diff options
authorLuke Dashjr <>2017-12-10 15:07:54 +0000
committerMike Gilbert <>2017-12-31 11:20:22 -0500
commit0a84ae2045d1d2b5fb39f68731bbe17e2e9c6462 (patch)
tree4b4b4f97a8195b698e4b28868fb0892100b56607 /net-p2p/bitcoin-qt
parentl10n.desc: added en-AU, es-CO, es-DO, es-UY, es-VE, pam, and sn (diff)
net-p2p/bitcoin-qt: Bump to 0.15.1
Closes: Closes: Closes: Closes:
Diffstat (limited to 'net-p2p/bitcoin-qt')
3 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-p2p/bitcoin-qt/Manifest b/net-p2p/bitcoin-qt/Manifest
index 8ac457f44301..db66e3f7bb13 100644
--- a/net-p2p/bitcoin-qt/Manifest
+++ b/net-p2p/bitcoin-qt/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
DIST bitcoin-0.13.0.knots20160814.patches.tar.xz 128520 BLAKE2B f981bc8e1233fb82a22d57c58f39ee0c3c2bf0732c0b5e2055fab18dadb4febaac56b02a9af14bc0cc68f3f62fbf7890d37f502ca044dcd3432f3a27e52f9b0c SHA512 6a02c8bdfbf4373b6e6cff6ebbfe70e71121caae50e39b68e7e73b3dbe83b5717a03710c4a444ed9b5b9d09aee9494affcf52b86f1b05987d16953324d954ca2
DIST bitcoin-0.13.1.knots20161027.patches.tar.xz 386532 BLAKE2B 82ad8c1da3692f2d3789ffae3814791c0c8634c07325b0f4c0943d1d2bdc07937e8728e22923385976e51dca7d111f7d8319a947dd7117388bf15983f41a8f57 SHA512 de4fee50bb6fcf416f4d0d52283ae4b80fd06a544e9312808bec167b471bc1a20d6ded1ebba92cef937b2bd7ebae19c5c1153d6a10dad40cba4fb6c0a98b4fb6
DIST bitcoin-0.13.2.knots20170102.patches.tar.xz 434012 BLAKE2B 917f6a9bf5b38c557960b1ee2ba548d75eb1fef9ef6908364dfaa7ec8b075e157c303a4eec7ad74deb5cf7ab2ea97c4d800c6fe498d0552318e15fce1b3adf3d SHA512 a19b9d469ff03396375c6f97e3e1f7f24243518e4ca46390bc33debbe5c09dffc8ee8fff4d656b385e38ef0c70e46a474170fd377b8cb94d6cdc2ff58114b061
+DIST bitcoin-0.15.1.knots20171111.patches.tar.xz 443024 BLAKE2B 5010c8d0f6a0bc8cd22ca7d7c73d9e4e689e369f0ba39b59f62fa6b6af3dcf938dfc87d33d3fe595a6e54d99734277a34af068dc29a6e984c76d529fbbe2f383 SHA512 455fadeac6ad57be111104680ec6939d6bf235eb49cde89b9716d36f6914c255b1b69cdea459d89b1bbca56099e793be0c8d7aacf592a9d78495068297bb5890
DIST bitcoin-v0.13.0.tgz 5836862 BLAKE2B 3ce77a7e15f2de66e2d5424bb2d686839ce0eb52d61fa37f21065205052428c264080a98e00fea7118c83d0bf92fec57c9bd629a1582a952b9521b5d528bc803 SHA512 ed49df78cab36ba30c83591724f1a21f7d2c49aa9cd5185ac09b52473aebcb7f406885d593cc7d99ffc87e3607bbeb8a7668a15a892fc6c654d31a5cfe3f53c1
DIST bitcoin-v0.13.1.tgz 5955845 BLAKE2B a86d155f44681aa93720c9620d823070224c547dd7c2a6c075f4c8dec5b0e93b28f12ec3fd8c8c97f3eddd20e8f5763df086be473ed155da9f71479c2ed74779 SHA512 396196fa5325b650c61b966820454712d7e6c3e7a61cb95bacab59a0b6257d113c60105393a2ad1c33623ae81026e15c7356433fd7bafe2888e6b961487259c3
