# This git stuff in the ant configs is useful during development, since it does
# something or other withe git revision and sets some sort of sentinel file.
# Since this package is for a release, we don't need it.
--- a/common.ant.xml
+++ b/common.ant.xml
@@ -277,16 +277,16 @@
   <macrodef name="gwt.getgitinfo" description="Identifies the GIT info of a workspace">
-      <exec executable="git" searchpath="true" outputproperty="gwt.gitrev">
-        <arg line="rev-parse --short HEAD"/>
-      </exec>
+      <!-- <exec executable="git" searchpath="true" outputproperty="gwt.gitrev"> -->
+      <!--   <arg line="rev-parse - -short HEAD"/> -->
+      <!-- </exec> -->
       <!-- Generally, filtering requires a sentinel file so that changes to git rev will
          be noticed as invalidating the previously-generated filter output.  This property
          names where such a sentinel lives; it is tested with <available/> and created
          with <touch/> -->
       <mkdir dir="${project.build}/sentinels"/>
       <property name="filter.sentinel"
-                location="${project.build}/sentinels/gwt-${gwt.version}-git-${gwt.gitrev}"/>
+                location="${project.build}/sentinels/gwt-${gwt.version}"/>