diff options
authorAlistair Bush <>2009-05-27 20:19:55 +0000
committerAlistair Bush <>2009-05-27 20:19:55 +0000
commit828ad6f8d0bed4b380d9a1fdc48090f4d265cab9 (patch)
tree2d32320c8c855c4a4640f8a159893ec7fecbfe29 /dev-java/jruby
parentStable for HPPA (bug #244898). (diff)
Version Bump to release candidate so we can test
(Portage version: x86_64)
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-java/jruby')
2 files changed, 178 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog b/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog
index 377679ada971..7fc9a4fb6f2a 100644
--- a/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-java/jruby
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog,v 1.36 2009/05/23 23:02:21 caster Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog,v 1.37 2009/05/27 20:19:55 ali_bush Exp $
+*jruby-1.3.0_rc1 (27 May 2009)
+ 27 May 2009; Alistair Bush <> +jruby-1.3.0_rc1.ebuild:
+ Version Bump to release candidate for Flameeyes and so we can test
+ compatibility with previous versions.
23 May 2009; Vlastimil Babka <> jruby-1.2.0-r1.ebuild:
Add pkg_setup checks to workaround bug #270953.
diff --git a/dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.3.0_rc1.ebuild b/dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.3.0_rc1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a4e1be556452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.3.0_rc1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.3.0_rc1.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/05/27 20:19:55 ali_bush Exp $
+# Note:this pmasked in gentoo-x86/profiles.
+# Please remove both once a full release is available.
+JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source test"
+inherit eutils java-pkg-2 java-ant-2
+DESCRIPTION="Java-based Ruby interpreter implementation"
+LICENSE="|| ( CPL-1.0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 )"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="bsf java6 ssl"
+ >=dev-java/constantine-0.5:0
+ >=dev-java/jline-0.9.94:0
+ >=dev-java/joni-1.1.3:0
+ >=dev-java/jna-posix-1.0:0
+ >=dev-java/jvyamlb-0.2.5:0
+ dev-java/asm:3
+ dev-java/jcodings:0
+ dev-java/jffi:0.4
+ dev-java/jna:0
+ dev-java/joda-time:0
+ dev-util/jay:0[java]
+ !java6? ( dev-java/backport-util-concurrent )"
+ !java6? ( =virtual/jre-1.5* )
+ java6? ( >=virtual/jre-1.6 )"
+# using 1.6 produces 1.6 bytecode, not sure why
+ !java6? ( =virtual/jdk-1.5* )
+ java6? ( >=virtual/jdk-1.6 )
+ bsf? ( dev-java/bsf:2.3 )
+ test? (
+ dev-java/ant-junit
+ dev-java/ant-trax
+ )"
+ >=dev-ruby/rake-0.7.3
+ >=dev-ruby/rspec-1.0.4
+ ssl? ( dev-ruby/jruby-openssl )"
+EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="asm-3 bytelist constantine jay jcodings jffi-0.4 jline joda-time joni jna jna-posix jvyamlb"
+pkg_setup() {
+ java-pkg-2_pkg_setup
+ use java6 || EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="${EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH} backport-util-concurrent"
+ local fail
+ if [[ -d "${GEMS}" && ! -L "${GEMS}" ]]; then
+ eerror "${GEMS} is a directory. Please remove this directory."
+ fail="true"
+ fi
+ # the symlink creates a collision with rubygems, bug #270953
+ # cannot be currently solved by removing in pkg_preinst, bug #233278
+ if [[ -L "${SITE_RUBY}" ]]; then
+ eerror "${SITE_RUBY} is a symlink. Please remove this symlink."
+ fail="true"
+ fi
+ if [[ -n ${fail} ]]; then
+ eerror "Unmerging the old jruby version should also fix the problem(s)."
+ die "Please address the above errors, then run emerge --resume"
+ fi
+java_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/ftype-test-fixes.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/user-test-fixes.patch"
+ # We don't need to use Retroweaver. There is a jarjar and a regular jar
+ # target but even with jarjarclean, both are a pain. The latter target
+ # is slightly easier so go with this one.
+ sed -r -i \
+ -e 's/maxmemory="128m"/maxmemory="192m"/' \
+ -e "/RetroWeaverTask/d" \
+ -e "/<zipfileset .+\/>/d" \
+ build.xml || die
+ # Delete the bundled JARs but keep invokedynamic.jar.
+ # No source is available and it's only a dummy anyway.
+ find build_lib lib -name "*.jar" ! -name "invokedynamic.jar" -delete || die
+ if ! use bsf; then
+ # Remove BSF test cases.
+ cd "${S}/test/org/jruby"
+ rm -f test/ || die
+ rm -f javasupport/test/ || die
+ sed -i '/TestBSF.class/d' javasupport/test/ || die
+ sed -i '/TestAdoptedThreading.class/d' test/ || die
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ eant jar $(use_doc create-apidocs) -Djdk1.5+=true
+src_test() {
+ if [ ${UID} == 0 ] ; then
+ ewarn 'The tests will fail if run as root so skipping them.'
+ ewarn 'Enable FEATURES="userpriv" if you want to run them.'
+ return
+ fi
+ # BSF is a compile-time only dependency because it's just the adapter
+ # classes and they won't be used unless invoked from BSF itself.
+ use bsf && java-pkg_jar-from --into build_lib --with-dependencies bsf-2.3
+ # Our jruby.jar is unbundled so we need to add the classpath to this test.
+ sed -i "s:java -jar:java -Xbootclasspath/a\:#{ENV['JRUBY_CP']} -jar:g" test/test_load_compiled_ruby_class_from_classpath.rb || die
+ ANT_TASKS="ant-junit ant-trax" JRUBY_CP=`java-pkg_getjars ${EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH// /,}` JRUBY_OPTS="" eant test -Djdk1.5+=true
+src_install() {
+ local bin
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/${PN}.jar
+ dodoc README docs/{*.txt,README.*} || die
+ use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc docs/api
+ use source && java-pkg_dosrc src/org
+ dobin "${FILESDIR}/jruby" || die
+ exeinto "/usr/share/${PN}/bin"
+ doexe "${S}/bin/jruby" || die
+ # Install some jruby tools.
+ dobin "${S}"/bin/j{gem,irb{,_swing},rubyc} || die
+ # Symlink some common tools so that jruby can launch them internally.
+ for bin in {j,}gem jirb jrubyc rake rdoc ri spec{,_translator} ; do
+ dosym "/usr/bin/${bin}" "/usr/share/${PN}/bin/${bin}" || die
+ done
+ insinto "${RUBY_HOME}"
+ doins -r "${S}/lib/ruby/1.8" || die
+ doins -r "${S}/lib/ruby/site_ruby" || die
+ # Share gems with regular Ruby.
+ dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems "${GEMS}" || die
+ # Autoload rubygems and append regular site_ruby to $LOAD_PATH.
+ # Unfortunately the -I option prepends instead.
+ insinto "${SITE_RUBY}"
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/gentoo.rb" || die
+ doenvd "${FILESDIR}/10jruby" || die