DIST bitcoin-v0.13.2.tgz 6088472 BLAKE2B d6b13613d90d0abf33c937ec0cd003756c4984b95bd320f026c5867ba264cb1773d869bfbb170b2b6df6801eca34af71c5dbd3225b9baa5e94ec50ba22da3f54 SHA512 2c053f1f55a426499e50cbadfccfd7c47be25fd10bb8e3d21fb6f408261c5a0c35f2745891e0eeb0fe953428337e40b6dc730499fcd3ba465315d592352833ca
+DIST bitcoin-v0.15.1.tar.gz 7550228 BLAKE2B 0cbb7d0e9d0e5e8eb33502a28289c3f9c86b7c531ed179f7e3e8b601a69a423fa736238a2caae890fd8850eb505533995e578e676860a4014922fbc238185ebb SHA512 a09b6cb64a1649d11e3fd6deeb13a07b1bf4bed504a2fc1c585919459ca8ac1af8e5ecc89dee487359e831a8f12625d54f408f95bb341033d6380b82c290c0d9
diff --git a/net-p2p/bitcoin-qt/bitcoin-qt-0.15.1.ebuild b/net-p2p/bitcoin-qt/bitcoin-qt-0.15.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..64339edd7ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/bitcoin-qt/bitcoin-qt-0.15.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# Copyright 2010-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit autotools bash-completion-r1 db-use gnome2-utils xdg-utils
+IUSE="+asm +bip70 +bitcoin_policy_rbf dbus kde +libevent knots libressl +qrcode +http test +tor upnp +wallet zeromq"
+LANGS="af af:af_ZA am ar be:be_BY bg bg:bg_BG bn bs ca ca@valencia ca:ca_ES cs cy da de de:de_DE el el:el_GR en en_AU en_GB en_US eo es es_419 es_AR es_CL es_CO es_DO es_ES es_MX es_UY es_VE et et:et_EE eu:eu_ES fa fa:fa_IR fi fr fr_CA fr:fr_FR gl he he:he_IL hi:hi_IN hr hu hu:hu_HU id id:id_ID is it it:it_IT ja ja:ja_JP ka kk:kk_KZ ko:ko_KR ku:ku_IQ ky la lt lv:lv_LV mk:mk_MK mn ms ms:ms_MY my nb nb:nb_NO ne nl nl:nl_NL pam pl pl:pl_PL pt pt_BR pt_PT ro ro:ro_RO ru ru:ru_RU si sk sl:sl_SI sn sq sr sr-Latn:sr@latin sv ta te th th:th_TH tr tr:tr_TR uk ur_PK uz@Cyrl vi vi:vi_VN zh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW"
+KNOTS_LANGS="am hu_HU is ms pl_PL pt sn"
+DESCRIPTION="An end-user Qt GUI for the Bitcoin crypto-currency"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~amd64-linux ~arm ~arm64 ~mips ~ppc ~x86 ~x86-linux"
+${MyPN}/${MyPN}/archive/${BITCOINCORE_COMMITHASH}.tar.gz -> ${MyPN}-v${PV}.tar.gz
+${KNOTS_PV}/${KNOTS_P}.patches.txz -> ${KNOTS_P}.patches.tar.xz
+ !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0=[-bindist] )
+ libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:0= )
+ libevent? ( dev-libs/libevent )
+ >=dev-libs/libsecp256k1-0.0.0_pre20151118[recovery]
+ dev-libs/univalue
+ >=dev-libs/boost-1.52.0:=[threads(+)]
+ upnp? ( >=net-libs/miniupnpc-1.9.20150916 )
+ wallet? ( sys-libs/db:$(db_ver_to_slot "${DB_VER}")[cxx] )
+ zeromq? ( net-libs/zeromq )
+ virtual/bitcoin-leveldb
+ bip70? ( dev-libs/protobuf )
+ qrcode? (
