diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-java/sun-jdk')
4 files changed, 6 insertions, 345 deletions
diff --git a/dev-java/sun-jdk/ChangeLog b/dev-java/sun-jdk/ChangeLog
index 978e38695d55..c698e0cb4bba 100644
--- a/dev-java/sun-jdk/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-java/sun-jdk/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-java/sun-jdk
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/sun-jdk/ChangeLog,v 1.312 2011/11/21 13:26:03 sera Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/sun-jdk/ChangeLog,v 1.313 2011/11/21 13:32:59 sera Exp $
+ 21 Nov 2011; Ralph Sennhauser <> -sun-jdk-,
+ -sun-jdk-
+ Remove vulnarable
*sun-jdk- (21 Nov 2011)
diff --git a/dev-java/sun-jdk/Manifest b/dev-java/sun-jdk/Manifest
index 0f88bb34fef4..1f6b6251d1aa 100644
--- a/dev-java/sun-jdk/Manifest
+++ b/dev-java/sun-jdk/Manifest
@@ -2,15 +2,9 @@ AUX 10932 RMD160 ce1fb555f3f5f281f328c8016e12407ac0
AUX 11196 RMD160 e11989b6be27297af68bdd7040439f4d3bd09916 SHA1 58a53f90a8d0409769d371f2e07b5bec27b02469 SHA256 9372ca516ff36609d846a9cb446dde3212e976c10166d8e231312d6238d1db0c
AUX sun-jdk-1.6.env 940 RMD160 2061347f8137915ed421c7592a6909b51bb2110d SHA1 3520843a513f53f8a04782d9a6b373736c24f624 SHA256 f8669f72a512ca892dbe2f4b153ac39e92b6f4e33d3693e969d670134c5b15b8
AUX sun-jdk-1.6.env-r1 1015 RMD160 07a5d39da299dd2d6e7165e9b32fe00c30e5b4c3 SHA1 2f1426a0d5a18fbbd53b81a8df94c7b64d05d911 SHA256 31302b5ed417a294ecc9c475a08aca331a07c59d2c095978a574a7347aa12f6a
-DIST jdk-6u26-dlj-linux-amd64.bin 85481071 RMD160 58ade26b2bea8571ecb28388a749172ff08af06a SHA1 8be21044db1f9dd9cc56e22706af57de8e8dff2b SHA256 c8730c4c5341c41446470e71086e82ae508e876790f806e953a661307660cdde
-DIST jdk-6u26-dlj-linux-i586.bin 85214224 RMD160 dac0e73fe5cf6ea6cf9b6421f63205bc3856de50 SHA1 abd1e40bf9e51ee41c8a6863efe68e32d3c0b96e SHA256 54561b0b129c206cd6c29fe43968e8a8702fa437ed8df6debd8ffd1a2e536fae
-DIST jdk-6u27-linux-i586.bin 85147250 RMD160 56ba1d22b3daaaae7c64d5eee28b49e4508b97c4 SHA1 7a01bf274b265662acafacdd7b5740d1a3ab0539 SHA256 18f756c241ae1cadc406d2013ddefad45778be89d7d2dd057ab5199cb1dc57eb
-DIST jdk-6u27-linux-x64.bin 85418489 RMD160 6bb70446f6c52044606cb88c7b9746915d8f47a9 SHA1 68bf4ece2f64dde2d3f07019df9ae3a3ec205999 SHA256 7e5bd965ca69c382df82c9a8c94282218641ef1ed21b2fefb2535579e5c3186e
DIST jdk-6u29-linux-i586.bin 85146345 RMD160 fca7a51bf14486a81a684c91152493e8af621647 SHA1 a73580ed8ac42040f1bbcab62617719a31c6f487 SHA256 1117f4dfc45632b68ec0f4d5e61e5cafc1d85dc655ee3df5fa6f50128b8c3faf
DIST jdk-6u29-linux-x64.bin 85411605 RMD160 7bb1433728c9d263bfe9d968595aac7d73e6c2f3 SHA1 45286e11864285c0d9d5cafd0355dbe04d272951 SHA256 a8603fa62045ce2164b26f7c04859cd548ffe0e33bfc979d9fa73df42e3b3365
-EBUILD sun-jdk- 5148 RMD160 bf671e5810cb4225217bbd6e5afb68e5d146f9f5 SHA1 07c7bda810d9a68c01e76712fd7d41179caae6cc SHA256 16b560b7693ffa7d61c30aae5c9e8394e07bf2b69dcb0cb55ef536d708d87366
-EBUILD sun-jdk- 5658 RMD160 a5600317f7109655bd4a27da34031db2265fe73e SHA1 ab33d4ad61cc35ea7da4d2cccb03debd812dd9d4 SHA256 7ac9e07da2f41bced38f7752fb48bc9e82de9bc371855778b3cce18fb692f0db
EBUILD sun-jdk- 4471 RMD160 22aa825ed3ecd5481564a13dfee6cf564c063362 SHA1 9058c378c5926ae3ff30b225ba90f355350c51fa SHA256 a527d713a64b2f1cbe7c49d03816d43fa092107d8bedf9369f0a705737aecd06
EBUILD sun-jdk- 4645 RMD160 1d22065eeef6f8b1a9824c056badd9621acec098 SHA1 1099e676a61847bc4a9d8458ab7378f6cdc1ee11 SHA256 2992ec2784417e44ed67100b56de9bdd73e759b1cab63dfe24cf265fb9077e5f
-MISC ChangeLog 57519 RMD160 8a30971bc032b962d6a20b4f086eb4c924460311 SHA1 9474ac39783aaa69abf07965b667cc7b0ff29441 SHA256 2c4e8df9e49ed4e420288c2feb4b5b1939075ec5dbd667fc0d23dc2f8367e747
