-- Tables for the CheckUser extension -- vim: autoindent syn=mysql sts=2 sw=2 CREATE TABLE /*_*/cu_changes ( -- Primary key cuc_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, -- When pages are renamed, their RC entries do _not_ change. cuc_namespace int NOT NULL default '0', cuc_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', -- user.user_id cuc_user INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, cuc_user_text VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- Edit summary cuc_actiontext varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', cuc_comment varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', cuc_minor bool NOT NULL default '0', -- Key to page_id (was cur_id prior to 1.5). -- This will keep links working after moves while -- retaining the at-the-time name in the changes list. cuc_page_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', -- rev_id of the given revision cuc_this_oldid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', -- rev_id of the prior revision, for generating diff links. cuc_last_oldid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', -- Edit/new/log cuc_type tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', -- Event timestamp cuc_timestamp CHAR(14) NOT NULL default '', -- IP address, visible cuc_ip VARCHAR(255) NULL default '', -- IP address as hexidecimal cuc_ip_hex VARCHAR(255) default NULL, -- XFF header, visible, all data cuc_xff VARCHAR(255) BINARY NULL default '', -- XFF header, last IP, as hexidecimal cuc_xff_hex VARCHAR(255) default NULL, -- User agent cuc_agent VARCHAR(255) BINARY default NULL, -- Private Data cuc_private MEDIUMBLOB default NULL ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; CREATE INDEX /*i*/cuc_ip_hex_time ON /*_*/cu_changes (cuc_ip_hex,cuc_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/cuc_user_ip_time ON /*_*/cu_changes (cuc_user,cuc_ip,cuc_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/cuc_xff_hex_time ON /*_*/cu_changes (cuc_xff_hex,cuc_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/cuc_timestamp ON /*_*/cu_changes (cuc_timestamp);