+ media-gfx/qrencode
+ )
+ dev-qt/qtcore:5
+ dev-qt/qtgui:5
+ dev-qt/qtnetwork:5
+ dev-qt/qtwidgets:5
+ dbus? (
+ dev-qt/qtdbus:5
+ )
+ dev-qt/linguist-tools:5
+ knots? (
+ gnome-base/librsvg
+ media-gfx/imagemagick[png]
+ )
+ http? ( libevent ) tor? ( libevent ) libevent? ( http tor )
+bitcoin_langs_prep() {
+ local lang l10n
+ for lang in ${LANGS}; do
+ l10n="${lang/:*/}"
+ l10n="${l10n/[@_]/-}"
+ lang="${lang/*:/}"
+ LANG2USE["${lang}"]="${l10n}"
+ USE2LANGS["${l10n}"]+=" ${lang}"
+ done
+bitcoin_lang2use() {
+ local l
+ for l; do
+ echo l10n_${LANG2USE["${l}"]}
+ done
+IUSE+=" $(bitcoin_lang2use ${!LANG2USE[@]})"
+bitcoin_lang_requireduse() {
+ local lang l10n knots_exclusive
+ for l10n in ${!USE2LANGS[@]}; do
+ for lang in ${USE2LANGS["${l10n}"]}; do
+ if ! has $lang $KNOTS_LANGS; then
+ continue 2
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "l10n_${l10n}? ( knots )"
+ done
+REQUIRED_USE+=" $(bitcoin_lang_requireduse)"
+DOCS=( doc/ doc/ doc/ )
+pkg_pretend() {
+ if use knots; then
+ einfo "You are building ${PN} from Bitcoin Knots."
+ einfo "For more information, see ${KNOTS_DESC}"
+ else
+ einfo "You are building ${PN} from Bitcoin Core."
+ einfo "For more information, see ${CORE_DESC}"
+ fi
+ if use bitcoin_policy_rbf; then
+ einfo "Replace By Fee policy is enabled: Your node will preferentially mine and relay transactions paying the highest fee, regardless of receive order."
+ else
+ einfo "Replace By Fee policy is disabled: Your node will only accept the first transaction seen consuming a conflicting input, regardless of fee offered by later ones."
+ fi
+KNOTS_PATCH() { echo "${WORKDIR}/${KNOTS_P}.patches/${KNOTS_P}.$@.patch"; }
+src_prepare() {
+ sed -i 's/^\(complete -F _bitcoind \)bitcoind \(bitcoin-qt\)$/\1\2/' contrib/bitcoind.bash-completion || die
+ eapply "$(KNOTS_PATCH syslibs)"
+ if use knots; then
+ eapply "$(KNOTS_PATCH f)"
+ eapply "$(KNOTS_PATCH branding)"
+ eapply "$(KNOTS_PATCH ts)"
+ fi
+ eapply_user
+ if ! use bitcoin_policy_rbf; then
+ sed -i 's/\(DEFAULT_ENABLE_REPLACEMENT = \)true/\1false/' src/validation.h || die
+ fi
+ echo '#!/bin/true' >share/ || die
+ mkdir -p src/obj || die
+ echo "#define BUILD_SUFFIX gentoo${PVR#${PV}}" >src/obj/build.h || die
+ sed -i 's/^\(Icon=\).*$/\1bitcoin-qt/;s/^\(Categories=.*\)$/\1P2P;Network;Qt;/' contrib/debian/bitcoin-qt.desktop || die
+ local filt= yeslang= nolang= lan ts x
+ for lan in $LANGS; do
+ lan="${lan/*:/}"
+ if [ ! -e src/qt/locale/bitcoin_$lan.ts ]; then
+ if has $lan $KNOTS_LANGS && ! use knots; then
+ # Expected
+ continue
+ fi
+ die "Language '$lan' no longer supported. Ebuild needs update."
