# ChangeLog for net-wireless/rt2x00 # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/rt2x00/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2005/11/26 16:04:35 uberlord Exp $ 26 Nov 2005; Roy Marples -rt2x00-2.0.0_beta2.ebuild, rt2x00-2.0.0_beta2-r1.ebuild, rt2x00-9999.ebuild: Removed 4KSTACKS, PREEMPT and SMP checks as the rt2x00 driver should work with them. *rt2x00-2.0.0_beta2-r1 (05 Nov 2005) 05 Nov 2005; Roy Marples +files/rt2x00-2.0.0-beta2.patch, +rt2x00-2.0.0_beta2-r1.ebuild: debug USE flag now works for beta2 beta2 now builds against the ieee80211 stack in portage *rt2x00-9999 (04 Nov 2005) 04 Nov 2005; Roy Marples rt2x00-2.0.0_beta2.ebuild, +rt2x00-9999.ebuild: Added cvs ebuild Added warning to beta2 ebuild *rt2x00-2.0.0_beta2 (03 Nov 2005) 03 Nov 2005; Roy Marples +metadata.xml, +rt2x00-2.0.0_beta2.ebuild: Initial import