path: root/man
diff options
authorThomas Deutschmann <>2019-10-15 12:24:12 +0200
committerThomas Deutschmann <>2020-08-13 11:26:55 +0200
commite088156d5b620e5e639580dacf85c6dc13823c74 (patch)
tree57f5c025e203279944da512166c20bc0521d8ccd /man
Import Ghostscript 9.50ghostscript-9.50
Signed-off-by: Thomas Deutschmann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'man')
23 files changed, 1225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/man/de/dvipdf.1 b/man/de/dvipdf.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7a0cd29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/de/dvipdf.1
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+.\" Using encoding of the German (de_DE) translation: ISO-8859-1
+.\" Translation by Tobias Burnus <> and Thomas Hoffmann
+.TH DVIPDF 1 "8.Juli 2002" 7.21 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+dvipdf \- konvertiert TeX-DVI-Dateien nach PDF mittels Ghostscript und dvips
+\fBdvipdf\fR [ \fIOptionen\fR ] \fIEingabe.dvi\fR [ \fIAusgabe.pdf\fR ] ...
+Das Skript ruf
+.BR dvips (1)
+mit dem
+.B -q
+Parameter auf und leitet die Ausgabe über eine Pipe an
+.BR gs (1)
+weiter, das mit den folgenden Paramtern aufgerufen wird:
+.B -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
+sowie mit
+.B -sOutputFile
+und allen in der Kommandozeile angegeben Optionen.
+gs(1), dvips(1)
+Dieses Dokument wurde zuletzt für Ghostscript Version 7.21 durchgesehen.
+Artifex Software, Inc. sind die
+Hauptautoren von Ghostscript.
+Diese Manpage ist von George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/de/gsnd.1 b/man/de/gsnd.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6600813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/de/gsnd.1
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+.\" Using encoding of the German (de_DE) translation: ISO-8859-1
+.\" Translation by Tobias Burnus <> and Thomas Hoffmann
+.TH GSND 1 "8.Juli 2002" 7.21 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+gsnd \- startet Ghostscript (PostScript- und PDF-Engine) ohne Display
+\fBgsnd\fR [ \fIOptionen\fR ] [ \fIDateien\fR ] ...
+Das Skript ruft einfach
+.BR gs (1)
+mit der Option
+auf, gefolgt von allen anderen Argumenten der Kommandozeile.
+Dieses Dokument wurde zuletzt für Ghostscript Version 7.21 durchgesehen.
+Artifex Software, Inc. sind die
+Hauptautoren von Ghostscript.
+Diese Manpage ist von George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/de/pdf2dsc.1 b/man/de/pdf2dsc.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3ce4609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/de/pdf2dsc.1
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+.TH PDF2DSC 1 "6. Januar 2008" 8.61 "Ghostscript-Werkzeuge" \" -*- nroff -*-
+pdf2dsc \- erzeugt eine PostScript-Seitenliste aus einem PDF-Dokument
+\fBpdf2dsc\fR \fIEingabe.pdf\fR [ \fIAusgabe.dsc\fR ]
+\fBpdf2dsc\fR benutzt \fBgs\fR(1), um das Dokument "Eingabe.pdf" zu lesen, das
+Adobes \fBPortable Document Format\fR (PDF) entspricht, und erstellt ein
+\fBPostScript\fR(tm)-Dokument "Ausgabe.dsc", das den Anforderungen von Adobes
+\fBDocument Structuring Conventions\fR (DSC) entspricht.
+Das neue Dokument sagt Ghostscript einfach nur, die PDF-Datei zu lesen und sie
+seitenweise darzustellen. Das erzeugte Dokument kann mit jedem PostScript-Anzeigeprogramm,
+das auf Ghostscript basiert, dargestellt werden, wie \fBghostview\fR(1)
+unter Unix oder \fBGSview\fR unter Windows, mit dem der Benutzer sich das
+PDF-Dokument in beliebiger Reihenfolge ansehen kann.
+Falls keine Ausgabedatei in der Befehlszeile angegeben ist, wird der Name der Eingangsdatei benutzt,
+wobei die Dateiendung entfernt und durch "\.dsc" ersetzt wird.
+Das DSC-Dokument benutzt Ghostscript-spezifische Prozeduren. Zudem muss das Original-PDF-
+verf\[:u]gbar sein, w\[:a]hrend das DSC-Dokument verarbeitet wird.
+Sie ben\[:o]tigen die Datei "" (urspr\[:u]nglich von Russell Lang), die seit
+Version 3.53 bei Ghostscript enthalten ist.
+gs(1), ghostview(1)
+Dies Dokument wurde zuletzt f\[:u]r Ghostscript Version 8.61 durchgesehen.
+Yves Arrouye <> und Russell Lang gsview at
diff --git a/man/de/pdf2ps.1 b/man/de/pdf2ps.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54678910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/de/pdf2ps.1
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+.\" Using encoding of the German (de_DE) translation: ISO-8859-1
+.\" Translation by Tobias Burnus <> and Thomas Hoffmann
+.TH PDF2PS 1 "8.Juli 2002" 7.21 "Ghostscript Tools" \" -*- nroff -*-
+pdf2ps \- Ghostscript PDF nach PostScript Konverter
+\fBpdf2ps\fR [ \fIOptionen\fR ] \fIEingabe.pdf []\fR
+\fBpdf2ps\fR benutzt \fBgs\fR(1) um die Datei "Eingabe.pdf" im \fBPortable Document Format\fR (PDF)
+in die Datei "" im \fBPostScript\fR(tm)-Format zu konvertieren.
