# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 python3_{4,5,6} ) PYTHON_REQ_USE="threads(+)" VIRTUALX_REQUIRED="manual" inherit distutils-r1 eutils flag-o-matic git-r3 virtualx DESCRIPTION="Powerful data structures for data analysis and statistics" HOMEPAGE="http://pandas.pydata.org/" SRC_URI="" EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/pydata/pandas.git" SLOT="0" LICENSE="BSD" KEYWORDS="" IUSE="doc -minimal full-support test X" MINIMAL_DEPEND=" >dev-python/numpy-1.7[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] >=dev-python/python-dateutil-2.0[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] dev-python/pytz[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] ! /dev/null "${EPYTHON}" -c "import pandas; pandas.show_versions()" || die PYTHONPATH=. MPLCONFIGDIR=. \ virtx nosetests --verbosity=3 -A "${test_pandas}" pandas popd > /dev/null } python_install_all() { if use doc; then dodoc -r "${BUILD_DIR}"/lib/doc/build/html einfo "An initial build of docs is absent of references to statsmodels" einfo "due to circular dependency. To have them included, emerge" einfo "statsmodels next and re-emerge pandas with USE doc" fi distutils-r1_python_install_all } pkg_postinst() { optfeature "accelerating certain types of NaN evaluations, using specialized cython routines to achieve large speedups." dev-python/bottleneck optfeature "accelerating certain numerical operations, using multiple cores as well as smart chunking and caching to achieve large speedups" >=dev-python/numexpr-2.1 optfeature "needed for pandas.io.html.read_html" dev-python/beautifulsoup:4 dev-python/html5lib dev-python/lxml optfeature "for msgpack compression using ``blosc``" dev-python/blosc optfeature "necessary for Amazon S3 access" dev-python/boto optfeature "needed for pandas.io.gbq" dev-python/httplib2 dev-python/setuptools dev-python/python-gflags >=dev-python/google-api-python-client-1.2.0 optfeature "Template engine for conditional HTML formatting" dev-python/jinja optfeature "Plotting support" dev-python/matplotlib optfeature "Needed for Excel I/O" >=dev-python/openpyxl-1.6.1 dev-python/xlsxwriter dev-python/xlrd dev-python/xlwt optfeature "necessary for HDF5-based storage" >=dev-python/pytables-3.2.1 optfeature "R I/O support" dev-python/rpy optfeature "Needed for parts of :mod:`pandas.stats`" dev-python/statsmodels optfeature "SQL database support" >=dev-python/sqlalchemy-0.8.1 optfeature "miscellaneous statistical functions" sci-libs/scipy optfeature "necessary to use ~pandas.io.clipboard.read_clipboard support" dev-python/PyQt4 dev-python/pyside dev-python/pygtk x11-misc/xclip x11-misc/xsel }