May 19 15:01:35 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to open the May 19, 2013 Gentoo Foundation Inc. trustees meeting. May 19 15:01:50 Roll call. May 19 15:02:00 <_robbat2|irssi> yo May 19 15:02:03 here May 19 15:02:04 robbat2, quantumsummers rich0 dabbott May 19 15:02:12 I'm logging May 19 15:02:52 <_robbat2|irssi> give rich0 and quantumsummers a few mins? May 19 15:03:02 rich0, said he may be on the road. I guess quantumsummers might be busy too May 19 15:03:06 OK May 19 15:06:18 Lets start, the three of us is a quorum ... we can update rich0 and quantumsummers if they join May 19 15:06:30 <_robbat2|irssi> ok May 19 15:06:52 dabbott, It looks like you are first with Initiate Trustee Election May 19 15:07:40 I am just following this May 19 15:08:21 dabbott, thats fine. After today, its update the members list and have elections kick it off. May 19 15:08:58 got it jmbsvicetto said he will be busy not sure who can do it May 19 15:09:37 maybe Tommy[D] May 19 15:09:38 dabbott, I can do some of it if we are stuck but as a trustee, I would rather not. May 19 15:09:41 <_robbat2|irssi> given that i'm not running again, I can be an EO for this one May 19 15:10:06 _robbat2|irssi, thanks. May 19 15:10:44 We may as well move onto bugs. May 19 15:11:12 Bug 466716 May 19 15:11:30 <_robbat2|irssi> hmm, where is that bot! May 19 15:11:51 I think we need a vote on this one so that quantumsummers has a mandate to write the cheque May 19 15:11:58 _robbat2|irssi, its a secure bug May 19 15:12:21 <_robbat2|irssi> (the bot is also awol) May 19 15:12:49 we were going for yearly this year correct May 19 15:13:28 dabbott, for this year only. Next year, OUSL has other fundraising plans May 19 15:13:29 <_robbat2|irssi> is there any discussion needed from y'all? May 19 15:13:41 Not really - May 19 15:13:45 I vote Aye May 19 15:13:51 <_robbat2|irssi> I fully support the OSL donation plan May 19 15:13:51 none here i vote yes May 19 15:13:55 <_robbat2|irssi> I also vote aye May 19 15:14:16 quantumsummers: cut the check May 19 15:14:20 Motion Carried. Would someone update the bug please? May 19 15:14:49 ok will do May 19 15:15:15 Bug 429578. Should there be some attachments by now ? May 19 15:15:36 * NeddySeagoon looks at _robbat2|irssi May 19 15:16:03 <_robbat2|irssi> that's a really old bug, it was infra looking for any docs that trustees other than me had May 19 15:16:48 _robbat2|irssi, do we need it? We may not have an infra- rep on the board next year May 19 15:17:40 <_robbat2|irssi> more specifically, we're looking for the ones for the boxes purchased with the gsoc funds a few years ago, plus the ganeti boxes purchased last year May 19 15:17:57 <_robbat2|irssi> i think quantumsummers has all of them May 19 15:18:18 ok, we do need it then ... lets leave the bug for now. May 19 15:19:26 _robbat2|irssi, having an -infra guy on the board has worked really well four us this year. Is there another -infra person that we might prevail on to stand ? May 19 15:19:52 <_robbat2|irssi> i can ask them to consider running, but most of them are quite busy May 19 15:19:57 <_robbat2|irssi> while i'm not planning on running May 19 15:20:04 <_robbat2|irssi> i am willing to keep attending meetings May 19 15:20:33 _robbat2|irssi, that would work - an non-exec, non-voting board member May 19 15:21:40 I don't think we need to review any other bugs today May 19 15:22:19 That brings us to Membership Applications. May 19 15:22:47 As they are all Gentoo Devs, I thihnk we can deal with them in one vote. May 19 15:23:07 All those in favour our our 7 new members please say Aye May 19 15:23:11 <_robbat2|irssi> aye May 19 15:23:15 Aye. May 19 15:23:27 yes to all May 19 15:23:43 Motion carried - I'll do the emails. May 19 15:23:54 thanks NeddySeagoon May 19 15:24:38 I thought we had an Advertising Request ... it was more a paid suppoer ad request May 19 15:24:55 <_robbat2|irssi> hmm, let me check my email May 19 15:25:19 someone wanted to wire us a donation May 19 15:25:25 <_robbat2|irssi> ah right May 19 15:25:50 quantumsummers, was going to take care of it May 19 15:25:56 quantumsummers: was going to check into it through paypal or the bank May 19 15:26:10 <_robbat2|irssi> yeah, we don't have any other details of who the donor is even May 19 15:26:16 <_robbat2|irssi> other than an email address that's quite anonymous May 19 15:26:24 I can't find the email. Maybe it was last month May 19 15:26:31 <_robbat2|irssi> may 13th May 19 15:26:46 i forwarded it from pr@ May 19 15:26:48 <_robbat2|irssi> subjects 'Re: Donation' and 