diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/google-authenticator/google-authenticator.php')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/google-authenticator/google-authenticator.php b/plugins/google-authenticator/google-authenticator.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2c46d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/google-authenticator/google-authenticator.php
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+Plugin Name: Google Authenticator
+Plugin URI:
+Description: Two-Factor Authentication for WordPress using the Android/iPhone/Blackberry app as One Time Password generator.
+Author: Henrik Schack
+Version: 0.48
+Author URI:
+Compatibility: WordPress 4.5
+Text Domain: google-authenticator
+Domain Path: /lang
+ Thanks to Bryan Ruiz for his Base32 encode/decode class, found at
+ Thanks to Tobias Bäthge for his major code rewrite and German translation.
+ Thanks to Pascal de Bruijn for his relaxed mode idea.
+ Thanks to Daniel Werl for his usability tips.
+ Thanks to Dion Hulse for his bugfixes.
+ Thanks to Aldo Latino for his Italian translation.
+ Thanks to Kaijia Feng for his Simplified Chinese translation.
+ Thanks to Ian Dunn for fixing some depricated function calls.
+ Thanks to Kimmo Suominen for fixing the iPhone description issue.
+ Thanks to Alex Concha for some security tips.
+ Thanks to Sébastien Prunier for his Spanish and French translations.
+ Copyright 2013 Henrik Schack (email :
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+class GoogleAuthenticator {
+static $instance; // to store a reference to the plugin, allows other plugins to remove actions
+ * Constructor, entry point of the plugin
+ */
+function __construct() {
+ self::$instance = $this;
+ add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) );
+ * Initialization, Hooks, and localization
+ */
+function init() {
+ require_once( 'base32.php' );
+ add_action( 'login_form', array( $this, 'loginform' ) );
+ add_action( 'login_footer', array( $this, 'loginfooter' ) );
+ add_filter( 'authenticate', array( $this, 'check_otp' ), 50, 3 );
+ if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) {
+ add_action( 'wp_ajax_GoogleAuthenticator_action', array( $this, 'ajax_callback' ) );
+ }
+ add_action( 'personal_options_update', array( $this, 'personal_options_update' ) );
+ add_action( 'profile_personal_options', array( $this, 'profile_personal_options' ) );
+ add_action( 'edit_user_profile', array( $this, 'edit_user_profile' ) );
+ add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update', array( $this, 'edit_user_profile_update' ) );
+ add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'add_qrcode_script'));
+ load_plugin_textdomain( 'google-authenticator', false, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/lang' );
+ * Check the verification code entered by the user.
+ */
+function verify( $secretkey, $thistry, $relaxedmode, $lasttimeslot ) {
+ // Did the user enter 6 digits ?
+ if ( strlen( $thistry ) != 6) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ $thistry = intval ( $thistry );
+ }
+ // If user is running in relaxed mode, we allow more time drifting
+ // ±4 min, as opposed to ± 30 seconds in normal mode.
+ if ( $relaxedmode == 'enabled' ) {
+ $firstcount = -8;
+ $lastcount = 8;
+ } else {
+ $firstcount = -1;
+ $lastcount = 1;
+ }
+ $tm = floor( time() / 30 );
+ $secretkey=Base32::decode($secretkey);
+ // Keys from 30 seconds before and after are valid aswell.
+ for ($i=$firstcount; $i<=$lastcount; $i++) {
+ // Pack time into binary string
+ $time=chr(0).chr(0).chr(0).chr(0).pack('N*',$tm+$i);
+ // Hash it with users secret key
+ $hm = hash_hmac( 'SHA1', $time, $secretkey, true );
+ // Use last nipple of result as index/offset
+ $offset = ord(substr($hm,-1)) & 0x0F;
+ // grab 4 bytes of the result
+ $hashpart=substr($hm,$offset,4);
+ // Unpak binary value
+ $value=unpack("N",$hashpart);
+ $value=$value[1];
+ // Only 32 bits
+ $value = $value & 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ $value = $value % 1000000;
+ if ( $value === $thistry ) {
+ // Check for replay (Man-in-the-middle) attack.
+ // Since this is not Star Trek, time can only move forward,
+ // meaning current login attempt has to be in the future compared to
+ // last successful login.
+ if ( $lasttimeslot >= ($tm+$i) ) {
+ error_log("Google Authenticator plugin: Man-in-the-middle attack detected (Could also be 2 legit login attempts within the same 30 second period)");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Return timeslot in which login happened.
