diff options
7 files changed, 321 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/x11-libs/openmotif/ChangeLog b/x11-libs/openmotif/ChangeLog
index c14828f15e24..52b762e736fb 100644
--- a/x11-libs/openmotif/ChangeLog
+++ b/x11-libs/openmotif/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for x11-libs/openmotif
# Copyright 2002-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/openmotif/ChangeLog,v 1.16 2003/06/14 10:17:20 seemant Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/openmotif/ChangeLog,v 1.17 2003/10/11 18:18:35 lanius Exp $
+*openmotif-2.2.2-r3 (11 Oct 2003)
+ 11 Oct 2003; Heinrich Wendel <> openmotif-2.1.30-r2.ebuild,
+ openmotif-2.2.2-r1.ebuild, openmotif-2.2.2-r3.ebuild,
+ files/openmotif-2.1.30-imake-tmpdir.patch:
+ motif cleanups #29388
14 Jun 2003; Seemant Kulleen <> openmotif-2.2.2-r2.ebuild,
diff --git a/x11-libs/openmotif/Manifest b/x11-libs/openmotif/Manifest
index 9d8f118f5eae..9ec689e2acf8 100644
--- a/x11-libs/openmotif/Manifest
+++ b/x11-libs/openmotif/Manifest
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-MD5 b2efee31d325483ffa35149b243b98e5 ChangeLog 2997
+MD5 8faed23a369a8e7670ff603bc4380ca7 ChangeLog 3235
MD5 e07f6b89edd5ffa4a803816b7ce33336 openmotif-2.1.30-r1.ebuild 864
-MD5 7bd44927a46b4efda327c13a959525e1 openmotif-2.2.2-r1.ebuild 1027
-MD5 78396e592857297c6e194099c9ec0b23 openmotif-2.1.30-r2.ebuild 2673
-MD5 61ef4d5f82130d4015d398b97499aba7 openmotif-2.2.2-r3.ebuild 4707
+MD5 55e52e621e48d9824ff551f2c48f8d82 openmotif-2.2.2-r1.ebuild 1051
+MD5 4a97d5b22268afb582d558a2728b9c0d openmotif-2.1.30-r2.ebuild 2672
+MD5 be2d9f4c47a91d27037238fabf2787eb openmotif-2.2.2-r3.ebuild 4705
MD5 fa0e521ff26821406c2e756ff5efe1f4 openmotif-2.2.2-r2.ebuild 4715
MD5 aaf04376f7011a2f68b7961100f611fb files/Mwm.defaults 536
MD5 d9fb88b149d0eb40279440b75183c850 files/animate-demo.diff 498
diff --git a/x11-libs/openmotif/files/digest-openmotif-2.1.30-r2 b/x11-libs/openmotif/files/digest-openmotif-2.1.30-r2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ead704e865e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-libs/openmotif/files/digest-openmotif-2.1.30-r2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 950f0d409e0ce508fa3995790c1106c7 openmotif-2.1.30-4_MLI.src.tar.gz 8645792
diff --git a/x11-libs/openmotif/files/digest-openmotif-2.2.2-r3 b/x11-libs/openmotif/files/digest-openmotif-2.2.2-r3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e91e220e3840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-libs/openmotif/files/digest-openmotif-2.2.2-r3
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 19cb43c657876624026a9e77c435a71e openMotif-2.2.2.tar.gz 5133178
diff --git a/x11-libs/openmotif/files/openmotif-2.1.30-imake-tmpdir.patch b/x11-libs/openmotif/files/openmotif-2.1.30-imake-tmpdir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b1b2804ab394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-libs/openmotif/files/openmotif-2.1.30-imake-tmpdir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+--- config/imake/imake.c~ 2000-06-04 00:34:05.000000000 +0200
++++ config/imake/imake.c 2003-09-17 03:41:46.000000000 +0200
+@@ -961,23 +961,38 @@
+ static void get_libc_version(inFile)
+ FILE* inFile;
+ {
+- char *aout = tmpnam (NULL);
++ char aout[PATH_MAX];
+ FILE *fp;
+ const char *format = "%s -o %s -x c -";
+ char *cc;
+ int len;
+ char *command;
++ char *tmpdir;
++ int tmpfd;
++ if((tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR")) != NULL && strlen(tmpdir) < (PATH_MAX-13))
++ strcpy(aout, tmpdir);
++ else
++ strcpy(aout, "/tmp");
++ strcat(aout, "/imakeXXXXXX");
++ if((tmpfd = mkstemp(aout)) == -1) {
++ perror("mkstemp");
++ abort();
++ }
+ cc = getenv ("CC");
+ if (cc == NULL)
+ cc = "gcc";
+ len = strlen (aout) + strlen (format) + strlen (cc);
+ if (len < 128) len = 128;
+- command = alloca (len);
++ if((command = alloca (len)) == NULL)
++ abort();
+ if (snprintf (command , len, format, cc, aout) == len)
+ abort ();
++ close(tmpfd);
+ fp = popen (command, "w");
+ if (fp == NULL || fprintf (fp, "%s\n", libc_c) < 0
+ || pclose (fp) != 0)
diff --git a/x11-libs/openmotif/openmotif-2.1.30-r2.ebuild b/x11-libs/openmotif/openmotif-2.1.30-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8f830998ccc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-libs/openmotif/openmotif-2.1.30-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header:
+DESCRIPTION="Open Motif (Metrolink Bug Fix Release)"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~sparc ~hppa ~alpha ~amd64"
+ virtual/x11"
+# glibc-2.3.2-r1/gcc-3.2.3 /w `-mcpu=athlon-xp -O2', right-clicking
+# in nedit triggers DPMS monitor standby instead of popping up the
+# context menu. this doesn't happen on my `stable' test partition
+# where everything is compiled i686, nor with most non-essential
+# packages athlon-xp and only motif i686. needs investigation.
