Floodgap Free Software License

   The author of your software has chosen to distribute it under the
   Floodgap Free Software License. Although this software is without cost,
   it is not released under Copyleft or GPL, and there are differences
   which you should read. Your use of this software package constitutes
   your binding acceptance without restriction.

  This software is without cost

   The Floodgap Free Software License (FFSL) has one overriding mandate:
   that software using it, or derivative works based on software that uses
   it, must be free. By free we mean simply "free as in beer" -- you may
   put your work into open or closed source packages as you see fit,
   whether or not you choose to release your changes or updates publicly,
   but you must not ask any fee for it. (There are certain exceptions for
   for-profit use which we will discuss below.)

  Definitions and terms

          The declared copyright owner of this software package.

          A pre-compiled or pre-interpreted bytecode or machine language
          representation of a software package not designed for further
          modification and tied to a particular platform or architecture.

   Derivative work
          Any distribution (q.v.) that contains any modification to or
          deviation from the official reference distribution (q.v.); or
          any software package significantly based on or integrally
          including the source code for its features, including but not
          limited to supersets; subsets of a significant proportion;
          in-place patched changes to source or binary files; linking in
          as a library; binary-only distributions if the original package
          included source (even if the source was not modified prior to
          compilation); or translations to another programming language,
          architecture or operating system environment. Derivative works
          of packages released under this license are also considered
          subject to this license.

          However, a software package that requires this package but does
          not include it or is not based upon it, even if it will not
          operate without it, is not considered a derivative work. For
          example, interpreted programs requiring an interpreter issued
          under this license, assuming they are not distributed with any
          portion of the interpreter, are not derivative works.

          A packaged release of this software, either the author's
          original work (the "reference distribution") or a derivative
          work based upon it.

   Reference distribution
          A packaged release of this software explicitly designated as the
          official release, written by or on behalf of the Author with his
          or her explicit designation as official. Only exact copies of
          the reference distribution may be called reference
          distributions; all other forms are derivative works.

   Source code
          The human-readable programming instructions of the package which
          might be easily read as text and subsequently edited, but
          requiring compilation or interpretation into binary before being
          directly useable.

  What you are permitted to do under this license

   Pursuant to the remainder of the terms below,
     * You may freely use, copy, and disseminate this software package for
       any non-commercial purpose as well as the commercial purposes
       permitted below.
     * You may freely modify this package, including source code if
       available. Your modifications need not be released, although you
       are encouraged to do so.
     * You may release your derivative works based upon this software in
       purely binary (non-source) form if you choose. You are not
       obligated to release any portion of your source code openly,
       although you are encouraged to do so.
     * If this package is a tool used for generation, compilation or
       maintenance of works, including but not limited to readable
       documents, software packages or images (for example, compilers,
       interpreters, translators, linkers, editors, assemblers or
       typesetters), you may freely use it for that purpose, commercial or
       otherwise, as the works made by this package are not considered
       subject to this license unless specified otherwise within and may
       be distributed under any desired license and/or offered for sale or
       rental. Any run-time library or run-time code section linked into
       the output by a compiler or similar code-generating tool governed
       by this license is considered to be an integral part of the output,
       and its presence does not subject the generated work to this
       license either. (This is, of course, assuming you are not using
       said tools to generate a derivative work based on this package in
       violation of the other license terms.)
       However, if you are linking or including a separately distributed
       library that is under this license, no matter what tool you are
       using to do the linking or inclusion, you are then considered to be
       making a derivative work based on that library and your work does
       fall under this license. To avoid this, do not include the library
       with your work (even though it needs the library to function) and
       instead offer the library separately without cost.
     * In addition to non-commercial use and the uses permitted above, you
       may use this software package in any for-profit endeavour as long
       as it does not involve the specific sale or rental of this package.
       Some specific but by no means exhaustive examples are listed below.
       Note that some of these situations may require additional action be
       taken to ensure compliance.
          + If this package or a derivative work allows you to serve data
            or make data available to others (for example, web servers,
            mail servers, gopher servers, etc.), you may use it to serve
            any commercial content or in any commercial setting whether
            you choose to charge a fee or not, as you are considered to be
            earning income from the content you serve and/or the services
            facilitated by your business and not from the sale of this
            package itself. (This is, of course, assuming that you are not
            charging a fee for sale or rental of this package or a
            derivative work based on this package in violation of the
            other license terms.) Similarly, any data you may acquire from
            the use of this package is yours, and not governed by this
            license in any way even if for-profit.
          + If you are selling a product that includes this package or a
            derivative work either as part of your product's requirements
            for function or as a bundled extra, such as an operating
            system distribution, you may charge a fee for your product as
            long as you also make this package or said derivative work
            available for free separately (such as by download or link
            back to this package's site), as you are considered to be
            requesting a fee for your own product and the package is
            merely included as a convenience to your users.
          + If you offer installation of this package or a derivative work
            as a service, you may charge a fee for the act of installation
            as long as you also make this package or said derivative work
            available for free (such as by download or link back to this
            package's site), as you are considered to be requesting a fee
            for the act of installation and not for the software you are
          + The Author may also grant, in writing, other specified
            exemptions for your particular commercial purpose that do not
            contravene the spirit of this license or any license terms
            this package additionally carries.
     * In your derivative works based on this package, you may choose to
       offer warranty support or guarantees of performance. This does not
       in any way make the original Author legally, financially or in any
       other respect liable for claims issued under your warranty or
       guarantee, and you are solely responsible for the fulfillment of
       your terms even if the Author of the work you have based your work
       upon offers his or her own.
     * In your derivative works based on this package, you may further
       restrict the acceptable uses of your package or situations in which
       it may be employed as long as you clearly state that your terms
       apply only to your derivative work and not to the original
       reference distribution. However, you may not countermand or ignore,
       directly or otherwise, any restriction already made in the
       reference distribution's license, including in this document
       itself, in similar fashion to other licenses allowing compatible
       licenses to co-govern a particular package's use.

