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<!DOCTYPE glsa SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/glsa.dtd">

<glsa id="200410-04">
  <title>PHP: Memory disclosure and arbitrary location file upload</title>
    Two bugs in PHP may allow the disclosure of portions of memory and allow
    remote attackers to upload files to arbitrary locations.
  <product type="ebuild">PHP</product>
  <announced>October 06, 2004</announced>
  <revised>October 06, 2004: 01</revised>
    <package name="dev-php/php" auto="yes" arch="*">
      <unaffected range="ge">4.3.9 </unaffected>
      <vulnerable range="lt">4.3.9</vulnerable>
    <package name="dev-php/mod_php" auto="yes" arch="*">
      <unaffected range="ge">4.3.9</unaffected>
      <vulnerable range="lt">4.3.9</vulnerable>
    <package name="dev-php/php-cgi" auto="yes" arch="*">
      <unaffected range="ge">4.3.9</unaffected>
      <vulnerable range="lt">4.3.9</vulnerable>
    PHP is a general-purpose scripting language widely used to develop
    web-based applications. It can run inside a web server using the mod_php
    module or the CGI version of PHP, or can run stand-alone in a CLI.
    Stefano Di Paola discovered two bugs in PHP. The first is a parse error in
    php_variables.c that could allow a remote attacker to view the contents of
    the target machine's memory. Additionally, an array processing error in the
    SAPI_POST_HANDLER_FUNC() function inside rfc1867.c could lead to the
    $_FILES array being overwritten.
  <impact type="normal">
    A remote attacker could exploit the first vulnerability to view memory
    contents. On a server with a script that provides file uploads, an attacker
    could exploit the second vulnerability to upload files to an arbitrary
    location. On systems where the HTTP server is allowed to write in a
    HTTP-accessible location, this could lead to remote execution of arbitrary
    commands with the rights of the HTTP server.
    There is no known workaround at this time.
    All PHP, mod_php and php-cgi users should upgrade to the latest stable
    # emerge sync

    # emerge -pv ">=dev-php/php-4.3.9"
    # emerge ">=dev-php/php-4.3.9"

    # emerge -pv ">=dev-php/mod_php-4.3.9"
    # emerge ">=dev-php/mod_php-4.3.9"

    # emerge -pv ">=dev-php/php-cgi-4.3.9"
    # emerge ">=dev-php/php-cgi-4.3.9"</code>
    <uri link="http://secunia.com/advisories/12560/">Secunia Advisory</uri>
    <uri link="http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/375294">BugTraq post regarding the php_variables.c issue</uri>
    <uri link="http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/375370">BugTraq post regarding the rfc1867.c issue</uri>
  <metadata tag="requester" timestamp="Wed, 29 Sep 2004 20:40:17 +0000">
  <metadata tag="bugReady" timestamp="Thu, 30 Sep 2004 20:25:12 +0000">
  <metadata tag="submitter" timestamp="Sun,  3 Oct 2004 18:04:56 +0000">