<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd"> <pkgmetadata> <maintainer type="person"> <email>billie@gentoo.org</email> <name>Daniel Pielmeier</name> </maintainer> <upstream> <maintainer> <email>brenden@rty.ca</email> <name>Brenden Matthews</name> </maintainer> <remote-id type="sourceforge">conky</remote-id> <remote-id type="github">brndnmtthws/conky</remote-id> </upstream> <longdescription>Conky is a system monitor that sits in the corner of your desktop. It is a fork of Torsmo that is actually maintained.</longdescription> <use> <flag name="apcupsd">Enable support for <pkg>sys-power/apcupsd</pkg></flag> <flag name="bundled-toluapp">Enable support for bundled toluapp. This only makes sense in combination with the lua-* flags</flag> <flag name="cmus">Enable monitoring of music played by <pkg>media-sound/cmus</pkg></flag> <flag name="eve">Enable support for the eve-online skill monitor</flag> <flag name="ical">Enable support for events from iCalendar (RFC 5545) files using <pkg>dev-libs/libical</pkg></flag> <flag name="iostats">Enable support for per-task I/O statistics</flag> <flag name="irc">Enable support for displaying everything from an irc channel using <pkg>net-libs/libircclient</pkg></flag> <flag name="lua-cairo">Enable if you want Lua Cairo bindings</flag> <flag name="lua-imlib">Enable if you want Lua Imlib2 bindings</flag> <flag name="lua-rsvg">Enable if you want Lua RSVG bindings</flag> <flag name="math">Enable support for glibc's libm math library</flag> <flag name="moc">Enable monitoring of music played by <pkg>media-sound/moc</pkg></flag> <flag name="mpd">Enable monitoring of music controlled by <pkg>media-sound/mpd</pkg></flag> <flag name="nano-syntax">Enable syntax highlighting for <pkg>app-editors/nano</pkg></flag> <flag name="nvidia">Enable reading of nvidia card temperature sensors via <pkg>x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers</pkg></flag> <flag name="portmon">Enable support for tcp (ip4) port monitoring</flag> <flag name="thinkpad">Enable support for IBM/Lenovo notebooks</flag> <flag name="weather-metar">Enable support for metar weather service</flag> <flag name="webserver">Enable support to act as a webserver serving conkys output using <pkg>net-libs/libmicrohttpd</pkg></flag> <flag name="xmms2">Enable monitoring of music played by <pkg>media-sound/xmms2</pkg></flag> </use> </pkgmetadata>