diff options
authorEric Joldasov <>2023-10-10 09:19:59 +0600
committerSam James <>2023-10-27 03:53:03 +0100
commit69c2497bbaf42a517fe3449f749609b4449b7952 (patch)
treebcb6cdac361a9c51a1f9309530eb1237dc6af4e4 /dev-lang
parentdev-lang/zig: patch 0.11.0 to use getconf when detecting glibc version (diff)
dev-lang/zig-bin: patch 0.11.0's build system to use getconf when detecting glibc version
Bugs from previous commit not referenced because they described failures to build Zig itself, not other build.zig--based projects. Signed-off-by: Eric Joldasov <> Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang')
-rw-r--r--dev-lang/zig-bin/zig-bin-0.11.0-r1.ebuild (renamed from dev-lang/zig-bin/zig-bin-0.11.0.ebuild)4
2 files changed, 112 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/zig-bin/files/zig-0.11.0-first-try-getconf.patch b/dev-lang/zig-bin/files/zig-0.11.0-first-try-getconf.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6d1b3ca7e5b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/zig-bin/files/zig-0.11.0-first-try-getconf.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+From: Eric Joldasov <>
+Based on and
+with small fixes, all ported to 0.11.0.
+First try `getconf GNU_LIBC_VERSION` to detect glibc version,
+If there are any errors, skip to the upstream logic.
+Also fix glibc version parsing: if version string does not contain third (patch) component, "std.SemanticVersion.parse" returns parsing error.
+For example, this currently happens with "GLIBC_2.37" or "glibc 2.37" inputs.
+To fix this, we use copy-pasted "std.zig.CrossTarget.parse" function here, that sets omitted patch component to 0.
+After applying this patch, both `zig build-exe --show-builtin` and `zig env` show correct version on my default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop/plasma :
+glibc 2.37.
+diff --git a/lib/std/zig/system/NativeTargetInfo.zig b/lib/std/zig/system/NativeTargetInfo.zig
+index 99a1a8f2e..d1032a716 100644
+--- a/lib/std/zig/system/NativeTargetInfo.zig
++++ b/lib/std/zig/system/NativeTargetInfo.zig
+@@ -19,6 +19,32 @@ dynamic_linker: DynamicLinker = DynamicLinker{},
+ pub const DynamicLinker = Target.DynamicLinker;
++// Copy-pasted from `std.zig.CrossTarget.parse` to avoid changing visibility of mentioned function.
++/// Parses a version with an omitted patch component, such as "1.0",
++/// which SemanticVersion.parse is not capable of.
++fn parseWithOptionalPatchField(ver: []const u8) error{ InvalidVersion, Overflow }!std.SemanticVersion {
++ const parseVersionComponent = struct {
++ fn parseVersionComponent(component: []const u8) !usize {
++ return std.fmt.parseUnsigned(usize, component, 10) catch |err| {
++ switch (err) {
++ error.InvalidCharacter => return error.InvalidVersion,
++ error.Overflow => return error.Overflow,
++ }
++ };
++ }
++ }.parseVersionComponent;
++ var version_components = mem.split(u8, ver, ".");
++ const major = version_components.first();
++ const minor = orelse return error.InvalidVersion;
++ const patch = orelse "0";
++ if ( != null) return error.InvalidVersion;
++ return .{
++ .major = try parseVersionComponent(major),
++ .minor = try parseVersionComponent(minor),
++ .patch = try parseVersionComponent(patch),
++ };
+ pub const DetectError = error{
+ FileSystem,
+ SystemResources,
+@@ -307,6 +333,35 @@ fn detectAbiAndDynamicLinker(
+ }
+ const ld_info_list = ld_info_list_buffer[0..ld_info_list_len];
++ if (is_linux and !os_is_non_native and cross_target.glibc_version == null) try_getconf: {
++ var buf: [4096]u8 = undefined;
++ var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buf);
++ const allocator = fba.allocator();
++ const getconf = std.process.Child.exec(.{
++ .allocator = allocator,
++ .argv = &.{ "getconf", "GNU_LIBC_VERSION" },
++ .max_output_bytes = 1024,
++ }) catch break :try_getconf;
++ if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, getconf.stdout, "glibc ")) break :try_getconf;
++ const version_string = getconf.stdout["glibc ".len..];
++ const glibc_version = parseWithOptionalPatchField(version_string) catch break :try_getconf;
++ var os_with_glibc = os;
++ os_with_glibc.version_range.linux.glibc = glibc_version;
++ const result: NativeTargetInfo = .{
++ .target = .{
++ .cpu = cpu,
++ .os = os_with_glibc,
++ .abi = cross_target.abi orelse Target.Abi.default(cpu.arch, os_with_glibc),
++ .ofmt = cross_target.ofmt orelse Target.ObjectFormat.default(os_with_glibc.tag, cpu.arch),
++ },
++ .dynamic_linker = cross_target.dynamic_linker,
++ };
++ return result;
++ }
+ // Best case scenario: the executable is dynamically linked, and we can iterate
+ // over our own shared objects and find a dynamic linker.
+ const elf_file = blk: {
+@@ -563,7 +618,7 @@ fn glibcVerFromSoFile(file: fs.File) !std.SemanticVersion {
+ while ( |s| {
+ if (mem.startsWith(u8, s, "GLIBC_2.")) {
+ const chopped = s["GLIBC_".len..];
+- const ver = std.SemanticVersion.parse(chopped) catch |err| switch (err) {
++ const ver = parseWithOptionalPatchField(chopped) catch |err| switch (err) {
+ error.Overflow => return error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion,
+ error.InvalidVersion => return error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion,
+ };
+@@ -586,7 +641,7 @@ fn glibcVerFromLinkName(link_name: []const u8, prefix: []const u8) !std.Semantic
+ }
+ // chop off "libc-" and ".so"
+ const link_name_chopped = link_name[prefix.len .. link_name.len - suffix.len];
+- return std.SemanticVersion.parse(link_name_chopped) catch |err| switch (err) {
++ return parseWithOptionalPatchField(link_name_chopped) catch |err| switch (err) {
+ error.Overflow => return error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion,
+ error.InvalidVersion => return error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion,
+ };
diff --git a/dev-lang/zig-bin/zig-bin-0.11.0.ebuild b/dev-lang/zig-bin/zig-bin-0.11.0-r1.ebuild
index 2ff67d9e16aa..92775c190670 100644
--- a/dev-lang/zig-bin/zig-bin-0.11.0.ebuild
+++ b/dev-lang/zig-bin/zig-bin-0.11.0-r1.ebuild
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ IDEPEND="app-eselect/eselect-zig"
# because they can use compile-time mechanics (and it is easier for distributions to patch them)
# Here we use this feature for fixing programs that use standard library
# Note: Zig build system is also part of standard library, so we can fix it too
+ "${FILESDIR}/zig-0.11.0-first-try-getconf.patch"