diff options
authorVlastimil Babka <>2008-04-19 17:36:34 +0000
committerVlastimil Babka <>2008-04-19 17:36:34 +0000
commit9508e598696b5661e9c22569a0f4fa3b6cf4a068 (patch)
tree3f6d6a56740bd57c4c2edf05a43279eb80dc3f6e /dev-util/deskzilla/deskzilla-1.6.1.ebuild
parentia64/sparc/x86 stable wrt #218407 (diff)
Version bump. Minor fixes.
(Portage version: 2.1.5_rc4)
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/deskzilla/deskzilla-1.6.1.ebuild')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/deskzilla/deskzilla-1.6.1.ebuild b/dev-util/deskzilla/deskzilla-1.6.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ea98defa36fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/deskzilla/deskzilla-1.6.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/deskzilla/deskzilla-1.6.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/04/19 17:36:34 caster Exp $
+inherit java-pkg-2 versionator
+DESCRIPTION="A desktop client for Mozilla's Bugzilla bug tracking system."
+MY_PV=$(replace_all_version_separators '_') #${PV/beta/b})
+# license does not allow redistributing, and they seem to silently update
+# distfiles...
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+ dev-java/picocontainer:1
+ dev-java/javolution:4
+ >=dev-java/commons-codec-1.3
+ >=dev-java/jgoodies-forms-1.0.7
+ >=dev-java/commons-logging-1.0.4
+ >=dev-java/xmlrpc-2.0.1
+ dev-java/xerces:2
+ dev-java/itext:0
+ dev-java/jazzy:0"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ # Remove external unaltered bundled jars
+ local lib="${S}/lib"
+ local liborig="${S}/lib.orig"
+ mv ${lib} ${liborig} || die
+ mkdir ${lib} || die
+ # They've patched commons-httpclient (was version 3.0)
+ mv ${liborig}/commons-httpclient.jar ${lib} || die
+ # They've patched nekohtml (was version 0.9.5)
+ mv ${liborig}/nekohtml.jar ${lib} || die
+ # Also jdom (was 1.0), soon they will patch everything and we will just unpack, yay
+ mv ${liborig}/pjdom.jar ${lib} || die
+ # Almworks proprietary lib
+ mv ${liborig}/almworks-tracker-api.jar ${lib} || die
+ # IntelliJ IDEA proprietary lib
+ mv ${liborig}/forms_rt.jar ${lib} || die
+ # God knows what's this. Anyway, proprietary.
+ mv ${liborig}/twocents.jar ${lib} || die
+ rm -rf ${liborig} || die
+src_install () {
+ local dir="/opt/${PN}"
+ insinto "${dir}"
+ doins -r components etc license lib log deskzilla.url
+ insinto "${dir}/license"
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}_gentoo.license
+ java-pkg_jarinto "${dir}"
+ java-pkg_dojar ${PN}.jar
+ local dep="xerces-2,picocontainer-1,commons-logging,commons-codec"
+ dep+=",jgoodies-forms,javolution-4,xmlrpc,itext,jazzy"
+ java-pkg_register-dependency ${dep}
+ java-pkg_dolauncher ${PN} --main "com.almworks.launcher.Launcher" --java_args "-Xmx256M"
+ newdoc README.txt README || die
+ newdoc RELEASE.txt RELEASE || die
+ doicon deskzilla.png
+ make_desktop_entry deskzilla "Deskzilla" deskzilla "Development"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "The default, evaluation license allows usage for one month."
+ elog "You may switch (per-user) to the license we obtained for Gentoo,"
+ elog "located in /opt/${PN}/license/${PN}_gentoo.license"
+ elog "It is locked to Gentoo, ALM Works and Mozilla bugzilla only."
+ elog "Note that you need to use 1.5 VM to run deskzilla when setting"
+ elog "license or it won't get set due to bug in 1.6+ VMs."
+ elog
+ elog "If you are going to use Deskzilla for an open source project,"
+ elog "you can similarly request your own free license:"
+ elog ""