/* Please use git log for copyright holder and year information This file is part of libbash. libbash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libbash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with libbash. If not, see . */ #ifdef OUTPUT_C grammar libbash; #else grammar java_libbash; #endif options { output = AST; #ifdef OUTPUT_C language = C; ASTLabelType = pANTLR3_BASE_TREE; #else language = Java; ASTLabelType = CommonTree; #endif } tokens{ ANSI_C_QUOTING; ARG; ARRAY; ARRAY_SIZE; BRACE_EXP; COMMAND_SUB; CASE_PATTERN; CASE_COMMAND; SUBSHELL; CURRENT_SHELL; COMPOUND_COND; CFOR; FOR_INIT; FOR_COND; FOR_MOD; IF_STATEMENT; OP; PRE_INCR; PRE_DECR; POST_INCR; POST_DECR; PROCESS_SUBSTITUTION; VAR_REF; NEGATION; LIST; STRING; COMMAND; FILE_DESCRIPTOR; FILE_DESCRIPTOR_MOVE; REDIR; ARITHMETIC_CONDITION; ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION; ARITHMETIC; KEYWORD_TEST; BUILTIN_TEST; MATCH_ANY_EXCEPT; EXTENDED_MATCH_EXACTLY_ONE; EXTENDED_MATCH_AT_MOST_ONE; EXTENDED_MATCH_NONE; EXTENDED_MATCH_ANY; EXTENDED_MATCH_AT_LEAST_ONE; BRANCH; MATCH_PATTERN; MATCH_REGULAR_EXPRESSION; ESCAPED_CHAR; NOT_MATCH_PATTERN; MATCH_ANY; MATCH_ANY_EXCEPT; MATCH_ALL; MATCH_ONE; CHARACTER_CLASS; EQUIVALENCE_CLASS; COLLATING_SYMBOL; DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING; SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING; VARIABLE_DEFINITIONS; USE_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET; USE_ALTERNATE_WHEN_UNSET; DISPLAY_ERROR_WHEN_UNSET; ASSIGN_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET; USE_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET_OR_NULL; USE_ALTERNATE_WHEN_UNSET_OR_NULL; DISPLAY_ERROR_WHEN_UNSET_OR_NULL; ASSIGN_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET_OR_NULL; OFFSET; LIST_EXPAND; REPLACE_FIRST; REPLACE_ALL; REPLACE_AT_START; REPLACE_AT_END; LAZY_REMOVE_AT_START; LAZY_REMOVE_AT_END; EMPTY_EXPANSION_VALUE; PLUS_SIGN; MINUS_SIGN; PLUS_ASSIGN; MINUS_ASSIGN; DIVIDE_ASSIGN; MUL_ASSIGN; MOD_ASSIGN; LSHIFT_ASSIGN; RSHIFT_ASSIGN; AND_ASSIGN; XOR_ASSIGN; OR_ASSIGN; LEQ; GEQ; NOT_EQUALS; EQUALS_TO; BUILTIN_LOGIC_AND; BUILTIN_LOGIC_OR; FUNCTION; } @lexer::context { #ifdef OUTPUT_C bool double_quoted; int paren_level; #endif } @lexer::apifuncs { #ifdef OUTPUT_C ctx->double_quoted = false; ctx->paren_level = 0; #endif } @lexer::members { #ifndef OUTPUT_C boolean double_quoted = false; int paren_level = 0; int LA(int index) { return input.LA(index); } #endif } #ifdef OUTPUT_C @includes { C_INCLUDE #include C_INCLUDE #include } @postinclude { C_INCLUDE #include C_INCLUDE #include "exceptions.h" } @lexer::postinclude { #define double_quoted ctx->double_quoted #define paren_level ctx->paren_level } #endif @members { #ifdef OUTPUT_C static std::string get_string(pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN token) { if(!token || !token->start) return ""; // Use reinterpret_cast here because we have to cast C code. // The real type here is int64_t which is used as a pointer. // token->stop - token->start + 1 should be bigger than 0. return std::string(reinterpret_cast(token->start), boost::numeric_cast(token->stop - token->start + 1)); } static bool is_here_end(plibbashParser ctx, const std::string& here_document_word, int number_of_tokens_in_word) { std::string word; for(int i = 1; i <= number_of_tokens_in_word; ++i) word += get_string(LT(i)); return (word == here_document_word); } static void free_here_document(plibbashParser_here_document_SCOPE scope) { (&(scope->here_document_word))->std::string::~string(); } #else boolean is_here_end(String here_document_word, int number_of_tokens) { String word = ""; for(int i = 1; i <= number_of_tokens; ++i) word += input.LT(i).getText(); return (word.equals(here_document_word)); } String get_string(Token token) { return token.getText(); } Token LT(int index) { return input.LT(index); } int LA(int index) { return input.LA(index); } #endif #ifdef OUTPUT_C bool is_special_token(int token) #else boolean is_special_token(int token) #endif { return token == AMP ||token == BLANK // for bash redirection ||token == LESS_THAN ||token == GREATER_THAN ||token == RSHIFT ||token == AMP_LESS_THAN ||token == AMP_GREATER_THAN ||token == AMP_RSHIFT // for end of command ||token == SEMIC ||token == EOL // for sub shell ||token == LPAREN ||token == RPAREN // for case statement ||token == DOUBLE_SEMIC // for logical operator ||token == LOGICAND ||token == LOGICOR // for pipeline ||token == PIPE // for document and here string ||token == HERE_STRING_OP ||token == LSHIFT; } } start : ((POUND) =>first_line_comment)? EOL* BLANK? command_list BLANK? (SEMIC|AMP|EOL)? EOF -> command_list; first_line_comment : POUND ~(EOL)* EOL; command_list : list_level_2 -> ^(LIST list_level_2); list_level_1 : pipeline (BLANK!?(LOGICAND^|LOGICOR^)(BLANK!|EOL!)* pipeline)*; list_level_2 : list_level_1 (BLANK!? command_separator (BLANK!? EOL!)* BLANK!? list_level_1)*; command_separator : SEMIC! | AMP^ | EOL!; pipeline : time? ((BANG) => (BANG BLANK!))? command^ (BLANK!? PIPE^ wspace!? command)*; time : TIME^ BLANK! ((time_posix) => time_posix)?; time_posix : MINUS! LETTER BLANK!; redirection : redirection_atom+; redirection_atom : redirection_operator redirection_destination -> ^(REDIR redirection_operator redirection_destination) | BLANK! process_substitution | here_string; process_substitution : (dir=LESS_THAN|dir=GREATER_THAN)LPAREN BLANK* command_list BLANK* RPAREN -> ^(PROCESS_SUBSTITUTION $dir command_list); redirection_destination : (BLANK? file_descriptor) => BLANK!? file_descriptor | BLANK! process_substitution | BLANK!? string_expr; file_descriptor : DIGIT -> ^(FILE_DESCRIPTOR DIGIT) | DIGIT MINUS -> ^(FILE_DESCRIPTOR_MOVE DIGIT); here_string : BLANK!? HERE_STRING_OP^ BLANK!? (string_expr) => string_expr; here_document #ifdef OUTPUT_C scope { std::string here_document_word; int number_of_tokens; } @init { // http://antlr.1301665.n2.nabble.com/C-target-initialization-of-return-scope-structures-td5078478.html new (&($here_document::here_document_word)) std::string; $here_document::number_of_tokens = 0; ctx->plibbashParser_here_documentTop->free = &free_here_document; } #else scope { String here_document_word; int number_of_tokens; } @init { $here_document::here_document_word = ""; $here_document::number_of_tokens = 0; } #endif : BLANK? (here_document_operator) => here_document_operator BLANK? here_document_begin redirection? EOL here_document_content? here_document_end -> ^(here_document_operator ^(STRING here_document_content?) redirection?); here_document_operator : LSHIFT ( (MINUS) => MINUS -> OP["<<-"] | -> OP["<<"] ); here_document_begin : ( token=~(EOL|BLANK|LESS_THAN|HERE_STRING_OP|GREATER_THAN|RSHIFT|AMP_LESS_THAN|AMP_GREATER_THAN|AMP_RSHIFT) { if(LA(-1) != DQUOTE && LA(-1) != ESC) { $here_document::here_document_word += get_string($token); $here_document::number_of_tokens++; } } )+; here_document_end : ({ $here_document::number_of_tokens != 0 }? => . { $here_document::number_of_tokens--; })+; here_document_content #ifdef OUTPUT_C : ({ !is_here_end(ctx, $here_document::here_document_word, $here_document::number_of_tokens)}? => .)+; #else : ({ !is_here_end($here_document::here_document_word, $here_document::number_of_tokens)}? => .)+; #endif redirection_operator : BLANK! DIGIT redirection_operator | BLANK? ( AMP_LESS_THAN -> OP["&<"] | GREATER_THAN AMP -> OP[">&"] | LESS_THAN AMP -> OP["<&"] | LESS_THAN GREATER_THAN -> OP["<>"] | RSHIFT -> OP[">>"] | AMP_GREATER_THAN -> OP["&>"] | AMP_RSHIFT -> OP ["&>>"] | LESS_THAN -> LESS_THAN | GREATER_THAN -> GREATER_THAN ); command : command_atom ( redirection here_document? -> ^(COMMAND redirection command_atom here_document?) | here_document -> ^(COMMAND command_atom here_document) | -> ^(COMMAND command_atom) ); command_atom : {LA(1) == FOR|| LA(1) == SELECT|| LA(1) == IF|| LA(1) == WHILE|| LA(1) == UNTIL|| LA(1) == CASE|| LA(1) == LPAREN|| LA(1) == LBRACE|| LA(1) == LLPAREN|| LA(1) == LSQUARE|| #ifdef OUTPUT_C (LA(1) == NAME && LA(2) == BLANK && "test" == get_string(LT(1)))}? => compound_command | {LA(1) == NAME && LA(2) == BLANK && "function" == get_string(LT(1))}? => #else (LA(1) == NAME && LA(2) == BLANK && "test".equals(get_string(LT(1))))}? => compound_command | {LA(1) == NAME && LA(2) == BLANK && "function".equals(get_string(LT(1)))}? => #endif NAME BLANK string_expr_no_reserved_word ((BLANK? parens wspace?)