Title: Some dhcpcd hooks are now examples Author: William Hubbs <williamh@gentoo.org> Content-Type: text/plain Posted: 2016-01-08 Revision: 2 News-Item-Format: 1.0 Display-If-Installed: <=net-misc/dhcpcd-6.10.0 In dhcpcd-6.10.0, the following hooks are no longer installed in /lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-hooks by default: 10-wpa_supplicant 15-timezone 29-lookup-hostname These are now installed in /usr/share/dhcpcd/hooks, which is an example directory. If you were using these hooks before you upgrade to 6.10.0, you will need to copy them back to the /lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-hooks directory after the upgrade.