#! /usr/bin/env python import os, sys import urllib2 from datetime import datetime from lxml.etree import fromstring from optparse import OptionParser path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir) sys.path.insert(0, path) del path from grumpy import app from grumpy.models import db, Herd, PkgIssue, Setting HERDS_URL = 'http://sources.gentoo.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/gentoo/xml/htdocs/proj/en/metastructure/herds/herds.xml' PLUGIN_NAME='qa::valid_herd' def gc_collect(timestamp): """Remove old QA issues from database returning number of rows deleted.""" db.session.expire_all() print ("DEBUG: Deleted %d resolved (?) issues." % PkgIssue.query \ .filter_by(plugin=PLUGIN_NAME) \ .filter(PkgIssue.created_on < timestamp).delete(False)) def update_issues(invalid): """Insert QA issues into db.""" cases = {'maintainer-needed': 'Package is looking for maintainer-herd', 'no-herd': 'Package is missing herd', 'fix-me' : 'Package should use "no-herd" instead of empty "herd" tag', 'invalid-herd' : 'Herd %s is not listed in official herd list' } for herd in invalid: issue = herd if herd not in cases.keys(): issue = 'invalid-herd' data = cases[issue] % herd else: data = cases[herd] try: # Clean up old issues PkgIssue.query.filter_by(plugin=PLUGIN_NAME,type=herd).delete(False) for pkg in Herd.query.filter_by(name=herd).first().packages: pkg.qaissues.append(PkgIssue(pkg, PLUGIN_NAME, issue, data)) db.session.commit() except Exception: db.session.rollback() print "Invalid error occurred!" raise RuntimeError def download_and_parse_herds(): """Return list of herd names from 'herds.xml'""" data = urllib2.urlopen(HERDS_URL) herds = [] for child in fromstring(data.read()).getchildren(): for value in child.getchildren(): if value.tag == 'name': herds.append(value.text) return herds if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] CONFFILE") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("provide path to configuration file as first argument") sys.exit(1) # Fetch data and parse it herds = download_and_parse_herds() b0rks = [] timestamp = datetime.now() app.test_request_context().push() # Load configuration app.config.from_pyfile(args[0]) # Fetch list of herds from db for herd in Herd.query.all(): if herd.name in herds: herds.remove(herd.name) else: b0rks.append(herd.name) update_issues(b0rks) # Clean up issues < timestamp gc_collect(timestamp) # Update settings and add info about last run.. Setting.query.filter_by(name=PLUGIN_NAME).delete(False) db.session.add(Setting(PLUGIN_NAME, str(timestamp))) db.session.commit()