+Normalerweise darf die Ausgabe PostScript-Level-2-Konstrukte (nicht jedoch PostScript LanguageLevel 3)
+benutzen; die \fB-dLanguageLevel=1\fR Option erzwingt
+Level 1, während \fB-dLanguageLevel=3\fR LanguageLevel-3-Konstrukte für die Ausgabe erlaubt.
+Starten Sie "\fBgs -h\fR" um den Ort der Ghostscript-Dokumentation auf Ihrem System zu ermitteln,
+wo Sie weitere Datails finden.
+Dieses Dokument wurde zuletzt für Ghostscript Version 7.21 durchgesehen.
+Artifex Software, Inc. sind die
+Hauptautoren of Ghostscript.
diff --git a/man/de/printafm.1 b/man/de/printafm.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc75b98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/de/printafm.1
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+.\" Using encoding of the German (de_DE) translation: ISO-8859-1
+.\" Translation by Tobias Burnus <> and Thomas Hoffmann
+.TH PRINTAFM 1 "8.Juli 2002" 7.21 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+printafm \- Gibt die Metrik einer Postscript-Schrift im AFM-Format mittels ghostscript aus
+\fBprintafm\fR \fISchriftname\fR
+Dieses Skript ruft
+.BR gs (1)
+auf, um die Metrik einer Schrift im AFM-Format zur Standardausgabe (stdout) zu schreiben.
+Das Dokument wurde zuletzt für Ghostscript Version 7.21 durchgesehen.
+Artifex Software, Inc. sind die
+Hauptautoren von Ghostscript.
+Diese Manpage ist von George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/de/ps2ascii.1 b/man/de/ps2ascii.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f9c0ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/de/ps2ascii.1
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+.\" Using encoding of the German (de_DE) translation: ISO-8859-1
+.\" Translation by Tobias Burnus <> and Thomas Hoffmann
+.TH PS2ASCII 1 "8.Juli 2002" 7.21 "Ghostscript-Werkzeuge" \" -*- nroff -*-
+ps2ascii \- Ghostscript-Übersetzer von PostScript oder PDF nach ASCII
+\fBps2ascii\fR [ \\fR [ \fIAusgabe.txt\fR ] ]
+\fBps2ascii\fR \fIEingabe.pdf\fR [ \fIAusgabe.txt\fR ]
+\fBps2ascii\fR benutzt \fBgs\fR(1), um ASCII-Text aus einer
+\fBPostScript\fR(tm)- oder Adobe \fBPortable-Document-Format\fR-(PDF-)Datei zu extrahieren. Falls keine
+Dateien in der Kommandozeile angegeben werden,
+liest \fBgs\fR von der Standardeingabe; bei PDF-Dateien wird ein expliziter
+Dateiname benötigt, keine Standardeingabe. Falls keine Ausgabedatei angegeben
+ist, wird zur Standardausgabe geschrieben.
+\fBps2ascii\fR ignoriert die Schriftkodierung und kommt nicht sonderlich
+gut mit Unterscheidung (Kerning) zurecht. Somit sollten Sie für PostScript
+(aber gegenwärtig nicht für PDF) \fBpstotext\fR benutzen (siehe unten).
+Starten Sie "\fBgs -h\fR" um den Ort der Ghostscript-Dokumentation auf Ihrem System zu ermitteln,
+wo Sie weitere Datails finden.
+Dies Dokument wurde zuletzt für Ghostscript version 7.21 durchgesehen.
+Artifex Software, Inc. sind die
+Hauptautoren von Ghostscript.
+David M. Jones <> verbesserte \fBps2ascii\fR
diff --git a/man/de/ps2pdf.1 b/man/de/ps2pdf.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfba2b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/de/ps2pdf.1
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+.\" Using encoding of the German (de_DE) translation: UTF-8
+.\" Translation by Tobias Burnus <> and Thomas Hoffmann
+.\" revised for version 7.06 by Wolfram Quester <>
+.\" revised for version 8.64 and recoded to UTF-8 by Jonas Smedegaard <>
+.TH PS2PDF 1 "7.März 2009" 8.64 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+ps2pdf \- konvertiert PostScript nach PDF mittels ghostscript
+ps2pdf12 \- konvertiert PostScript nach PDF\ 1.2 (kompatibel zu Acrobat\ 3 und später) mittels ghostscript
+ps2pdf13 \- konvertiert PostScript nach PDF\ 1.3 (kompatibel zu Acrobat\ 4 und später) mittels ghostscript
+ps2pdf14 \- konvertiert PostScript nach PDF\ 1.4 (kompatibel zu Acrobat\ 5 und später) mittels ghostscript
+\fBps2pdf\fR [Optionen...] {Eingabe.[e]ps|-} [Ausgabe.pdf|-]
+\fBps2pdf12\fR [Optionen...] {Eingabe.[e]ps|-} [Ausgabe.pdf|-]
+\fBps2pdf13\fR [Optionen...] {Eingabe.[e]ps|-} [Ausgabe.pdf|-]
+\fBps2pdf14\fR [Optionen...] {Eingabe.[e]ps|-} [Ausgabe.pdf|-]
+Außer in der Benutzerschnittstelle sind die
+.B ps2pdf\-Skripte
+nahezu in allen Funktionen äquivalent zu Adobe Acrobat Distiller: Sie konvertieren
+PostScript-Dateien in das Portable Document Format (PDF).
+Die drei Skripte unterscheiden sich wie folgt:
+.IP -
+.B ps2pdf12
+produziert immer PDF-1.2-Dateien (kompatibel zu Acrobat 3 und später).
+.IP -
+.B ps2pdf13
+produziert immer PDF-1.3-Dateien (kompatibel zu Acrobat 4 und später).