'Fwd: Donation' May 19 15:26:57 Not that one ... the paid support ad request May 19 15:27:45 <_robbat2|irssi> ah there , apr 1st May 19 15:27:50 <_robbat2|irssi> Subject: Comercial Gentoo support May 19 15:27:59 <_robbat2|irssi> May 19 15:28:39 <_robbat2|irssi> i see no issues if Tomas sent him to us May 19 15:28:59 <_robbat2|irssi> just need to get ad copy from him for the paid support page May 19 15:29:13 Me neither. May 19 15:29:19 _robbat2|irssi, yep. May 19 15:29:41 dabbott, you want to follow up please ? May 19 15:29:58 I think he want to provide support to people using Gentoo commercially May 19 15:30:17 <_robbat2|irssi> May 19 15:30:24 <_robbat2|irssi> was the page to put them on May 19 15:30:29 <_robbat2|irssi> like axant May 19 15:30:38 dabbott, yes - we can give him an ad on the paid support page. May 19 15:30:52 _robbat2|irssi, thats it May 19 15:31:00 ok I will get with him May 19 15:31:05 <_robbat2|irssi> hmm, we should also ask bonsaikitten if his support offering is still open, as the link is dead May 19 15:31:07 dabbott, thanks May 19 15:31:19 sorry I'm late May 19 15:31:27 <_robbat2|irssi> ditto flameeys' support offering May 19 15:31:35 Hi quantumsummers hows the family ? May 19 15:31:36 _robbat2|irssi: i will ask him May 19 15:31:48 and fix the link May 19 15:32:11 ditto :) May 19 15:32:26 I will mail the check Monday or so May 19 15:32:34 Thanks quantumsummers May 19 15:32:34 NeddySeagoon: family is great May 19 15:32:46 baby girl has had a pleasant first week May 19 15:32:58 congrats ++ May 19 15:33:07 quantumsummers, I'm pleased they are all doing well May 19 15:33:08 thanks May 19 15:33:17 did we get an email from ago today? May 19 15:33:22 trustees@ that is May 19 15:33:40 <_robbat2|irssi> not that i've seen May 19 15:33:42 quantumsummers, not that I have seen May 19 15:34:30 here is the latest members list with todays dev's included <+ please review May 19 15:34:43 hmm, well one should arrive soon I suppose May 19 15:34:53 thanks dabbott May 19 15:34:57 quantumsummers, do you want to say anything about our 501(c)(3) registration status before we move on ? May 19 15:35:14 not too much happening May 19 15:35:24 just getting ready for the end of the FY May 19 15:35:29 its in the news the hold ups etc May 19 15:35:30 then things will pick up some May 19 15:35:44 From [Foundations] it looks like the IRS has it in for applications like ours too May 19 15:36:02 <_robbat2|irssi> dabbott: date on that file is wrong, says may 9th May 19 15:36:08 NeddySeagoon: this is the case, yes May 19 15:36:26 of course, with the recent shakeup, we may be in for better luck May 19 15:36:39 recent shakeup ? May 19 15:36:43 robbat2: i put it together then when i had some time will update May 19 15:36:56 yes, IRS head was canned, etc. Been in the news May 19 15:37:13 quantumsummers, Not here it hasn't :) May 19 15:37:24 but its good to know May 19 15:37:28 "unfair scrutiny" or similar for some 501c* applications May 19 15:37:39 mainly c3 and c4 May 19 15:37:46 anyway, google it, fairly interesting May 19 15:37:48 quantumsummers OK, I'll googl May 19 15:37:54 <_robbat2|irssi> i do have one AoB item to mention May 19 15:38:09 OK, leys do AoB now# May 19 15:38:20 <_robbat2|irssi> so my item, is an update on the SSL May 19 15:38:27 <_robbat2|irssi> the need for it is increasing w/ some of the portage issues May 19 15:38:41 <_robbat2|irssi> i was trying to get disconuts/free, but that's never quite worked out May 19 15:39:04 lets just go with verisign and bite hte bullet May 19 15:39:05 <_robbat2|irssi> so I wanted to check that a ballpark $500/year is going to be acceptable - basically gives us unlimited certs for that May 19 15:39:12 wfm May 19 15:39:24 who is the CA? May 19 15:39:25 <_robbat2|irssi> $500/year from digicert, for unlimited certs under May 19 15:39:30 If we need it, lets do it +1 May 19 15:39:35 +1 May 19 15:39:39 +1 May 19 15:39:39 <_robbat2|irssi> ok, i'll put in an actual funding request for it May 19 15:39:46 <_robbat2|irssi> because it's kind of pricy May 19 15:40:04 very good, _robbat2|irssi, who will be technical contact and all that jazz? May 19 15:40:08 That works. It guess its the going rate May 19 15:40:40 <_robbat2|irssi> infra will be the contact point, they've got an API as well (that I already have working code for) to generate certs quick&easy May 19 15:40:46 I think that is a pretty good price for unlimited May 19 15:40:56 so its not a wildcad May 19 15:41:01 **wildcard May 19 15:41:22 <_robbat2|irssi> May 19 15:41:27 <_robbat2|irssi> that's the