# ChangeLog for app-crypt/hashcat-bin # Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/hashcat-bin/ChangeLog,v 1.12 2015/02/28 21:59:15 alonbl Exp $ *hashcat-bin-0.49 (28 Feb 2015) 28 Feb 2015; Alon Bar-Lev +hashcat-bin-0.49.ebuild: Version bump, bug#540406 *hashcat-bin-0.47 (05 May 2014) 05 May 2014; Alon Bar-Lev +hashcat-bin-0.47.ebuild, -hashcat-bin-0.39.ebuild, -hashcat-bin-0.40.ebuild, -hashcat-bin-0.41.ebuild, -hashcat-bin-0.42.ebuild, -hashcat-bin-0.44.ebuild: Version bump, bug#509616. Cleanup old *hashcat-bin-0.46 (20 Sep 2013) 20 Sep 2013; Rick Farina +hashcat-bin-0.46.ebuild: version bump *hashcat-bin-0.44 (22 Apr 2013) 22 Apr 2013; Rick Farina +hashcat-bin-0.44.ebuild: version bump, avx and xop support similar to jtr ebuild *hashcat-bin-0.42 (07 Jan 2013) 07 Jan 2013; Rick Farina +hashcat-bin-0.42.ebuild: version bump, thanks to ago for poking me with bug #450604 *hashcat-bin-0.41 (26 Sep 2012) 26 Sep 2012; Rick Farina +hashcat-bin-0.41.ebuild: bump 25 Aug 2012; Rick Farina hashcat-bin-0.39.ebuild, hashcat-bin-0.40.ebuild: fix loader re bug #432740 *hashcat-bin-0.40 (06 Aug 2012) 06 Aug 2012; Rick Farina +hashcat-bin-0.40.ebuild: version bump to 0.40 and MacOSX (prefix) support 04 Jul 2012; Rick Farina hashcat-bin-0.39.ebuild: minor QA for ebuild 03 Jul 2012; Rick Farina hashcat-bin-0.39.ebuild: fix loader location and minor ebuild style improvements 02 Jul 2012; Rick Farina hashcat-bin-0.39.ebuild: trade RESTRICT=binchecks for QA_PREBUILT *hashcat-bin-0.39 (01 Jul 2012) 01 Jul 2012; Rick Farina +hashcat-bin-0.39.ebuild, +metadata.xml: initial