+ fi
+ done
+ for ts in src/qt/locale/*.ts
+ do
+ x="${ts/*bitcoin_/}"
+ x="${x/.ts/}"
+ if ! use "$(bitcoin_lang2use "$x")"; then
+ nolang="$nolang $x"
+ rm "$ts" || die
+ filt="$filt\\|$x"
+ else
+ yeslang="$yeslang $x"
+ fi
+ done
+ filt="bitcoin_\\(${filt:2}\\)\\.\(qm\|ts\)"
+ sed "/${filt}/d" -i 'src/qt/bitcoin_locale.qrc' || die
+ sed "s/locale\/${filt}/bitcoin.qrc/" -i 'src/Makefile.qt.include' || die
+ einfo "Languages -- Enabled:$yeslang -- Disabled:$nolang"
+ eautoreconf
+ rm -r src/leveldb src/secp256k1 || die
+src_configure() {
+ local my_econf=(
+ $(use_enable asm experimental-asm)
+ $(use_enable bip70)
+ $(use_with dbus qtdbus)
+ $(use_with libevent)
+ $(use_with qrcode qrencode)
+ $(use_with upnp miniupnpc)
+ $(use_enable upnp upnp-default)
+ $(use_enable test tests)
+ $(use_enable wallet)
+ $(use_enable zeromq zmq)
+ --with-gui=qt5
+ --disable-util-cli
+ --disable-util-tx
+ --disable-bench
+ --without-libs
+ --without-daemon
+ --disable-ccache
+ --disable-static
+ --with-system-leveldb
+ --with-system-libsecp256k1
+ --with-system-univalue
+ )
+ econf "${my_econf[@]}"
+src_install() {
+ default
+ rm -f "${ED%/}/usr/bin/test_bitcoin" || die
+ insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
+ if use knots; then
+ newins "src/qt/res/rendered_icons/bitcoin.ico" "${PN}.ico"
+ else
+ newins "share/pixmaps/bitcoin.ico" "${PN}.ico"
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/applications
+ doins "contrib/debian/bitcoin-qt.desktop"
+ use libevent && dodoc doc/ doc/
+ use zeromq && dodoc doc/
+ newbashcomp contrib/bitcoind.bash-completion ${PN}
+ if use kde; then
+ insinto /usr/share/kde4/services
+ doins contrib/debian/bitcoin-qt.protocol
+ dosym "../kde4/services/bitcoin-qt.protocol" "/usr/share/kservices5/bitcoin-qt.protocol"
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ gnome2_icon_savelist
+update_caches() {
+ gnome2_icon_cache_update
+ xdg_desktop_database_update
+pkg_postinst() {
+ update_caches
+ if use tor; then
+ einfo "To have ${PN} automatically use Tor when it's running, be sure your 'torrc' config file has 'ControlPort' and 'CookieAuthentication' setup correctly, and add your that user to the 'tor' user group"
+ fi
+pkg_postrm() {
+ update_caches
diff --git a/net-p2p/bitcoin-qt/metadata.xml b/net-p2p/bitcoin-qt/metadata.xml
index a396da394df7..60c0dfd8151f 100644
--- a/net-p2p/bitcoin-qt/metadata.xml
+++ b/net-p2p/bitcoin-qt/metadata.xml
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
<name>Proxy Maintainers</name>
+ <flag name="asm">Enable assembly for optimization</flag>
+ <flag name="bip70">Enable support for the BIP70 payment protocol</flag>
<flag name="bitcoin_policy_rbf">Replace By Fee policy: Your node will preferentially mine and relay transactions paying the highest fee, regardless of receive order</flag>
<flag name="bitcoin_policy_spamfilter">Enhanced spam filter policy: Notorious spammers will not be assisted by your node</flag>
<flag name="http">Enable support for the JSON-RPC and REST HTTP server (builtin net-p2p/bitcoind)</flag>
@@ -24,5 +26,6 @@
<remote-id type="github">bitcoin/bitcoin</remote-id>
+ <remote-id type="github">bitcoinknots/bitcoin</remote-id>