# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-ruby/sparklines/sparklines-0.5.2.ebuild,v 1.2 2009/05/04 11:52:39 flameeyes Exp $ inherit ruby DESCRIPTION="Create sparklines, small graphs to be used inline in texts." HOMEPAGE="http://sparklines.rubyforge.org/" SRC_URI="mirror://rubyforge/${PN}/${P}.tgz" LICENSE="MIT" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64" IUSE="doc test" RDEPEND="dev-ruby/rmagick" DEPEND="doc? ( dev-ruby/rake dev-ruby/hoe ) test? ( dev-ruby/rake dev-ruby/hoe dev-ruby/tidy_table dev-ruby/dust )" USE_RUBY="ruby18" src_compile() { if use doc; then rake rerocs || die "rake rerdoc failed" fi } src_test() { for ruby in $USE_RUBY; do [[ -n `type -p $ruby` ]] || continue $ruby $(type -p rake) test || die "testsuite failed" done } src_install() { pushd lib doruby -r * || die "doruby failed" popd if use doc; then dohtml -r doc/* || die "dohtml failed" fi dodoc History.txt README.txt || die "dodoc failed" insinto $(${RUBY} -r rbconfig -e 'print Config::CONFIG["vendorlibdir"]' | sed -e 's:vendor_ruby:gems:')/specifications sed -e "s:@VERSION@:${PV}:" "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.gemspec > "${T}"/${P}.gemspec doins "${T}"/${P}.gemspec || die "Unable to install fake gemspec" }