diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang/scala/scala-2.10.2-r3.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 253 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/scala/scala-2.10.2-r3.ebuild b/dev-lang/scala/scala-2.10.2-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 819b19c36886..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/scala/scala-2.10.2-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc examples source"
-inherit eutils check-reqs java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 versionator
-SV="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
-# creating the binary:
-# JAVA_PKG_FORCE_VM="$available-1.6" USE="doc examples source" ebuild scala-*.ebuild compile
-# cd $WORDKIR
-# fix dist/latest link.
-# tar -cjf $DISTDIR/scala-$PN-gentoo-binary.tar.bz2 ${MY_P}/dists ${MY_P}/docs/TODO
-# in the pullJarFiles function in tools/ it executes find commands
-# to search for .desired.sha1 files, which contain sha1 hashes that are appended
-# to ${BURI} along with the subdirectory and filename to form the list of jar files
-# listed in SRC_URI.
-declare -a JURI=(${BURI}/8bdac1cdd60b73ff7e12fd2b556355fa10343e2d/lib/scala-library-src.jar \
- ${BURI}/ddd7d5398733c4fbbb8355c049e258d47af636cf/lib/forkjoin.jar \
- ${BURI}/d48cb950ceded82a5e0ffae8ef2c68d0923ed00c/lib/msil.jar \
- ${BURI}/d229f4c91ea8ab1a81559b5803efd9b0b1632f0b/lib/scala-reflect-src.jar \
- ${BURI}/3fc1e35ca8c991fc3488548f7a276bd9053c179d/lib/ant/ant-dotnet-1.0.jar \
- ${BURI}/2c61d6e9a912b3253194d5d6d3e1db7e2545ac4b/lib/ant/vizant.jar \
- ${BURI}/7b456ca6b93900f96e58cc8371f03d90a9c1c8d1/lib/ant/ant.jar \
- ${BURI}/943cd5c8802b2a3a64a010efb86ec19bac142e40/lib/ant/ant-contrib.jar \
- ${BURI}/7e50e3e227d834695f1e0bf018a7326e06ee4c86/lib/ant/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.1.jar \
- ${BURI}/cfa3ee21f76cd5c115bd3bc070a3b401587bafb5/lib/scala-compiler-src.jar \
- ${BURI}/1e0e39fae15b42e85998740511ec5a3830e26243/lib/scala-library.jar \
- ${BURI}/8acc87f222210b4a5eb2675477602fc1759e7684/lib/fjbg.jar \
- ${BURI}/288f47dbe1002653e030fd25ca500b9ffe1ebd64/lib/scala-reflect.jar \
- ${BURI}/a5261e70728c1847639e2b47d953441d0b217bcb/lib/jline.jar \
- ${BURI}/d54b99f215d4d42b3f0b3489fbb1081270700992/lib/scala-compiler.jar \
- ${BURI}/02fe2ed93766323a13f22c7a7e2ecdcd84259b6c/test/files/lib/annotations.jar \
- ${BURI}/b1ec8a095cec4902b3609d74d274c04365c59c04/test/files/lib/genericNest.jar \
- ${BURI}/981392dbd1f727b152cd1c908c5fce60ad9d07f7/test/files/lib/enums.jar \
- ${BURI}/cd33e0a0ea249eb42363a2f8ba531186345ff68c/test/files/lib/nest.jar \
- ${BURI}/be8454d5e7751b063ade201c225dcedefd252775/test/files/lib/methvsfield.jar \
- ${BURI}/b6f4dbb29f0c2ec1eba682414f60d52fea84f703/test/files/lib/scalacheck.jar \
- ${BURI}/e737b123d31eede5594ceda07caafed1673ec472/test/files/codelib/code.jar \
- ${BURI}/1b11ac773055c1e942c6b5eb4aabdf02292a7194/test/files/speclib/instrumented.jar \
- ${BURI}/a1883f4304d5aa65e1f6ee6aad5900c62dd81079/tools/push.jar)
-DESCRIPTION="The Scala Programming Language"
-(${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
- ${JURI[@]}
-binary? (${P}-gentoo-binary.tar.bz2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-macos"
-IUSE="binary emacs"
- dev-java/bndlib:0
- dev-java/hawtjni-runtime:0
- dev-java/junit:4"
- =virtual/jdk-1.7*
- !binary? (
- dev-java/ant-contrib:0
- )
- app-arch/xz-utils:0"
- >=virtual/jre-1.7
- app-eselect/eselect-scala
- !dev-lang/scala-bin:0"
-PDEPEND="emacs? ( app-emacs/scala-mode:0 )"
-pkg_setup() {
- java-pkg-2_pkg_setup
- if ! use binary; then
- debug-print "Checking for sufficient physical RAM"
- ewarn "This package can fail to build with memory allocation errors in some cases."
- ewarn "If you are unable to build from sources, please try USE=binary"
- ewarn "for this package. See bug #181390 for more information."
- check-reqs_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- if use binary ; then
- mkdir -p "${S}" || die
- cd "${S}" || die
- fi
- # Unpack tar files only.
