-*- outline -*- * Gentoo Specific Notes ** "The SBCL patch" For Lambda-GTK to work on SBCL, a 3rd party patch is required for SBCL. You can enable this patch in SBCL via the "callbacks" USE flag. ** Generation of the FFI interface The Gentoo port uses the default API target distributed with Lambda-GTK. ** Avoiding the CL-USER namespace The Gentoo port includes an ASDF system which includes code to create a new package "GTK-USER". Symbols originally exported to the CL-USER package namespace are instead exported to the GTK-USER package namespace. The idea here is to preserve CL-USER for the end user. ** Examples Examples included with Lambda-GTK are available via the LAMBDA-GTK-EXAMPLES definition system. ie. (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :lambda-gtk-examples) (gtk-user::scribble-simple) ...