+.IP -
+.B ps2pdf14
+produziert immer PDF-1.4-Dateien (kompatibel zu Acrobat 5 und später).
+.IP -
+.B ps2pdf
+selbst produziert standardgemäß PDF-1.4-Dateien (kompatibel zu Acrobat 5 und später); In späteren Versionen kann sich das jedoch ändern. Falls Sie eine bestimmte PDF-Version benötigen, sollten Sie
+.B ps2pdf12,
+.B ps2pdf13,
+.BR ps2pdf14
+oder den
+.B \-dCompatibilityLevel=1.x
+Schalter in der Kommandozeile benutzen.
+Die Konvertierung mittels
+.BR ps2pdf
+unterliegt einigen Beschränkungen. Ausführlichere Informationen dazu stehen in der HTML-Dokumentation.
+Für ps2pdf gelten die gleichen Optionen wie für gs(1).
+gs(1), ps2pdfwr(1),
+Ps2pdf.htm in der Ghostscript-Dokumentation
+Dieses Dokument wurde zuletzt für Ghostscript Version 8.64 durchgesehen.
+Artifex Software, Inc. sind die
+Hauptautoren von Ghostscript.
+Diese Manpage ist von George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/de/ps2ps.1 b/man/de/ps2ps.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bb3d132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/de/ps2ps.1
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.\" Using encoding of the German (de_DE) translation: ISO-8859-1
+.\" Translation by Tobias Burnus <> and Thomas Hoffmann
+.TH PS2PS 1 "8.Juli 2002" 7.21 "Ghostscript-Werkzeuge" \" -*- nroff -*-
+ps2ps, eps2eps \- Ghostscript PostScript "Distiller"
+\fBps2ps\fR [ \fIOptionen\fR ] \\fR
+\fBeps2eps\fR [ \fIOptionen\fR ] \fIEingabe.eps Ausgabe.eps\fR
+\fBps2ps\fR benutzt \fIgs\fR(1) um die \fBPostScript\fR(tm)-Dateien
+"" in einfacheres und (meist) schnelleres PostScript in
+"" zu konvertieren. Normalerweise darf die Ausgabe
+PostScript-Level-2-Konstrukte benutzen, aber
+\fB\-dLanguageLevel=1\fR erzwingt die Ausgabe von Level 1.
+\fBeps2eps\fR führt analoge Optimierungen bei Encapsulated
+PostScript (EPS) Dateien durch.
+Rufen Sie "\fBgs -h\fR" auf, um den Ort der Ghostscript-Dokumentation auf Ihrem System zu
+ermitteln, wo Sie weitere Informationen finden.
+Dieses Document wurde zuletzt für Ghostscript Version 7.21 überarbeitet.
+Artifex Software, Inc. sind die
+Hauptautoren von Ghostscript.
diff --git a/man/dvipdf.1 b/man/dvipdf.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d17aff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/dvipdf.1
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+.TH DVIPDF 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+dvipdf \- Convert TeX DVI file to PDF using ghostscript and dvips
+\fBdvipdf\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] \fIinput.dvi\fR [ \fIoutput.pdf\fR ] ...
+This script invokes
+.BR dvips (1)
+with the
+.B -q
+option, and pipes its output into
+.BR gs (1)
+with the following options:
+.B -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
+as well as
+.B -sOutputFile
+and any options from the command-line.
+gs(1), dvips(1)
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.
+This manpage by George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/eps2eps.1 b/man/eps2eps.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..011bc4ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/eps2eps.1
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+.TH PS2PS 1 "31 December 2000" 6.60 "Ghostscript Tools" \" -*- nroff -*-
+ps2ps, eps2eps \- Ghostscript PostScript "distiller"
+\fBps2ps\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] \\fR
+\fBeps2eps\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] \fIinput.eps output.eps\fR
+\fBps2ps\fR uses \fIgs\fR(1) to convert \fBPostScript\fR(tm) file
+"" to simpler and (usually) faster PostScript in
+"". Normally the output is allowed to use PostScript Level 2
+constructs, but the \fB\-dLanguageLevel=1\fR option restricts the output to
+Level 1.
+\fBeps2eps\fR performs the equivalent optimization for Encapsulated
+PostScript (EPS) files.
+Run "\fBgs -h\fR" to find the location of Ghostscript documentation on your
+system, from which you can get more details.
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 6.60.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.
diff --git a/man/gs.1 b/man/gs.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e01d94a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/gs.1
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+.TH GS 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+gs \- Ghostscript (PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer)
+\fBgs\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] [ \fIfiles\fR ] ... \fB(Unix, VMS)\fR
+\fBgswin32c\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] [ \fIfiles\fR ] ... \fB(MS Windows)\fR
+\fBgswin32\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] [ \fIfiles\fR ] ... \fB(MS Windows 3.1)\fR
+\fBgsos2\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] [ \fIfiles\fR ] ... \fB(OS/2)\fR TQ
+.TP \\$1
+The \fBgs\fR (\fBgswin32c\fR, \fBgswin32\fR, \fBgsos2\fR)
+command invokes \fBGhostscript\fR, an interpreter of Adobe Systems'
+\fBPostScript\fR(tm) and \fBPortable Document Format\fR (PDF) languages.
+\fBgs\fR reads "files" in sequence and executes them as Ghostscript
+programs. After doing this, it reads further input from the standard input
+stream (normally the keyboard), interpreting each line separately and
+output to an output device (may be a file or an X11 window preview,
+see below). The
+interpreter exits gracefully when it encounters the "quit" command (either
+in a file or from the keyboard), at end-of-file, or at an interrupt signal
+(such as Control-C at the keyboard).