|wspace) compound_command -> ^(FUNCTION string_expr_no_reserved_word compound_command) | (name (LSQUARE|EQUALS|PLUS EQUALS)) => variable_definitions ( (BLANK bash_command) => BLANK bash_command -> bash_command variable_definitions | -> ^(VARIABLE_DEFINITIONS variable_definitions) ) | (EXPORT) => EXPORT BLANK builtin_variable_definition_item -> ^(STRING EXPORT) ^(STRING builtin_variable_definition_item) | (LOCAL) => LOCAL BLANK builtin_variable_definition_item -> ^(STRING LOCAL) ^(STRING builtin_variable_definition_item) | (DECLARE) => DECLARE BLANK builtin_variable_definition_item -> ^(STRING DECLARE) ^(STRING builtin_variable_definition_item) | command_name ( (BLANK? parens) => BLANK? parens wspace? compound_command -> ^(FUNCTION command_name compound_command) | ( {LA(1) == BLANK && ( !is_special_token(LA(2)) // redirection &&(LA(2) != DIGIT || (LA(3) != AMP_LESS_THAN && LA(3) != AMP_GREATER_THAN && LA(3) != AMP_RSHIFT && LA(3) != GREATER_THAN && LA(3) != LESS_THAN && LA(3) != RSHIFT)) )}? => BLANK bash_command_arguments )* -> command_name bash_command_arguments* ); command_name : string_expr_no_reserved_word | {LA(1) == GREATER_THAN}? => redirection_atom -> redirection_atom ^(STRING NAME); variable_definitions : variable_definition_atom ((BLANK name (LSQUARE|EQUALS|PLUS EQUALS)) => BLANK! variable_definition_atom)* ; variable_definition_atom : name LSQUARE BLANK? explicit_arithmetic BLANK? RSQUARE EQUALS string_expr? -> ^(EQUALS ^(name explicit_arithmetic) string_expr?) | name EQUALS value? -> ^(EQUALS name value?) | name PLUS EQUALS array_value -> ^(PLUS_ASSIGN name array_value) | name PLUS EQUALS string_expr_part* -> ^(EQUALS name ^(STRING ^(VAR_REF name) string_expr_part*)); value : string_expr | array_value; array_value scope { #ifdef OUTPUT_C bool array_value_end; #else boolean array_value_end; #endif } : LPAREN wspace? ( RPAREN -> ^(ARRAY) | {$array_value::array_value_end = false; } array_atom ({!$array_value::array_value_end}? => wspace array_atom)* -> ^(ARRAY array_atom+) ); array_atom : ( (LSQUARE) => LSQUARE! BLANK!? explicit_arithmetic BLANK!? RSQUARE! EQUALS^ string_expr | string_expr ) ( (wspace RPAREN) => wspace! RPAREN! {$array_value::array_value_end = true; } | (RPAREN) => RPAREN! {$array_value::array_value_end = true; } | ); builtin_variable_definition_item scope { int parens; #ifdef OUTPUT_C bool dquotes; #else boolean dquotes; #endif } @init { $builtin_variable_definition_item::parens = 0; $builtin_variable_definition_item::dquotes = false; } : ( (LPAREN) => LPAREN { ++$builtin_variable_definition_item::parens; } |(RPAREN) => RPAREN { --$builtin_variable_definition_item::parens; } |(DQUOTE) => DQUOTE { $builtin_variable_definition_item::dquotes = ! $builtin_variable_definition_item::dquotes; } |(~(EOL|SEMIC)) => expansion_base | {LA(1) == SEMIC && $builtin_variable_definition_item::dquotes}? => SEMIC | {LA(1) == EOL && $builtin_variable_definition_item::parens > 0 || $builtin_variable_definition_item::dquotes}? => EOL )+; #ifdef OUTPUT_C builtin_variable_definitions[bool local] : {$local}? => (builtin_variable_definition_atom) (BLANK builtin_variable_definition_atom)* -> ^(LIST ^(COMMAND ^(VARIABLE_DEFINITIONS LOCAL builtin_variable_definition_atom+))) | {!$local}? => (builtin_variable_definition_atom) (BLANK builtin_variable_definition_atom)* -> ^(LIST ^(COMMAND ^(VARIABLE_DEFINITIONS builtin_variable_definition_atom+))); #else builtin_variable_definitions : (builtin_variable_definition_atom) (BLANK builtin_variable_definition_atom)* -> ^(LIST ^(COMMAND ^(VARIABLE_DEFINITIONS builtin_variable_definition_atom+))); #endif builtin_variable_definition_atom : variable_definition_atom // We completely ignore the options for export, local and readonly for now | (MINUS LETTER BLANK) => MINUS LETTER -> | name -> ^(EQUALS name ^(STRING ^(VAR_REF name))); bash_command : string_expr_no_reserved_word ((BLANK bash_command_arguments) => BLANK! bash_command_arguments)*; bash_command_arguments : bash_command_argument_atom+ -> ^(STRING bash_command_argument_atom+); // TODO support brace expansion and braces bash_command_argument_atom : (LBRACE) => ( (brace_expansion) => brace_expansion |LBRACE ) | RBRACE | string_expr_part; parens : LPAREN BLANK? RPAREN; compound_command : for_expr | select_expr | if_expr | while_expr | until_expr | case_expr | subshell | current_shell | arithmetic_expression | condition_comparison; semiel : BLANK? SEMIC wspace? | BLANK? EOL wspace?; for_expr : FOR BLANK? ( name ( wspace IN for_each_value* BLANK? (SEMIC|EOL) wspace? | wspace? SEMIC wspace? | wspace ) DO wspace command_list semiel DONE -> ^(FOR name for_each_value* command_list) | LLPAREN EOL? // initilization (BLANK? init=arithmetics BLANK?