+ return $tm+$i;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Create a new random secret for the Google Authenticator app.
+ * 16 characters, randomly chosen from the allowed Base32 characters
+ * equals 10 bytes = 80 bits, as 256^10 = 32^16 = 2^80
+ */
+function create_secret() {
+ $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567'; // allowed characters in Base32
+ $secret = '';
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++ ) {
+ $secret .= substr( $chars, wp_rand( 0, strlen( $chars ) - 1 ), 1 );
+ }
+ return $secret;
+ * Add the script to generate QR codes.
+ */
+function add_qrcode_script() {
+ wp_enqueue_script('jquery');
+ wp_register_script('qrcode_script', plugins_url('jquery.qrcode.min.js', __FILE__),array("jquery"));
+ wp_enqueue_script('qrcode_script');
+ * Add verification code field to login form.
+ */
+function loginform() {
+ echo "\t<p>\n";
+ echo "\t\t<label title=\"".__('If you don\'t have Google Authenticator enabled for your WordPress account, leave this field empty.','google-authenticator')."\">".__('Google Authenticator code','google-authenticator')."<span id=\"google-auth-info\"></span><br />\n";
+ echo "\t\t<input type=\"text\" name=\"googleotp\" id=\"user_email\" class=\"input\" value=\"\" size=\"20\" style=\"ime-mode: inactive;\" /></label>\n";
+ echo "\t</p>\n";
+ * Disable autocomplete on Google Authenticator code input field.
+ */
+function loginfooter() {
+ echo "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
+ echo "\ttry{\n";
+ echo "\t\tdocument.getElementById('user_email').setAttribute('autocomplete','off');\n";
+ echo "\t} catch(e){}\n";
+ echo "</script>\n";
+ * Login form handling.
+ * Check Google Authenticator verification code, if user has been setup to do so.
+ * @param wordpressuser
+ * @return user/loginstatus
+ */
+function check_otp( $user, $username = '', $password = '' ) {
+ // Store result of loginprocess, so far.
+ $userstate = $user;
+ // Get information on user, we need this in case an app password has been enabled,
+ // since the $user var only contain an error at this point in the login flow.
+ if ( get_user_by( 'email', $username ) === false ) {
+ $user = get_user_by( 'login', $username );
+ } else {
+ $user = get_user_by( 'email', $username );
+ }
+ // Does the user have the Google Authenticator enabled ?
+ if ( isset( $user->ID ) && trim(get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_enabled', $user->ID ) ) == 'enabled' ) {
+ // Get the users secret
+ $GA_secret = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_secret', $user->ID ) );
+ // Figure out if user is using relaxed mode ?
+ $GA_relaxedmode = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_relaxedmode', $user->ID ) );
+ // Get the verification code entered by the user trying to login
+ if ( !empty( $_POST['googleotp'] )) { // Prevent PHP notices when using app password login
+ $otp = trim( $_POST[ 'googleotp' ] );
+ } else {
+ $otp = '';
+ }
+ // When was the last successful login performed ?
+ $lasttimeslot = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_lasttimeslot', $user->ID ) );
+ // Valid code ?
+ if ( $timeslot = $this->verify( $GA_secret, $otp, $GA_relaxedmode, $lasttimeslot ) ) {
+ // Store the timeslot in which login was successful.
+ update_user_option( $user->ID, 'googleauthenticator_lasttimeslot', $timeslot, true );
+ return $userstate;
+ } else {
+ // No, lets see if an app password is enabled, and this is an XMLRPC / APP login ?
+ if ( trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_pwdenabled', $user->ID ) ) == 'enabled' && ( defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') || defined('APP_REQUEST') ) ) {
+ $GA_passwords = json_decode( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_passwords', $user->ID ) );
+ $passwordhash = trim($GA_passwords->{'password'} );
+ $usersha1 = sha1( strtoupper( str_replace( ' ', '', $password ) ) );
+ if ( $passwordhash == $usersha1 ) { // ToDo: Remove after some time when users have migrated to new format
+ return new WP_User( $user->ID );
+ // Try the new version based on thee wp_hash_password function
+ } elseif (wp_check_password( strtoupper( str_replace( ' ', '', $password ) ), $passwordhash)) {
+ return new WP_User( $user->ID );
+ } else {
+ // Wrong XMLRPC/APP password !
+ return new WP_Error( 'invalid_google_authenticator_password', __( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: The Google Authenticator password is incorrect.', 'google-authenticator' ) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ return new WP_Error( 'invalid_google_authenticator_token', __( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: The Google Authenticator code is incorrect or has expired.', 'google-authenticator' ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Google Authenticator isn't enabled for this account,
+ // just resume normal authentication.