+MISC ChangeLog 57644 RMD160 9a660e1a817df0c39f1c2e5f6f4ac58ea790b905 SHA1 d4228f2a86ac607db279f62a0fa787deb254167e SHA256 4e3a21ff9afc55fc7ff46632b19a9174466c50366fa9f8cf5932bc9a19f08e28
MISC metadata.xml 429 RMD160 e6edae84d0d56c48e9d6e631d1f0612535f26f2d SHA1 4b6faf61f3869bbbccc405c7c07932dd630737ea SHA256 2fef8162216b2e78806cdc6ba5b0ff2619a482aa3ce0ecf909ffa17ba309428c
diff --git a/dev-java/sun-jdk/sun-jdk- b/dev-java/sun-jdk/sun-jdk-
deleted file mode 100644
index 79f0c7a048bf..000000000000
--- a/dev-java/sun-jdk/sun-jdk-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/sun-jdk/sun-jdk-,v 1.3 2011/06/18 11:49:39 hwoarang Exp $
-inherit versionator java-vm-2 eutils pax-utils
-UPDATE="$(get_version_component_range 4)"
-MY_PV="$(get_version_component_range 2)u${UPDATE}"
-DESCRIPTION="Sun's Java SE Development Kit"
-SRC_URI="x86? ( ${URL_BASE}/${X86_AT} )
- amd64? ( ${URL_BASE}/${AMD64_AT} )"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-IUSE="X alsa derby doc examples jce nsplugin odbc"
- opt/${P}/jre/lib/i386/
- opt/${P}/jre/lib/i386/client/
- opt/${P}/jre/lib/i386/server/"
-DEPEND="jce? ( =dev-java/sun-jce-bin-1.6.0* )"
- doc? ( =dev-java/java-sdk-docs-1.6.0* )
- sys-libs/glibc
- alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
- X? (
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXi
- x11-libs/libXp
- x11-libs/libXtst
- amd64? ( x11-libs/libXt )
- x11-libs/libX11
- )
- odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )"
-JAVA_PROVIDE="jdbc-stdext jdbc-rowset"
-S="${WORKDIR}/jdk$(replace_version_separator 3 _)"
-src_unpack() {
- sh "${DISTDIR}"/${A} --accept-license --unpack || die "Failed to unpack"
-src_compile() {
- # Set PaX markings on all JDK/JRE executables to allow code-generation on
- # the heap by the JIT compiler. This needs to be done before CDS - #215225
- pax-mark m $(list-paxables "${S}"{,/jre}/bin/*)
- # see bug #207282
- if use x86; then
- einfo "Creating the Class Data Sharing archives"
- "${S}"/bin/java -client -Xshare:dump || die
- "${S}"/bin/java -server -Xshare:dump || die
- fi
-src_install() {
- local dirs="bin include jre lib man"
- use derby && dirs="${dirs} db"
- dodir /opt/${P}
- cp -pPR $dirs "${D}/opt/${P}/" || die "failed to copy"
- dodoc COPYRIGHT || die
- dohtml README.html || die
- cp -pP "${D}/opt/${P}/" || die
- if use examples; then
- cp -pPR demo sample "${D}/opt/${P}/" || die
- fi
- if use jce; then
- cd "${D}/opt/${P}/jre/lib/security"
- dodir /opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/strong-jce
- mv "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/US_export_policy.jar \
- "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/strong-jce || die
- mv "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/local_policy.jar \
- "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/strong-jce || die
- dosym /opt/sun-jce-bin-1.6.0/jre/lib/security/unlimited-jce/US_export_policy.jar /opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/
- dosym /opt/sun-jce-bin-1.6.0/jre/lib/security/unlimited-jce/local_policy.jar /opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/
- fi
- if use nsplugin; then
- local plugin_dir="ns7-gcc29"
- if has_version '>=sys-devel/gcc-3' ; then
- plugin_dir="ns7"
- fi
- if use x86 ; then
- install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/jre/lib/i386/
- install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/jre/plugin/i386/$plugin_dir/ old_oji
- else
- install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/jre/lib/amd64/
- fi
- fi
- # create dir for system preferences
- dodir /opt/${P}/jre/.systemPrefs
- # Create files used as storage for system preferences.