+inherit flag-o-matic
+replace-flags "-mcpu=athlon-xp" "-mcpu=i686"
+src_unpack() {
+ local cfg="${S}/config/cf/site.def"
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ cp ${FILESDIR}/site.def ${S}/config/cf/
+ echo >>$cfg
+ echo >>$cfg "#undef OptimizedCDebugFlags"
+ echo >>$cfg "#define OptimizedCDebugFlags ${CFLAGS}"
+ echo >>$cfg "#undef OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags"
+ echo >>$cfg "#define OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags ${CXXFLAGS}"
+ # move `system.mwmrc' from `lib/X11' to `lib/X11/mwm' (but install into
+ # `/etc/X11/mwm')
+ ebegin "patching 'clients/mwm/Imakefile' (mwm confdir)"
+ LC_ALL="C" sed -i \
+ -e 's:\(SpecialObjectRule.*WmResParse\.o.*/lib/X11\)\(.*\):\1/mwm\2:'\
+ -e 's:\(InstallNonExecFile.system\.mwmrc,\).*/lib/X11\(.*\):\1/etc/X11/mwm\2:'\
+ "${S}/clients/mwm/Imakefile"
+ eend $? || die
+ #
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-imake-tmpdir.patch
+src_compile() {
+ mkdir -p imports/x11
+ cd imports/x11
+ ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin bin
+ ln -s /usr/X11R6/include include
+ ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib lib
+ cd ${S}
+ make World || die
+src_install() {
+ # these overlap with X11
+ local NOINSTBIN="imake lndir makedepend makeg mergelib mkdirhier xmkmf"
+ local NOINSTMAN1="imake lndir makedepend makeg mkdirhier xmkmf"
+ make DESTDIR=${D} VARDIR=${D}/var/X11/ install || die "make install"
+ make DESTDIR=${D} || die "make"
+ ln -s "../../../../etc/X11/mwm" \
+ "${D}usr/X11R6/lib/X11/mwm" || die "ln -s confdir"
+ mv "${D}usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults"\
+ "${D}etc/X11" || die "mv app-defaults"
+ rm -rf "${D}usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config" || die "rm config"
+ for nib in $NOINSTBIN; do
+ f="${D}usr/X11R6/bin/${nib}"; rm "$f" || die "rm $f"
+ done
+ for nim in $NOINSTMAN1; do
+ f="${D}usr/X11R6/man/man1/${nim}.1x"; rm "$f" || die "rm $f"
+ done
+ prepman "/usr/X11R6"
diff --git a/x11-libs/openmotif/openmotif-2.2.2-r3.ebuild b/x11-libs/openmotif/openmotif-2.2.2-r3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56fbef39df16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-libs/openmotif/openmotif-2.2.2-r3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/openmotif/openmotif-2.2.2-r3.ebuild,v 1.1 2003/10/11 18:18:35 lanius Exp $
+inherit libtool
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~sparc ~hppa ~alpha ~amd64"
+src_unpack() {
+ local f list
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ #
+ # Don't compile/install demo programs.