+The interpreter recognizes many option switches, some of which are described
+below. Please see the usage documentation for complete information. Switches
+may appear anywhere in the command line and apply to all files thereafter.
+Invoking Ghostscript with the \fB\-h\fR or \fB\-?\fR switch produces a
+message which shows several useful switches, all the devices known to
+that executable, and the search path for fonts; on Unix it also shows the
+location of detailed documentation.
+Ghostscript may be built to use many different output devices. To see
+which devices your executable includes, run "\fBgs -h\fR".
+Unless you
+specify a particular device, Ghostscript normally opens the first one of
+those and directs output to it.
+If built with X11 support, often
+the default device is an X11 window (previewer), else ghostscript will
+use the bbox device and print on stdout the dimension of the postscript file.
+So if the first one in the list is the one
+you want to use, just issue the command
+ gs
+You can also check the set of available devices from within Ghostscript:
+invoke Ghostscript and type
+ devicenames ==
+but the first device on the resulting list may not be the default device
+you determine with "\fBgs -h\fR". To specify "AbcXyz" as the
+initial output device, include the switch
+ \-sDEVICE=AbcXyz
+For example, for output to an Epson printer you might use the command
+ gs \-sDEVICE=epson
+The "\-sDEVICE=" switch must precede the first mention of a file to print,
+and only the switch's first use has any effect.
+Finally, you can specify a default device in the environment variable
+\fBGS_DEVICE\fR. The order of precedence for these alternatives from
+highest to lowest (Ghostscript uses the device defined highest in the list)
+Some devices can support different resolutions (densities). To specify
+the resolution on such a printer, use the "\-r" switch:
+ gs \-sDEVICE=<device> \-r<xres>x<yres>
+For example, on a 9-pin Epson-compatible printer, you get the
+lowest-density (fastest) mode with
+ gs \-sDEVICE=epson \-r60x72
+and the highest-density (best output quality) mode with
+ gs \-sDEVICE=epson \-r240x72.
+If you select a printer as the output device, Ghostscript also allows you
+to choose where Ghostscript sends the output \-\- on Unix systems, usually
+to a temporary file. To send the output to a file "",
+use the switch
+ \
+You might want to print each page separately. To do this, send the output
+to a series of files ",, ..." using the "\-sOutputFile="
+switch with "%d" in a filename template:
+ \
+Each resulting file receives one page of output, and the files are numbered
+in sequence. "%d" is a printf format specification; you can also use a
+variant like "%02d".
+On Unix and MS Windows systems you can also send output to a pipe. For example, to
+pipe output to the "\fBlpr\fR" command (which, on many Unix systems,
+directs it to a printer), use the option
+ \-sOutputFile=%pipe%lpr
+Note that the '%' characters need to be doubled on MS Windows to avoid
+mangling by the command interpreter.
+You can also send output to standard output:
+ \-sOutputFile=\-
+ \-sOutputFile=%stdout%
+In this case you must also use the \fB\-q\fR switch, to prevent Ghostscript
+from writing messages to standard output.
+To select a specific paper size, use the command line switch
+ -sPAPERSIZE=<paper_size>
+for instance
+ -sPAPERSIZE=legal
+Most ISO and US paper sizes are recognized. See the usage documentation for
+a full list, or the definitions in the initialization file "".
+Ghostscript can do many things other than print or view PostScript and
+PDF files. For example, if you want to know the bounding box of a
+PostScript (or EPS) file, Ghostscript provides a special "device" that
+just prints out this information.
+For example, using one of the example files distributed with Ghostscript,
+ gs \-sDEVICE=bbox
+prints out
+ %%BoundingBox: 0 25 583 732
+ %%HiResBoundingBox: 0.808497 25.009496 582.994503 731.809445
+.BI \-\- " filename arg1 ..."
+Takes the next argument as a file name as usual, but takes all remaining
+arguments (even if they have the syntactic form of switches) and defines
+the name "ARGUMENTS" in "userdict" (not "systemdict") as an
+array of those strings, \fBbefore\fR running the file. When Ghostscript
+finishes executing the file, it exits back to the shell.
+.BI \-D name = token
+.BI \-d name = token
+Define a name in "systemdict" with the given definition. The token must be
+exactly one token (as defined by the "token" operator) and may contain no
+.BI \-D name
+.BI \-d name
+Define a name in "systemdict" with value=null.
+.BI \-S name = string
+.BI \-s name = string
+Define a name in "systemdict" with a given string as value. This is
+different from \fB\-d\fR. For example, \fB\-dname=35\fR is equivalent to the
+program fragment
+ /name 35 def
+whereas \fB\-sname=35\fR is equivalent to
+ /name (35) def
+.B \-P
+Makes Ghostscript to look first in the current directory for library files.
+By default, Ghostscript no longer looks in the current directory,
+unless, of course, the first explicitly supplied directory is "." in \fB-I\fR.
+See also the \fBINITIALIZATION FILES\fR section below, and bundled
+\fBUse.htm\fR for detailed discussion on search paths and how Ghostcript finds files.
+.B \-q
+Quiet startup: suppress normal startup messages, and also do the
+equivalent of \fB\-dQUIET\fR.
+.BI \-g number1 x number2
+Equivalent to \fB\-dDEVICEWIDTH=\fR\fInumber1\fR and
+\fB\-dDEVICEHEIGHT=\fR\fInumber2\fR. This is for the benefit of devices
+(such as X11 windows) that require (or allow) width and height to be
+.BI \-r number
+.BI \-r number1 x number2
+Equivalent to \fB\-dDEVICEXRESOLUTION=\fR\fInumber1\fR and
+\fB\-dDEVICEYRESOLUTION=\fR\fInumber2\fR. This is for the benefit of
+devices such as printers that support multiple X and Y resolutions. If
+only one number is given, it is used for both X and Y resolutions.
