diff options
authorFabio Erculiani <>2011-06-14 19:14:10 +0000
committerFabio Erculiani <>2011-06-14 19:14:10 +0000
commit181cf4bc26bae6d7b9417125c280f66f58f8e26c (patch)
tree8d2c9ff34c454e1f2a50b9bd0d1dad6bf8e1f3d2 /net-nds/389-admin
parentx86 stable, bug #370255 (diff)
version bump, fixes Gentoo bug #371633, drop older releases
(Portage version: 2.2.0_alpha30/cvs/Linux x86_64)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-nds/389-admin')
-rw-r--r--net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.16.ebuild (renamed from net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.13.ebuild)5
5 files changed, 11 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.11_rc1-r1.ebuild b/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.11_rc1-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e1cee538626..000000000000
--- a/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.11_rc1-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.11_rc1-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2010/11/12 06:36:48 lxnay Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib autotools depend.apache
-DESCRIPTION="389 Directory Server (admin)"
-LICENSE="GPL-2 Apache-2.0"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="debug ipv6 selinux"
-# TODO snmp agent init script
- >=app-admin/389-ds-console-1.1.0
- app-misc/mime-types
- dev-libs/389-adminutil
- dev-libs/cyrus-sasl
- dev-libs/icu
- dev-libs/mozldap
- dev-libs/nss[utils]
- || ( <=dev-libs/nspr-4.8.3-r3[ipv6?] >=dev-libs/nspr-4.8.4 )
- dev-libs/svrcore
- net-analyzer/net-snmp[ipv6?]
- selinux? (
- sys-apps/checkpolicy
- sys-apps/policycoreutils
- sec-policy/selinux-base-policy
- )
- >=sys-libs/db-4.2.52
- sys-libs/pam
- sys-apps/tcp-wrappers[ipv6?]
- www-apache/mod_nss
- www-servers/apache:2[apache2_modules_actions,apache2_modules_alias,apache2_modules_auth_basic,apache2_modules_authz_default,apache2_modules_cgi,apache2_modules_mime_magic,apache2_modules_rewrite,apache2_modules_setenvif,suexec,threads]"
-RDEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} www-client/lynx"
-DEPEND="sys-apps/sed ${COMMON_DEPEND}"
-src_prepare() {
- # as per 389 documentation, when 64bit, export USE_64
- use amd64 && export USE_64=1
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PV}/"*.patch
- # Configuration fixes
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-cfgstuff-1.patch"
- sed -e "s!SUBDIRS!# SUBDIRS!g" -i || die "sed failed"
- # Setup default user/group, in this case it's dirsrv
- sed -e "s!nobody!dirsrv!g" -i || die "sed failed"
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- # stub autoconf triplet :(
- local myconf=""
- use debug && myconf="--enable-debug"
- use selinux && myconf="${myconf} --with-selinux"
- econf \
- --enable-threading \
- --disable-rpath \
- --with-fhs \
- --with-apr-config \
- --with-apxs=${APXS} \
- --with-httpd=${APACHE_BIN} \
- ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
-src_install () {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake failed"
- keepdir /var/log/dirsrv/admin-serv
- # remove redhat style init script.
- rm -rf "${D}"/etc/rc.d
- rm -rf "${D}"/etc/default
- # install gentoo style init script.
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.initd ${PN}
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.confd ${PN}
- # remove redhat style wrapper scripts
- # and install gentoo scripts.
- rm -rf "${D}"/usr/sbin/*-ds-admin
- dosbin "${FILESDIR}"/*-ds-admin || die "cannot install gentoo start/stop scripts"
- # In this version build systems for modules is delete :(
- # manually install modules, not using apache-modules eclass
- # because use bindled library
- # install mod_admserv
- exeinto "${APACHE_MODULESDIR}"
- doexe "${S}/.libs"/ || die "internal ebuild error: mod_admserv not found"
- newins "${FILESDIR}/${PV}"/48_mod_admserv.conf 48_mod_admserv \
- || die "internal ebuild error: 48_mod_admserv.conf not found"
- # install mod_restard
- exeinto "${APACHE_MODULESDIR}"
- doexe "${S}/.libs"/ || die "internal ebuild error: mod_restartd not found"
- newins "${FILESDIR}/${PV}"/48_mod_restartd.conf 48_mod_restartd \
- || die "internal ebuild error: 48_mod_restard.conf not found"
- if use selinux; then
- local POLICY_TYPES="targeted"
- cd "${S}"/selinux-build
- cp /usr/share/selinux/${POLICY_TYPES}/include/Makefile .