+ return $userstate;
+ * Extend personal profile page with Google Authenticator settings.
+ */
+function profile_personal_options() {
+ global $user_id, $is_profile_page;
+ // If editing of Google Authenticator settings has been disabled, just return
+ $GA_hidefromuser = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_hidefromuser', $user_id ) );
+ if ( $GA_hidefromuser == 'enabled') return;
+ $GA_secret = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_secret', $user_id ) );
+ $GA_enabled = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_enabled', $user_id ) );
+ $GA_relaxedmode = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_relaxedmode', $user_id ) );
+ $GA_description = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_description', $user_id ) );
+ $GA_pwdenabled = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_pwdenabled', $user_id ) );
+ $GA_password = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_passwords', $user_id ) );
+ // We dont store the generated app password in cleartext so there is no point in trying
+ // to show the user anything except from the fact that a password exists.
+ if ( $GA_password != '' ) {
+ $GA_password = "XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX";
+ }
+ // In case the user has no secret ready (new install), we create one.
+ if ( '' == $GA_secret ) {
+ $GA_secret = $this->create_secret();
+ }
+ // Use "WordPress Blog" as default description
+ if ( '' == $GA_description ) {
+ $GA_description = __( 'WordPressBlog', 'google-authenticator' );
+ }
+ echo "<h3>".__( 'Google Authenticator Settings', 'google-authenticator' )."</h3>\n";
+ echo "<table class=\"form-table\">\n";
+ echo "<tbody>\n";
+ echo "<tr>\n";
+ echo "<th scope=\"row\">".__( 'Active', 'google-authenticator' )."</th>\n";
+ echo "<td>\n";
+ echo "<input name=\"GA_enabled\" id=\"GA_enabled\" class=\"tog\" type=\"checkbox\"" . checked( $GA_enabled, 'enabled', false ) . "/>\n";
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ echo "</tr>\n";
+ if ( $is_profile_page || IS_PROFILE_PAGE ) {
+ echo "<tr>\n";
+ echo "<th scope=\"row\">".__( 'Relaxed mode', 'google-authenticator' )."</th>\n";
+ echo "<td>\n";
+ echo "<input name=\"GA_relaxedmode\" id=\"GA_relaxedmode\" class=\"tog\" type=\"checkbox\"" . checked( $GA_relaxedmode, 'enabled', false ) . "/><span class=\"description\">".__(' Relaxed mode allows for more time drifting on your phone clock (&#177;4 min).','google-authenticator')."</span>\n";
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ echo "</tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr>\n";
+ echo "<th><label for=\"GA_description\">".__('Description','google-authenticator')."</label></th>\n";
+ echo "<td><input name=\"GA_description\" id=\"GA_description\" value=\"{$GA_description}\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" /><span class=\"description\">".__(' Description that you\'ll see in the Google Authenticator app on your phone.','google-authenticator')."</span><br /></td>\n";
+ echo "</tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr>\n";
+ echo "<th><label for=\"GA_secret\">".__('Secret','google-authenticator')."</label></th>\n";
+ echo "<td>\n";
+ echo "<input name=\"GA_secret\" id=\"GA_secret\" value=\"{$GA_secret}\" readonly=\"readonly\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" />";
+ echo "<input name=\"GA_newsecret\" id=\"GA_newsecret\" value=\"".__("Create new secret",'google-authenticator')."\" type=\"button\" class=\"button\" />";
+ echo "<input name=\"show_qr\" id=\"show_qr\" value=\"".__("Show/Hide QR code",'google-authenticator')."\" type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"ShowOrHideQRCode();\" />";
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ echo "</tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr>\n";
+ echo "<th></th>\n";
+ echo "<td><div id=\"GA_QR_INFO\" style=\"display: none\" >";
+ echo "<div id=\"GA_QRCODE\"/></div>";
+ echo '<span class="description"><br/> ' . __( 'Scan this with the Google Authenticator app.', 'google-authenticator' ) . '</span>';
+ echo "</div></td>\n";
+ echo "</tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr>\n";
+ echo "<th scope=\"row\">".__( 'Enable App password', 'google-authenticator' )."</th>\n";
+ echo "<td>\n";
