# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 inherit flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs systemd usr-ldscript DESCRIPTION="xfs filesystem utilities" HOMEPAGE="https://xfs.wiki.kernel.org/" SRC_URI="https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/fs/xfs/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz" LICENSE="LGPL-2.1" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86" IUSE="icu libedit nls" LIB_DEPEND=">=sys-apps/util-linux-2.17.2[static-libs(+)] icu? ( dev-libs/icu:=[static-libs(+)] ) libedit? ( dev-libs/libedit[static-libs(+)] )" RDEPEND="${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs(+)]} !<sys-fs/xfsdump-3" DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" BDEPEND=" dev-libs/inih nls? ( sys-devel/gettext ) " PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.15.0-docdir.patch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.3.0-libdir.patch ) src_prepare() { default # Fix doc dir sed -i \ -e "/^PKG_DOC_DIR/s:@pkg_name@:${PF}:" \ include/builddefs.in || die # Don't install compressed docs sed 's@\(CHANGES\)\.gz[[:space:]]@\1 @' -i doc/Makefile || die } src_configure() { # include/builddefs.in will add FCFLAGS to CFLAGS which will # unnecessarily clutter CFLAGS (and fortran isn't used) unset FCFLAGS export DEBUG=-DNDEBUG # Package is honoring CFLAGS; No need to use OPTIMIZER anymore. # However, we have to provide an empty value to avoid default # flags. export OPTIMIZER=" " unset PLATFORM # if set in user env, this breaks configure # Avoid automagic on libdevmapper, #709694 export ac_cv_search_dm_task_create=no # Build fails with -O3 (bug #712698) replace-flags -O3 -O2 # Upstream does NOT support --disable-static anymore, # https://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-xfs/msg30185.html # https://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-xfs/msg30272.html local myconf=( --enable-blkid --with-crond-dir="${EPREFIX}/etc/cron.d" --with-systemd-unit-dir="$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)" $(use_enable icu libicu) $(use_enable nls gettext) $(use_enable libedit editline) ) if is-flagq -flto ; then myconf+=( --enable-lto ) else myconf+=( --disable-lto ) fi econf "${myconf[@]}" } src_compile() { emake V=1 } src_install() { emake DIST_ROOT="${ED}" install emake DIST_ROOT="${ED}" install-dev gen_usr_ldscript -a handle }