+.BI \-I directories
+Adds the designated list of directories at the head of the
+search path for library files.
+.B \-
+This is not really a switch, but indicates to Ghostscript that standard
+input is coming from a file or a pipe and not interactively from the
+command line. Ghostscript reads from standard input until it reaches
+end-of-file, executing it like any other file, and then continues with
+processing the command line. When the command line has been entirely
+processed, Ghostscript exits rather than going into its interactive mode.
+Note that the normal initialization file "" makes "systemdict"
+read-only, so the values of names defined with \fB\-D\fR, \fB\-d\fR,
+\fB\-S\fR, or \fB\-s\fR cannot be changed (although, of course, they can be
+superseded by definitions in "userdict" or other dictionaries.)
+Disables character caching. Useful only for debugging.
+Disables the "bind" operator. Useful only for debugging.
+Suppresses the normal initialization of the output device.
+This may be useful when debugging.
+Disables the prompt and pause at the end of each page. This may be
+desirable for applications where another program is driving Ghostscript.
+Disables the use of fonts supplied by the underlying platform (for instance
+X Windows). This may be needed if the platform fonts look undesirably
+different from the scalable fonts.
+.B \-dSAFER
+Restricts file operations the job can perform. Strongly recommended for
+spoolers, conversion scripts or other sensitive environments where a badly
+written or malicious PostScript program code must be prevented from changing
+important files.
+Leaves "systemdict" writable. This is necessary when running special
+utility programs, but is strongly discouraged as it bypasses normal Postscript
+security measures.
+.BI \-sDEVICE= device
+Selects an alternate initial output device, as described above.
+.BI \-sOutputFile= filename
+Selects an alternate output file (or pipe) for the initial output
+device, as described above.
+.B \-dSAFER
+option disables the "deletefile" and "renamefile" operators and prohibits
+opening piped commands ("%pipe%\fIcmd\fR"). Only "%stdout" and "%stderr" can be
+opened for writing. It also disables reading from files, except for "%stdin",
+files given as a command line argument, and files contained in paths given by
+LIBPATH and FONTPATH or specified by the system params /FontResourceDir and
+This mode also sets the .LockSafetyParams parameter of the initial output device
+to protect against programs that attempt to write to files using the OutputFile
+device parameter. Since the device parameters specified on the command line,
+including OutputFile, are set prior to SAFER mode, use of "-sOutputFile=..." on
+the command line is unrestricted.
+SAFER mode prevents changing the /GenericResourceDir, /FontResourceDir,
+/SystemParamsPassword, and /StartJobPassword.
+While SAFER mode is not the default, it is the default for many wrapper scripts
+such as ps2pdf and may be the default in a subsequent release of Ghostscript.
+Thus when running programs that need to open files or set restricted parameters
+you should pass the
+command line option or its synonym
+When running with
+it is possible to perform a "save" followed by ".setsafe", execute a file or
+procedure in SAFER mode, and then use "restore" to return to NOSAFER mode. In
+order to prevent the save object from being restored by the foreign file or
+procedure, the ".runandhide" operator should be used to hide the save object
+from the restricted procedure.
+The locations of many Ghostscript run-time files are compiled into the
+executable when it is built. On Unix these are typically based in
+\fB/usr/local\fR, but this may be different on your system. Under DOS they
+are typically based in \fBC:\\GS\fR, but may be elsewhere, especially if
+you install Ghostscript with \fBGSview\fR. Run "\fBgs -h\fR" to find the
+location of Ghostscript documentation on your system, from which you can
+get more details.
+.B /usr/local/share/ghostscript/#.##/*
+Startup files, utilities, and basic font definitions
+.B /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/*
+More font definitions
+.B /usr/local/share/ghostscript/#.##/examples/*
+Ghostscript demonstration files
+.B /usr/local/share/ghostscript/#.##/doc/*
+Diverse document files
+When looking for the initialization files "gs_*.ps", the files related to
+fonts, or the file for the "run" operator, Ghostscript first tries to open
+the file with the name as given, using the current working directory if no
+directory is specified. If this fails, and the file name doesn't specify
+an explicit directory or drive (for instance, doesn't contain "/" on Unix
+systems or "\\" on MS Windows systems), Ghostscript tries directories in this
+.TP 4
+the directories specified by the \fB\-I\fR switches in the command
+line (see below), if any;
+the directories specified by the \fBGS_LIB\fR environment variable,
+if any;
+the directories specified by the \fBGS_LIB_DEFAULT\fR macro in the
+Ghostscript makefile when the executable was built. When \fBgs\fR is built
+on Unix, \fBGS_LIB_DEFAULT\fR is usually
+where "#.##" represents the Ghostscript version number.
+Each of these (\fBGS_LIB_DEFAULT\fR, \fBGS_LIB\fR, and \fB\-I\fR parameter)
+may be either a single directory or a list of directories separated by
+String of options to be processed before the command line options
+Used to specify an output device
+Path names used to search for fonts
+Path names for initialization files and fonts
+Where temporary files are made
+Ghostscript, or more properly the X11 display device, looks for the
+following resources under the program name "Ghostscript":
+.B borderWidth
+The border width in pixels (default = 1).
+.B borderColor
+The name of the border color (default = black).
+.B geometry
+The window size and placement, WxH+X+Y (default is NULL).
+.B xResolution
+The number of x pixels per inch (default is computed from \fBWidthOfScreen\fR
+and \fBWidthMMOfScreen\fR).
