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Diffstat (limited to 'dev-scheme/chicken/files/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/dev-scheme/chicken/files/ b/dev-scheme/chicken/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index d3de47bb..00000000
--- a/dev-scheme/chicken/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-From 9e2022652258e8a30e5cedbf0abc9cd85a0f6af7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Bex <>
-Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 00:31:08 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Implement file-select in terms of POSIX poll() for UNIX
-Signed-off-by: felix <>
- posixunix.scm | 116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
- 1 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/posixunix.scm b/posixunix.scm
-index 15cb535..90e0176 100644
---- a/posixunix.scm
-+++ b/posixunix.scm
-@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ static C_TLS int C_wait_status;
- #endif
- #include <sys/mman.h>
-+#include <sys/poll.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #ifndef O_FSYNC
-@@ -136,7 +137,6 @@ static C_TLS struct {
- static C_TLS int C_pipefds[ 2 ];
- static C_TLS time_t C_secs;
- static C_TLS struct tm C_tm;
--static C_TLS fd_set C_fd_sets[ 2 ];
- static C_TLS struct timeval C_timeval;
- static C_TLS char C_hostbuf[ 256 ];
- static C_TLS struct stat C_statbuf;
-@@ -303,13 +303,6 @@ static C_TLS sigset_t C_sigset;
- #define C_fseek(p, n, w) C_mk_nbool(fseek(C_port_file(p), C_num_to_int(n), C_unfix(w)))
- #define C_lseek(fd, o, w) C_fix(lseek(C_unfix(fd), C_unfix(o), C_unfix(w)))
--#define C_zero_fd_set(i) FD_ZERO(&C_fd_sets[ i ])
--#define C_set_fd_set(i, fd) FD_SET(fd, &C_fd_sets[ i ])
--#define C_test_fd_set(i, fd) FD_ISSET(fd, &C_fd_sets[ i ])
--#define C_C_select(m) C_fix(select(C_unfix(m), &C_fd_sets[ 0 ], &C_fd_sets[ 1 ], NULL, NULL))
--#define C_C_select_t(m, t) (C_set_timeval(t, &C_timeval), \
-- C_fix(select(C_unfix(m), &C_fd_sets[ 0 ], &C_fd_sets[ 1 ], NULL, &C_timeval)))
- #define C_ctime(n) (C_secs = (n), ctime(&C_secs))
- #if defined(__SVR4) || defined(C_MACOSX)
-@@ -656,60 +649,59 @@ EOF
- ;;; I/O multiplexing:
--(define file-select
-- (let ([fd_zero (foreign-lambda void "C_zero_fd_set" int)]
-- [fd_set (foreign-lambda void "C_set_fd_set" int int)]
-- [fd_test (foreign-lambda bool "C_test_fd_set" int int)] )
-- (lambda (fdsr fdsw . timeout)
-- (let ([fdmax 0]
-- [tm (if (pair? timeout) (car timeout) #f)] )
-- (fd_zero 0)
-- (fd_zero 1)
-- (cond [(not fdsr)]
-- [(fixnum? fdsr)
-- (set! fdmax fdsr)
-- (fd_set 0 fdsr) ]
-- [else
-- (##sys#check-list fdsr 'file-select)
-- (for-each
-- (lambda (fd)
-- (##sys#check-exact fd 'file-select)
-- (set! fdmax (##core#inline "C_i_fixnum_max" fdmax fd))
-- (fd_set 0 fd) )
-- fdsr) ] )
-- (cond [(not fdsw)]
-- [(fixnum? fdsw)
-- (set! fdmax fdsw)
-- (fd_set 1 fdsw) ]
-- [else
-- (##sys#check-list fdsw 'file-select)
-- (for-each
-- (lambda (fd)
-- (##sys#check-exact fd 'file-select)
-- (set! fdmax (##core#inline "C_i_fixnum_max" fdmax fd))
