Adrian Grigo Sebastian Parborg Proxy Maintainers Blender, the open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback. Add support for Alembic through media-gfx/alembic. Enable Bullet (Physics Engine). Add support for Collada interchange format through media-libs/opencollada. Enable color management via media-libs/opencolorio. Build cycles renderer with nVidia CUDA support. Build cycles renderer (requires media-libs/openimageio and dev-libs/boost). Precompile the cycles render kernels for the CUDA/HIP/OneAPI backends, if they are enabled, at compile time. This makes it so that the user doesn't have to wait for the kernels to compile when they are used for the first time in Blender. If this option is not on, they will be built as needed at runtime. Adds DDS textures support to Blender. Use embree to accelerate certain areas of the Cycles render engine. Adds fluid simulation support via the built-in Mantaflow library. Build without graphical support (renderfarm, server mode only). Enable nanoVDB support in Cycles. Uses less memory than regular openVDB when rendering. Enable NDOF input devices (SpaceNavigator and friends). Enable OpenImageDenoiser Support Enable OpenImageIO Support Enable path guiding support in Cycles Add rendering support form OpenSubdiv from Dreamworks Animation through media-libs/opensubdiv. Enable openvdb for volumetric processing, like the voxel remesher. Also enables volumetric GPU preview rendering for Nvidia cards. Add support for NVIDIA's OptiX Raytracing Engine. Add support for OpenShadingLanguage scripting. Add support for converting bitmaps into Grease pencil line using the potrace library. Enable PugiXML support (Used for OpenImageIO, Grease Pencil SVG export) Use threading building blocks library from dev-cpp/tbb. Add support for memory debugging using dev-util/valgrind