diff options
authorJoonas Niilola <>2022-10-14 10:10:31 +0300
committerJoonas Niilola <>2022-10-14 10:10:48 +0300
commit06daea99b8c0b59bb12d03cd8f37a4c5f7201c11 (patch)
treed9f41c8242365ed39d02be145229bdbcd67dcbff /dev-libs/nss
parentdev-db/sqlite: Stabilize 3.39.4 hppa, #876610 (diff)
dev-libs/nss: add 3.84
Signed-off-by: Joonas Niilola <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-libs/nss')
2 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-libs/nss/Manifest b/dev-libs/nss/Manifest
index 8fc36005b1ff..309faadfdaef 100644
--- a/dev-libs/nss/Manifest
+++ b/dev-libs/nss/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
DIST nss-3.68.4.tar.gz 82409303 BLAKE2B a3cf572e82ce29dbc77e9356e0db425170f7294f1468755843746539663fe486089660e1c1b379d0184003d9ccf57db6cf0b2c161d7038301c1cb5028175b16d SHA512 f97b63a9f8218f8fbd7b5d48c084b8166366d02cd50aac69a22d56324d2fea01c49d074e51430bd128f510c733085f3f43c9739ce4073a07a5666675e0ef3b15
DIST nss-3.79.1.tar.gz 84694831 BLAKE2B 209a502ba4b808bb4cb9b8775328fa26e36c55147ee5da7b8f661349129250f09685dd69919e24d7ff72cc55a2e9cbbbc9c059e543cf1b0a6a08e809be262d4c SHA512 e841efe9d0300d99b50e54c159c75df76c09c34c74bbc9b6ca007ad017b2cb91a8d33f6f4195e52bd8f3ed7be5d53f3ce7ce10825fa21abbf5dbba3db109e037
DIST nss-3.83.tar.gz 84844191 BLAKE2B f2e26f69450cbd2c94c5efdd959cb19e874bcb63d09098406ef49f4997bd04bc0ee4bc285c1c4f0ec461194171342c7d31965ac7bc7eefc284783542dfe853b1 SHA512 550cf1116e39e58041feaa67913f570d791e8153cc0522ba7ae02e27a61e0a4e6a25224be0f25d51a842dc11c70d600263450ebff0a9fdaa2840bafa3fc9ddd5
+DIST nss-3.84.tar.gz 84851235 BLAKE2B 5dead5ae336998db97acc6dc2a59b387aac9baeba0f2fad6eaf921bdc894867f6177179545378091d9b50b295b71409781b5ef5044222afe7a1cd2f920a7d15f SHA512 b4ed4b2e44d9f896a4a4c33f92813a84825dc4502f4e14e047f3583666c453138515e6edbcd71144c4b02a8ee16b3443803f1ff12458fd82c338ee1dd911b175
DIST nss-cacert-class1-class3-r2.patch 21925 BLAKE2B 7627ff9a09f084c19d72d0490676865e3cab3ca7c920ae1ce4bea2db664f37fd0aa84fcda919809a516891ab2a62e2e7a43a9d6ada4c231adfe4c216525fac7d SHA512 1ce6ff9ab310aaca9005eafb461338b291df8523cc7044e096cd75774ce746c26eed19ec6bb2643c6c67f94650f2f309463492d80a90568f38ce2557f8ada2f4
diff --git a/dev-libs/nss/nss-3.84.ebuild b/dev-libs/nss/nss-3.84.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec5014639954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/nss/nss-3.84.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs multilib-minimal
+DESCRIPTION="Mozilla's Network Security Services library that implements PKI support"
+ cacert? ( )"
+LICENSE="|| ( MPL-2.0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+IUSE="cacert test +utils cpu_flags_ppc_altivec cpu_flags_ppc_vsx"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+# pkg-config called by nss-config -> virtual/pkgconfig in RDEPEND
+ >=dev-libs/nspr-${NSPR_VER}[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ >=dev-db/sqlite-3.8.2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.8-r1[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ /usr/bin/nss-config
+ # Custom changes for gentoo
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.53-gentoo-fixups.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.21-gentoo-fixup-warnings.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.23-hppa-byte_order.patch"
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ if use cacert ; then
+ eapply -p2 "${DISTDIR}"/nss-cacert-class1-class3-r2.patch
+ fi
+ pushd coreconf >/dev/null || die
+ # hack nspr paths
+ echo 'INCLUDES += -I$(DIST)/include/dbm' \
+ >> || die "failed to append include"
+ # modify install path
+ -i || die
+ # Respect LDFLAGS
+ sed -i -e 's/\$(MKSHLIB) -o/\$(MKSHLIB) \$(LDFLAGS) -o/g'
+ popd >/dev/null || die
+ # Fix pkgconfig file for Prefix
+ sed -i -e "/^PREFIX =/s:= /usr:= ${EPREFIX}/usr:" \
+ config/Makefile || die