+ echo "<input name=\"GA_pwdenabled\" id=\"GA_pwdenabled\" class=\"tog\" type=\"checkbox\"" . checked( $GA_pwdenabled, 'enabled', false ) . "/><span class=\"description\">".__(' Enabling an App password will decrease your overall login security.','google-authenticator')."</span>\n";
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ echo "</tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr>\n";
+ echo "<th></th>\n";
+ echo "<td>\n";
+ echo "<input name=\"GA_password\" id=\"GA_password\" readonly=\"readonly\" value=\"".$GA_password."\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" />";
+ echo "<input name=\"GA_createpassword\" id=\"GA_createpassword\" value=\"".__("Create new password",'google-authenticator')."\" type=\"button\" class=\"button\" />";
+ echo "<span class=\"description\" id=\"GA_passworddesc\"> ".__(' Password is not stored in cleartext, this is your only chance to see it.','google-authenticator')."</span>\n";
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ echo "</tr>\n";
+ }
+ echo "</tbody></table>\n";
+ echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
+ echo "var GAnonce='".wp_create_nonce('GoogleAuthenticatoraction')."';\n";
+ echo <<<ENDOFJS
+ //Create new secret and display it
+ jQuery('#GA_newsecret').bind('click', function() {
+ // Remove existing QRCode
+ jQuery('#GA_QRCODE').html("");
+ var data=new Object();
+ data['action'] = 'GoogleAuthenticator_action';
+ data['nonce'] = GAnonce;
+, data, function(response) {
+ jQuery('#GA_secret').val(response['new-secret']);
+ var qrcode="otpauth://totp/WordPress:"+escape(jQuery('#GA_description').val())+"?secret="+jQuery('#GA_secret').val()+"&issuer=WordPress";
+ jQuery('#GA_QRCODE').qrcode(qrcode);
+ jQuery('#GA_QR_INFO').show('slow');
+ });
+ });
+ // If the user starts modifying the description, hide the qrcode
+ jQuery('#GA_description').bind('focus blur change keyup', function() {
+ // Only remove QR Code if it's visible
+ if (jQuery('#GA_QR_INFO').is(':visible')) {
+ jQuery('#GA_QR_INFO').hide('slow');
+ jQuery('#GA_QRCODE').html("");
+ }
+ });
+ // Create new app password
+ jQuery('#GA_createpassword').bind('click',function() {
+ var data=new Object();
+ data['action'] = 'GoogleAuthenticator_action';
+ data['nonce'] = GAnonce;
+ data['save'] = 1;
+, data, function(response) {
+ jQuery('#GA_password').val(response['new-secret'].match(new RegExp(".{0,4}","g")).join(' '));
+ jQuery('#GA_passworddesc').show();
+ });
+ });
+ jQuery('#GA_enabled').bind('change',function() {
+ GoogleAuthenticator_apppasswordcontrol();
+ });
+ jQuery(document).ready(function() {
+ jQuery('#GA_passworddesc').hide();
+ GoogleAuthenticator_apppasswordcontrol();
+ });
+ function GoogleAuthenticator_apppasswordcontrol() {
+ if (jQuery('#GA_enabled').is(':checked')) {
+ jQuery('#GA_pwdenabled').removeAttr('disabled');
+ jQuery('#GA_createpassword').removeAttr('disabled');
+ } else {
+ jQuery('#GA_pwdenabled').removeAttr('checked')
+ jQuery('#GA_pwdenabled').attr('disabled', true);
+ jQuery('#GA_createpassword').attr('disabled', true);
+ }
+ }
+ function ShowOrHideQRCode() {
+ if (jQuery('#GA_QR_INFO').is(':hidden')) {
+ var qrcode="otpauth://totp/WordPress:"+escape(jQuery('#GA_description').val())+"?secret="+jQuery('#GA_secret').val()+"&issuer=WordPress";
+ jQuery('#GA_QRCODE').qrcode(qrcode);
+ jQuery('#GA_QR_INFO').show('slow');
+ } else {
+ jQuery('#GA_QR_INFO').hide('slow');
+ jQuery('#GA_QRCODE').html("");
+ }
+ }
+ * Form handling of Google Authenticator options added to personal profile page (user editing his own profile)
+ */
+function personal_options_update() {
+ global $user_id;
+ // If editing of Google Authenticator settings has been disabled, just return
+ $GA_hidefromuser = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_hidefromuser', $user_id ) );
+ if ( $GA_hidefromuser == 'enabled') return;
+ $GA_enabled = ! empty( $_POST['GA_enabled'] );
+ $GA_description = trim( sanitize_text_field($_POST['GA_description'] ) );
+ $GA_relaxedmode = ! empty( $_POST['GA_relaxedmode'] );
+ $GA_secret = trim( $_POST['GA_secret'] );
+ $GA_pwdenabled = ! empty( $_POST['GA_pwdenabled'] );
+ $GA_password = str_replace(' ', '', trim( $_POST['GA_password'] ) );
+ if ( ! $GA_enabled ) {
+ $GA_enabled = 'disabled';
+ } else {
+ $GA_enabled = 'enabled';
+ }
+ if ( ! $GA_relaxedmode ) {
+ $GA_relaxedmode = 'disabled';
+ } else {
+ $GA_relaxedmode = 'enabled';
+ }
+ if ( ! $GA_pwdenabled ) {
+ $GA_pwdenabled = 'disabled';
+ } else {
+ $GA_pwdenabled = 'enabled';
+ }
+ // Only store password if a new one has been generated.