-- (fd_set 1 fd) )
-- fdsw) ] )
-- (let ([n (cond [tm
-- (##sys#check-number tm 'file-select)
-- (##core#inline "C_C_select_t" (fx+ fdmax 1) tm) ]
-- [else (##core#inline "C_C_select" (fx+ fdmax 1))] ) ] )
-- (cond [(fx< n 0)
-- (posix-error #:file-error 'file-select "failed" fdsr fdsw) ]
-- [(fx= n 0) (values (if (pair? fdsr) '() #f) (if (pair? fdsw) '() #f))]
-- [else
-- (values
-- (and fdsr
-- (if (fixnum? fdsr)
-- (fd_test 0 fdsr)
-- (let ([lstr '()])
-- (for-each (lambda (fd) (when (fd_test 0 fd) (set! lstr (cons fd lstr)))) fdsr)
-- lstr) ) )
-- (and fdsw
-- (if (fixnum? fdsw)
-- (fd_test 1 fdsw)
-- (let ([lstw '()])
-- (for-each (lambda (fd) (when (fd_test 1 fd) (set! lstw (cons fd lstw)))) fdsw)
-- lstw) ) ) ) ] ) ) ) ) ) )
-+(define (file-select fdsr fdsw . timeout)
-+ (let* ((tm (if (pair? timeout) (car timeout) #f))
-+ (fdsrl (cond ((not fdsr) '())
-+ ((fixnum? fdsr) (list fdsr))
-+ (else (##sys#check-list fdsr 'file-select)
-+ fdsr)))
-+ (fdswl (cond ((not fdsw) '())
-+ ((fixnum? fdsw) (list fdsw))
-+ (else (##sys#check-list fdsw 'file-select)
-+ fdsw)))
-+ (nfdsr (##sys#length fdsrl))
-+ (nfdsw (##sys#length fdswl))
-+ (nfds (fx+ nfdsr nfdsw))
-+ (fds-blob (##sys#make-blob
-+ (fx* nfds (foreign-value "sizeof(struct pollfd)" int)))))
-+ (when tm (##sys#check-number tm))
-+ (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1))
-+ (fdsrl fdsrl (cdr fdsrl)))
-+ ((null? fdsrl))
-+ ((foreign-lambda* void ((int i) (int fd) (scheme-pointer p))
-+ "struct pollfd *fds = p;"
-+ "fds[i].fd = fd; fds[i].events = POLLIN;") i (car fdsrl) fds-blob))
-+ (do ((i nfdsr (fx+ i 1))
-+ (fdswl fdswl (cdr fdswl)))
-+ ((null? fdswl))
-+ ((foreign-lambda* void ((int i) (int fd) (scheme-pointer p))
-+ "struct pollfd *fds = p;"
-+ "fds[i].fd = fd; fds[i].events = POLLOUT;") i (car fdswl) fds-blob))
-+ (let ((n ((foreign-lambda int "poll" scheme-pointer int int)
-+ fds-blob nfds (if tm (inexact->exact (* (max 0 tm) 1000)) -1))))
-+ (cond ((fx< n 0)
-+ (posix-error #:file-error 'file-select "failed" fdsr fdsw) )
-+ ((fx= n 0) (values (if (pair? fdsr) '() #f) (if (pair? fdsw) '() #f)))
-+ (else
-+ (let ((rl (let lp ((i 0) (res '()) (fds fdsrl))
-+ (cond ((null? fds) (##sys#fast-reverse res))
-+ (((foreign-lambda* bool ((int i) (scheme-pointer p))
-+ "struct pollfd *fds = p;"
-+ "C_return(fds[i].revents & (POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP|POLLNVAL));")
-+ i fds-blob)
-+ (lp (fx+ i 1) (cons (car fds) res) (cdr fds)))
-+ (else (lp (fx+ i 1) res (cdr fds))))))
-+ (wl (let lp ((i nfdsr) (res '()) (fds fdswl))
-+ (cond ((null? fds) (##sys#fast-reverse res))
-+ (((foreign-lambda* bool ((int i) (scheme-pointer p))
-+ "struct pollfd *fds = p;"
-+ "C_return(fds[i].revents & (POLLOUT|POLLERR|POLLHUP|POLLNVAL));")
-+ i fds-blob)
-+ (lp (fx+ i 1) (cons (car fds) res) (cdr fds)))
-+ (else (lp (fx+ i 1) res (cdr fds)))))))
-+ (values
-+ (and fdsr (if (fixnum? fdsr) (and (memq fdsr rl) fdsr) rl))
-+ (and fdsw (if (fixnum? fdsw) (and (memq fdsw wl) fdsw) wl)))))))))
- ;;; File attribute access: