# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/pulseaudio/pulseaudio-,v 1.9 2010/12/22 06:22:26 ford_prefect Exp $ EAPI=2 inherit eutils libtool flag-o-matic versionator DESCRIPTION="A networked sound server with an advanced plugin system" HOMEPAGE="http://www.pulseaudio.org/" if [[ $(get_version_component_count) == 4 ]]; then # Lennart does not produce point-releases, but I do so get them # from my website instead. SRC_URI="http://www.flameeyes.eu/gentoo-distfiles/${P}.tar.gz" elif [[ ${PV/_rc/} == ${PV} ]]; then SRC_URI="http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz" else SRC_URI="http://0pointer.de/public/${P/_rc/-test}.tar.gz" fi S="${WORKDIR}/${P/_rc/-test}" LICENSE="LGPL-2 GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86" IUSE="+alsa avahi +caps jack lirc oss tcpd +X hal dbus libsamplerate gnome bluetooth +asyncns +glib test doc +udev ipv6 system-wide realtime" RDEPEND="X? ( x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libSM x11-libs/libICE x11-libs/libXtst ) caps? ( sys-libs/libcap ) libsamplerate? ( >=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.1-r1 ) alsa? ( >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.19 ) glib? ( >=dev-libs/glib-2.4.0 ) avahi? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6.12[dbus] ) jack? ( >=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.100 ) tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers ) lirc? ( app-misc/lirc ) dbus? ( >=sys-apps/dbus-1.0.0 ) gnome? ( >=gnome-base/gconf-2.4.0 ) hal? ( >=sys-apps/hal-0.5.11 >=sys-apps/dbus-1.0.0 ) app-admin/eselect-esd bluetooth? ( >=net-wireless/bluez-4 >=sys-apps/dbus-1.0.0 ) asyncns? ( net-libs/libasyncns ) udev? ( >=sys-fs/udev-143[extras] ) realtime? ( sys-auth/rtkit ) >=media-libs/audiofile-0.2.6-r1 >=media-libs/speex-1.2_beta >=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.20 sys-libs/gdbm >=sys-devel/libtool-2.2.4" # it's a valid RDEPEND, libltdl.so is used DEPEND="${RDEPEND} doc? ( app-doc/doxygen ) X? ( x11-proto/xproto || ( >=x11-libs/libXtst- <x11-proto/xextproto-7.0.99 ) ) dev-libs/libatomic_ops dev-util/pkgconfig system-wide? ( || ( dev-util/unifdef sys-freebsd/freebsd-ubin ) ) dev-util/intltool" # alsa-utils dep is for the alsasound init.d script (see bug #155707) # bluez dep is for the bluetooth init.d script RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} gnome-extra/gnome-audio system-wide? ( sys-apps/openrc alsa? ( media-sound/alsa-utils ) bluetooth? ( >=net-wireless/bluez-4 ) )" pkg_setup() { enewgroup audio 18 # Just make sure it exists enewgroup pulse-access enewgroup pulse enewuser pulse -1 -1 /var/run/pulse pulse,audio if use udev && use hal; then elog "Please note that enabling both udev and hal will build both" elog "discover modules, but only udev will be used automatically." elog "If you wish to use hal you have to enable it explicitly" elog "or you might just disable the hal USE flag entirely." fi } src_prepare() { elibtoolize } src_configure() { # It's a binutils bug, once I can find time to fix that I'll add a # proper dependency and fix this up. — flameeyes append-ldflags $(no-as-needed) econf \ --enable-largefile \ $(use_enable glib glib2) \ --disable-solaris \ $(use_enable asyncns) \ $(use_enable oss oss-output) \ $(use_enable alsa) \ $(use_enable lirc) \ $(use_enable tcpd tcpwrap) \ $(use_enable jack) \ $(use_enable lirc) \ $(use_enable avahi) \ $(use_enable hal) \ $(use_enable dbus) \ $(use_enable gnome gconf) \ $(use_enable libsamplerate samplerate) \ $(use_enable bluetooth bluez) \ $(use_enable X x11) \ $(use_enable test default-build-tests) \ $(use_enable udev) \ $(use_enable ipv6) \ $(use_with caps) \ --localstatedir=/var \ --disable-per-user-esound-socket \ --with-database=gdbm \ || die "econf failed" if use doc; then pushd doxygen doxygen doxygen.conf || die popd fi } src_test() { # We avoid running the toplevel check target because that will run # po/'s tests too, and they are broken. Officially, it should work # with intltool 0.41, but that doesn't look like a stable release. emake -C src check || die } src_install() { emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed" # Drop the script entirely if X is disabled use X || rm "${D}"/usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 if use system-wide; then newconfd "${FILESDIR}/pulseaudio.conf.d" pulseaudio use_define() { local define=${2:-$(echo $1 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')} use "$1" && echo "-D$define" || echo "-U$define" } unifdef $(use_define hal) \ $(use_define avahi) \ $(use_define alsa) \ $(use_define bluetooth) \ $(use_define udev) \ "${FILESDIR}/pulseaudio.init.d-4" \ > "${T}/pulseaudio" doinitd "${T}/pulseaudio" fi use avahi && sed -i -e '/module-zeroconf-publish/s:^#::' "${D}/etc/pulse/default.pa" if use hal && ! use udev; then sed -i -e 's:-udev:-hal:' "${D}/etc/pulse/default.pa" || die fi dodoc README ChangeLog todo || die if use doc; then pushd doxygen/html dohtml * || die popd fi # Create the state directory diropts -o pulse -g pulse -m0755 keepdir /var/run/pulse find "${D}" -name '*.la' -delete } pkg_postinst() { if use system-wide; then elog "PulseAudio in Gentoo can use a system-wide pulseaudio daemon." elog "This support is enabled by starting the pulseaudio init.d ." elog "To be able to access that you need to be in the group pulse-access." elog "If you choose to use this feature, please make sure that you" elog "really want to run PulseAudio this way:" elog " http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/WhatIsWrongWithSystemMode" elog "For more information about system-wide support, please refer to:" elog " http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/SystemWideInstance" if use gnome ; then elog elog "By enabling gnome USE flag, you enabled gconf support. Please note" elog "that you might need to remove the gnome USE flag or disable the" elog "gconf module on /etc/pulse/system.pa to be able to use PulseAudio" elog "with a system-wide instance." fi elog elog "To use the ESounD wrapper while using a system-wide daemon, you also" elog "need to enable auth-anonymous for the esound-unix module, or to copy" elog "/var/run/pulse/.esd_auth into each home directory." elog fi if use bluetooth; then elog elog "The BlueTooth proximity module is not enabled in the default" elog "configuration file. If you do enable it, you'll have to have" elog "your BlueTooth controller enabled and inserted at bootup or" elog "PulseAudio will refuse to start." elog elog "Please note that the BlueTooth proximity module seems itself" elog "still experimental, so please report to upstream if you have" elog "problems with it." fi if use alsa; then local pkg="media-plugins/alsa-plugins" if has_version ${pkg} && ! has_version "${pkg}[pulseaudio]"; then elog elog "You have alsa support enabled so you probably want to install" elog "${pkg} with pulseaudio support to have" elog "alsa using applications route their sound through pulseaudio" fi fi eselect esd update --if-unset }