diff options
authorIonen Wolkens <>2022-05-26 02:13:22 -0400
committerIonen Wolkens <>2022-05-26 02:17:27 -0400
commit7db42ee464748943cf610170db40d15f151a22a1 (patch)
treeb15e366e5e8f8bf031c745f43eac1e64bc622a20 /games-util
parentdev-ruby/http-cookie: add 1.0.5 (diff)
games-util/xpadneo: add 0.9.2
Signed-off-by: Ionen Wolkens <>
Diffstat (limited to 'games-util')
2 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/games-util/xpadneo/Manifest b/games-util/xpadneo/Manifest
index 0443f9124fb2..4f6a7bd9839e 100644
--- a/games-util/xpadneo/Manifest
+++ b/games-util/xpadneo/Manifest
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
DIST xpadneo-0.9.1.tar.gz 1353080 BLAKE2B fc2207e005cae629da50048330cbaa7d27183b0bbb083d35c3c144e91470273b8c7006c4b62d10b947dbe4fd003ca39623630923e477aa4eff3c243405d876bd SHA512 51063d104f165018b8430e26d2ab5a622c214efaaba3f7706cc99892b2054f57667b419672de5c2696189d389401b07024658c36a88343d980de9802789bcb10
+DIST xpadneo-0.9.2.tar.gz 1342249 BLAKE2B de8ed5314d84cb8d4b90c893938f36cc680617ace10eba5d1a86b5acb66747a9c9214896c8375136681c40b988501d9426e1b18eb4ff01d565219c2d7c10c37f SHA512 84470e37e9e44e84a85a91a0df1bca24e109cf2209ae1b131530539202d00242997f1f069989df79a6345387de62c4651c70c641b533deab8ad9a9246841d12d
diff --git a/games-util/xpadneo/xpadneo-0.9.2.ebuild b/games-util/xpadneo/xpadneo-0.9.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b193e5517951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-util/xpadneo/xpadneo-0.9.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# pkgcheck note: toolchain-funcs is not unused
+inherit linux-mod toolchain-funcs udev
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+DESCRIPTION="Advanced Linux Driver for Xbox One Wireless Controller"
+src_install() {
+ linux-mod_src_install
+ insinto /etc/modprobe.d
+ doins etc-modprobe.d/${PN}.conf
+ udev_dorules etc-udev-rules.d/60-${PN}.rules
+ dodoc -r ../docs/{[^i]*.md,descriptors,reports} ../
+pkg_postinst() {
+ linux-mod_pkg_postinst
+ udev_reload
+ local disable_ertm=/sys/module/bluetooth/parameters/disable_ertm
+ if kernel_is -ge 5 12; then
+ if [[ $(<${disable_ertm}) == Y ]]; then
+ elog "Warning: bluetooth ERTM (Enhanced ReTransmission Mode) is disabled."
+ elog "This is no longer recommended with kernel >=5.12 to use ${PN}."
+ elog "Can remove ${EROOT}/etc/modprobe.d/no-ertm.conf if it exists, and run:"
+ elog " echo N > ${disable_ertm}"
+ elog "After changing, may need to re-pair the gamepad with bluetooth."
+ fi
+ elif [[ $(<${disable_ertm}) == N ]]; then
+ elog "Warning: bluetooth ERTM (Enhanced ReTransmission Mode) is enabled."
+ elog "While keeping enabled is recommended for rumble usage stability, it can"
+ elog "cause connection issues without a fix included in kernel >=5.12"
+ elog "If needed, this mode can be disabled by running:"
+ elog " echo Y > ${disable_ertm}"
+ elog " echo 'options bluetooth disable_ertm=y' > ${EROOT}/etc/modprobe.d/no-ertm.conf"
+ elog "After changing, may need to re-pair the gamepad with bluetooth."
+ fi
+ if [[ ! ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]]; then
+ elog "To pair the gamepad and view module options, see documentation in:"
+ elog " ${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/"
+ fi
+pkg_postrm() {
+ linux-mod_pkg_postrm
+ udev_reload