|BLANK)? // condition (SEMIC (BLANK? fcond=arithmetics BLANK?|BLANK)? SEMIC|DOUBLE_SEMIC) // modification (BLANK? mod=arithmetics)? wspace? RPAREN RPAREN semiel DO wspace command_list semiel DONE -> ^(CFOR ^(FOR_INIT $init)? ^(FOR_COND $fcond)? command_list ^(FOR_MOD $mod)?) ); for_each_value : {LA(1) == BLANK && LA(2) != EOL && LA(2) != SEMIC && LA(2) != DO}? => (BLANK! string_expr); select_expr : SELECT BLANK name (wspace IN BLANK string_expr)? semiel DO wspace command_list semiel DONE -> ^(SELECT name string_expr? command_list) ; if_expr : IF wspace ag=command_list semiel THEN wspace iflist=command_list semiel (elif_expr)* (ELSE wspace else_list=command_list semiel)? FI -> ^(IF_STATEMENT ^(IF $ag $iflist) (elif_expr)* ^(ELSE $else_list)?); elif_expr : ELIF BLANK ag=command_list semiel THEN wspace iflist=command_list semiel -> ^(IF["if"] $ag $iflist); while_expr : WHILE wspace? istrue=command_list semiel DO wspace dothis=command_list semiel DONE -> ^(WHILE $istrue $dothis); until_expr : UNTIL wspace? istrue=command_list semiel DO wspace dothis=command_list semiel DONE -> ^(UNTIL $istrue $dothis); case_expr : CASE BLANK string_expr wspace IN case_body -> ^(CASE string_expr case_body); case_body scope { #ifdef OUTPUT_C bool case_end; #else boolean case_end; #endif } : {$case_body::case_end = false;} ( (wspace ESAC) => (wspace ESAC) -> ^(CASE_PATTERN) |({!$case_body::case_end}? => case_statement)+ -> case_statement+ ); case_statement : wspace? (LPAREN BLANK?)? extended_pattern (BLANK? PIPE BLANK? extended_pattern)* BLANK? RPAREN (wspace command_list)? ( wspace? DOUBLE_SEMIC ((wspace ESAC) => wspace ESAC {$case_body::case_end = true;})? |wspace ESAC {$case_body::case_end = true;} ) -> ^(CASE_PATTERN extended_pattern+ (CASE_COMMAND command_list)?); subshell : LPAREN wspace? command_list (BLANK? SEMIC)? wspace? RPAREN -> ^(SUBSHELL command_list); current_shell : LBRACE wspace command_list semiel RBRACE -> ^(CURRENT_SHELL command_list); arithmetic_expression : LLPAREN wspace? arithmetics wspace? RPAREN RPAREN -> ^(ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION arithmetics); condition_comparison : condition_expr -> ^(COMPOUND_COND condition_expr); condition_expr : LSQUARE LSQUARE wspace keyword_condition wspace RSQUARE RSQUARE -> ^(KEYWORD_TEST keyword_condition) | LSQUARE wspace builtin_condition wspace RSQUARE -> ^(BUILTIN_TEST builtin_condition) #ifdef OUTPUT_C | {LA(1) == NAME && LA(2) == BLANK && get_string(LT(1)) == "test"}? => NAME wspace? builtin_condition-> ^(BUILTIN_TEST builtin_condition); #else | {LA(1) == NAME && LA(2) == BLANK && "test".equals(get_string(LT(1)))}? => NAME wspace? builtin_condition-> ^(BUILTIN_TEST builtin_condition); #endif keyword_condition_and : keyword_condition_primary ( wspace!? LOGICAND^ wspace!? keyword_condition_primary)*; keyword_condition : keyword_condition_and ( wspace!? LOGICOR^ wspace!? keyword_condition_and)*; keyword_negation_primary : BANG BLANK keyword_condition_primary -> ^(NEGATION keyword_condition_primary); keyword_condition_primary : LPAREN! BLANK!? keyword_condition BLANK!? RPAREN! | (BANG) => keyword_negation_primary | (unary_operator) => keyword_condition_unary | keyword_condition_binary; keyword_condition_unary : unary_operator^ BLANK! condition_part; keyword_condition_binary : condition_part ( (BLANK EQUALS TILDE) => BLANK EQUALS TILDE BLANK bash_pattern_part -> ^(MATCH_REGULAR_EXPRESSION condition_part ^(STRING bash_pattern_part)) | keyword_binary_string_operator right=condition_part -> ^(keyword_binary_string_operator condition_part $right) | BLANK (BANG EQUALS) BLANK extended_pattern_match+ -> ^(NOT_MATCH_PATTERN condition_part ^(STRING extended_pattern_match+)) | BLANK (EQUALS EQUALS) BLANK extended_pattern_match+ -> ^(MATCH_PATTERN condition_part ^(STRING extended_pattern_match+)) | -> condition_part ); bash_pattern_part scope { int parens; #ifdef OUTPUT_C bool quoted; #else boolean quoted; #endif } @init { $bash_pattern_part::parens = 0; $bash_pattern_part::quoted = false; } :( DQUOTE! { $bash_pattern_part::quoted = !