- touch "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/.systemPrefs/.system.lock
- chmod 644 "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/.systemPrefs/.system.lock
- touch "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile
- chmod 644 "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile
- if [[ -f "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/plugin/desktop/sun_java.desktop ]]; then
- # install control panel for Gnome/KDE
- # The jre also installs these so make sure that they do not have the same
- # Name
- sed -e "s/\(Name=\)Java/\1 Java Control Panel for Sun JDK ${SLOT}/" \
- -e "s#Exec=.*#Exec=/opt/${P}/jre/bin/ControlPanel#" \
- -e "s#Icon=.*#Icon=/opt/${P}/jre/plugin/desktop/sun_java.png#" \
- "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/plugin/desktop/sun_java.desktop > \
- "${T}"/sun_jdk-${SLOT}.desktop
- domenu "${T}"/sun_jdk-${SLOT}.desktop
- fi
- # bug #56444
- insinto /opt/${P}/jre/lib/
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/
- set_java_env
- java-vm_revdep-mask
-pkg_postinst() {
- # Set as default VM if none exists
- java-vm-2_pkg_postinst
- if use x86 && use nsplugin; then
- elog
- elog "Two variants of the nsplugin are available via eselect java-nsplugin:"
- elog "Note that starting with ${PN}- their naming and the default changed,"
- elog "users with the old plugin set are switched to the new default automatically."
- elog "The default ${VMHANDLE} is the new 'plugin2' which works in Firefox 3 (xulrunner-1.9)"
- elog "and newer, the ${VMHANDLE}-old_oji is the old plugin using the OJI API"
- elog "that was removed in Firefox 3.6 (xulrunner-1.9.2)."
- elog "For more info see"
- elog
- fi
- if use amd64 && use nsplugin; then
- elog
- elog "The amd64 version ships the new 'plugin2' browser plugin which works"
- elog "in Firefox 3+ and other recent browser versions."
- elog "For more info see"
- elog
- fi
diff --git a/dev-java/sun-jdk/sun-jdk- b/dev-java/sun-jdk/sun-jdk-
deleted file mode 100644
index 10b87a08839e..000000000000
--- a/dev-java/sun-jdk/sun-jdk-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/sun-jdk/sun-jdk-,v 1.2 2011/10/30 14:17:41 caster Exp $
-inherit versionator java-vm-2 eutils pax-utils
-UPDATE="$(get_version_component_range 4)"
-MY_PV="$(get_version_component_range 2)u${UPDATE}"
-DESCRIPTION="Oracle (formerly Sun) Java SE Development Kit"
-SRC_URI="x86? ( ${X86_AT} )
- amd64? ( ${AMD64_AT} )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-RESTRICT="fetch strip"
-IUSE="X alsa derby doc examples jce nsplugin odbc"
- opt/${P}/jre/lib/i386/
- opt/${P}/jre/lib/i386/client/
- opt/${P}/jre/lib/i386/server/"
-DEPEND="jce? ( =dev-java/sun-jce-bin-1.6.0* )"
- doc? ( =dev-java/java-sdk-docs-1.6.0* )
- sys-libs/glibc
- alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
- X? (
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXi
- x11-libs/libXp
- x11-libs/libXtst
- amd64? ( x11-libs/libXt )
- x11-libs/libX11
- )
- odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )"
-JAVA_PROVIDE="jdbc-stdext jdbc-rowset"
-S="${WORKDIR}/jdk$(replace_version_separator 3 _)"
-pkg_nofetch() {
- if use x86; then
- AT=${X86_AT}
- elif use amd64; then
- AT=${AMD64_AT}
- fi
- einfo "Due to Oracle no longer providing the distro-friendly DLJ bundles, the package has become fetch restricted again."