+ # They're meant to demonstrate programming techniques and features
+ # of motif, but are of limited to no use for end users. Further,
+ # those progs that demonstrate Uil/Mrm functionality won't even work
+ # because their data(.uid) files are installed in nonstandard places,
+ # /usr/X11R6/share/Xm/<progname> (see `man MrmOpenHierarchy' for
+ # locations Mrm expects them to be). Most of the demos also don't
+ # have compiled in fallback resources and will not work correctly
+ # without their app-defaults files installed.
+ #
+ # So there a basically 4 choices:
+ # a) add wrappers that set XAPPLRESDIR and UIDPATH,
+ # b) clutter two more system directories with demo related files,
+ # c) put sources, data, binaries AND wrappers in
+ # /usr/X11R6/share/Xm/ (move this to X11R6/lib/X11/Xm/demos ?),
+ # OR
+ # D) don't install them at all.
+ #
+ #
+ ebegin "patching (no-demos patch)..."
+ sed -i 's:^\(demos/.*\):dnl \1:g'
+ eend $?
+ ebegin "patching toplevel (no-demos patch)..."
+ sed -i -e 's/\(\s*doc\) \\$/\1/' -e '/\s*demos$/d'
+ eend $?
+ #
+ # fix include order (#6536):
+ # This replaces `include-order.diff'. Had to change this patch so
+ # it modifies instead of because rerunning
+ # autotools below would undo any changes made to
+ # Added `clients/mwm/WmWsmLib/' to the list.
+ #
+ ebegin "fixing include order..."
+ list="tools/wml/ clients/mwm/WmWsmLib/"
+ for f in ${list}; do
+ einfo " ...${f}"
+ sed -i 's:\(^INCLUDES =\) \(\${X_CFLAGS}\) \(.*\):\1 \3 \2:' ${f}
+ done
+ eend $?
+ unset f list
+ #
+ # move `system.mwmrc' from /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 to /etc/X11/mwm (FHS).
+ # Just symlinking `system.mwmrc' isn't enough here because mwm
+ # also looks for localized verions in `$LANG/system.mwmrc'.
+ # Instead, this patch changes the default location from
+ # `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/' to `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/mwm/', which will
+ # be symlinked to /etc/X11/mwm/ in src_install().
+ #
+ epatch "$FILESDIR/mwm-configdir.patch"
+ #
+ # missing srcfile in demos/programs/animate
+ #
+ #einfo "creating missing file demos/programs/animate/animate.c"
+ #touch demos/programs/animate/animate.c
+ #
+ # Rebuild libtool (#15119, #20540, #21681)
+ #
+ elibtoolize
+ #
+ # Rebuild configure,
+ #
+ einfo " ...aclocal..."
+ aclocal || die "aclocal failed"
+ einfo " ...automake..."
+ automake --foreign || die "automake failed"
+ einfo " ...autoconf..."
+ autoconf || die "autoconf failed"
+src_compile() {
+ # get around some LANG problems in make (#15119)
+ unset LANG
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr/X11R6 \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/X11 \
+ --with-x \
+ --with-gnu-ld \
+ --host=${CHOST} || die "configuration failed"
+ make || die "make failed"
+src_install() {
+ local f list
+ make \
+ DESTDIR=${D} \
+ VARDIR=${D}/var/X11/ install || die "make install failed"
+ #
+ # patch manpages to reflect actual location of configuration files
+ #
+ einfo "fixing manpages..."
+ list="/usr/X11R6/man/man1/mwm.1 /usr/X11R6/man/man4/mwmrc.4"
+ for f in $list; do
+ einfo " ...${D}/$f"
+ dosed 's:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/\(.*system\\&\.mwmrc\):/etc/X11/mwm/\1:g' "$f"
+ dosed 's:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults:/etc/X11/app-defaults:g' "$f"
+ done
+ unset f list
+ #
+ # prepallman looks for manpages in /usr/X11R6/share/man while X11 uses
+ # /usr/X11R6/man, so we'll have to compress them ourselves...
+ #
+ einfo "gzipping manpages..."
+ prepman "/usr/X11R6"
+ #
+ # move system.mwmrc & create symlink
+ #
+ einfo "moving system.mwmrc..."
+ dodir "/etc/X11/mwm"
+ mv "${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/system.mwmrc" \
+ "${D}/etc/X11/mwm/system.mwmrc" || die "mv system.mwmrc"
+ ln -s "../../../../etc/X11/mwm" \
+ "${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/mwm" || die "ln -s confdir"
+ #
+ # app-defaults/Mwm isn't included anymore as of 2.2.2
+ #
+ einfo "creating mwm app-defaults file..."
+ insinto /etc/X11/app-defaults
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/Mwm.defaults Mwm
+ einfo "installing docs..."