+ # use host shlibsign if need be #436216
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler ; then
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:"${2}"/shlibsign:shlibsign:' \
+ cmd/shlibsign/ || die
+ fi
+ # dirty hack
+ sed -i -e "/CRYPTOLIB/s:\$(SOFTOKEN_LIB_DIR):../freebl/\$(OBJDIR):" \
+ lib/ssl/ || die
+ sed -i -e "/CRYPTOLIB/s:\$(SOFTOKEN_LIB_DIR):../../lib/freebl/\$(OBJDIR):" \
+ cmd/ || die
+ multilib_copy_sources
+ strip-flags
+multilib_src_configure() {
+ # Ensure we stay multilib aware
+ sed -i -e "/@libdir@/ s:lib64:$(get_libdir):" config/Makefile || die
+nssarch() {
+ # Most of the arches are the same as $ARCH
+ local t=${1:-${CHOST}}
+ case ${t} in
+ *86*-pc-solaris2*) echo "i86pc" ;;
+ aarch64*) echo "aarch64" ;;
+ hppa*) echo "parisc" ;;
+ i?86*) echo "i686" ;;
+ x86_64*) echo "x86_64" ;;
+ *) tc-arch ${t} ;;
+ esac
+nssbits() {
+ local cc cppflags="${1}CPPFLAGS" cflags="${1}CFLAGS"
+ if [[ ${1} == BUILD_ ]]; then
+ cc=$(tc-getBUILD_CC)
+ else
+ cc=$(tc-getCC)
+ fi
+ echo > "${T}"/test.c || die
+ ${cc} ${!cppflags} ${!cflags} -c "${T}"/test.c -o "${T}/${1}test.o" || die
+ case $(file "${T}/${1}test.o") in
+ *32-bit*x86-64*) echo USE_X32=1;;
+ *64-bit*|*ppc64*|*x86_64*) echo USE_64=1;;
+ *32-bit*|*ppc*|*i386*) ;;
+ *) die "Failed to detect whether ${cc} builds 64bits or 32bits, disable distcc if you're using it, please";;
+ esac
+multilib_src_compile() {
+ # use ABI to determine bit'ness, or fallback if unset
+ local buildbits mybits
+ case "${ABI}" in
+ n32) mybits="USE_N32=1";;
+ x32) mybits="USE_X32=1";;
+ s390x|*64) mybits="USE_64=1";;
+ einfo "Running compilation test to determine bit'ness"
+ mybits=$(nssbits)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # bitness of host may differ from target
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+ buildbits=$(nssbits BUILD_)
+ fi
+ local makeargs=(
+ CC="$(tc-getCC)"
+ CCC="$(tc-getCXX)"
+ AR="$(tc-getAR) rc \$@"
+ RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)"
+ ${mybits}
+ disable_ckbi=0
+ )
+ # Take care of nspr settings #436216
+ local myCPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} $($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) nspr --cflags)"
+ export NSS_ENABLE_WERROR=0 #567158
+ export BUILD_OPT=1
+ export NSDISTMODE=copy
+ export USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB=1
+ export ZLIB_LIBS=-lz
+ export ASFLAGS=""
+ # Fix build failure on arm64
+ export NS_USE_GCC=1
+ # Detect compiler type and set proper environment value
+ if tc-is-gcc; then
+ export CC_IS_GCC=1
+ elif tc-is-clang; then
+ export CC_IS_CLANG=1
+ fi
+ export NSS_DISABLE_GTESTS=$(usex !test 1 0)
+ # explicitly disable altivec/vsx if not requested
+ #
+ case ${ARCH} in
+ ppc*)
+ use cpu_flags_ppc_altivec || export NSS_DISABLE_ALTIVEC=1
+ use cpu_flags_ppc_vsx || export NSS_DISABLE_CRYPTO_VSX=1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ local d
+ # Build the host tools first.
+ NSPR_LIB_DIR="${T}/fakedir" \
+ emake -C coreconf \
+ CC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" \
+ ${buildbits-${mybits}}
+ makeargs+=( NSINSTALL="${PWD}/$(find -type f -name nsinstall)" )
+ # Then build the target tools.
+ for d in . lib/dbm ; do
+ NSPR_LIB_DIR="${T}/fakedir" \
+ emake "${makeargs[@]}" -C ${d} OS_TEST="$(nssarch)"
+ done
+multilib_src_test() {
+ einfo "Tests can take a *long* time, especially on a multilib system."
+ einfo "30-45+ minutes per lib configuration. Bug #852755"
+ #
+ #
+ # (older)
+ export BUILD_OPT=1
+ export HOST="localhost"
+ export DOMSUF="localdomain"
+ export USE_IP=TRUE
+ export IP_ADDRESS=""
+ NSINSTALL="${PWD}/$(find -type f -name nsinstall)"
+ cd "${BUILD_DIR}"/tests || die
+ # Hack to get current objdir (prefixed dir where built binaries are)
+ # Without this, at least multilib tests go wrong when building the amd64 variant
+ # after x86.