  What you must not do under this license

   Remember that these limits apply only to redistribution of a reference
   distribution, or to a true derivative work. If your project does not
   include this package or code based upon it, even if it requires this
   package to function, it is not considered subject to this license or
   these restrictions.
     * You must not charge a fee for purchase or rental of this package or
       any derivative work based on this package. It is still possible to
       use this package in a commercial environment, however -- see What
       you are permitted to do under this license.
     * You must not countermand or ignore, directly or otherwise, the
       restrictions already extant in this package's license in your
       derivative work based on it. As a corollary, you must not place
       your derivative work under a secondary license or description of
       terms that conflicts with it (for example, this license is not
       compatible with the GNU Public License).
     * You must not label any modified distribution of this package as a
       reference or otherwise official distribution without the permission
       of the original Author or Authors. You must clearly specify that
       your modified work is a derivative work, including binary-only
       releases if the original included source code and you do not even
       if you did not modify the source prior to compilation.

  What you must do under this license

     * You must agree to all terms specified (agreement to which is
       unconditionally signified by your usage, modification or
       repurposing of this package), or to remove the package from your
       computer and not use it further.
     * In the absence of any specific offer for redress or assistance
       under warranty or guarantee of performance that the Author of this
       package might make, you must agree to accept any and all liability
       that may come from the use of this package, proper or improper,
       real or imagined, and certify without condition that you use this
       product at your own risk with no guarantee of function,
       merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. If such offer
       of redress or assistance is extended, it is fulfillable only by the
       Author who extended the offer, which might not necessarily be this
       Author, nor might it be the Authors of any packages it might be
       based upon.
     * If you choose to publicly redistribute this package or create a
       derivative work based on this package, you must make it available
       without any purchase or rental fee of any kind.
     * If you choose to create a derivative work based on this package,
       your derivative work must be copyrighted, and must be governed
       under (at a minimum) the original package's license, which will
       necessarily include all terms noted here. As such, if you choose to
       distribute your derivative work, you must include a human-readable
       license in your distribution containing all restrictions of use,
       necessarily including this license, and any additional restrictions
       the Author has mandated that do not contravene this license which
       you and users of your derivative work must also honour.
     * If you choose to create and distribute a derivative work based on
       this package, your derivative work must clearly make reference to
       this package, any other packages your work or the original work
       might be based on, and all applicable copyrights, either in your
       documentation, your work's standard human-readable output, or both.
       A suggested method might be

     Contains or is based on the Foo software package.
     Copyright (C) 2112 D. Original Author. All rights reserved.

  Additional notes

   Enforcement is the responsibility of the Author. However, violation of
   this license may subject you to criminal and civil penalties depending
   on your country.

   This package is bound by the version of license that accompanies it.
   Future official versions of a particular package may use a more updated
   license, and you should always review the license before use. This
   license's most current version is always available from the following


   This license is version 1, dated 19 November 2006.

   This license is copyright � 2006 Cameron Kaiser. All rights reserved.
   The text of this license is available for re-use and re-distribution
   under the Creative Commons. The use of the term "Floodgap Free Software
   License" does not imply endorsement of packages using this license by
   Floodgap Systems or by Cameron Kaiser. Modified licenses using portions
   of these terms may refer to themselves as modified FFSL, with the
   proviso that their modifications be clearly marked, as specified below:

              [3]Creative Commons License-[4][somerights20.png]
              This work is licensed under a [5]Creative Commons
                     Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

   Only the text of this license, and not programs covered by this
   license, is so offered under Creative Commons.


   1. http://www.floodgap.com/software/ffsl/
   2. gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/ffsl/
   3. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/
   4. http://creativecommons.org/images/public/somerights20.png
   5. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/