# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/games-q3mod.eclass,v 1.6 2003/07/09 00:32:45 vapier Exp $ inherit games ECLASS=games-q3mod INHERITED="$INHERITED $ECLASS" EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_install pkg_postinst DESCRIPTION="Quake III - ${MOD_DESC}" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="-* x86" IUSE="opengl X dedicated" DEPEND="app-arch/unzip" RDEPEND="virtual/glibc app-games/quake3 dedicated? ( app-misc/screen ) opengl? ( virtual/opengl ) X? ( virtual/x11 )" S=${WORKDIR} games-q3mod_src_install() { [ -z "${MOD_NAME}" ] && die "what is the name of this q3mod ?" local bdir=${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/quake3 local mdir=${bdir}/${MOD_NAME} MOD_BINS=${MOD_BINS:-${MOD_NAME}} if [ -d ${MOD_NAME} ] ; then dodir ${bdir} mv ${MOD_NAME} ${D}/${bdir}/ fi if [ ! -z "`ls ${S}/* 2> /dev/null`" ] ; then dodir ${mdir} mv ${S}/* ${D}/${mdir}/ fi games-q3mod_make_q3ded_exec newgamesbin ${T}/q3ded-${MOD_NAME}.bin q3ded-${MOD_BINS} games-q3mod_make_quake3_exec newgamesbin ${T}/quake3-${MOD_NAME}.bin quake3-${MOD_BINS} games-q3mod_make_init.d exeinto /etc/init.d newexe ${T}/q3ded-${MOD_NAME}.init.d q3ded-${MOD_BINS} games-q3mod_make_conf.d insinto /etc/conf.d newins ${T}/q3ded-${MOD_NAME}.conf.d q3ded-${MOD_BINS} dodir ${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR}/quake3 dodir ${bdir}/q3a-homedir dosym ${bdir}/q3a-homedir ${GAMES_PREFIX}/.q3a prepgamesdirs chmod g+rw ${D}/${mdir} ${D}/${bdir}/q3a-homedir chmod -R g+rw ${D}/${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR}/quake3 } games-q3mod_pkg_postinst() { local samplecfg=${FILESDIR}/server.cfg local realcfg=${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/quake3/${MOD_NAME}/server.cfg if [ -e ${samplecfg} ] && [ ! -e ${realcfg} ] ; then cp ${samplecfg} ${realcfg} fi einfo "To play this mod: quake3-${MOD_NAME}" einfo "To launch a dedicated server: q3ded-${MOD_NAME}" [ `use dedicated` ] && \ einfo "To launch server at startup: /etc/init.d/q3ded-${MOD_NAME}" games_pkg_postinst } games-q3mod_make_q3ded_exec() { cat << EOF > ${T}/q3ded-${MOD_NAME}.bin #!/bin/sh exec ${GAMES_BINDIR}/q3ded +set fs_game ${MOD_NAME} +set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg \${@} EOF } games-q3mod_make_quake3_exec() { cat << EOF > ${T}/quake3-${MOD_NAME}.bin #!/bin/sh exec ${GAMES_BINDIR}/quake3 +set fs_game ${MOD_NAME} \${@} EOF } games-q3mod_make_init.d() { cat << EOF > ${T}/q3ded-${MOD_NAME}.init.d #!/sbin/runscript $(<${PORTDIR}/header.txt) depend() { need net } start() { ebegin "Starting ${MOD_NAME} dedicated" screen -A -m -d -S q3ded-${MOD_NAME} su - ${GAMES_USER_DED} -c "${GAMES_BINDIR}/q3ded-${MOD_NAME} \${${MOD_NAME}_OPTS}" eend \$? } stop() { ebegin "Stopping ${MOD_NAME} dedicated" local pid=\`screen -list | grep q3ded-${MOD_NAME} | awk -F . '{print \$1}' | sed -e s/.//\` if [ -z "\${pid}" ] ; then eend 1 "Lost screen session" else pid=\`pstree -p \${pid} | sed -e 's:^.*q3ded::'\` pid=\${pid:1:\${#pid}-2} if [ -z "\${pid}" ] ; then eend 1 "Lost q3ded session" else kill \${pid} eend \$? "Could not kill q3ded" fi fi } EOF } games-q3mod_make_conf.d() { if [ -e ${FILESDIR}/${MOD_NAME}.conf.d ] ; then cp ${FILESDIR}/${MOD_NAME}.conf.d ${T}/q3ded-${MOD_NAME}.conf.d return 0 fi cat << EOF > ${T}/q3ded-${MOD_NAME}.conf.d $(<${PORTDIR}/header.txt) # Any extra options you want to pass to the dedicated server ${MOD_NAME}_OPTS="+set vm_game 0 +set sv_pure 1 +set bot_enable 0 +set com_hunkmegs 24 +set net_port 27960" EOF }