+ local objdir=$(find "${BUILD_DIR}"/dist -maxdepth 1 -iname Linux* | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev)
+ # Can tweak to a subset of tests in future if we need to, but would prefer not
+ OBJDIR="${objdir}" DIST="${BUILD_DIR}/dist" MOZILLA_ROOT="${BUILD_DIR}" ./ || die
+# Altering these 3 libraries breaks the CHK verification.
+# All of the following cause it to break:
+# - stripping
+# - prelink
+# - ELF signing
+# Either we have to NOT strip them, or we have to forcibly resign after
+# stripping.
+#export STRIP_MASK="
+# */${local_libdir}/*
+# */${local_libdir}/*
+# */${local_libdir}/*"
+export NSS_CHK_SIGN_LIBS="freebl3 nssdbm3 softokn3"
+generate_chk() {
+ local shlibsign="$1"
+ local libdir="$2"
+ einfo "Resigning core NSS libraries for FIPS validation"
+ shift 2
+ local i
+ for i in ${NSS_CHK_SIGN_LIBS} ; do
+ local libname=lib${i}.so
+ local chkname=lib${i}.chk
+ "${shlibsign}" \
+ -i "${libdir}"/${libname} \
+ -o "${libdir}"/${chkname}.tmp \
+ && mv -f \
+ "${libdir}"/${chkname}.tmp \
+ "${libdir}"/${chkname} \
+ || die "Failed to sign ${libname}"
+ done
+cleanup_chk() {
+ local libdir="$1"
+ shift 1
+ local i
+ for i in ${NSS_CHK_SIGN_LIBS} ; do
+ local libfname="${libdir}/lib${i}.so"
+ # If the major version has changed, then we have old chk files.
+ [ ! -f "${libfname}" -a -f "${libfname}.chk" ] \
+ && rm -f "${libfname}.chk"
+ done
+multilib_src_install() {
+ pushd dist >/dev/null || die
+ dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ cp -L */lib/*$(get_libname) "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir) || die "copying shared libs failed"
+ local i
+ for i in crmf freebl nssb nssckfw ; do
+ cp -L */lib/lib${i}.a "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir) || die "copying libs failed"
+ done
+ # Install nss-config and pkgconfig file
+ dodir /usr/bin
+ cp -L */bin/nss-config "${ED}"/usr/bin || die
+ dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
+ cp -L */lib/pkgconfig/nss.pc "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig || die
+ # create an nss-softokn.pc from nss.pc for libfreebl and some private headers
+ # bug 517266
+ sed -e 's#Libs:#Libs: -lfreebl#' \
+ -e 's#Cflags:#Cflags: -I${includedir}/private#' \
+ */lib/pkgconfig/nss.pc >"${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/nss-softokn.pc \
+ || die "could not create nss-softokn.pc"
+ # all the include files
+ insinto /usr/include/nss
+ doins public/nss/*.{h,api}
+ insinto /usr/include/nss/private
+ doins private/nss/{blapi,alghmac,cmac}.h
+ popd >/dev/null || die
+ local f nssutils
+ # Always enabled because we need it for chk generation.
+ nssutils=( shlibsign )
+ if multilib_is_native_abi ; then
+ if use utils; then
+ # The tests we do not need to install.
+ #nssutils_test="bltest crmftest dbtest dertimetest
+ #fipstest remtest sdrtest"
+ # checkcert utils has been removed in nss-3.22:
+ #
+ #
+ # certcgi has been removed in nss-3.36:
+ #
+ nssutils+=(
+ addbuiltin
+ atob
+ baddbdir
+ btoa
+ certutil
+ cmsutil
+ conflict
+ crlutil
+ derdump
+ digest
+ makepqg
+ mangle
+ modutil
+ multinit
+ nonspr10
+ ocspclnt
+ oidcalc
+ p7content
+ p7env
+ p7sign
+ p7verify
+ pk11mode
+ pk12util
+ pp
+ rsaperf
+ selfserv
+ signtool
+ signver
+ ssltap
+ strsclnt
+ symkeyutil
+ tstclnt
+ vfychain
+ vfyserv
+ )
+ # install man-pages for utils (bug #516810)
+ doman doc/nroff/*.1
+ fi
+ pushd dist/*/bin >/dev/null || die
+ for f in ${nssutils[@]}; do
+ dobin ${f}
+ done
+ popd >/dev/null || die
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ multilib_pkg_postinst() {
+ # We must re-sign the libraries AFTER they are stripped.
+ local shlibsign="${EROOT}/usr/bin/shlibsign"
+ # See if we can execute it (cross-compiling & such). #436216
+ "${shlibsign}" -h >&/dev/null
+ if [[ $? -gt 1 ]] ; then
+ shlibsign="shlibsign"
+ fi
+ generate_chk "${shlibsign}" "${EROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
+ }
+ multilib_foreach_abi multilib_pkg_postinst
+pkg_postrm() {
+ multilib_pkg_postrm() {
+ cleanup_chk "${EROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
+ }
+ multilib_foreach_abi multilib_pkg_postrm