- for f in ${A} ; do
- [[ ${f} == *".tar."* ]] && unpack ${f}
- done
-java_prepare() {
- java-pkg_getjars ant-core,bndlib,hawtjni-runtime,junit-4
- if ! use binary; then
- local j
- for j in "${JURI[@]}"
- do
- cp -p "${DISTDIR}/${j##*/}" "${S}/${j#${BURI}/*/}" || die
- done
- # gentoo patch (by gienah) to stop it calling git log in the build
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.10.2-no-git.patch"
- if has_version ">=virtual/jdk-1.7.0"; then
- # This patch bumped to 2.10.2:
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.10.2-jdk-1.7-swing.patch"
- fi
- #
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.10.2-jdk-1.7-swing-SI-7455.patch"
- # Note: to bump scala, some things to try are:
- # 1. update all the sha1s in JURI
- # 2. comment out applying the maven-deps patch and all the stuff here up to and including the sed of build.xml
- # 3. try emerge scala, it will likely download more stuff in src_compile to ${WORKDIR}/.m2
- # 4. tar up the stuff in ${WORKDIR}/.m2 and change the ${P}-maven-deps.tar.gz in SRC_URI to point to it.
- # 5. uncomment the maven-deps patch apply and all the stuff up to and including the sed of build.xml
- # 6. the hash in ${P}-no-git.patch should be updated by searching for hash matching the scala release
- # tag, so that the source code hyper-links in the scala documentation will point to the correct version of
- # the source code.
- # Bug 482192
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.10.2-maven-deps.patch"
- # we have $(java-config -p bndlib) in portage, but not bnd.
- local bnd_classpath=""
- for i in $(find "${WORKDIR}/.m2/repository/biz/aQute/bnd" -type f -name *.jar -print)
- do
- if [ -z "${bnd_classpath}" ]
- then
- bnd_classpath="${i}"
- else
- bnd_classpath="${bnd_classpath}:${i}"
- fi
- done
- bnd_classpath="${bnd_classpath}:$(java-config -p bndlib)"
- # pax runner appears to only be used in the tests
- local paxrunner_classpath=""
- for i in $(find "${WORKDIR}/.m2/repository/org/ops4j/" -type f -name *.jar -print)
- do
- if [ -z "${paxrunner_classpath}" ]
- then
- paxrunner_classpath="${i}"
- else
- paxrunner_classpath="${paxrunner_classpath}:${i}"
- fi
- done
- paxrunner_classpath="${paxrunner_classpath}:$(java-config -p junit-4)"
- # DiffUtils does not appear to be in portage. It is placed in ${partest.extras.classpath} and
- # copied to ${build-pack.dir}/lib in ${PN}-2.10.2-maven-deps.patch.
- local diffutils_classpath=""
- for i in $(find "${WORKDIR}/.m2/repository/com/googlecode/java-diff-utils" -type f -name *.jar -print)
- do
- if [ -z "${diffutils_classpath}" ]
- then
- diffutils_classpath="${i}"
- else
- diffutils_classpath="${diffutils_classpath}:${i}"
- fi
- done
- sed -e "s@BNDLIB_CLASSPATH@${bnd_classpath}@" \
- -e "s@PAX_RUNNER_CLASSPATH@${paxrunner_classpath}@" \
- -e "s@DIFFUTILS_CLASSPATH@${diffutils_classpath}@" \
- -i "${S}/build.xml" \
- || die "could not sed classpaths in build.xml"
- fi
-src_compile() {
- if ! use binary; then
- #unset ANT_OPTS as this is set in the build.xml
- #sets -X type variables which might come back to bite me
- unset ANT_OPTS
- # reported in bugzilla that multiple launches use less resources
- #
- eant all.clean
- eant -Djavac.args="-encoding UTF-8" -Djava6.home=${JAVA_HOME} \
- -Duser.home="${WORKDIR}" build-opt
- eant dist.done
- else
- einfo "Skipping compilation, USE=binary is set."
- fi
-src_test() {
- java-pkg-2_src_test
-src_install() {
- cd dists/latest || die
- local SCALADIR="/usr/share/${PN}-${SV}"
- exeinto "${SCALADIR}/bin"
- doexe $(find bin/ -type f ! -iname '*.bat')
- #sources are .scala so no use for java-pkg_dosrc
- if use source; then
- dodir "${SCALADIR}/src"
- insinto "${SCALADIR}/src"
- doins src/*-src.jar
- fi
- java-pkg_dojar lib/*.jar
- pushd man/man1 || die
- for i in *.1; do
- newman "${i}" "${i/./-${SV}.}"
- done
- popd
- #docs and examples are not contained in the binary tgz anymore
- if ! use binary; then
- local docdir="doc/${PN}-devel-docs"
- dodoc doc/README ../../docs/TODO
- if use doc; then
- java-pkg_dojavadoc "${docdir}/api"
- dohtml -r "${docdir}/tools"
- fi
- use examples && java-pkg_doexamples "${docdir}/examples"
- fi
- dodir /usr/bin
- for b in $(find bin/ -type f ! -iname '*.bat'); do
- local _name=$(basename "${b}")
- dosym "/usr/share/${PN}-${SV}/bin/${_name}" "/usr/bin/${_name}-${SV}"
- done