+.B yResolution
+The number of y pixels per inch (default is computed from
+\fBHeightOfScreen\fR and \fBHeightMMOfScreen\fR).
+.B useBackingPixmap
+Determines whether backing store is to be used for saving display window
+(default = true).
+See the usage document for a more complete list of resources. To set these
+resources on Unix, put them in a file such as "~/.Xresources" in the
+following form:
+ Ghostscript*geometry: 612x792\-0+0
+ Ghostscript*xResolution: 72
+ Ghostscript*yResolution: 72
+Then merge these resources into the X server's resource database:
+ % xrdb \-merge ~/.Xresources
+The various Ghostscript document files (above), especially \fBUse.htm\fR.
+See and the Usenet news group
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the primary maintainers
+of Ghostscript.
+Russell J. Lang, gsview at, is the author of
+most of the MS Windows code in Ghostscript.
diff --git a/man/gslp.1 b/man/gslp.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3809894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/gslp.1
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+.TH GSLP 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+gslp \- Format and print text using ghostscript
+gsbj \- Format and print text for BubbleJet printer using ghostscript
+gsdj \- Format and print text for DeskJet printer using ghostscript
+gsdj500 \- Format and print text for DeskJet 500 BubbleJet using ghostscript
+gslj \- Format and print text for LaserJet printer using ghostscript
+\-12BclqRr \-b<header> \-f<font> \-F<hfont> \-L<lines> \-p<outfile>
+\-\-add\-to\-space\ <units>
+\-\-add\-to\-width\ <units>
+\-\-columns\ <n>
+\-\-first\-page\ <n>
+\-\-kern\ <file.afm>
+\-\-last\-page\ <n>
+\-\-(heading|footing)\-(left|center|right)\ <string>
+\-\-margin\-(top|bottom|left|right)\ <inches>
+\-\-spacing\ <n>
+[gs\ options] [files]
+\fBgsbj\fR [options] [files]
+\fBgsdj\fR [options] [files]
+\fBgsdj500\fR [options] [files]
+\fBgslj\fR [options] [files]
+This utility provides functionality approximately equivalent to the Unix
+.BR enscript (1)
+program. It prints plain text files using a single font.
+It currently handles tabs and formfeeds, but not backspaces.
+It will line-wrap when using fixed-pitch fonts.
+It will also do kerning and width adjustment.
+The default device (\-sDEVICE=) and resolution (\-r) are as follows:
+ gslp epson 180
+ gsbj bj10e 180
+ gsdj deskjet 300
+ gsdj500 djet500 300
+ gslj laserjet 300
+By default the current date is formatted as the center header.
+.IP "Standard switches implemented:"
+-12BclqRr -b<header> -f<font> -F<hfont> -L<lines> -p<outfile>
+.IP "Sun switches implemented:"
+-T<n> set tab width
+.IP "Switches ignored:"
+-GghKkmow -# -C -d -J -n -P -S -s -t -v
+.IP "Switches added:"
+.IP "--add-to-space <units>"
+add the given number of 1/72" units to the width of each
+space (may be negative)
+.IP "--add-to-width <units>"
+add the given number of 1/72" units to the width of each
+character (may be negative)
+.IP "--columns <n>"
+print in <n> columns
+.IP "--detect"
+treat the file as PostScript if it starts with %!
+.IP "--first-page <n>"
+start printing at page <n>
+.IP "--kern <file.afm>"
+kern using information from the given .AFM file
+.IP "--last-page <n>"
+stop printing after page <n>
+.IP "--(heading|footing)-(left|center|right) <string>"
+set the heading/footing fields; use -B first to clear
+.IP "--margin-(top|bottom|left|right) <inches>"
+set a margin
+.IP "--no-eject-(file|formfeed)"
+end-of-file/FF only starts a new column, not a new sheet
+.IP "--spacing <n>"
+use double (n=2), triple (n=3), etc. spacing
+Also, the string %# in a heading or footing is replaced with the page #.
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.
+This manpage by George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/gsnd.1 b/man/gsnd.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0c757d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/gsnd.1
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+.TH GSND 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+gsnd \- Run ghostscript (PostScript and PDF engine) without display
+\fBgsnd\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] [ \fIfiles\fR ] ...
+This script simply invokes
+.BR gs (1)
+with the
+flag, followed by any other arguments from the command-line.
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.
+This manpage by George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/pdf2dsc.1 b/man/pdf2dsc.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4244892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/pdf2dsc.1
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+.TH PDF2DSC 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 "Ghostscript Tools" \" -*- nroff -*-
+pdf2dsc \- generate a PostScript page list of a PDF document
+\fBpdf2dsc\fR \fIinput.pdf\fR [ \fIoutput.dsc\fR ]
+\fBpdf2dsc\fR uses \fBgs\fR(1) to read an Adobe \fBPortable Document
+Format\fR (PDF) document "input.pdf" and create a \fBPostScript\fR(tm)
+document "output.dsc" that conforms to Adobe's \fBDocument Structuring
+Conventions\fR (DSC) requirements.
+This new document simply tells Ghostscript to read the PDF file and to
+display pages one at a time. The generated document can then be viewed
+with any PostScript viewer based on Ghostscript, like \fBghostview\fR(1) on
+Unix or \fBGSview\fR on Windows, with which the user can browse through the
+pages of the PDF document in any order.
+If no output file is named on the command line, the name of the output file
+is that of the input file with any extension removed, followed by the
+extension "\.dsc".
+The DSC document uses Ghostscript-specific procedures. In addition, the
+original PDF document must be accessible when the DSC document is
+You need the file "" (originally by Russell Lang) supplied with
+Ghostscript since release 3.53.