$bash_pattern_part::quoted; } | {$bash_pattern_part::quoted}? => preserved_tokens | (ESC BLANK) => ESC BLANK | LPAREN { if(LA(-2) != ESC) $bash_pattern_part::parens++; } | LLPAREN { if(LA(-2) != ESC) $bash_pattern_part::parens += 2; } | {$bash_pattern_part::parens != 0}? => RPAREN { if(LA(-2) != ESC) $bash_pattern_part::parens--; } | ~(BLANK|EOL|LOGICAND|LOGICOR|LPAREN|RPAREN|DQUOTE|LLPAREN) )+; preserved_tokens : non_dquote -> ESCAPED_CHAR non_dquote; non_dquote : ~DQUOTE; keyword_binary_string_operator : BLANK! binary_operator BLANK! | BLANK! EQUALS BLANK! | BLANK!? LESS_THAN BLANK!? | BLANK!? GREATER_THAN BLANK!?; builtin_condition_and : builtin_condition_primary (builtin_logic_and^ BLANK! builtin_condition_primary)*; builtin_condition : builtin_condition_and (builtin_logic_or^ BLANK! builtin_condition_and)*; builtin_negation_primary : BANG BLANK builtin_condition_primary -> ^(NEGATION builtin_condition_primary); builtin_condition_primary : LPAREN! BLANK!? builtin_condition BLANK!? RPAREN! | (BANG) => builtin_negation_primary | (unary_operator) => builtin_condition_unary | builtin_condition_binary; builtin_condition_unary : unary_operator^ BLANK! condition_part; builtin_condition_binary : condition_part (BLANK! builtin_binary_string_operator^ BLANK! condition_part)?; builtin_binary_string_operator : binary_operator | (EQUALS EQUALS) => EQUALS EQUALS -> EQUALS | EQUALS | BANG EQUALS -> NOT_EQUALS | ESC_LT | ESC_GT; builtin_logic_and #ifdef OUTPUT_C : {LA(1) == BLANK && LA(2) == MINUS && LA(3) == LETTER && "a" == get_string(LT(3))}?=> BLANK MINUS LETTER -> BUILTIN_LOGIC_AND; #else : {LA(1) == BLANK && LA(2) == MINUS && LA(3) == LETTER && "a".equals(get_string(LT(3)))}?=> BLANK MINUS LETTER -> BUILTIN_LOGIC_AND; #endif builtin_logic_or #ifdef OUTPUT_C : {LA(1) == BLANK && LA(2) == MINUS && LA(3) == LETTER && "o" == get_string(LT(3))}?=> BLANK MINUS LETTER -> BUILTIN_LOGIC_OR; #else : {LA(1) == BLANK && LA(2) == MINUS && LA(3) == LETTER && "o".equals(get_string(LT(3)))}?=> BLANK MINUS LETTER -> BUILTIN_LOGIC_OR; #endif binary_operator : MINUS! NAME^; unary_operator : MINUS! LETTER; // TODO support brace expansion condition_part : string_expr; name : NAME | LETTER | UNDERSCORE; num options{k=1;} : DIGIT|NUMBER; string_expr : (~POUND) => string_expr_part string_expr_part* -> ^(STRING string_expr_part+); string_expr_part : quoted_string | non_quoted_string | reserved_word; string_expr_no_reserved_word : (~POUND) => ( non_quoted_string string_expr_part* -> ^(STRING non_quoted_string string_expr_part*) | quoted_string string_expr_part* -> ^(STRING quoted_string string_expr_part*) ); reserved_word : CASE|DO|DONE|ELIF|ELSE|ESAC|FI|FOR|IF|IN|SELECT|THEN|UNTIL|WHILE|TIME; non_quoted_string : string_part | variable_reference | command_substitution | arithmetic_expansion | brace_expansion | BANG | DOLLAR SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN -> ^(ANSI_C_QUOTING SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN); quoted_string : double_quoted_string | SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN -> ^(SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN); double_quoted_string : DQUOTE ((~DQUOTE) => expansion_base)* DQUOTE -> ^(DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING expansion_base*); // Perform all kinds of expansions expansion_base : (DOLLAR (LBRACE|name|num|TIMES|AT|POUND|QMARK|MINUS|DOLLAR|BANG)) => variable_reference | (command_substitution) => command_substitution | (DOLLAR (LLPAREN|LSQUARE)) => arithmetic_expansion | (ESC DQUOTE) => ESC DQUOTE -> DQUOTE | (ESC TICK) => ESC TICK -> TICK | (ESC DOLLAR) => ESC DOLLAR -> DOLLAR | (brace_expansion) => brace_expansion | (DOLLAR SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN) => DOLLAR SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN -> ^(ANSI_C_QUOTING SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN) | .; all_expansions : expansion_atom+ -> ^(STRING expansion_atom+); expansion_atom : (DQUOTE) => double_quoted_string | expansion_base; string_part : ns_string_part | SLASH; ns_string_part : num|name|escaped_character |OTHER|EQUALS|PCT|PCTPCT|PLUS|MINUS|DOT|DOTDOT|COLON |TILDE|LSQUARE|RSQUARE|CARET|POUND|COMMA|EXPORT|LOCAL|DECLARE|AT // Escaped characters |ESC_RPAREN|ESC_LPAREN|ESC_RSQUARE|ESC_LSQUARE|ESC_DOLLAR|ESC_GT|ESC_LT|ESC_TICK|ESC_DQUOTE|ESC_SQUOTE // The following is for filename expansion |TIMES|QMARK; escaped_character : ESC ( (DIGIT) => DIGIT | (DIGIT DIGIT) => DIGIT DIGIT | (DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT) => DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT | LETTER ALPHANUM ALPHANUM? | . ); extended_pattern_match : (QMARK LPAREN) => QMARK LPAREN extended_pattern (PIPE extended_pattern)* RPAREN -> ^(EXTENDED_MATCH_AT_MOST_ONE extended_pattern+) | (TIMES LPAREN) => TIMES LPAREN extended_pattern (PIPE extended_pattern)* RPAREN -> ^(EXTENDED_MATCH_ANY extended_pattern+) | (PLUS LPAREN) => PLUS LPAREN extended_pattern (PIPE extended_pattern)* RPAREN -> ^(EXTENDED_MATCH_AT_LEAST_ONE extended_pattern+) | (AT LPAREN) => AT LPAREN extended_pattern (PIPE extended_pattern)* RPAREN -> ^(EXTENDED_MATCH_EXACTLY_ONE extended_pattern+) | (BANG LPAREN) => BANG LPAREN extended_pattern (PIPE extended_pattern)* RPAREN -> ^(EXTENDED_MATCH_NONE extended_pattern+) | (bracket_pattern_match) => bracket_pattern_match | (pattern_class_match) => pattern_class_match | string_expr_part; extended_pattern : ((~(RPAREN|PIPE)) => extended_pattern_match)+ -> ^(BRANCH extended_pattern_match+); bracket_pattern_match : LSQUARE! bracket_pattern_match_operator^ bracket_pattern RSQUARE! | TIMES -> MATCH_ALL | QMARK -> MATCH_ONE; bracket_pattern_match_operator : (BANG) => BANG -> MATCH_ANY_EXCEPT | (CARET) => CARET -> MATCH_ANY_EXCEPT | -> MATCH_ANY; bracket_pattern_part : (pattern_class_match) => pattern_class_match | string_expr_part; bracket_pattern : ((~RSQUARE) => bracket_pattern_part)+; pattern_class_match : LSQUARE COLON NAME COLON RSQUARE -> ^(CHARACTER_CLASS NAME) | LSQUARE EQUALS pattern_char EQUALS RSQUARE -> ^(EQUIVALENCE_CLASS pattern_char) | LSQUARE DOT NAME DOT RSQUARE -> ^(COLLATING_SYMBOL NAME); pattern_char : LETTER|DIGIT|OTHER|QMARK|COLON|AT|SEMIC|POUND|SLASH |BANG|TIMES|COMMA|PIPE|AMP|MINUS|PLUS|PCT|LSQUARE|RSQUARE |RPAREN|LPAREN|RBRACE|LBRACE|DOLLAR|TICK|DOT|LESS_THAN |GREATER_THAN|SQUOTE|DQUOTE|AMP_LESS_THAN|AMP_GREATER_THAN|AMP_RSHIFT; variable_reference : DOLLAR LBRACE parameter_expansion RBRACE -> ^(VAR_REF parameter_expansion) | DOLLAR name -> ^(VAR_REF name) | DOLLAR num -> ^(VAR_REF num) | DOLLAR TIMES -> ^(VAR_REF TIMES) | DOLLAR AT -> ^(VAR_REF AT) | DOLLAR POUND -> ^(VAR_REF POUND) | DOLLAR QMARK -> ^(VAR_REF QMARK) | DOLLAR MINUS -> ^(VAR_REF MINUS) | DOLLAR DOLLAR -> ^(VAR_REF DOLLAR) | DOLLAR BANG -> ^(VAR_REF BANG); parameter_expansion : variable_name ( (parameter_value_operator) => parameter_value_operator parameter_expansion_value -> ^(parameter_value_operator variable_name parameter_expansion_value) | COLON BLANK? ( os=explicit_arithmetic (COLON BLANK? len=explicit_arithmetic)? // It will make the tree parser's work easier if OFFSET is used as the root of arithmetic. // Otherwise, the tree parser can see several arithmetic expressions but can not tell // which one is for offset and which one is for length. -> ^(OFFSET variable_name ^(OFFSET $os) ^(OFFSET ^($len))?) | COLON BLANK? len=explicit_arithmetic -> ^(OFFSET variable_name ^(OFFSET NUMBER["0"]) ^(OFFSET ^($len))?) ) | parameter_delete_operator parameter_delete_pattern -> ^(parameter_delete_operator variable_name parameter_delete_pattern) | parameter_replace_operator parameter_replace_pattern (SLASH parameter_expansion_value)? -> ^(parameter_replace_operator variable_name parameter_replace_pattern parameter_expansion_value?) | BLANK? -> variable_name ) | BANG