+ if (strtoupper($GA_password) != 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' ) {
+ // Store the password in a format that can be expanded easily later on if needed.
+ $GA_password = array( 'appname' => 'Default', 'password' => wp_hash_password( $GA_password ) );
+ update_user_option( $user_id, 'googleauthenticator_passwords', json_encode( $GA_password ), true );
+ }
+ update_user_option( $user_id, 'googleauthenticator_enabled', $GA_enabled, true );
+ update_user_option( $user_id, 'googleauthenticator_description', $GA_description, true );
+ update_user_option( $user_id, 'googleauthenticator_relaxedmode', $GA_relaxedmode, true );
+ update_user_option( $user_id, 'googleauthenticator_secret', $GA_secret, true );
+ update_user_option( $user_id, 'googleauthenticator_pwdenabled', $GA_pwdenabled, true );
+ * Extend profile page with ability to enable/disable Google Authenticator authentication requirement.
+ * Used by an administrator when editing other users.
+ */
+function edit_user_profile() {
+ global $user_id;
+ $GA_enabled = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_enabled', $user_id ) );
+ $GA_hidefromuser = trim( get_user_option( 'googleauthenticator_hidefromuser', $user_id ) );
+ echo "<h3>".__('Google Authenticator Settings','google-authenticator')."</h3>\n";
+ echo "<table class=\"form-table\">\n";
+ echo "<tbody>\n";
+ echo "<tr>\n";
+ echo "<th scope=\"row\">".__('Hide settings from user','google-authenticator')."</th>\n";
+ echo "<td>\n";
+ echo "<div><input name=\"GA_hidefromuser\" id=\"GA_hidefromuser\" class=\"tog\" type=\"checkbox\"" . checked( $GA_hidefromuser, 'enabled', false ) . "/>\n";
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ echo "</tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr>\n";
+ echo "<th scope=\"row\">".__('Active','google-authenticator')."</th>\n";
+ echo "<td>\n";
+ echo "<div><input name=\"GA_enabled\" id=\"GA_enabled\" class=\"tog\" type=\"checkbox\"" . checked( $GA_enabled, 'enabled', false ) . "/>\n";
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ echo "</tr>\n";
+ echo "</tbody>\n";
+ echo "</table>\n";
+ * Form handling of Google Authenticator options on edit profile page (admin user editing other user)
+ */
+function edit_user_profile_update() {
+ global $user_id;
+ $GA_enabled = ! empty( $_POST['GA_enabled'] );
+ $GA_hidefromuser = ! empty( $_POST['GA_hidefromuser'] );
+ if ( ! $GA_enabled ) {
+ $GA_enabled = 'disabled';
+ } else {
+ $GA_enabled = 'enabled';
+ }
+ if ( ! $GA_hidefromuser ) {
+ $GA_hidefromuser = 'disabled';
+ } else {
+ $GA_hidefromuser = 'enabled';
+ }
+ update_user_option( $user_id, 'googleauthenticator_enabled', $GA_enabled, true );
+ update_user_option( $user_id, 'googleauthenticator_hidefromuser', $GA_hidefromuser, true );
+* AJAX callback function used to generate new secret
+function ajax_callback() {
+ global $user_id;
+ // Some AJAX security.
+ check_ajax_referer( 'GoogleAuthenticatoraction', 'nonce' );
+ // Create new secret.
+ $secret = $this->create_secret();
+ $result = array( 'new-secret' => $secret );
+ header( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
+ echo json_encode( $result );
+ // die() is required to return a proper result
+ die();
+} // end class
+$google_authenticator = new GoogleAuthenticator;