offering May 19 15:41:43 <_robbat2|irssi> it's not wildcard, but unlimited SANs May 19 15:41:46 <_robbat2|irssi> ~6 per cert May 19 15:42:13 <_robbat2|irssi> and a wildcard at the top level May 19 15:42:26 sounds great May 19 15:42:41 Sounds good to me May 19 15:42:42 <_robbat2|irssi> <-- look at the cert on that site for an example May 19 15:42:50 * quantumsummers would love to see the code too, since I need to look at renewing shortly May 19 15:43:03 I am with thawte now, and it is too expensive really May 19 15:43:14 the unlimited server bit looks really nice May 19 15:43:17 <_robbat2|irssi> if you just need a few certs and you know ahead of time, there are much cheaper options May 19 15:43:24 <_robbat2|irssi> or simple wildcards May 19 15:43:39 <_robbat2|irssi> the digicert offering is the best ongoing issuance option May 19 15:43:47 excellent May 19 15:44:16 <_robbat2|irssi> oh, we will need to look at a seperate cheap wildcard for bugzie May 19 15:44:26 _robbat2|irssi: why is that? May 19 15:44:29 <_robbat2|irssi> since the digicert offering will only be a toplevel wildcard May 19 15:44:33 ah May 19 15:44:43 <_robbat2|irssi> and bugzie attachments need an additional wildcard May 19 15:44:47 right May 19 15:44:47 <_robbat2|irssi> to match * May 19 15:44:54 <_robbat2|irssi> that we just go with a cheap wildcard May 19 15:45:17 <_robbat2|irssi> i'll put all of it in the funding request May 19 15:45:23 ok May 19 15:45:24 <_robbat2|irssi> and get more eyeballs on it May 19 15:45:28 <_robbat2|irssi> before we hit go May 19 15:45:51 <_robbat2|irssi> that's my AoB done May 19 15:46:08 _robbat2|irssi, it looks like you have thought it all through. Write up your funding request for the total cost of SSL certs for everything. May 19 15:46:33 Any more AoB ? None from me May 19 15:46:39 not here May 19 15:46:45 dabbott, ? May 19 15:47:37 none here :) May 19 15:48:02 Date of Next Meeting - 16 Jun 2013 19:00 UTC. I will not be around. My wifte is looking for somewhere with no phone coberage and no internet May 19 15:48:39 Thats Fathers day in the USA too May 19 15:48:49 <_robbat2|irssi> given that we have a quorum now, can we announce the recording date now (2 months ahead?) May 19 15:49:14 _robbat2|irssi, yes. Today is the recording date for the election May 19 15:49:26 ok noted May 19 15:49:35 <_robbat2|irssi> err from the other thread it wasn't clear if it was today or next month May 19 15:50:12 The members list as it is at the end of this meeting defines who is qualified to vote or stand in the election May 19 15:50:52 lets move next month to 23 May 19 15:51:05 We need to update -foundations-announce and the members list for use in the election in the next two weeks May 19 15:51:08 <_robbat2|irssi> rich0's mail said announce a june recording date in may, but then he thought he was a month ahead of shcedule May 19 15:51:58 Roughly 4 weeks nominations in June, 4 weeks to vote in July. New board meets mid Aug May 19 15:52:09 NeddySeagoon: can you do that this time so I can see it done, im not real clear really May 19 15:52:19 dabbott, sure May 19 15:52:37 I need -foundations-announce updated first May 19 15:53:00 <_robbat2|irssi> quantumsummers: can you give me the diff of your members email data? May 19 15:53:06 <_robbat2|irssi> or just before/after snaps May 19 15:53:10 <_robbat2|irssi> and i'll apply that to the list May 19 15:53:13 Shall we move next months meeting to 23rd June ? May 19 15:53:38 yes May 19 15:53:48 quantumsummers, you need to get todays new members May 19 15:54:10 <_robbat2|irssi> yes June 23rd works, i might just be a few mins late May 19 15:54:13 quantumsummers, _robbat2|irssi Does 23rd June work for our next meeting ? May 19 15:54:24 <_robbat2|irssi> as I have a normal work meeting 16:00-19:00 UTC that day May 19 15:54:36 <_robbat2|irssi> err May 19 15:54:51 <_robbat2|irssi> i looked at may 23rd May 19 15:54:58 _robbat2|irssi, Thats a Sunday ... you must work some strange hours May 19 15:54:59 <_robbat2|irssi> yes, it works May 19 15:55:33 <_robbat2|irssi> NeddySeagoon: a variable 40-70 hours ;-) May 19 15:55:48 quantumsummers, how does June 23rd work for you ? May 19 15:56:55 OK, we have 3 infavour of June 23. Lets move the meeting by one week. Same time and place May 19 15:57:30 I'll post the log and write to our new members. May 19 15:57:33 I will do the 2 motions May 19 15:57:44 dabbott, can you do motions please ? May 19 15:57:55 yep May 19 15:58:07 That brings us to Open Floor May 19 15:59:34 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the meeting