+gs(1), ghostview(1)
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Yves Arrouye <> and Russell Lang gsview at
diff --git a/man/pdf2ps.1 b/man/pdf2ps.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2331f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/pdf2ps.1
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+.TH PDF2PS 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 "Ghostscript Tools" \" -*- nroff -*-
+pdf2ps \- Ghostscript PDF to PostScript translator
+\fBpdf2ps\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] \fIinput.pdf []\fR
+\fBpdf2ps\fR uses \fBgs\fR(1) to convert the Adobe \fBPortable Document
+Format\fR (PDF) file "input.pdf" to \fBPostScript\fR(tm) in "".
+Normally the output is allowed to use PostScript Level 2 (but not PostScript
+LanguageLevel 3) constructs; the \fB-dLanguageLevel=1\fR option restricts
+the output to Level 1, while \fB-dLanguageLevel=3\fR allows using
+LanguageLevel 3 in the output.
+Run "\fBgs -h\fR" to find the location of Ghostscript documentation on your
+system, from which you can get more details.
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.
diff --git a/man/pf2afm.1 b/man/pf2afm.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..548ed39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/pf2afm.1
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+.TH PF2AFM 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+pf2afm \- Make an AFM file from Postscript (PFB/PFA/PFM) font files using ghostscript
+\fBpf2afm\fR \fIfontfilename\fR
+This script invokes
+.BR gs (1)
+to make an AFM file from PFB / PFA and (optionally) PFM files.
+Output goes to
+.IR fontfilename.afm ,
+which must not already exist.
+gs(1) in the Ghostscript lib directory.
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.
+This manpage by George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/pfbtopfa.1 b/man/pfbtopfa.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6bda4b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/pfbtopfa.1
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+.TH PFBTOPFA 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+pfbtopfa \- Convert Postscript .pfb fonts to .pfa format using ghostscript
+\fBpfbtopfa\fR \fIinput.pfb\fR \fI[output.pfa]\fR
+This script invokes
+.BR gs (1)
+to convert a .pfb file into a .pfa file.
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.
+This manpage by George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/printafm.1 b/man/printafm.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dcab9474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/printafm.1
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+.TH PRINTAFM 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+printafm \- Print the metrics from a Postscript font in AFM format using ghostscript
+\fBprintafm\fR \fIfontname\fR
+This script invokes
+.BR gs (1)
+to print the metrics from a font in AFM format.
+Output goes to stdout.
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.
+This manpage by George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/ps2ascii.1 b/man/ps2ascii.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ccb3662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ps2ascii.1
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+.TH PS2ASCII 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 "Ghostscript Tools" \" -*- nroff -*-
+ps2ascii \- Ghostscript translator from PostScript or PDF to ASCII
+\fBps2ascii\fR [ \\fR [ \fIoutput.txt\fR ] ]
+\fBps2ascii\fR \fIinput.pdf\fR [ \fIoutput.txt\fR ]
+\fBps2ascii\fR uses \fBgs\fR(1) to extract ASCII text from
+\fBPostScript\fR(tm) or Adobe \fBPortable Document Format\fR (PDF)
+files. If no files are specified on the command line, \fBgs\fR reads from
+standard input; but PDF input must come from an explicitly-named file, not
+standard input. If no output file is specified, the ASCII text is written
+to standard output.
+\fBps2ascii\fR doesn't look at font encoding, and isn't very good at
+dealing with kerning, so for PostScript (but not currently PDF), you might
+consider \fBpstotext\fR (see below).
+Run "\fBgs -h\fR" to find the location of Ghostscript documentation on your
+system, from which you can get more details.
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.
+David M. Jones <> made substantial improvements
+to \fBps2ascii\fR.
diff --git a/man/ps2epsi.1 b/man/ps2epsi.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42b852c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ps2epsi.1
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+.TH PS2EPSI 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 "Ghostscript Tools" \" -*- nroff -*-
+ps2epsi \- generate conforming Encapsulated PostScript
+\fBps2epsi\fR \\fR [ \fIoutfile.epsi\fR ] \fB(Unix)\fR
+\fBps2epsi\fR \\fR [ \fIoutfile.epi\fR ] \fB(DOS)\fR
+\fBps2epsi\fR uses \fBgs\fR(1) to process a \fBPostScript\fR(tm) file and
+generate as output a new file which conforms to Adobe's \fBEncapsulated
+PostScript Interchange\fR (EPSI) format. EPSI is a special form of
+encapsulated PostScript (EPS) which adds to the beginning of the file in
+the form of PostScript comments a bitmapped version of the final displayed
+page. Programs which understand EPSI (usually word processors or DTP
+programs) can use this bitmap to give a preview version on screen of the
+PostScript. The displayed quality is often not very good (e.g., low
+resolution, no colours), but the final printed version uses the real
+PostScript, and thus has the normal PostScript quality.
+On Unix systems invoke \fBps2epsi\fR like this:
+ \fBps2epsi\fR \\fR [ \fIoutfile.epsi\fR ]
+where "" is the input file and "outfile.epsi" is the resulting
+EPSI file. If the output filename is omitted, it is generated from the
+input filename. When a standard extension (".ps", ".cps", ".eps" or
+".epsf") is used, it is replaced with the output extension ".epsi". On
+DOS systems the command is:
+ \fBps2epsi\fR \ outfile.epi\fR
+where "" is the original PostScript file, and "outfile.epi"
+is the name of the output file.