variable_name_for_bang ( TIMES -> ^(BANG variable_name_for_bang TIMES) | AT -> ^(BANG variable_name_for_bang AT) | LSQUARE (op=TIMES|op=AT) RSQUARE -> ^(LIST_EXPAND variable_name_for_bang $op) ) | {LA(1) == POUND && LA(2) != RBRACE }? => variable_size_ref; parameter_delete_operator : (POUND POUND) => POUND POUND -> REPLACE_AT_START | POUND -> LAZY_REMOVE_AT_START | PCT -> LAZY_REMOVE_AT_END | PCTPCT -> REPLACE_AT_END; parameter_value_operator : COLON MINUS -> USE_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET_OR_NULL | COLON EQUALS -> ASSIGN_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET_OR_NULL | COLON QMARK -> DISPLAY_ERROR_WHEN_UNSET_OR_NULL | COLON PLUS -> USE_ALTERNATE_WHEN_UNSET_OR_NULL | MINUS -> USE_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET | EQUALS -> ASSIGN_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET | QMARK -> DISPLAY_ERROR_WHEN_UNSET | PLUS -> USE_ALTERNATE_WHEN_UNSET; parameter_replace_pattern : (SLASH) => -> ^(STRING NAME) // Create an empty string | ((~SLASH) => parameter_pattern_part)+ -> ^(STRING parameter_pattern_part+); parameter_delete_pattern : parameter_pattern_part+ -> ^(STRING parameter_pattern_part+); parameter_pattern_part : extended_pattern_match|{is_special_token(LA(1))}? => .; // TODO fix this rule parameter_expansion_value scope { int num_of_braces; } : parameter_expansion_value_atom -> ^(STRING parameter_expansion_value_atom); parameter_expansion_value_atom : (~RBRACE) => {$parameter_expansion_value::num_of_braces = 1;} ( {$parameter_expansion_value::num_of_braces != 0}? => . { if(LA(1) == LBRACE && LA(-1) != ESC) ++$parameter_expansion_value::num_of_braces; else if(LA(1) == RBRACE && LA(-1) != ESC) --$parameter_expansion_value::num_of_braces; } )+ | -> EMPTY_EXPANSION_VALUE; parameter_replace_operator : (SLASH SLASH) => SLASH SLASH -> REPLACE_ALL | (SLASH PCT) => SLASH PCT -> REPLACE_AT_END | (SLASH POUND) => SLASH POUND -> REPLACE_AT_START | SLASH -> REPLACE_FIRST; variable_name : num | name LSQUARE AT RSQUARE -> ^(ARRAY name AT) | name LSQUARE TIMES RSQUARE -> ^(ARRAY name TIMES) | BANG variable_name_for_bang -> ^(VAR_REF variable_name_for_bang) | variable_name_no_digit | DOLLAR | TIMES | AT | QMARK | POUND; variable_name_no_digit : name LSQUARE BLANK? explicit_arithmetic BLANK? RSQUARE -> ^(name explicit_arithmetic) | name; variable_name_for_bang : num|name|POUND; variable_size_ref : (POUND name LSQUARE) => POUND name LSQUARE array_size_index RSQUARE -> ^(POUND ^(name array_size_index)) | POUND^ variable_name; array_size_index : DIGIT+ | (AT|TIMES) -> ARRAY_SIZE; wspace : (BLANK|EOL)+; command_substitution : COMMAND_SUBSTITUTION_PAREN -> ^(COMMAND_SUB COMMAND_SUBSTITUTION_PAREN) | COMMAND_SUBSTITUTION_TICK -> ^(COMMAND_SUB COMMAND_SUBSTITUTION_TICK); brace_expansion : LBRACE BLANK* brace_expansion_inside BLANK* RBRACE -> ^(BRACE_EXP brace_expansion_inside); brace_expansion_inside : commasep|range; range : DIGIT DOTDOT^ DIGIT | LETTER DOTDOT^ LETTER; brace_expansion_part : ((~COMMA) => string_expr_part)* -> ^(STRING string_expr_part*); commasep : brace_expansion_part (COMMA! brace_expansion_part)+; explicit_arithmetic : (DOLLAR (LLPAREN|LSQUARE)) => arithmetic_part // (the predicate resolves the conflict with the primary rule) | arithmetics; arithmetic_expansion : arithmetic_part -> ^(ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION arithmetic_part); arithmetic_part : DOLLAR LLPAREN BLANK? arithmetics BLANK? RPAREN RPAREN -> arithmetics | DOLLAR LSQUARE BLANK? arithmetics BLANK? RSQUARE -> arithmetics; arithmetics : arithmetic (COMMA BLANK? arithmetic)* -> ^(ARITHMETIC arithmetic)+; arithmetics_test : arithmetics EOF!; arithmetic :(variable_name_no_digit BLANK? arithmetic_assignment_operator) => variable_name_no_digit BLANK!? arithmetic_assignment_operator^ BLANK!? logicor | (arithmetic_variable_reference BLANK? arithmetic_assignment_operator) => arithmetic_variable_reference BLANK!? arithmetic_assignment_operator^ BLANK!? logicor | cnd=logicor ( QMARK t=logicor COLON f=logicor -> ^(ARITHMETIC_CONDITION $cnd $t $f) | -> $cnd ); arithmetic_assignment_operator : {LA(1) == EQUALS && LA(2) != EQUALS}? => EQUALS | TIMES EQUALS -> MUL_ASSIGN | SLASH EQUALS -> DIVIDE_ASSIGN | PCT EQUALS -> MOD_ASSIGN | PLUS EQUALS -> PLUS_ASSIGN | MINUS EQUALS -> MINUS_ASSIGN | LSHIFT EQUALS -> LSHIFT_ASSIGN | RSHIFT EQUALS -> RSHIFT_ASSIGN | AMP EQUALS -> AND_ASSIGN | CARET EQUALS -> XOR_ASSIGN | PIPE EQUALS -> OR_ASSIGN; arithmetic_variable_reference : variable_reference -> ^(VAR_REF variable_reference); primary : num | command_substitution | variable_name_no_digit -> ^(VAR_REF variable_name_no_digit) | variable_reference | arithmetic_expansion | LPAREN! (arithmetics) RPAREN!; pre_post_primary : DQUOTE!? primary DQUOTE!?; post_inc_dec : pre_post_primary ((BLANK) => BLANK)? ( (PLUS PLUS) => BLANK? PLUS PLUS -> ^(POST_INCR pre_post_primary) | (MINUS MINUS) => BLANK? MINUS MINUS -> ^(POST_DECR pre_post_primary) | -> pre_post_primary ); pre_inc_dec : PLUS PLUS BLANK? pre_post_primary -> ^(PRE_INCR pre_post_primary) | MINUS MINUS BLANK? pre_post_primary -> ^(PRE_DECR pre_post_primary); unary_with_operator : PLUS BLANK? unary -> ^(PLUS_SIGN unary) | MINUS BLANK? unary -> ^(MINUS_SIGN unary) | TILDE BLANK? unary -> ^(TILDE unary) | BANG BLANK? unary -> ^(BANG unary); unary : post_inc_dec | (PLUS PLUS|MINUS MINUS) => pre_inc_dec | (PLUS|MINUS|TILDE|BANG) => unary_with_operator; exponential : unary (EXP^ BLANK!? unary)* ; times_division_modulus : exponential ((TIMES^|SLASH^|PCT^) BLANK!? exponential)*; addsub : times_division_modulus ((PLUS^|MINUS^) BLANK!? times_division_modulus)*; shifts : addsub ((LSHIFT^|RSHIFT^) BLANK!? addsub)*; compare : shifts (compare_operator^ BLANK!? shifts)?; compare_operator : LESS_THAN EQUALS -> LEQ | GREATER_THAN EQUALS -> GEQ | LESS_THAN | GREATER_THAN | EQUALS EQUALS -> EQUALS_TO | BANG EQUALS -> NOT_EQUALS; bitwiseand : compare (AMP^ BLANK!? compare)*; bitwisexor : bitwiseand (CARET^ BLANK!? bitwiseand)*; bitwiseor : bitwisexor (PIPE^ BLANK!? bitwisexor)*; logicand : bitwiseor (LOGICAND^ BLANK!? bitwiseor)*; logicor : logicand (LOGICOR^ BLANK!? logicand)*; COMMENT : { !double_quoted }?=> (BLANK|EOL) '#' ~('\n'|'\r')* {$channel=HIDDEN;} ; BANG : '!'; CASE : 'case'; DO : 'do'; DONE : 'done'; ELIF : 'elif'; ELSE : 'else'; ESAC : 'esac'; FI : 'fi'; FOR : 'for'; IF : 'if'; IN : 'in'; SELECT : 'select'; THEN : 'then'; UNTIL : 'until'; WHILE : 'while'; LBRACE : '{'; RBRACE : '}'; TIME : 'time'; RPAREN : ')'; LPAREN : '('; LLPAREN : '(('; LSQUARE : '['; RSQUARE : ']'; TICK : '`'; DOLLAR : '$'; AT : '@'; DOT : '.'; DOTDOT : '..'; TIMES : '*'; EQUALS : '='; MINUS : '-'; PLUS : '+'; EXP : '**'; AMP : '&'; CARET : '^'; LESS_THAN : '<'; GREATER_THAN : '>'; LSHIFT : '<<'; RSHIFT : '>>'; AMP_LESS_THAN : '&<'; AMP_GREATER_THAN : '&>'; AMP_RSHIFT : '&>>'; SEMIC : ';'; DOUBLE_SEMIC : ';;'; PIPE : '|'; ESC_DQUOTE : '\\"'; ESC_SQUOTE : { !double_quoted }? => '\\\''; DQUOTE : '"' { if(LA(-1) != '\\') double_quoted = !double_quoted; }; SQUOTE : { double_quoted }? => '\''; SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN : { !double_quoted }? => '\'' .* '\''; COMMA : ','; BLANK : (' '|'\t')+; EOL : ('\r'?'\n')+ ; DIGIT : '0'..'9'; NUMBER : DIGIT DIGIT+; LETTER : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'); fragment ALPHANUM : (DIGIT|LETTER); TILDE : '~'; HERE_STRING_OP : '<<<'; POUND : '#'; PCT : '%'; PCTPCT : '%%'; SLASH : '/'; COLON : ':'; QMARK : '?'; LOCAL : 'local'; EXPORT : 'export'; DECLARE : 'declare'; LOGICAND : '&&'; LOGICOR : '||'; CONTINUE_LINE : (ESC EOL)+{$channel=HIDDEN;}; ESC_RPAREN : ESC RPAREN; ESC_LPAREN : ESC LPAREN; ESC_RSQUARE : ESC RSQUARE; ESC_LSQUARE : ESC LSQUARE; ESC_DOLLAR : ESC DOLLAR; ESC_TICK : ESC TICK; COMMAND_SUBSTITUTION_PAREN : {LA(1) == '$' && LA(2) == '(' && LA(3) != '('}? => (DOLLAR LPAREN ({ paren_level = 1; } ( ESC_LPAREN | ESC_RPAREN | LPAREN { ++paren_level; } | RPAREN { if(--paren_level == 0) { #ifdef OUTPUT_C LEXSTATE->type = _type; #else state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; #endif return; } } | SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN | . )+ )); COMMAND_SUBSTITUTION_TICK : TICK .+ (~ESC) TICK; ESC_LT : ESC'<'; ESC_GT : ESC'>'; ESC : '\\'; UNDERSCORE : '_'; NAME : (LETTER|UNDERSCORE)(ALPHANUM|UNDERSCORE)+; OTHER : .;