- make || die "selinux policy compile failed"
- insinto /usr/share/selinux/${POLICY_TYPES}
- doins -r "${S}/selinux-build/"*.pp
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- # show setup information
- elog "Once you configured www-servers/apache as written above,"
- elog "you need to run (as root): /usr/sbin/"
- elog
- # show security and sysctl info
- elog "It is recommended to setup net.ipv4.tcp_keep_alive_time"
- elog "in /etc/sysctl.conf (or via sysctl -w && sysctl -p) to a reasonable"
- elog "value (in milliseconds) to avoid temporary server congestions"
- elog "from lost client connections"
- elog
- # /etc/security/limits.conf settings
- elog "It is also recommended to fine tune the maximum open files"
- elog "settings inside /etc/security/limits.conf:"
- elog "* soft nofile 2048"
- elog "* hard nofile 4096"
- elog
- elog "To start 389 Directory Server Administration Interface at boot"
- elog "please add 389-admin service to the default runlevel:"
- elog
- elog " rc-update add 389-admin default"
- elog
- elog "for 389 Directory Server Admin interface to work, you need"
- elog "to setup a FQDN hostname and use it while running /usr/sbin/"
- elog
diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.13.ebuild b/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.16.ebuild
index c8b3c4affe0b..75ff02bbbd38 100644
--- a/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.13.ebuild
+++ b/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.16.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.13.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/01/11 22:30:13 lxnay Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.16.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/06/14 19:14:10 lxnay Exp $
@@ -60,9 +60,6 @@ src_prepare() {
# Configuration fixes
epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-cfgstuff-1.patch"
- # 1.1.14 backports
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/1.1.14_backports"/*.patch
sed -e "s!SUBDIRS!# SUBDIRS!g" -i || die "sed failed"
# Setup default user/group, in this case it's dirsrv
sed -e "s!nobody!dirsrv!g" -i || die "sed failed"
diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/ChangeLog b/net-nds/389-admin/ChangeLog
index 3c0129f66df3..0f9f575c5325 100644
--- a/net-nds/389-admin/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-nds/389-admin/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# ChangeLog for net-nds/389-admin
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-nds/389-admin/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2011/01/11 22:30:13 lxnay Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-nds/389-admin/ChangeLog,v 1.7 2011/06/14 19:14:10 lxnay Exp $
+*389-admin-1.1.16 (14 Jun 2011)
+ 14 Jun 2011; Fabio Erculiani <>
+ -files/1.1.14_backports/0000-selinux-crash-fix.patch,
+ +389-admin-1.1.16.ebuild, -389-admin-1.1.11_rc1-r1.ebuild,
+ -389-admin-1.1.13.ebuild,
+ -files/1.1.14_backports/0001-ssl-segfault-fix.patch:
+ version bump, fixes Gentoo bug #371633, drop older releases
*389-admin-1.1.13 (11 Jan 2011)
diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.14_backports/0000-selinux-crash-fix.patch b/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.14_backports/0000-selinux-crash-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1917acd7aacd..000000000000
--- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.14_backports/0000-selinux-crash-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-From 6d86721d58f9dd150c970f61911c8a8bc2c8c050 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Nathan Kinder <>
-Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 15:03:29 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH] Bug 638511 - dirsrv-admin crashes at startup with SELinux enabled
-On RHEL5, starting the dirsrv-admin service with SELinux enabled
-will cause httpd child processes to repeatedly crash. The context
-used by the dirsrv-admin start scripts needs some additional
-process capabilities to fix this problem.
