#!/usr/bin/env python # Rewrite of genrdeps-index to stop using horrible Portage API. # (c) 2020 Michał Górny # 2-clause BSD license import argparse import collections import errno import os import os.path import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import pkgcore.config from pkgcore.ebuild.atom import atom from pkgcore.restrictions.boolean import AndRestriction, OrRestriction from pkgcore.restrictions.packages import Conditional DepTuple = collections.namedtuple('DepTuple', ('cpv', 'blocks', 'use')) GROUPS = ( ('bdepend', 'bindex'), ('depend', 'dindex'), ('idepend', 'iindex'), ('pdepend', 'pindex'), ('rdepend', 'rindex'), ) def process_deps(deps, useflags=frozenset()): for d in deps: if isinstance(d, atom): yield DepTuple(d.key, d.blocks, useflags) elif isinstance(d, OrRestriction) or isinstance(d, AndRestriction): # || deps and nested () blocks for sd in process_deps(d, useflags): yield sd elif isinstance(d, Conditional): # foo? deps assert d.attr == 'use' assert len(d.restriction.vals) == 1 r = next(iter(d.restriction.vals)) if d.restriction.negate: r = '!' + r for sd in process_deps(d, useflags | frozenset((r,))): yield sd else: raise AssertionError("Unknown dep type: " + d.__class__) def rmtree_ignore_enoent(func, path, exc_info): if not isinstance(exc_info[1], FileNotFoundError): raise def main(): argp = argparse.ArgumentParser() argp.add_argument('outputdir', help='Directory to create rdep index in') args = argp.parse_args() c = pkgcore.config.load_config() repo = c.repo['gentoo'] rindex = {} for g, gi in GROUPS: rindex[g] = collections.defaultdict(set) for p in repo: for g, gi in GROUPS: deps = frozenset(process_deps(getattr(p, g))) for dep, blocks, flags in deps: rindex[g][dep].add(DepTuple(p.cpvstr, blocks, flags)) for g, gi in GROUPS: outdir = os.path.join(args.outputdir, '.' + gi + '.new') shutil.rmtree(outdir, onerror=rmtree_ignore_enoent) for p, revdeps in rindex[g].items(): outpath = os.path.join(outdir, p) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outpath), exist_ok=True) with open(outpath, 'w') as f: for dep, blocks, flags in sorted(revdeps): if blocks: dep = '[B]' + dep if flags: dep += ':' + '+'.join(sorted(flags)) f.write(dep + '\n') for g, gi in GROUPS: outdir = os.path.join(args.outputdir, gi) olddir = os.path.join(args.outputdir, '.' + gi + '.old') newdir = os.path.join(args.outputdir, '.' + gi + '.new') shutil.rmtree(olddir, onerror=rmtree_ignore_enoent) try: os.rename(outdir, olddir) except FileNotFoundError as e: pass os.rename(newdir, outdir) shutil.rmtree(olddir, onerror=rmtree_ignore_enoent) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='.tmp.rdeps-', suffix='.tar', dir=args.outputdir, delete=False) as tmpf: try: subprocess.check_call( ['tar', '-cf', tmpf.name] + [gi for g, gi in GROUPS], cwd=args.outputdir) subprocess.check_call( ['xz', '-9', tmpf.name], cwd=args.outputdir) os.rename(tmpf.name + '.xz', os.path.join(args.outputdir, 'rdeps.tar.xz')) os.chmod(os.path.join(args.outputdir, 'rdeps.tar.xz'), 0o644) except Exception as e: raise e finally: # Cleanup: for f in [tmpf.name, (tmpf.name + '.xz')]: try: os.unlink(f) except FileNotFoundError as e: pass return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())