+Not every PostScript file can be encapsulated successfully, because there
+are restrictions on what PostScript constructs a correct encapsulated file
+may contain. \fBps2epsi\fR does a little extra work to try to help
+encapsulation, and it automatically calculates the bounding box required
+for all encapsulated PostScript files, so most of the time it does a pretty
+good job. There are certain to be cases, however, where the encapsulation
+does not work because of the content of the original PostScript file.
+The \fBFramemaker\fR DTP system is one application which understands EPSI
+files, and \fBps2epsi\fR has been tested on a number of PostScript diagrams
+from a variety of sources, using Framemaker 3.0 on a Sun workstation.
+Framemaker on other platforms should be able to use these files, although I
+have not been able to test this.
+l l.
+ps2epsi>Unix shell script
+ps2epsi.bat>DOS batch file>the Ghostscript program which does the work
+gs (1)
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+However, the content may be obsolete, or inconsistent with ps2epsi.txt.
+George Cameron
diff --git a/man/ps2pdf.1 b/man/ps2pdf.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..534da391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ps2pdf.1
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+.TH PS2PDF 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+ps2pdf \- Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript
+ps2pdf12 \- Convert PostScript to PDF\ 1.2 (Acrobat\ 3-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
+ps2pdf13 \- Convert PostScript to PDF\ 1.3 (Acrobat\ 4-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
+ps2pdf14 \- Convert PostScript to PDF\ 1.4 (Acrobat\ 5-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
+\fBps2pdf\fR [options...] {input.[e]ps|-} [output.pdf|-]
+\fBps2pdf12\fR [options...] {input.[e]ps|-} [output.pdf|-]
+\fBps2pdf13\fR [options...] {input.[e]ps|-} [output.pdf|-]
+\fBps2pdf14\fR [options...] {input.[e]ps|-} [output.pdf|-]
+.B ps2pdf
+scripts are work-alikes for nearly all the functionality (but not the
+user interface) of Adobe's Acrobat(TM) Distiller(TM) product: they
+convert PostScript files to Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
+If the output filename is not specified, the output is placed in a file
+of the same name with a '.pdf' extension in the current working
+directory. Either the input filename or the output filename can be '-'
+to request reading from stdin or writing to stdout, respectively,
+when used as a filter.
+The three scripts differ as follows:
+.IP -
+.B ps2pdf12
+will always produce PDF 1.2 output (Acrobat 3-and-later compatible).
+.IP -
+.B ps2pdf13
+will always produce PDF 1.3 output (Acrobat 4-and-later compatible).
+.IP -
+.B ps2pdf14
+will always produce PDF 1.4 output (Acrobat 5-and-later compatible).
+.IP -
+.B ps2pdf
+per se currently produces PDF 1.4 output.
+However, this may change in the future. If you care about
+the compatibility level of the output, use
+.BR ps2pdf12 ,
+.B ps2pdf13
+.BR ps2pdf14 ,
+or use the
+.B \-dCompatibilityLevel=1.x
+switch in the command line.
+There are some limitations in
+.BR ps2pdf 's
+conversion. See the HTML documentation for more information. A large
+number of Adobe Distiller(TM) parameters which can be used to control
+the conversion are also documented there, including instructions for
+generating PDF/X and PDF/A documents.
+.B ps2pdf
+scripts use the same options as gs(1).
+Converting a to figure.pdf:
+.B ps2pdf
+A conversion with more specifics:
+.B ps2pdf
+.I proof.pdf
+Converting as part of a pipe:
+-t ps |
+.B ps2pdf
+-dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 - - |
+.B lpr
+gs(1), ps2pdfwr(1),
+Ps2pdf.htm in the Ghostscript documentation
+See and the Usenet news group
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.
+This manpage by George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/ps2pdfwr.1 b/man/ps2pdfwr.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2266bfa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ps2pdfwr.1
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+.TH PS2PDFWR 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 Ghostscript \" -*- nroff -*-
+ps2pdfwr \- Convert PostScript to PDF without specifying CompatibilityLevel, using ghostscript
+\fBps2pdfwr\fR [options...] {input.[e]ps|-} [output.pdf|-]
+This wrapper script invokes
+.BR gs (1)
+with following arguments
+.B -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
+as well as the appropriate
+.B -dOutputFile
+argument, all preceded and followed by any command-line arguments. Finally, the security option
+is prepended before all the other options.
+The version-specific
+.B ps2pdf
+scripts all invoke this one with the addition of the respective compatibility level option.
+gs(1), ps2pdf(1)
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.
+This manpage by George Ferguson.
diff --git a/man/ps2ps.1 b/man/ps2ps.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..178f2b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ps2ps.1
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+.TH PS2PS 1 "15 October 2019" 9.50 "Ghostscript Tools" \" -*- nroff -*-
+ps2ps, eps2eps \- Ghostscript PostScript "distiller"
+\fBps2ps\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] \fIinput\fR
+\fBeps2eps\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] \fIinput output.eps\fR
+\fBps2ps\fR uses \fIgs\fR(1) to convert \fBPostScript\fR(tm) or \fBPDF\fR(tm) file
+"input" to simpler, normalized and (usually) faster PostScript in
+"". The output is level 2 DSC 3.0 conforming PostScript.
+\fBeps2eps\fR performs the equivalent optimization, creating Encapsulated
+PostScript (EPS) files. NB, despite the name, the input need not be an
+EPS file, PostScript or indeed PDF files are equally acceptable.
+Both accept any general Ghostscript command line options, and
+options specific to the ps2write and eps2write devices.
+Run "\fBgs -h\fR" to find the location of Ghostscript documentation on your
+system, from which you can get more details.
+ps2pdf(1), ps2ascii(1), ps2epsi(1)
+This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.50.
+Artifex Software, Inc. are the
+primary maintainers of Ghostscript.