diff options
authorJakov Smolić <>2021-11-22 14:29:53 +0100
committerJakov Smolić <>2021-11-22 14:30:11 +0100
commit3c1b919f3e60b42e1fae9e38aee52b16d7f69102 (patch)
tree3754243a27ad8f6087d79bea8f064d9a0b52f886 /dev-util/bpftool
parentsys-fs/xfsprogs: add USE=selinux to pull in policy (diff)
dev-util/bpftool: add 5.15.2
Signed-off-by: Jakov Smolić <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/bpftool')
2 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/bpftool/Manifest b/dev-util/bpftool/Manifest
index ff02f74eb0e1..e7b095e24bd6 100644
--- a/dev-util/bpftool/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/bpftool/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
DIST linux-5.14.tar.xz 120669872 BLAKE2B 0047f5aaa3940dff97f4055ef544faafbbb5282128e6afe21d2f47d8dc8c395806a17016febfa050117d16f59e74b882cb8b9c5011d68f119c230d0a4d120524 SHA512 8e4f3ec3d36f774280f75dc7b004a43e09417af58f12e9c9f8348976659d4cfda7ad905f306f43fed66a27922e5c45db22e46bbfa7a0b9f365012380de3b6f64
+DIST linux-5.15.tar.xz 121913744 BLAKE2B 3921274b23f7938abdf3ed9334534b4581e13d7484303d3a5280eddb038999aaa8b836666a487472d9c4a219af0f06b9fecccaf348fb5510ab8762f4ef4b7e83 SHA512 d25ad40b5bcd6a4c6042fd0fd84e196e7a58024734c3e9a484fd0d5d54a0c1d87db8a3c784eff55e43b6f021709dc685eb0efa18d2aec327e4f88a79f405705a
DIST patch-5.14.14.xz 528644 BLAKE2B 3917c340eb1cd814b7fd40420e32baa84c6a062a7c52ab75301cfce8e59acf055f3c9ff38f4ae1590837f245607e294277001f0a0b53ee44b0056b83f98bc68f SHA512 258fa67ee6e6d13b4e92d361898313b4e2f3d9d0be883e5c5a0c436e51cf8bcb3eb5acb46272bb5df2bbf8390b81152e8244b1d6faf7299314589b90c95eebba
+DIST patch-5.15.2.xz 17244 BLAKE2B 769ef83b6613d865b420d048c25ac1df4c2f88f7ae580b373f874d312720bad877e561756943c9833535a94e5621922bba24cb1b804a1540f2e67cfa23f1a1aa SHA512 5f0123bdc7c9875e7b3f02a89496a8a1e0808d77dc58fb725e250d93d69510a1ef6462cfb38cb38e78e20ca34fd7446f58327cad5e67fc68ec36d15777048edf
diff --git a/dev-util/bpftool/bpftool-5.15.2.ebuild b/dev-util/bpftool/bpftool-5.15.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e3fa3487cfe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/bpftool/bpftool-5.15.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Copyright 2021 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..10} )
+inherit estack linux-info optfeature python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="Tool for inspection and simple manipulation of eBPF programs and maps"
+LINUX_VER=$(ver_cut 1-2)
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+ sys-libs/binutils-libs:=
+ sys-libs/zlib:=
+ virtual/libelf:=
+ caps? ( sys-libs/libcap:= )
+ >=sys-kernel/linux-headers-5.8
+ ${LINUX_PATCH+dev-util/patchutils}
+ dev-python/docutils
+# src_unpack and src_prepare are copied from dev-util/perf since
+# it's building from the same tarball, please keep it in sync with perf
+src_unpack() {
+ local paths=(
+ tools/bpf kernel/bpf
+ tools/{arch,build,include,lib,perf,scripts} {scripts,include,lib} "arch/*/lib"
+ )
+ # We expect the tar implementation to support the -j option (both
+ # GNU tar and libarchive's tar support that).
+ echo ">>> Unpacking ${LINUX_SOURCES} (${paths[*]}) to ${PWD}"
+ tar --wildcards -xpf "${DISTDIR}"/${LINUX_SOURCES} \
+ "${paths[@]/#/linux-${LINUX_VER}/}" || die
+ if [[ -n ${LINUX_PATCH} ]] ; then
+ eshopts_push -o noglob
+ ebegin "Filtering partial source patch"
+ filterdiff -p1 ${paths[@]/#/-i } -z "${DISTDIR}"/${LINUX_PATCH} \
+ > ${P}.patch
+ eend $? || die "filterdiff failed"
+ eshopts_pop
+ fi
+ local a
+ for a in ${A}; do
+ [[ ${a} == ${LINUX_SOURCES} ]] && continue
+ [[ ${a} == ${LINUX_PATCH} ]] && continue
+ unpack ${a}
+ done
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ if [[ -n ${LINUX_PATCH} ]] ; then
+ pushd "${S_K}" >/dev/null || die
+ eapply "${WORKDIR}"/${P}.patch
+ popd || die
+ fi
+ # dev-python/docutils installs, not rst2man
+ sed -i -e 's/rst2man/' Documentation/Makefile || die
+bpftool_make() {
+ local arch=$(tc-arch-kernel)
+ tc-export AR CC LD
+ emake V=1 VF=1 \
+ HOSTCC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" HOSTLD="$(tc-getBUILD_LD)" \
+ prefix="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
+ feature-libcap="$(usex caps 1 0)" \
+ "$@"
+src_compile() {
+ bpftool_make
+ bpftool_make -C Documentation
+src_install() {
+ bpftool_make DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ bpftool_make mandir="${ED}"/usr/share/man -C Documentation install
+pkg_postinst() {
+ optfeature "clang-bpf-co-re support" sys-devel/clang[llvm_targets_BPF]