- selinux/dirsrv-admin.te | 2 +-
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/selinux/dirsrv-admin.te b/selinux/dirsrv-admin.te
-index 51c2dc6..4c842d9 100644
---- a/selinux/dirsrv-admin.te
-+++ b/selinux/dirsrv-admin.te
-@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ ifdef(`targeted_policy',`
- # Needed for stop and restart scripts
- dirsrv_read_var_run(dirsrvadmin_t)
--allow dirsrvadmin_t httpd_t:process signal;
-+allow dirsrvadmin_t httpd_t:process { signal siginh rlimitinh noatsecure };
- allow dirsrvadmin_t httpd_var_run_t:file read_file_perms;
- ########################################
diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.14_backports/0001-ssl-segfault-fix.patch b/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.14_backports/0001-ssl-segfault-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f56b00253900..000000000000
--- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.14_backports/0001-ssl-segfault-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-From f08ab2ae5a9ce1ed7d5187f5e93a7e7854faacf3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Rich Megginson <>
-Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2011 15:47:28 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] Bug 664671 - Admin server segfault when full SSL access (http+ldap+console) required
-Resolves: bug 664671
-Bug Description: Admin server segfault when full SSL access (http+ldap+console) required
-Reviewed by: ???
-Branch: master
-Fix Description: Do not call NSS_Shutdown in mod_admserv. It should always
-be called in mod_nss, after mod_admserv_unload is called. The only thing
-we need to do in mod_admserv_unload() is to clear the session cache to
-release any resources acquired by mod_admserv. mod_nss unload will take
-care of the rest.
-Platforms tested: RHEL5 i386
-Flag Day: no
-Doc impact: no
- mod_admserv/mod_admserv.c | 27 +++++++++++----------------
- 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mod_admserv/mod_admserv.c b/mod_admserv/mod_admserv.c
-index ec7397c..6f96669 100644
---- a/mod_admserv/mod_admserv.c
-+++ b/mod_admserv/mod_admserv.c
-@@ -2223,28 +2223,23 @@ host_ip_init(apr_pool_t *p, apr_pool_t *plog,
- * NSS caches SSL client session information - this cache must be cleared, otherwise
- * NSS_Shutdown will give an error. mod_nss also does this (along with the NSS_Shutdown)
- * It is ok to call SSL_ClearSessionCache multiple times.
-+ * The actual NSS_Shutdown is done in mod_nss. Note that we cannot call NSS_Shutdown
-+ * here - if NSS_Shutdown fails because mod_nss still has server caches referenced,
-+ * NSS will be left in a bad state - it won't really be shutdown because of the outstanding
-+ * references, but NSS_IsInitialized will return false, and NSS_Initialize will fail.
-+ * So we must be careful here to just release any references we have.
-+ * The assumption here is that mod_nss is loaded before mod_admserv (which will usually
-+ * happen since it is listed first in the httpd.conf) - but note that module unload
-+ * happens in _reverse_ order - so mod_admserv_unload will be called _before_ the
-+ * mod_nss unload function. If this ever changes, we will need to figure out some other
-+ * way to ensure that NSS_Shutdown is only ever called once, and only after all caches
-+ * and other resources have been released.
- */
- static
- apr_status_t mod_admserv_unload(void *data)
- {
- if (NSS_IsInitialized()) {
-- SECStatus status;
- SSL_ClearSessionCache();
-- status = NSS_Shutdown();
-- if (status != SECSuccess) {
-- PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError();
-- if (prerr == SEC_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED) {
-- ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, 0, NULL,
-- "Unable to shutdown NSS - not initialized");
-- } else if (prerr == SEC_ERROR_BUSY) {
-- ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, 0, NULL,
-- "Unable to shutdown NSS - still busy - assume mod_nss is holding references - continuing");
-- } else {
-- ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, NULL,
-- "Unable to shutdown NSS - [%d:%s]",
-- prerr, SSL_Strerror(prerr));
-- }
-- }
- }
- return OK;
- }