vowstar@gmail.com Huang Rui Build with Qt6 support simulton/QSchematic https://github.com/simulton/QSchematic/issues https://github.com/simulton/QSchematic/releases QSchematic is a library to draw diagrams and schematics with Qt. It uses Qt's graphics view framework. The library provides base classes for objects such as nodes and wires and implements logic to move objects around while keeping the wires connected, generating netlists and so on. A typical application would include this library and subclass the Item class to implement custom items. QSchematic 是一个基于 Qt 的图形视图框架的绘制图表和原理图的库。 该库为节点和连线等对象提供基类,并实现在保持连线连接的同时移动对象的逻 辑、生成网表等。典型的应用程序包含此库,并允许继承 Item 类以实现自定义 项。