- einfo "Alternatives are switching to dev-java/icedtea-bin:6 or the source-based dev-java/icedtea:6"
- einfo "Please download ${AT} from:"
- einfo "${DOWNLOAD_LINK}"
- einfo "and move it to ${DISTDIR}"
-src_unpack() {
- sh "${DISTDIR}"/${A} -noregister || die "Failed to unpack"
-src_compile() {
- # Set PaX markings on all JDK/JRE executables to allow code-generation on
- # the heap by the JIT compiler. This needs to be done before CDS - #215225
- pax-mark m $(list-paxables "${S}"{,/jre}/bin/*)
- # see bug #207282
- if use x86; then
- einfo "Creating the Class Data Sharing archives"
- "${S}"/bin/java -client -Xshare:dump || die
- "${S}"/bin/java -server -Xshare:dump || die
- fi
-src_install() {
- local dirs="bin include jre lib man"
- use derby && dirs="${dirs} db"
- dodir /opt/${P}
- cp -pPR $dirs "${D}/opt/${P}/" || die "failed to copy"
- dodoc COPYRIGHT || die
- dohtml README.html || die
- cp -pP "${D}/opt/${P}/" || die
- if use examples; then
- cp -pPR demo sample "${D}/opt/${P}/" || die
- fi
- if use jce; then
- cd "${D}/opt/${P}/jre/lib/security"
- dodir /opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/strong-jce
- mv "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/US_export_policy.jar \
- "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/strong-jce || die
- mv "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/local_policy.jar \
- "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/strong-jce || die
- dosym /opt/sun-jce-bin-1.6.0/jre/lib/security/unlimited-jce/US_export_policy.jar /opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/
- dosym /opt/sun-jce-bin-1.6.0/jre/lib/security/unlimited-jce/local_policy.jar /opt/${P}/jre/lib/security/
- fi
- if use nsplugin; then
- local plugin_dir="ns7-gcc29"
- if has_version '>=sys-devel/gcc-3' ; then
- plugin_dir="ns7"
- fi
- if use x86 ; then
- install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/jre/lib/i386/
- install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/jre/plugin/i386/$plugin_dir/ old_oji
- else
- install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/jre/lib/amd64/
- fi
- fi
- # create dir for system preferences
- dodir /opt/${P}/jre/.systemPrefs
- # Create files used as storage for system preferences.
- touch "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/.systemPrefs/.system.lock
- chmod 644 "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/.systemPrefs/.system.lock
- touch "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile
- chmod 644 "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile
- if [[ -f "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/plugin/desktop/sun_java.desktop ]]; then
- # install control panel for Gnome/KDE
- # The jre also installs these so make sure that they do not have the same
- # Name
- sed -e "s/\(Name=\)Java/\1 Java Control Panel for Sun JDK ${SLOT}/" \
- -e "s#Exec=.*#Exec=/opt/${P}/jre/bin/ControlPanel#" \
- -e "s#Icon=.*#Icon=/opt/${P}/jre/plugin/desktop/sun_java.png#" \
- "${D}"/opt/${P}/jre/plugin/desktop/sun_java.desktop > \
- "${T}"/sun_jdk-${SLOT}.desktop
- domenu "${T}"/sun_jdk-${SLOT}.desktop
- fi
- # bug #56444
- insinto /opt/${P}/jre/lib/
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/
- set_java_env
- java-vm_revdep-mask
-pkg_postinst() {
- # Set as default VM if none exists
- java-vm-2_pkg_postinst
- if use x86 && use nsplugin; then
- elog
- elog "Two variants of the nsplugin are available via eselect java-nsplugin:"
- elog "Note that starting with ${PN}- their naming and the default changed,"
- elog "users with the old plugin set are switched to the new default automatically."
- elog "The default ${VMHANDLE} is the new 'plugin2' which works in Firefox 3 (xulrunner-1.9)"
- elog "and newer, the ${VMHANDLE}-old_oji is the old plugin using the OJI API"
- elog "that was removed in Firefox 3.6 (xulrunner-1.9.2)."
- elog "For more info see"
- elog
- fi
- if use amd64 && use nsplugin; then
- elog
- elog "The amd64 version ships the new 'plugin2' browser plugin which works"
- elog "in Firefox 3+ and other recent browser versions."
- elog "For more info see"
- elog
- fi