# ChangeLog for dev-libs/libf2c
# Copyright 2002-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/libf2c/ChangeLog,v 1.20 2006/05/14 05:41:27 spyderous Exp $

*libf2c-20051004 (14 May 2006)

  14 May 2006; Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org>;
  +files/20051004-add-ofiles-dep.patch, +libf2c-20051004.ebuild:
  Bump. Changes: Work correctly when writing to a file after reading from it;
  Add libf2c.so makefile rule; Stop forcing the rounding precision on x86
  (only affects use of 'f2c -trapuv'). Also, mirror a versioned zip file
  instead of the unversioned upstream one.

  10 Sep 2005; Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org> libf2c-20021004-r1.ebuild:
  Mark 20021004-r1 stable on alpha

  15 May 2005; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org>
  Inherits toolchain-funcs now instead of deprecated gcc eclass.

  05 May 2005; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org>
  libf2c-20021004-r1.ebuild, -libf2c-20021004.ebuild:
  Removed libf2c-20021004. Fixed DEPEND in -r1, (thx to Jeremy Warren).

  17 Feb 2005; Bryan Østergaard <kloeri@gentoo.org>
  ~alpha keyword.

  10 Jan 2005; Markus Rothe <corsair@gentoo.org> libf2c-20021004-r1.ebuild:
  Stable on ppc64

  09 Sep 2004; Philippe Trottier <tchiwam@gentoo.org> libf2c-20021004-r1.ebuild:
  Marked ~ppc64

  06 Aug 2004; Ferris McCormick <fmccor@gentoo.org> libf2c-20021004-r1.ebuild:
  Stable for sparc (part of bug 55386).

  06 Aug 2004; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> libf2c-20021004-r1.ebuild:
  Marked stable on amd64, ppc and x86.

  01 Jul 2004; Jeremy Huddleston <eradicator@gentoo.org>
  libf2c-20021004-r1.ebuild, libf2c-20021004.ebuild:
  virtual/glibc -> virtual/libc

  01 Jul 2004; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> libf2c-20021004-r1.ebuild:
  Marked ~sparc on behalf of ciaranm.

  01 Jul 2004; David Holm <dholm@gentoo.org> libf2c-20021004-r1.ebuild:
  Added to ~ppc.

*libf2c-20021004-r1 (01 Jul 2004)

  01 Jul 2004; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org>
  +files/libf2c-20021004-shared-object.patch, +libf2c-20021004-r1.ebuild:
  Patched the makefile.u to produce a shared object with -fPIC. (see BUG #55386)

  07 Apr 2004; Travis Tilley <lv@gentoo.org> libf2c-20021004.ebuild:
  added ~amd64 to keywords

  07 Jul 2003; Michael Sterrett <msterret@gentoo.org> libf2c-20021004.ebuild:
  more error checking

  02 Nov 2002; Hannes Mehnert <hannes@gentoo.org> libf2c-20021004.ebuild:
  marked stable for x86

*libf2c-20021004 (28 Oct 2002)

  28 Oct 2002; Hannes Mehnert <hannes@gentoo.org> libf2c-20021004.ebuild,
  ChangeLog: Initial ebuild. Thanks to a-tenderholt@northwestern.edu.