78faae3fba959db25eae29fe2c56732e055c05f1d101682c5d442cdc9561fae8074f61f5537dde0413204c54 WHIRLPOOL 4e6e0e2b97592bd00121fef75f6a33f77a0186d4e63f4abd4ef564f7c7b3866c683371969f7aacb696e19813c7dc178490ba9cb7e41f0fcf9fd1739579fc24e8
diff --git a/sys-boot/lilo/lilo-24.2.ebuild b/sys-boot/lilo/lilo-24.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b5c303438a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-boot/lilo/lilo-24.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
+IUSE="static minimal pxeserial device-mapper"
+DESCRIPTION="Standard Linux boot loader"
+ mirror://gentoo/${DOLILO_TAR}
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
+RDEPEND="device-mapper? ( >=sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.45 )"
+src_prepare() {
+ # this patch is needed when booting PXE and the device you're using
+ # emulates vga console via serial console.
+ # IE.. B.B.o.o.o.o.t.t.i.i.n.n.g.g....l.l.i.i.n.n.u.u.x.x and stair stepping.
+ use pxeserial && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-24.1-novga.patch"
+ # Do not strip and have parallel make
+ # FIXME: images/Makefile does weird stuff
+ sed -i Makefile src/Makefile \
+ -e '/strip/d;s|^ make| $(MAKE)|g' \
+ -e '/images install/d' \
+ -e '/images all/d' \
+ || die "sed strip failed"
+src_configure() {
+ if ! use device-mapper; then
+ sed -i make.vars -e 's|-DDEVMAPPER||g' || die
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ # lilo needs this. bug #140209
+ export LC_ALL=C
+ # hardened automatic PIC plus PIE building should be suppressed
+ # because of assembler instructions that cannot be compiled PIC
+ HARDENED_CFLAGS=$(test-flags-CC -fno-pic -nopie)
+ # we explicitly prevent the custom CFLAGS for stability reasons
+ if use static; then
+ local target=alles
+ else
+ local target=all
+ fi
+ emake CC="$(tc-getCC) ${LDFLAGS} ${HARDENED_CFLAGS}" ${target} || die
+src_install() {
+ keepdir /boot
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
+ if use !minimal; then
+ into /
+ dosbin "${WORKDIR}"/dolilo/dolilo || die
+ into /usr
+ dosbin || die
+ insinto /etc
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/lilo.conf lilo.conf.example || die
+ newconfd "${WORKDIR}"/dolilo/dolilo.conf.d dolilo.example || die
+ docinto samples ; dodoc sample/*
+ fi
+# Check whether LILO is installed
+# This function is from /usr/sbin/mkboot from debianutils, with copyright:
+# Debian GNU/Linux
+# Copyright 1996-1997 Guy Maor <>
+# Modified for Gentoo for use with the lilo ebuild by:
+# Martin Schlemmer <> (16 Mar 2003)
+lilocheck() {
+ local bootpart=
+ local rootpart="$(mount | grep -v "tmpfs" | grep -v "rootfs" | grep "on / " | cut -f1 -d " ")"
+ echo
+ ebegin "Checking whether LILO can be safely updated"
+ if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]
+ then
+ eend 1
+ eerror "Only root can check for LILO"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${rootpart}" ]
+ then
+ eend 1
+ eerror "Could not determine root partition"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f /etc/lilo.conf -o ! -x /sbin/lilo ]
+ then
+ eend 1
+ eerror "No LILO configuration in place"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ bootpart="$(sed -n "s:^boot[ ]*=[ ]*\(.*\)[ ]*:\1:p" /etc/lilo.conf)"
+ if [ -z "${bootpart}" ]
+ then
+ # lilo defaults to current root when 'boot=' is not present
+ bootpart="${rootpart}"
+ fi
+ if ! dd if=${bootpart} ibs=16 count=1 2>&- | grep -q 'LILO'
+ then
+ eend 1
+ eerror "No LILO signature on ${bootpart}"
+ ewarn "Check your /etc/lilo.conf, or run /sbin/lilo by hand."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if grep -q "^[[:space:]]*password[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\"\"" /etc/lilo.conf
+ then
+ eend 1
+ eerror "Interactive password entry configured"
+ ewarn "Run /sbin/lilo -p by hand."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ einfo "LILO on ${bootpart} is safe to update"
+ eend 0
+ return 0
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if [ ! -e "${ROOT}/boot/boot.b" -a ! -L "${ROOT}/boot/boot.b" ]
+ then
+ [ -f "${ROOT}/boot/boot-menu.b" ] && \
+ ln -snf boot-menu.b "${ROOT}/boot/boot.b"
+ fi
+ if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ] && use !minimal;
+ then
+ if lilocheck
+ then
+ einfo "Running DOLILO to complete the install"
+ # do not redirect to /dev/null because it may display some input
+ # prompt
+ /sbin/dolilo
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ eerror "You must manually configure and run LILO"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo
+ fi
+ if use !minimal; then
+ echo
+ einfo "Issue 'dolilo' instead of 'lilo' to have a friendly wrapper that"
+ einfo "handles mounting and unmounting /boot for you. It can do more, "
+ einfo "edit /etc/conf.d/dolilo to harness its full potential."
+ echo
+ fi